Demon Lord Priest II

Vol 3 Chapter 6: The Holy Maiden of 3 (Part 2)

"Palan, accept the sanctions!" Hugo raised the "Les Miserables" in his hand high, and without hesitation launched this magic book with special abilities at Palan. However, at the moment when Hugo started "Les Miserables" with all his strength, a certain force mixed into this book, which instantly increased the ability of this book to an incredible level.

Originally it was just a mental attack caused by a super high-level illusion, but under the stab of this power, it turned violently in an immeasurable direction.

The entire underground demonic realm also began to undergo violent changes, which were made by following the changes made by the master of this world, turning any unreasonable things into possible changes.

So, Ulysses saw a huā in front of his eyes, and after a blink of an eye, he was standing in a sea of ​​green.

When the endless green "sè" disappeared, Ulysses seemed to feel the curtain open, and his eyes suddenly opened up.

He didn't know when he stood on a huge plain, this plain has a kind of breathtaking scenery "sè", countless beautiful flowers blooming on the field, gently shaking his body in the breeze , giving off a fresh huā fragrance.

The time seemed to be early in the morning, and the crimson clouds in the distant sky were just a little bit more beautiful, like a beautiful girl. Beneath the clouds, a round of golden sun was shyly showing half of its face.

"Lapis, where is this place?" It happened so suddenly that Ulysses couldn't believe his eyes.

"It's still where it was just now, but the world has changed." Lapis told Ulysses this amazing news.

"The world... has been changed?" Ulysses looked at his feet, the fragrance of the soil, the rich fragrance of huā. There is also the smell of sunshine in the air, this is all the real world, and I can't feel the slightest falsehood.

Here, is the real world? The underground magic realm just now.

"Yes. Just now, the whole world around us has been modified by a certain power, it should be Saya's power." Lapis won't lie, it means that it is only a few heartbeats, and Saya has completed it. Modifications to this entire underworld.

This kind of power is simply unimaginable, if Ulysses wields the strongest sword of destruction against this world. It may be possible to collapse this world and the city of Taji above, but it is impossible to achieve such a miracle.

This is the power of creation, a very different power from the destruction of Ulysses. If Ulysses, who has the strongest destructive power, is a well-deserved Demon Lord, then now Saya's power to create the world is closer to "God".

Not calling herself a "God" like the Silver Goddess of War, but the real, supreme "God" is indeed breath.

"Shaye, who are you..." For Ulysses. Shaye has more and deeper mysteries.

But what's the point of her temporarily creating this world? Ulysses didn't feel any danger around him, not even the slightest hostility.

"Ta! Ta!" The crisp sound of hooves sounded, and a snow-white horse with no mess on its body came to Ulysses' side with brisk footsteps.

It is most suitable to describe its shape as perfect, with silky smooth fur, **** eyes full of spirit, and if there is an extra horn on its forehead, it is said to be a legend The sacred unicorn will not be doubted.

It had a letter in its mouth. He came to Ulysses very affectionately, and put the letter on Ulysses' body.

"Let me see..." Ulysses opened the envelope and read out the contents of the letter: "Dear father or brother or sister or sister. You have been chosen as the protagonist of the story. You are a man on a white horse. The knight is a prince from a small country far away."

"You are about to visit the castle on the island and meet the three sisters who live in the library."

"Show your talent before them and find a way to gain their favor. Then find the person who favors you the most, gain her trust, and you can win the game."

"If you can't do it and don't find out who your true love is, the world will be destroyed along with the cities above. So try a little harder."

"Probably your daughter, sister, sister's Saya."

"ps: Everything in this world is real, so there is no need to doubt it."

"Saya is here again." Ulysses was a little helpless about the role of the captain of his maid team. Obviously this was not the case just now.

Still, maybe it's better to write. Because even though he had met the masters of the three palaces, Ulysses couldn't tell who was Saya among them.

According to common sense, the most suspect is naturally Nana Lì, who was once the incarnation of Saya, followed by Palan, who has no memory, and finally the girl who is clearly conscious.

But the so-called common sense is meaningless to Saya, and the world has been modified just to play this game. I really don't know whether it is full of courage or too boring.

As for the father, brother, sister, sister, brother, etc., Ulysses doesn't want to think about it anymore, this must be another prank by Saya.

The bright white horse knelt down in front of Ulysses and turned his back to Ulysses.

"Prince of the white horse..." Ulysses smiled helplessly, and then sat on the beautiful white horse.

"The creator is more "sè" than the prince, he is the devil." Lapis made the "sè" color of the sun robe more gorgeous and clearer to match Ulysses' prince status.

Such a handsome white horse, such a gorgeous golden coat, I believe that no one will think that Ulysses is an ordinary person anymore.

There was no need for Ulysses to find out where the library was, and the white horse automatically went to the route leading to the right path.

"Lapis, are these lives also modified?" Ulysses looked at the white horse he was riding and the surrounding trees, and asked his magic elf.

"Yes, creator, all life that I have seen so far is essentially a plant. But it is a plant that appears in a different form." As a magic elf, Lapis sees things more objectively than Ulysses, profound.

Because of this, whether it is Lapis or Ulysses. All sigh this beautiful world.

There is no unnatural and twisted place, riding a white horse in the forest, the golden sunlight penetrates the tiny gaps between the leaves, bringing a little light to the plants in the dense forest.

The towering giant tree, the tall weeds, and the emerald vines wrapped around the trunk stretched out their own body. Effortlessly climb up. The thriving bushes vigorously defended its territory, the decaying roots of the trees grew colorful mushrooms, and insects flew on these small mushrooms from time to time.

The little squirrel in the tree hole stuck out its small head vigilantly, full of curiosity about Ulysses riding a white horse.

All of this is no different from the world on earth. Ulysses believes that if he does not have the help of Lapis. It is absolutely impossible to know the truth that the creatures here are actually plants.

In fact, even if he knew it now, when he observed those small animals, he couldn't tell the difference between them and real small animals. From this perspective, even plants, they are plants with their own unique ecosystem. This small world has even established a self-sufficient ecological cycle system.

"The creator, discovered life other than plants. Judging by the characteristics of the target, when Nana Ulysses was trying to find the flaws in this world, Lapis reported new information to him.

"Nana lì. Where is it?" Ulysses looked around for a while, but couldn't find the goblin.

"On that tree a kilometer away... ah, it's gone."

"Really?" Ulysses looked into the distance, only to see endless trees, where is the shadow of Nana lì.

Finding a green "sè" fairy in the woods where all the green "sè" plants are, is an impossible task for Ulysses, who is not a magic spirit like Lapis.

After Nana lì mysteriously appeared and disappeared, Ulysses rode a white horse on the forest trail for about fifteen minutes, during which Nana lì appeared three or four times. But they disappeared after just a glance or two, as if they were investigating something.

There was a small hill in front of him. After Ulysses, who was riding a white horse, turned around the hill, he saw a beautiful lakeside scene "sè".

It was a dense red forest, and a clear lake surrounded by the trees quietly reflected the sunlight of the sky. A waterfall hangs down from the edge of the hill, giving the lake endless vitality.

In the middle of the lake. There is a small island with a range of about three kilometers. There is a steeple castle on the island. It looks a little old, but it has an ancient and noble atmosphere.

A seven-hole stone bridge connects the island and the shore. The whole bridge is made of hard marble, and there are traces of horseshoes on it.

"Are you there?" Ulysses looked at the castle, and if he was not mistaken, this was his destination, the castle where the three sisters were.

"I'm a prince, from afar." Ulysses read the letter in his hand again and couldn't help laughing.

Shaye's game is really unusual. How does he resemble a prince? In fact, he doesn't even know the etiquette of nobles. Before going to Taji City, he was a complete commoner.

Although he was called the "Prince of the Black Moon" in the Glorious Academy, the "Prince" of that branch and the real prince were completely different things.

What should I do to gain the favor of the three sisters? Do you give them bread? With this in mind, Ulysses rode across the stone bridge and headed for the castle on the island.

There are many ancient houses around the castle, which seem to be the places where the castle owner's subjects live. Although it is not as atmospheric as the castle, these houses also give off an old and vicissitudes atmosphere.

As Ulysses rode past these houses, many people came out, looked at Ulysses with curiosity and anticipation, and began to whisper.

"That's the prince, who came to our lord from the northern country to study." This is the most common territorial citizen. They have lived in this territory from generation to generation, born, died, and gave birth to the next generation on this land.

For them, the visit of a real prince is undoubtedly a rare event. "Prince! The real prince, so handsome." This is the scream of the girls. The prince on a white horse is a girl forever. romantic. And at this moment Ulysses is the prince who came to them from the story.

"Look at the white horse and the clothes. It is estimated that one sleeve angle is worth more than the entire property of my family." The fat man who looked like a businessman stared at Ulysses' sun clothes, as if estimating its value.

"Sure enough. The prince is different from our commoners." Several young women "xìng" who were at the age of marriage looked at Ulysses on the white horse with admiration. For them, this was an unforgettable time. Meeting.

"Of course, it's not at the same level at all, so don't be delusional, and get married honestly." The married woman "xìng" looked at her companions who were still in freedom. Can not help but start to speak up.

Soon, however, the girls' opinions began to converge, and they rioted because of some secret information.

"Even once, I really want to be with such a handsome prince."

"Prince, even for one night..."

"I heard that the castle is preparing to hire a new maid temporarily for the prince."

"I'm going! I'm going!"

"go together!"

"Don't leave me!"

As a result, this group of innocent and lovely girls began to collectively work hard to become new maids.

"Lapis. Are these also plants?" Hearing the people talking in his ears, Ulysses really connected them with the dull plants.

No matter how you look at them, they are no different from real humans.

However, Lapis's answer did not change: "Yes, but their life breath is higher and belongs to higher plants."

"Really, Saya is really amazing." Ulysses looked at the curious people around him and could only sigh that Saya's power was really amazing. Even this kind of thing can be done.

On the other hand, in the castle.

"It's really boring, prince or something. I guess he's another **** and a bastard." In a cute room full of dolls, a girl in only pajamas was gently rocking her snow-white feet while watching An ancient book full of complex text.

This book has a special charm. It seems that as long as you read it for the first time, you will be unknowingly attracted to it, and then you will never be able to let go.

"Sister, the guests have arrived at the door, are you still here not planning to go out? As the temporary head of the house, you don't go to greet the guests. But it's very rude." The goblin's figure appeared silently by the window of the room. He looked at his sister with a headache.

As the middle of the three sisters, she has a beautiful little face, her skin is snow-white and crystal clear, her facial features are extremely delicate, and her cute little face is embedded with a pair of big watery eyes. The green "sè" eyes are clear and transparent, like crystal clear emeralds. Smart and lively, like deep and silent lake water, faintly glowing; the nose is tǐng and cute, the thin double chún is ruddy and small, and a pair of pointed ears stick out diagonally behind the head, neither long nor short, just right. Everything is so perfect, the slightest change will destroy this amazing feeling, this is the darling of nature, from the goblins of the forest.

"I'm not interested in welcoming that kind of prince who doesn't know where he came from. You and Palan can go there if you want. Anyway, the eldest lady of lazily turned over the new one. Page, the spring light leaked "lù" in the swing of both feet, under the skirt were two slender legs placed naturally, the lovely white inner kù at the end of the double tuǐ was tightly wrapped around the round and small, "tún" part There are also delicate and intricate lace borders faintly embellished on the inner edge of the robe, which is full of yòò's taste.

However, there is a slight regret in the ōng department, which can only be classified as small and cute. This seems to be a family inheritance. The three sisters' ōng departments are not very good, but they are definitely super-first-class beautiful girls.

The eldest lady of the human race, the second lady of the goblin race, and the third lady of the half-orc race, these are the three sisters living in this castle, the masters of this island.

"Palan, are you going?" Nana found the alchemy laboratory deep underground. Today, this little sister is doing sneaky experiments as always.

"Wait for me for another five hours, and the results will come soon." Palan, who was very small and dressed in white clothes twice his size, was trying to add many unknown substances to the cauldron in front of him.

Just looking at the appearance, Palan, with a pair of white "sè" fox ears and a small tail that floats around, is the cutest of the three sisters. But in fact, judging people by appearance is the most error-prone. Palan's danger level is well known on this small island. Her name can stop children from crying at night.

Beneath that lovely exterior hides its dangerous nature. The "medicine" she made was the biggest threat to the island's security.

Like these things in the cauldron in front of her now.

Black "sè", green "sè", and yellow "sè" mysterious plants mixed with "medicines" whose ingredients no one knew, exuding a complex smell that was indescribable in words. Nana lì, who loves nature, just smelled this breath. There was a feeling of fainting.

"What kind of experiment is this time?" Pinching her nose, Nana carefully retreated to the door of the laboratory, as far as possible from the origin of the smell.

"It's a "medicine" that can turn humans into flying fish, so that the ideals of flying and diving can be realized at the same time, how about it, it's great!" Palan's face was full of intoxication. Then I grabbed a handful of black ash and threw it into the pot.

"Then you continue." Nana retreated quickly, she remembered that no one could pull Palan away in this state.

I just hope that this time, she won't be cursed into a frog by her "medicine" water like last time.

So, among the three sisters, only Nana lì received Ulysses who came to the castle.

In the hall of the castle, Nana lì was sitting above the long table, and on the table were all kinds of fresh fruits, all of which she had just picked from the forest. Represents fairy-like sincerity.

"Hello, Prince Ulysses, I'm Nana lì, the second among the three sisters. It's been hard to come here from such a far north country." Because neither elder sister nor younger sister were willing to come to greet Ulysses, so Nana can only take up this responsibility by herself.

In fact, this is also a portrayal of the current state of the castle. The eldest Hugo is only interested in her library, and the youngest Palan is indulging in all kinds of dangerous alchemy experiments. Most of the affairs of the castle are handled by Nana lì.

"Thank you for the hospitality, these fruits look delicious." Ulysses didn't know how long it had been since he entered the sewer, but he was really hungry. After receiving Lapis's prompt to analyze that these fruits are harmless, he began to eat.

The taste is very delicious, original, and can't find any "flaws". Ulysses even thinks that this is the most delicious fruit he has ever eaten. Among them, Ulysses has only read it in books. A premium fruit that I have never tasted once.

Maybe it's because this world is made of plants, Ulysses can only think so.

"Nana lì. Do you know Shaye?" Ulysses naturally asked this crucial question.

"Shaye, who is that?" Nana's answer made Ulysses shake his head.

Sure enough, none of them knew the truth of this world, and Saya confuses their memories again.

In this way, it is impossible to obtain Saya's clues by asking them. in this world. They were just like what Saya said in the letter to him, they were just three sisters of an ordinary noble family.

Just try to get their favor. Then you gain the trust of the one with the highest opinion among them, and the game world will end.

It's a bit troublesome, but it's obviously much less difficult than finding Saya's real body, who doesn't even know where he is.

"Please have a good rest, from tomorrow you can use my library freely, you're welcome." After entertaining Ulysses with a goblin-style meal, Nana took him to the guest room at the top of the castle. , and politely handed him the key.

"Also, please don't do anything too rude." As if hinting something, Nana disappeared in the corridor.

Sitting alone by the window at the top of the castle, Ulysses looked at this world that was really [real] but just a game, and [lù] gave him a firm look.

"Creator, do you have a plan?" Lapis's incarnation of the sun robe turned into countless light spots and dissipated, turning into a small golden "sè" light furnace shape, the duration of the sun robe is up.

"Well, don't worry, I have already seen the end of this game." Ulysses brushed the hair from his forehead and replied confidently.

The next day, Ulysses began to cast what he felt was a perfect strategy.

The method of strategy is very simple. He has no way of grasping the mentality of Palan and the eldest lady who he doesn't know at all, so he simply plans not to interact with them, and only concentrates on being with Nanali.

Taking the initiative to give up two of the three sisters and only choose Nanali, in Ulysses' opinion, this is the most sensible choice, as long as Nanali has a good impression of him and trusts him, then the game will end. It came naturally.

However, Ulysses soon realized that it was too simplistic to think about gaining a girl's favorability.

It's true that Nanali was polite to him, but that's all because she's kind in her own right. She's willing to treat everyone equally, not because he's special in her seriousness.

The idea of ​​Ulysses wanting to take the initiative to be with Nanali was too obvious, which aroused Nanali's disgust. Although she didn't say anything, she left the castle and went to the forest. .

"Prince, you should pay more attention to your studies, rather than being by my side." This was Nanali's advice to Ulysses before she went to the forest. Obviously, in her eyes, Ulysses, who was always by her side, was completely Not doing business.

The strategy that Ulysses came up with on his own strength failed before the official start. Not to mention increasing Nanali's favorability. I'm afraid it has dropped a lot;

"The girl's mind is really hard to guess!" Ulysses began to realize after a huge failure. Saya may have understood this from the beginning; this time the game may be more difficult than the first time, it is himself too self-righteous /

Speaking of which, since he was born to the present, he has never had any experience in actively pursuing a girl. He just had a vision of his first love for Mira in the dimness, but unfortunately he met Lala after that. It brought him eternal pain.

Perhaps, since Lala, he has no way to fall in love with someone so wholeheartedly. The confession to Sister Mila in that summer dream is more like making up for past regrets, rather than selfless investment in love.\\

Falling in love is really difficult! Although you just need to improve your goodwill, you don't need to be in love, but the boundaries are really blurred, and Ulysses is only now realizing what problem Saya has given him.\\

Unfortunately, there is no way to change it. The appearance of this game world means that if this problem is not solved, it will definitely be a very bad result.

Let's continue to work hard. If it's just an ordinary good impression, it's enough to be a friend. A friend who can speak sincerely.

"Ta! Ta! Ta!" While Ulysses was thinking hard about how to improve the three sisters' favorability, hurried footsteps came from the corner of the corridor in front of him.

Then, a petite body suddenly appeared from the corner, and Ulysses was in good contemplation.

"Peng!" The force of the collision was not very large, Ulysses only stepped back a few steps, but the other party rolled on the ground several times before hitting the pillar in the corridor directly.

"It hurts so much." The figure hit by Ulysses made an indistinct sound, and the bread near his mouth almost fell. The fluffy ears and tail quivered like a frightened little animal.

This is a girl with extremely delicate and lovely features, carrying a backpack that is bigger than her body, with a pair of big watery eyes and a cute nose that is small and upturned. Under the short skirt, the little bear **** are facing each other. smiled at Ulysses.

"I'm sorry, I didn't pay attention." Although both parties were responsible for this accident, Ulysses felt that he was still the main responsible person.

If he hadn't been too immersed in his own world, such a simple accident would not have happened. Even if he paid a little attention to the sounds of the outside world, he would not be bumped.

There is only one person in this world who can bump into him anytime, anywhere, and that is the mysterious creature named Ayu. ·

"It hurts to death... um..." Palan, who was holding the bread, followed Ulysses' gaze, and then saw his fully exposed bear panties.

"Ouya, do you want to marry me?" Looking at Ulysses with curious eyes, Palan said something that stunned him.

"Why do you think like this?" Ulysses really couldn't understand Little Palan's thinking circuit, why he just bumped into the road and said directly to get married.

"Because, I've read in a book that more than 90% of people who are seen wearing underwear together at a corner like this will get married," Palan said solemnly.

"What's wrong with the remaining ten percent?" Ulysses looked at Palan helplessly, what the **** was such a small child thinking.

"The rest are lovers, harems, and eternal lovers. In short, it's almost like marriage." Palan was telling the truth, although he also felt that this kind of thing was very inexplicable.

"You are the prince, I heard that you are coming to marry our three sisters." Palan sorted his clothes, and then began to look around Ulysses.


"very good."

"It's pretty standard here too."

"Okay, qualified!" After almost visually inspecting Ulysses' entire body, Palan smashed his palm with his fist, showing a satisfied expression.

"I allowed you to marry that sister, and I gave her to you. As long as you promise me to marry her and bring her home, you will open the big library to me, and it doesn't matter if you marry me. As for Nanali, she doesn't She will leave us, so as long as you marry us, you will get her too."

"So, come on, prince." Palan patted Ulysses on the shoulder, cheering for him.

"How can things be so simple." Ulysses looked at Palan, who was full of confidence in him, dumbfounded. What reason did she have for being so optimistic?

"It's you who thinks things too much. As long as you marry your sister as your wife, all problems can be easily solved, because she is the only owner of the Great Library, the owner of this castle. Marrying your sister, the Great Library It's yours!" Palan was instructing Ulysses, and he took the initiative to reveal how to take down the three sisters.

However, in the final analysis, the purpose was her ambition for the Great Library, and that was what she wanted most.

"I didn't come here to **** the library." Ulysses could only shake his head at Palan's naked ambition.

It seems that, whether it is the outside world or the game world, Palan is obsessed with that library.

"Hmph, if you don't give me the library, there's no way to marry me, the prince or something will kill me!" Palan kicked Ulysses's leg fiercely, and then ran away like the wind. .

"If you want me, marry my sister, otherwise don't want me to marry you!"

Why do all the people think that I have strange thoughts about these three sisters, I just simply want them to have a good impression of me and be trusted.

Looking at the disappearing little back, Ulysses sighed and took out Saya's letter again.

Then, at the very end, he saw some small white words, because the color of the words was exactly the same as the color of the letter paper, so he didn't notice it until now.

"Hint, the best way to get true love is to get their hearts, and I don't mind you having a closer relationship with them."

"A more intimate relationship, to gain their hearts, haha." Ulysses tore the letter to shreds neatly, just like when he shredded the answer sheet he had copied after failing an exam.

Forget it, still follow his own steps, Ulysses decided to completely ignore Saya's prompt.

It just needs "trust". It is not always necessary for men and women to become lovers in order to trust each other, even simple friends.

As if being led by something, Ulysses, who made the decision, found himself in front of a huge library unknowingly.

There is no doubt that this is the most essential part of the entire castle. Unlike the slightly old castle, it is carefully taken care of by everyone, and there is no trace of damage.

The white walls reflect warm colors in the soft sunlight. Surrounded by green plants, this huge library is as clean and quiet as the flowers blooming in the forest.

At this moment, the door of the library was wide open, as if to welcome Ulysses.

Walking into this white door, Ulysses saw a scene that he will never forget.

Surrounded by bookshelves full of scholarly scent, a beautiful girl in a blue dress is looking at the book in her hand intently.

The summer sunlight fell from the skylight of the library, making her whole body glow with soft golden color, and the snow-white skin was even softer. No other sound could be heard in the whole library, only the girl gently sighed. The sound of turning pages echoed in the library.

This library, this piece of sunshine, seems to exist only for her, filling this small world with that warm color.

In the eyes of Ulysses, this scene is like a painting, making him almost unable to move forward, for fear of destroying this beautiful scene.

"Who?" The girl who was reading finally noticed Ulysses' entry. She looked at the intruder with some displeased No one else should be allowed in here.

Anyone in this castle knows that this book belongs to her world, a sacred realm that no one can enter, not even her sisters Nanali and Palan.

However, Palan always wanted to steal the books here, so she taught her disobedient sister a lot.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you." Ulysses sincerely apologized.

"I haven't seen you...are you that prince?" For Miss Ayu, the owner of the castle, most people in her territory have an impression, and Ulysses is obviously not one of them.

"Yes." Ulysses can only admit his "prince" identity. In this world modified by Saya, even if he says his true identity, it doesn't make any sense.

"Hmph, let someone like you come to my library, Dad doesn't know what to think." Hugo walked up to Ulysses, then raised his head and looked at him.

Those beautiful big eyes are full of hostility. (To be continued)

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