Demon Lord Priest II

Vol 3 Chapter 141: Saya Game (Part 1)

Chapter 141 Saya Game

The underground world supported by the big tree is wider than Ulysses imagined. From a distance, the big tree is already unusually huge, but when Ulysses really flew in front of it, Really feel its greatness. "Do you know the domain name?"

It was a tree that forcibly pushed up the entire stratum. I don't know when it took root here, but now its branches, leaves and roots have firmly occupied the entire underground space.

Every root is deeply pierced into the earth, even the salty sea water can't stop its vitality, Ulysses can even see its growth with his eyes, those places that have just been burned by the sun's fire , has tenaciously grown new tender roots.

It's hard to imagine how many difficulties this tree had to overcome to grow to this point under the underground waterway where there is no sunlight. It would not be an exaggeration to call it a miracle of life.

In fact, this is totally unreasonable, in this underground world, how can such a huge green plant grow.

and many more! A flash of light flashed in Ulysses' mind, and he thought of the tree he saw in the underground of Glorious Academy.

Isn't the environment in which this tree grows exactly the same as that tree?

With the comparison, the more Ulysses looked at this big tree, the more he felt that it was similar to the one he had seen under the Glorious Academy, it was carved out of a mold.

However, compared to the big tree that gave him the feeling of the whole world, this tree was still slightly immature, and it lacked a lot of mysterious color.

The tree in that wonderful garden is more than a thousand times the size of the Radiance Academy, and the aura it radiates covers almost the entire world. ~~The branches and leaves that spread out even occupied the sky, and they have been emitting unimaginably huge magic power continuously.

It was a feeling as if the world was going to be opened up. Before that, Ulysses had only seen similar scenes in the small world that "that person" entertained him.

Wait, could the tree here be!

"Shaye, is that you?" Ulysses said the name of "that person" to this unusually huge plant.

Hidden in the group of apostles, no one knows what she is thinking, the mysterious young nv, the captain of the nv mercenary team.

Her mystery and charm cannot be described in words, she walks in the crowd without being noticed by anyone, like a ghost under the sun.

She was there and not there, as if she had been isolated from the whole world, and as if she had never belonged to this world in the first place.

She has a whole world as her garden, she wears a green bridal dress, and occasionally looks at him with unintelligible eyes.

She is Shaye, a young nv with infinite unknowns and mystery. No one knows what she is thinking. If it is her, it is really possible to do this kind of thing in the underground waterway of Taji City.

"I only guessed half right." I don't know when, the green demon appeared in front of Ulysses again, she just casually leaned on the tree of the big tree, dàng her two little feet, The thin ankles exude the charm of mí people.

"Is it really you? Saya, why do you have to live with Taji City?" Really little is known about this mysterious young man, Ulysses, because she often disappears and no one knows what she is doing. , think what.

However, the relationship between the Apostles and her is not bad, especially Aya, who seems to be very interested in her, and often goes to her to say something. And other nv servants naturally regarded her as a leader, even though she almost never worked.

"It's me and it's not me. Since you found me, I won't waste it." The green demon looked at Ulysses with ambiguous eyes.

That is the look in the eyes of the nv child looking at his father, the look in the eyes of the nv child looking at the toys he loves to play with, and the eyes of the explorer on the unknown.

For Saya, the person in front of him was one of the few observation units in the world who could not understand or confirm, but were full of interest.

Like a father, like a toy, with more mystery, for Saya, who has always been lonely and bored with the world, the existence named "Ulysses" is special and unique.

So, just for a momentary thought, it's not surprising to do anything, you can do whatever you want.

In this world, no one can stop Saya's actions.

"Saya, stop, it doesn't make any sense to do so." Although he didn't know the true meaning of Saya's "it's me and it's not me", Ulysses felt it was his responsibility to stop Saya's luàn from coming.

Although so far, the degree of damage is limited to accidental events in the underground waterway, and no casualties have occurred; but the existence of this tree itself is a deadly threat to Taji City.

He didn't know what Saya was thinking, but since he was the head of the group of apostles, he had to be responsible for Saya's actions, because she was already a member of the group of apostles.

"No, it makes sense, this is an experiment, a very effective experiment." The green demon looked at Ulysses wearing the sun robe with a wonderful smile.

The silver war **** contaminated by the sun is one of the excellent experimental items recovered this time.

Initially, the seeds of the experiment planted on this demon was just a whim, and unexpected results were obtained.

Then, the scale of the experiment was expanded, and new and useful experimental items were obtained, and the most suitable original - Ulysses.

This experiment is really easy and happy.

Occasionally planted seeds have grown unexpectedly plump fruits. For Saya, this is also a rare and pleasant experiment.

However, the experiment is not over She wants to get more fruits. Use this demonic body that has been completely polluted by her seeds and turned into one of her half bodies to verify some of her reasoning.

"Shaye, there should be a limit to Luàn's arrival, Taji City has no grudge against you." Ulysses sighed, and the golden rune on the sun robe began to heat up.

"Taji City? I'm not interested in this city, I'm interested, it's you." The green demon jumped down from the big tree with a beautiful back flip, and looked at Ulysses with meaningful eyes.

"Come on, let's play a game."

"Game?" Ulysses raised his vigilance, the opponent was Saya, this game is definitely not easy.

"Don't be so nervous, I won't eat you again." The green demon untied her hair tie, letting her soft long hair spread out like a bōlàng.

"Introduce myself, the name of this body is Nali, but the real name is another one. You may have trouble pronouncing that name, so just call me Nanali."


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