Demon Lord Priest II

Vol 3 Chapter 138: Defiled Wings (Part 2) (620.640…

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Chapter 138 (The Defiled Wings)

It was a long green vine, an insignificant branch growing from the root system of a giant tree in the distance.

However, when this green vine was inserted into the silver goddess of war's wings and released some of the pale gold drop points, the whole body of the silver goddess of war suddenly trembled violently.

"This is... what..." An abnormally distorted breath erupted from Baiyin's wings, causing the Goddess of War, Baiyin, who did not belong to human beings, to feel a huge pain.

pain? Why, shouldn't she be completely devoid of that human feeling? As a silver holy spirit, as a **** who is believed in, why does she feel this way?

She, there are no blood vessels and nerves that cause pain at all! Her entire body is converted from a high concentration of light elements, which is eternal and indestructible. As long as there is light, she can continue to complete self-repair.

She is not human, how can she have such a low-level feeling as pain?

"The seeds of the sun demon flower, I'll give you." It was still that voice, distant and indifferent, as if he had no interest in everything in this world, and seemed to have already seen through the essence of this world.

Compared with the silver goddess of war, this voice is closer to the concept of "god", supreme, changing all common sense and realizing impossible miracles.

So, on the wings of the silver goddess of war, the "flower" opened.

It was a very beautiful and beautiful little flower, with a faint golden color, and it looked very beautiful.

But it's not just beauty, it's truly miraculous.

"Ahhhhh!" The silver goddess of war felt it, felt that power.

So hot, so hot, so hot, so hot, so hot! That is the absolute temperature that even the spirits will burn, even if there is only a little bit in each flower, but now the number of golden flowers blooming on her silver wings has exceeded thousands.

These very beautiful little flowers, alone or together, gather on the pair of silver wings in such a dense manner, but they give people a creepy aura, as if these flowers are constantly devouring, polluting the silver Beautiful wings.

However, while polluting the pair of wings, the sunflowers exuding a strange aura did indeed bring power to the silver goddess of war, and it was the power of the sun she had just prayed for.

It is not in the form of an endless furnace of light like Ulysses gathered the power of countless suns, but the power of the sun collected by the most natural and simple life forms, from those humble seeds to The power of the sun returned from the oldest life forms.

The seeds of these sun demon flowers are the products of mutation of the seeds of sun flowers that have continuously absorbed the power of the sun for hundreds of millions of years. The only special ability they have is to greedily devour all special energy, and then convert it into the original power of the sun.

From this point of view, they are also a kind of light furnace, an ultra-miniature light furnace that burns with life and produces the power of the sun.

Moreover, their owners also added special ingredients.

"Squeak! Squeak! Squeak!" In the trembling of the silver goddess of war, a voice replied beside her.

It was the sound of countless wings trembling together, a painful noise that disturbed the spirit of life and resonated with each other.

That is the voice that no one likes in this world. From the bottom of my heart, it makes people feel extremely irritable, and there is even a voice that is desperate to destroy and kill, and it will be broken when people listen to it.

It was the sound of cicadas crying as if they were crying, the cries of the cold cicadas.

Let the most beautiful flowers make the most evil voices; plant evil demons on the silver holy spirit who guards justice, this is the game of "her".

Affected by this voice, the color of the eyes of the silver goddess of war slowly changed, and the originally beautiful and pure eyes began to become frantic and violent, like the sad sound of cicadas.

"It's so hot... it hurts..." The purer the individual, the easier it is to be polluted, just like a black spot in an oil painting that doesn't deliberately stand out, but it's so dazzling on a piece of white paper that it's just too dazzling. In a few seconds, the silver goddess of war was polluted by the terrifying sound of cicadas.

What's even sadder is that the silver goddess of war itself does not have the ability to purify this pollution. Just like the Blood Cross Society that went to perish in the provocation, when the pollution spread, she inevitably went to a sad fate.

The pair of silver wings were occupied by the dense sun monster flowers, and the mind of the silver goddess of war was also controlled by the frantic sound of cicadas.

"It's so dark... I..." In the eyes of the silver goddess of war, the whole world seemed to have disappeared, leaving only the only light source, and that was Ulysses who was wearing the sun robe and looked like sunshine.

Seemingly attracted by the power of the same source, the sunflowers who bred on the wings of the silver goddess of war, the silver goddess of war, collectively developed a huge interest in Ulysses.

Chasing the power of the sun, this is the eternal instinct of the sun flower, even after being demonized, it has not changed.

"Want to... become... mine..." In the frantic cicadas, the reason of the silver goddess of war was disintegrating, gradually being controlled by more instincts.

As a result, the will to "kill the demon" was gradually distorted and turned into another strong emotion.

Everything seems to be controlled by an invisible hand, and unknowingly, the silver goddess of war who is "absolute justice" is contaminated.

The will of the ego was twisted, and the beautiful wings were stained with dense flowers, and then burned.

The burning flame is a beautiful golden color, with the exact same color as the sunflowers, beautiful but full of bewitching atmosphere.

However, this is indeed the fire of the sun. Although it has undergone a conversion process, the genus xìng and Ulysses are almost the same, only more frantic and more difficult to control.

In fact, this is the special feature of the fire of the sun, the power of human beings can't control the fire of the sun at all.

"Think...want..." The silver goddess of war released the shield in her hand and pointed at Ulysses with a single sword.

Between 2,000 swings of the sword, several streams of light flew out, blasting a dazzling dazzling light that illuminated the entire underground world on the defensive wall formed by Ulysses' sun robe.

A few of them flew over the defensive wall, and then easily burned through the golden runes around Ulysses.

This kind of domineering scorching attack, the power that burns everything, even the golden rune ring will be instantly burned through, is the fire of the sun, and it is the fire of the sun that cannot control the power well.

"The fire of the sun..." I vaguely felt that those sunflowers were unusual just now, and now this flame made Ulysses truly certain that the other party also mastered the power of the sun's fire.

Although the control power is completely messed up compared to the one who has Lapis, the power to destroy xìng is genuine. In fact, in terms of power of light, this kind of sun fire is stronger than what he used under the adjustment of Lapis, but the burden on the body is simply unbearable for human beings.

It was precisely because he knew the terrifyingness of the sun's fire that Ulysses knew better that now the opponent must be suffering from a terrifying burn, a power that would burn himself to death if he was just a little careless.

No matter how you look at it, the other party doesn't seem to be a user of starry sky magic like him. Even he needs to be very careful to use it under the adjustment of Lapis, and the difficulty of other people's use is unimaginable.

Is it already crazy? Ulysses had once seen an opponent who used the fire of the sun. It was an enemy who abandoned his own body and turned into an abnormal creature like a sun butterfly.

But even at this level, the guy couldn't really control the fire of the sun, and was finally killed by the mysterious warrior, leaving only the light furnace.

The power of the fire of the sun is so terrifying, otherwise it would not become the biggest taboo in starry sky magic.

"Come on... come to me..." In the eyes of the silver goddess of war, there is only the last light left in the world, and that is the most beautiful color in the dark world, as if yòuhuò is the sun shining on her.

To attract that light, her body blossomed.

It was a flower that stretched out from her wings. The beautiful center of the flower was in the center of the pair of wings. The petals were growing hard with her body as nourishment.

The color of the flower is the most beautiful golden color, which is extraordinarily beautiful and moving against the backdrop of those small sunflowers.

However, in the eyes of Ulysses, it was not like that. What he saw was a terrible weapon that was enough to blow up the entire underground world together with the city of Taji on the ground.

That golden sun flower is not real at all, it is the destructive energy that condenses countless sun fires, and it only takes a small tremor, it will cause the consequences of destruction.

If it is completely opened and falls, the formation will be burned through, and the huge heat will burst out unstoppably, completely erasing the seaside city of Taji City from the mainland map.

This kind of thing took a turn for the worse, and Ulysses couldn't help laughing at the feeling of victory being in sight to the end of the world.

Who is it that can't get along with him, and a person with such power, why should he hide in a place like the sewers of Taji City and sneak around, and he seems to be taking special care of him and creating difficulties for him one after another.

Alas, as expected, his luck was very bad. Could this be the inevitable result of becoming a Demon King?

Then he can only do it, he will never watch this city with countless memories destroyed like this.

"Lapis, you will be responsible for eliminating those sun fires later." Ulysses calmed down and raised his concentration to the extreme. In the face of this imminent crisis, he must go all out.

"Understood, please rest assured." Lapis's voice is always so reliable and cute, with her by his side, Ulysses can implement his tactics with confidence.

There was no time left, and Ulysses could feel that the golden flower was growing rapidly. If he did not take action, when the flower grew to a certain level, everything would be irreversible.

So he must destroy the flower before it truly becomes a complete body, but this is not an easy thing, the flower itself is equal to a bomb, if you use the abyss to cut the sin, I am afraid the result will not be eliminated. Instead, it just smashed it.

He has the protection of the sun clothes, maybe the explosion will not kill him, but it is certain that the entire Taji city will be blown up.

There is only one way to eliminate that flower, and that is to use the ability of Lapis, who possesses the same source of power, to find a way to absorb and eliminate the power of the sun's fire that constitutes that flower at a close distance.

This method is indeed feasible, but the biggest difficulty is how to get close to the other party and make the other party accept his elimination behavior.

The combat power of the pair of swords and shields is not to be seen. Even if the battle just now achieved an advantage, it does not mean that the opponent is weak. On the contrary, the opponent is actually terrifyingly strong, even if it is Ulysses momentarily. The high-speed killing sword of Ten Thousand Swords could not easily penetrate her defense.

Then, the time is so tight, and there must be a success, except for that trick Ulysses has no other way.

Concentrating all the mind, countless golden runes jumped in the palm of Ulysses, and finally formed a golden ball.

Fortunately, the other party is a female. If it is the Iron Sea Dragon Beast or the Doom Warrior, this move will be useless. Ulysses is a little lucky.

It seemed that he felt Ulysses' desire to pick flowers, and the golden ball, which was composed of the power of the infinite field of hope, began to become restless and active, as if he couldn't wait to dance in the air.

"Let's start!" Ulysses let it fly with a very serious expression.

The power of the fire of the sun is so terrifying, otherwise it would not become the biggest taboo in starry sky magic.

"Come on... come to me..." In the eyes of the silver goddess of war, there is only the last light left in the world, and that is the most beautiful color in the dark world, as if yòuhuò is the sun shining on her.

Longing for the power of the sun, but when you really have it, you find that you are not qualified to use it at all. This is the source of the tragedy of the silver goddess of war.

The originally clear and beautiful eyes were no longer as pure as they were originally. The sunflowers multiplying on her wings gave her more power, but also robbed her of wisdom.

In pain, she swung her sword at Ulysses, but it was no longer to judge Ulysses, but just because she could not control her body and the impulse to be tempted by the light furnace on Ulysses.

"Ahhhhh!" Holding a sword in one hand and a shield in the other, the silver goddess of war, tempted by the power of the sun on Ulysses, charged unstoppably.

Very fast, very ferocious, but incoherent, and she was completely different from the textbook-like knight piercing she just performed.

Ulysses didn't even need to issue an order to Lapis in advance, just a quick sideways sideways dodged this seemingly imposing but flawed assault.

"Boom!" The silver goddess of war's face smashed on the ground, like falling on a meteorite, smashing a large crater dozens of meters on the ground.

Obviously, this attack failed. Compared with the attack that required Ulysses to deal with it with all his strength and even Lapis to help, this attack was stronger, but there was no threat at all.

"Ha woo..." The silver goddess of war, who had smashed herself into a daze, propped up her sword and shield and looked around blankly, with almost no focus in her eyes - until she found Ulysses' location again.

Then, there was light, hope, and courage in her eyes again!

She raised the sword in her hand high, and sprinkled countless golden fire powder from the wings behind her, giving her more and stronger power.

Then, the second shock restarts.

Just as unstoppable as before!

Just as wholeheartedly as before!

Exactly the same as before... stupid!

Ulysses couldn't see what she was going to do at all. He said that he was going to attack, but the position of the sword was completely wrong; he said that he was going to simply collide, and he didn't even mean to block his direction of movement.

That feeling, as if just rushing for the sake of rushing, there is no other intention except that the target is him.

Obviously just now she also listed a bunch of bad deeds that he didn't even know about, and was going to impose divine punishment on him, and she did kill him. How could it be like this in a blink of an eye?

"Boom!" This time, the silver goddess of war hit the mountain wall of the canyon and smashed the huge mountain wall into fragments. Among the countless fragments, you could vaguely see the beautiful silver figure spinning in a circle.

Obviously, she lost the direction of her life again, but soon she found the position of Ulysses, and then rushed over without repentance.

This 2000 fighting mode Ulysses is very familiar, because not long ago, in sister Mira's dream, he also encountered the exact same attack as this one.

Isn't this Kakari's standard attack method! Rush to and fro, stupid and monotonous, seemingly powerful but in fact extremely fragile.

Thinking like this, the silver goddess of war, who was rushing over now, unconsciously connected with a certain barking creature in Ulysses.

Of course, she is not ugly at all, rather she is very beautiful. Her long hair was metallic white and silver when she first appeared, but now it has turned into a touch of gold, and there are a pair of silver on each side of her ears. It is decorated like another pair of ears, the chest is abnormally tall and straight, and the silver armor is almost unable to stop the protrusion of the pair of peaks.

Obviously, even if the current behavior pattern is no different from Kakari, compared with the ugly **** dog like Kakari, she is cute and beautiful like a gorgeous golden retriever.

I don’t know how many times I have repeated this back and forth. Except for the strange big tree, the entire underground world was almost hit once by the silver goddess of war who was in an abnormal state of frenzy, so that the people on the ground in Taji City enjoyed the wave after wave. small vibrations.

Finally, she stopped.

Not because of the loss of the power to chase Ulysses, on the contrary, because the greed and desire for Ulysses' sun power in her body has reached the other extreme, and she wants to get it in a stronger way.

The sunflowers densely distributed on the original silver wings glowed and heated together, making the whole body of the silver war goddess hot and unable to move anymore.

A powerful force ran through her body, it was the power from the sun, so powerful that it could not be manipulated by intelligent life. This force took over the body of the Silver War Goddess and deeply polluted her core.

"Huh!" In the blink of an eye, the golden ball flew high in the air, and then began to release a large number of golden thin lines impatiently.

One, two, three, these golden thin lines extended in the air in an orderly manner, and soon shot into the ground, forming a huge pyramid. The distance between the lines is very, very small, and even a kitten doesn't even want to run out.

This is the infinite knockdown killing method - Skynet Catching Butterfly.

One, two, three, from the golden thin lines that make up the pyramid, there are again countless thin lines. This time the lines are straight and interlaced, but at the moment of interlacing, another new line will be divided immediately. Wire.

Extending, dividing, and interlacing, the golden lines form a perfect three-dimensional network, which easily captures the silver goddess of war standing motionless.

The prey caught by this web of sky is absolutely inescapable - only women.

As long as it is a beautiful woman, then regardless of body type, race, or age, this net will be caught for you to see. This is the supreme stunt created by one of the Seven Demon Kings, the Demon King of Lust - Catching Butterflies in the Sky Net.

The rules represented by these golden lines do not have any lethality, and they represent "fetters", transcending the constraints of space, ethics, and morality, and grasping the fetters of the girl you love.

"Your life will belong to me, your soul will belong to me, your thoughts will also belong to me, and everything you have will belong to me. So accept it and embrace it infinitely!"

The moment he felt the "capture success", Ulysses immediately sent the final summoning spell.

So, the silver goddess of war was embraced by Ulysses. Only this way can break through all her defenses and instantly reach zero distance from her.

"Lapis!" Even in the sun clothes, Ulysses could feel the amazing temperature of her body, which was a terrible temperature that would burn the earth to dryness.

If he didn't wear the sun clothes, he probably couldn't touch this dangerous flower.

However, what Ulysses could not have expected was that after Skynet succeeded in catching the butterfly, it was not so much that he hugged her, but that she hugged her back.

"It's so hot..." The silver goddess of war couldn't see the slightest sense of reason in her eyes. She was just pure and enthusiastic, hugging Ulysses tightly as if she was embracing the last hope.

"Calm down!" Ulysses had to knock the silver goddess of war on the head, UU reading www. tried to wake up the woman who claimed to be a **** and now has her head burned out.

"Light, here..." The silver goddess of war looked at Ulysses with blank eyes, the shield of the Holy Spirit and the sword of the Holy Spirit disappeared at some point.

This meant that she had disarmed herself and gave up the fight willingly.

The power of the sunflower polluted her, making her no longer pure, and became frantic. Obviously, she is not qualified to manipulate the power of the sun, which has led to the current tragedy.

All wisdom and the like have been burned clean by the power of the sun's fire, and the IQ of the current Silver War Goddess has dropped to a terribly low level.

It all happened in front of Ulysses as if someone deliberately destroyed that holy, beautiful, pure thing in front of him

Chapter 138 (The Defiled Wings)

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