Demon Lord Priest II

Vol 3 Chapter 136: Defiled Wings (Part 1) (six hundred portions)

Very deep, very deep, as if leading to another world, Ulysses, who was swallowed by the blood cross, fell into the depths of this cross abyss. There was a void of darkness around him, reminding him of the void he saw in Sister Mira's dream.

Here, there is no light.

Here, there is no sound.

Here, there is nothing but a dark void.

Those who were beaten into this abyss could see nothing, hear nothing, and would only fall indefinitely.

This is the **** cross of judgment, the punishment of justice.

However, Ulysses had already seen the deeper darkness and walked there step by step.

Instead of being persecuted by someone, let alone being punished by someone, he walked into the darkness with his own will, and continued to go deeper, immersed in the eternal sea of ​​darkness.

Compared with that dark ocean, this abyss is nothing.

If there is no light, let him create it.

The dazzling golden storm broke this deep darkness, it was the brilliance from the sun, the sword of light that pierced through the night.

The blood cross engraved on the ground was shattered by these lights, and Ulysses, wearing a golden sun robe, slowly rose from the cross, like a real sun, extremely dazzling and brilliant.

If the one with the crossed sword and shield is the silver goddess of war, then Ulysses now looks like a saint in golden clothes, the spokesperson of the sun.

"The power of the sun should not be used by people like you." Looking at Ulysses wrapped in golden clothes, the hatred in the eyes of the silver goddess of war continued unabated.

That incomparably bright power, the most splendid power from the sky, even she has never possessed, why would it appear in such a demon who abandoned his wife and children.

It is incomprehensible, and even more unforgivable, the presence of such a splendid power of the sun on such a person is simply blasphemy.

There must be some kind of deception, otherwise, how can someone with such a dark heart and no belief in it use the power of the sun.

"Lapis, are you alright?" Breaking the abyss of the cross is more powerful than Ulysses imagined. In fact, no matter how deep he falls into it, it won't do him any harm. Maybe he will fall to a certain level. Will actively awaken the dark power in his body.

But he didn't want to make Lapis uncomfortable, he himself wouldn't feel anything about the dark abyss, but Lapis was different from him.

"Creator, don't worry about Lapis, Lapis is not afraid of darkness, and can go down forever in the dark." Lapis's voice was unusually soft.

As long as it is a place where two people are together, then it is the best place; as long as it is a time when two people are together, it is the best time.

"That's not good, Lapis, are you ready?" Ulysses spread the black wings on his back. Although there was only one, it exuded a huge aura that surpassed the pair of silver wings on the opposite side.

The infinite fall just now seems to have triggered some ancient memory of this fallen wing. Ulysses can feel that it is exuding some kind of abnormal breath, and the target is the holder of the silver wing on the opposite side. .

Contempt, yes, that's how it felt. Ulysses felt that the black wing that had accompanied him for a long time was despising the silver wing, and there was a feeling of disdain.

"Tear it off!" This was the first emotion Ulysses felt from his wings since he practiced the Light of Fallen Angels. This wing, which was cultivated according to the book left by Lucifer, seems to instinctively hate the pair of silver wings.

Unfortunately, the owner of Baiyin Wing felt a similar way. She just looked at the black wing, and she felt a sense of disgust all over her body.

The silver wings represent the sacred silver, which does not allow any pollution and does not allow any evil justice, so the name of this pair of wings is "Wings of Judgment" to punish all those who break the order, and those who do not obey the order are the incarnation of order.

Different from the tolerant power of the pure white wings of a real angel, the silver wings with metal colors represent the power of judgment to kill decisively and punish the evil at all costs.

"Absolute justice" This is the core of the doctrine of the Blood Cross sect, which regards the Silver Holy Spirit as the true God. In order to purify evil and unbelievers, the sect's warriors inscribed the blood cross on their weapons, symbolizing their determination to protect the church even if they shed the last drop of blood.

However, history has proved that their choice was wrong. In many wars, they did not know how to coordinate and forgive, and they finally shed all their blood, and the entire sect disappeared completely.

They only used blood and swords to settle disputes, and they all fell in a pool of blood in the end. Such violent behavior that ordinary people can't accept is the reason for their rise and the root of their demise.

They originally belonged to the very powerful faction of the church branch, but in the end they were disgraced and used by people with ulterior motives and ended their mission in cannibalism.

It was just a wrong choice, and the whole team was divided into two factions, and then both sides believed that they were the real absolute justice, and eventually both perished together.

The banner of the Blood Cross was stained with the blood of his companions, and that was the end of the Blood Cross.

And even so, as the fantasy crystallization of the Blood Cross Society, the Silver Holy Spirit who was imagined as the incarnation of "absolute justice" never felt that it was wrong.

She is God, she is order, she is in charge of judgment, this is the mission of her birth.

Since he is a god, how could he let go of such a despicable demon who stole the power of the sun and committed the crime of abandoning his wife and children.

There is no need to think about who summoned him here and why he came here. The silver goddess of war held a sword in one hand and a shield in the other, looked at Ulysses with cold eyes, and made an oath.

"In the name of God, I will send you to the deepest hell."

"Lapis, start."

Both sides made the exact same choice at the same time.

Baiyin's wings flapped lightly, and the distance of hundreds of meters was reduced to zero in an instant. Baishui's blood cross holy sword slashed a **** sword arc in the air, tearing the invisible wall and killing Ulysses. .

Just like what Ulysses had in mind, this textbook knight's assault, a perfect combination of strength and speed, was even faster and stronger than when the silver giant was in the state.

When the outer defense of the Sun Cloth's automatic deployment was torn apart, the sound of sword whistling reached Ulysses' ears. This was because the opponent's speed was faster than the sound, and it was many times faster.

People with insufficient reaction nerves will be killed with just this sword. As for the attack power of this silver holy sword, Ulysses would not try it with his own body.

Faced with a flawless sword, all Ulysses did was take a step forward and swing the sword.

You are faster, I am faster!

You are stronger, I am stronger!

It seems that because of the natural disgust for the silver wings, the black wings of the Fallen Heaven brought an extremely special power to Ulysses this time.

It was a special power that felt as if the surrounding time was paused. Of course, time will not stop. The reason why it feels paused is because with the help of the Fallen Wings, Ulysses' thinking speed has been accelerated thousands of times at that moment.

Because the speed of thinking exceeded the nerve reaction of the body countless times, Ulysses felt as if time had stopped at this moment.

During the time it stopped, the perfect sword on the opposite side also stopped. If you look at it again, there are countless flaws in this sword.

So, when time flowed again and Ulysses swung his sword, the silver goddess of war's assault was already shattered in Ulysses' eyes.

The black sword shadow turned into an ocean, turned into a storm, completely smashed this assault, and completely involved her.

This kind of thing made the silver goddess of war completely incomprehensible. One second she was still attacking with all her strength, and the next second she was involved in the sea of ​​swords and shadows. There seemed to be a blank space in the middle, and she didn't even see her attack clearly. How was it crushed.

This is the fastest and smoothest high-speed sword Ulysses has used so far. The resistance of the air seems to have completely disappeared in the thousands of sword shadows at this moment. In front of Ulysses, there is only a piece of himself Full control of the realm.

This kind of feeling, he has only seen it on others before, such as Arce lìya, Lei lù, and even the Bast, all have such a feeling, in fact, the silver goddess of war in front of him has reached such a level .

However, Ulysses' high-speed sword is not such a simple thing. Under the double superposition of the realm of infinite * and the light of the fallen angel, as long as it accelerates at the beginning, even Ulysses himself does not know how much it will go.

Ten times ~ ~ fifteen times, twenty times! In the terrifying continuous sonic boom, Ulysses' sword speed increased wildly at an unimaginable speed.

"The sword of the Holy Spirit in the right hand represents war and power, and the shield of the Holy Spirit in the left represents truth and eternity. When the two are combined, they will be invincible." Seen as a symbol of "God".

However, under the shadow of Ulysses' dark sword, the brilliance of this pair of Noble Phantasms is constantly shrinking, and the sword of the Holy Spirit has been completely oppressed. If the defense provided by the shield of the Holy Spirit in the left hand is not still effective, I am afraid she would have It has been torn to pieces by this terrifying high-speed sword.

However, Ulysses' high-speed sword is not over yet.

Thirty times, forty times, this is the speed of the sword that Ulysses has never entered, but with the help of the Fallen Wings, the impossible becomes possible.

If the Sword Shadow Domain just now was just a storm that blew from the sea, now this storm has completely turned into a typhoon, making the Silver Goddess of War, who was defending with a shield, sway like a canoe on the sea.

Then, the red flare appeared silently at her feet and exploded. ! .

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