Demon Lord Priest II

Vol 3 Chapter 143: Saya Game (Part 2)

The first palace was such a difficult problem that Ulysses found himself far underestimating the difficulty of Saya's game. Perhaps Saya saw through him from the beginning and knew his weaknesses, so he chose this way of playing.

Holding the little fox girl in white who seemed to have slept peacefully, Ulysses stepped into the palace of Touma.

The scenery I saw this time was completely different from the previous one. There were no cards flying around, and there was no sea of ​​blue water elements. Everything here was so natural and fresh.

At a glance, you don't think that you have come to the palace, but that you have entered the forest. Vibrant plants are everywhere, and soft light bursts into the woods through the dense treetops, leaving mottled spots of light on the ground.

Some unknown vines covered the walls, and there was a little water on the green leaves of the big trees. Under the canopy, low bushes crowded the gaps between the trees, with bright red berries hanging in clusters in the east and west.

Just looking at the scenery here, Wu Lixisi probably guessed who the owner of this palace is, after all, the layout style here is too obvious.

"Nana lì, is that you?" Ulysses, who was hugging the little fox girl in white, said to the deserted woods.

There was a slight sound of breaking wind from the depths of the woods, and a green sè figure jumped a few times in the shadow of the tree with a skill so flexible that Ulysses could hardly see clearly, and then landed lightly in front of him.

With a beautiful oval face, sad green eyes, and a small body, this is the goblin who warned Ulysses when he entered the underground waterway and tried to drive him out... Nana lì.

"You shouldn't have come here." Nana looked at Ulysses in front of her with sad eyes. The purpose of her sneak attack at that time was to make him retreat, not to completely destroy this dangerous underground world. Open.

"Because there are many, many friends of mine in this city, so I can't leave it alone." Ulysses confessed his purpose honestly.

At this time, the people of Taji City may have discovered the underground anomaly, and he needs to solve the problem here as soon as possible.

"That lord doesn't care about mortal affairs. If you don't come here, this whole demonic realm will not be opened." Nana looked at Ulysses with complicated eyes.

His arrival gave her an opportunity to gain [freedom], but it was also the key to disaster.

As a fairy who loves nature, she can't watch the disaster she brings, so she deliberately instructs the monster born from the tree to attack those who try to check the underground waterway.

However, this operation appears to have failed. Not because there was anything wrong with her strategy, but because of the arrival of a strong man like Ulysses.

The task of the mere underground water channel is generally impossible to attract the attention of such a strong person. Even if there are really powerful monsters in the underground tunnels, as long as the monsters don't get out of the underground tunnels, the city's managers will automatically choose to forget about it in the end.

After all, human beings have always held a high attitude towards disasters that do not concern themselves. No matter what monsters there are in the underground waterway, as long as the monsters like to stay in the dark ditch, then it doesn't matter.

But Ulysses came, and easily solved the powerful tongue monster, and she wanted to go further, so she had to take action herself and try to stop him.

However, she looked too high on her own strength, and even if she had tried her best to attack with her enhanced strength, she was no match for Ulysses at all.

In the end, "that lord" inevitably woke up, and showed additional interest in Ulysses, which led to the full awakening of this underground magic realm, and the situation finally got out of hand.

"Sir, do you mean Saya?" Of course Ulysses knew who the person who created this underground demonic realm was, but what was strange to him was that Nana looked like a victim, but he didn't care about Saya in the slightest. hatred.

No, not only is there no hatred, but there is a sense of reverence and obedience.

"Lord Shaye's power is supreme, and it is beyond the reach of any goblin." Speaking of Shaye, the victim Nana lì trembled slightly.

That is the feeling of the most devout believer talking about "God", it is the feeling of worshipping and respecting without any conditions, and willingly dedicating everything of oneself.

"For us fairies, Saya-sama's order is absolute, and it represents the will of the origin of our clan." Even if Saya did something very excessive, even the body was regarded as the material for cultivating seeds, but I really felt Saya's Nana lì not only didn't complain at all, but felt honored.

She believes that not only her, but any goblin who has truly felt the essence of Saya's power will feel exactly the same as her.

For the fairies who love nature and were born in nature, Saya's power is really close to the concept of "God."

That kind of power has gone beyond what this world can imagine, no matter how powerful a fairy can't achieve, the only power that belongs to Saya.

If Saya is willing to come to the goblin family and show this power, the goblin family born from nature will unconditionally bow down to Saya's skirt, and regard her as a gift from the whole world to the goblin family.

Without any explanation, the existence of Saya itself is the greatest miracle of life.

"Saya's power is indeed very unusual." Ulysses Dao could also understand a little about Nana's admiration for Saya, because he was the one who was really entertained by Saya in that huge world tree garden.

That garden, like a whole small world, has incredible power, and just being there, you can feel the huge gap between the mortal world and that world.

Although Saya's garden is not perfect from many perspectives, the garden itself is an uncompromising miracle.

A fairy who likes nature is naturally impressed by the power of nature. Even Ulysses thinks that the garden of the World Tree is an incomparable miracle.

"Then, is Saya still with you?" Ulysses looked at Nana lì, who had returned to her original appearance. She could no longer feel the mysterious aura peculiar to Saya. high relationship.

After all, in this field, even Lapis couldn't analyze where Saya's true body was, and she didn't even know whether she was still here or not.

The game of finding true love may indeed be one of the three palaces, but it is also possible that Shaye is not here at all. With Shaye's uncertain personality, it is not surprising to do anything.

"I don't know." Nana shook her head blankly.

Neither "yes" nor "no" Although Nana lì, who was once controlled by Saya, was the most suspicious one, Ulysses wasn't sure that she was Saya's true incarnation here.

The "game" that Shaye referred to is not as simple as a child catching mí and hiding. When he sees a suspicious place, he thinks that it is the other party's hidden location. Ulysses is not so naive.

"Can you tell me why Saya created this underground world?" Ulysses was not in a hurry to go to the last palace, but calmed down and tried to talk to Nana Li, who had the most direct contact with Saya. Get the necessary clues.

"For a study, Lord Saya chose my body as the seed, and then designated me to go under the city to breed this tree." Nana looked at the big tree behind her with fanatical eyes.

For the nature-loving goblins, the special plants that can take root and thrive in such a harsh environment are undoubtedly the treasures among the treasures.

If Saya uses this to trade with the goblins, I am afraid that anything can be exchanged.

Of course, this is not necessary. As long as Saya shows her power essence in front of the goblins, the entire goblins will have it for her.

As the mother who gave birth to the seeds, Nana suffered a lot in the process. Not anyone can watch the plants grow in their own body, and finally break her body and grow in this dark underground. A huge body.

The process was extremely cruel, but Nana accepted it with joy, because it was the joy of giving birth to a new life, and the pride of using her own body to complete the Saya test.

In order to cultivate this tree, she endured the darkness of the ground, could not see any light, could only drink the bitterest sea water, and dwarf the fruit of the underground plants full of toxins.

When the tree was born, everything paid off.

This tree represents the strongest indomitable will of is a tree of nature that thrives in the harshest environment. Watching the tree grow up little by little and stick its roots firmly in the ground, Nana lì has the joy of being a mother.

"Then do you know this girl?" Ulysses pointed to the little fox girl in white in his arms.

"She seems to be an alchemist who came here not long ago. She's not so young." Nana looked at the little fox girl in Ulysses' arms with suspicious eyes. She did know someone who participated in Saya. The experimental alchemist, the white coat is her hallmark.

However, the alchemist who also participated in the creation of this magical realm was not so young.

"Well, that's right." Ulysses saw with his own eyes how the white-robed alchemist made himself smaller, and it seemed that it was not entirely Saya's plan.

However, being cursed by the potion he made to become like this, it can only be said that the alchemist in white has really forgotten all the past events, otherwise such a mistake would not be possible.

Shaye was obviously not polite to her, is this really Shaye's cooperator? ! .

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