Demon Lord Priest II

Vol 3 Chapter 236: Son of God (Part 1)

Chapter 236 The Son of God (1) (third, fourth)

This is the power that belongs to the Sons of God, and represents the worship of these sons of God chosen by the ancient souls in the southern land. Not all the deceased are eligible to complete the Great Reincarnation, and the weakest one has the strength close to the peak of the seventh level.

For the vast majority of ordinary people, it is impossible to tell the difference between the seventh level, the eighth level, and the higher realm of the ninth level. Because any seventh-level powerhouse represents the transcendence of human beings and possesses power that ordinary people cannot imagine. For ordinary people, they are all god-like heroes.

Therefore, the fourteen-year-old boys and girls who gained their power were called the children of God, and were known as the lucky ones who were loved by the gods. Even if the great reincarnation fails, the physique of the Son of God who has experienced that kind of transcendence in a short period of time will be greatly improved, thus gaining much stronger power than ordinary people, and the probability of breaking through his own boundaries is even higher than ordinary people. I don't know how many times higher.

Because they have personally touched the realm that is high in the eyes of others, and when they know that power is hidden in their bodies, they are just waiting for the moment of awakening. From this point of view, the phenomenon of reincarnation across generations is like a blessing unique to this southern land.

Although all the children of the gods will tell everyone that they are not resurrected from the dead, but only the heirs who have received the memory and power fragments of the dead. But everyone still regards them as the rebirth of the dead, and even directly regards them as the dead themselves.

Like Mayfair who gained the power of the Phoenix Phoenix, which was not originally her full name. However, when she gained the power of Phoenix Phoenix, everyone automatically forgot her original name, and only recognized "Mayfair", the name used by the descendants of Phoenix Phoenix in all dynasties.

In the concept of the southern tribal area, the name "Fair" is special, a name that only the successor of Phoenix Phoenix can use, a very sacred and glorious name.

When the girl gained the power from the legendary fantasy bird, her original name disappeared, leaving only the sacred and glorious name "Fei'er", and became the undead lord of glory.

In the same way, once the Great Reincarnation is successfully completed, the people of the southern tribes will automatically regard those who have gained the power of the deceased as the rebirth of the deceased. As a result, the Son of God was reborn and became a true hero of the southern land, enjoying all the rights and honors that the deceased should have during their lifetime.

If it is a male, the tribe where the deceased once belonged will voluntarily give up all rights and make the Son of God the leader of the clan. Unless that tribe now has a stronger guardian, this is an absolute rule by default, which transcends the iron rule above the law. .

If it is female, then basically it will return to the sequence of gods and witches, inheriting the name of the previous generation. Today, the fifth and seventh **** Miko, who are the highest ranked in the Southern Church, are in exactly the same situation.

It’s just that the seventh Mayfair is still very young, and the ranking can go up one or two more in her lifetime, while the current supreme goddess of the Southern Church is an elder who has held this position for nearly a hundred years. Almost in semi-retirement, he has not appeared in front of everyone for a long time.

Therefore, the current seventh **** witch, Mayfair, is also considered to be the future supreme **** witch of the southern church, and the successor of the church. If she can raise her strength to the limit, she will get the position of the sixth **** witch—that is also the position of "Mayfair" in all dynasties.

In fact, if it weren't for the higher ranking fifth **** witch, she was highly respected and respected by everyone. Mayfair may have become the highest **** witch of the Southern Church in advance.

The height of Phoenix Phoenix in the legend of the southern land is second only to the supreme "Destiny Twins". A ninth-level fantasy species is already close to the highest level of power in this world.

In the history of the Southern Church, many of the highest gods and witches were even outside the top ten. It was the glory of the entire Southern Church to have two top ten gods and witches appear together in this era. If there is no stronger fifth shrine maiden in office, the position of the current supreme shrine maiden will undoubtedly belong to Mayfair.

Below one person, above ten thousand people, this is where Mayfair is. She is also regarded as the hero of the entire southern tribe, the future supreme **** witch.

For Ulysses, who has a wonderful relationship with Mayfair, it was only when he came to this land that he really knew how high-ranking Mayfair was in the eyes of people in the southern tribal area.

The most outstanding genius among the gods and witches of this generation, the immortal goddess of glory, the greatest hero, and all the praise that can be added have been added to her. It even made Ulysses feel that the black-haired shrine maiden with a hint of melancholy in his mind was just his own fantasy.

In the eyes of people living on this land, Mayfair has long been deified and become a legend. They take it for granted that the seventh **** witch will have no troubles, her future has already been planned, and she will, like her predecessors, eventually reach the position of the sixth **** witch and become the legendary undead goddess. "Phil".

When the current fifth **** witch completely retired, Mayfair was the highest spiritual leader on this land.

For the southern tribal area where the state and religion are unified and there is no state, there is no difference between the supreme goddess and the supreme ruler, and even that position is far higher than that of the king and emperor of the three major countries.

In the entire continent, the only person who can be compared with this position is the Pope of the Supreme God. Within the confines of the southern tribal areas, the order of the supreme goddess and witches even took precedence over the pope.

Although the supreme gods and witches of the past dynasties rarely issued any orders, her absolute authority was given by the entire tribal alliance. The supreme **** witch represents the will of God and is the only supreme leader of all tribes. This is a law recognized by all tribes, and it is also the unique culture of southern tribal areas.

In the war of ancient magic, the witch who betrayed the magic emperor camp just returned to the southern tribe to make her voice heard, and the tribal leaders of the entire southern tribal area stood behind her and launched a campaign against the magic emperors who ruled the continent. He fought back without any hesitation.

In the eyes of people who came to the southern tribal area for the first time, the people on this land were very strange. There were few organized troops stationed in towns and cities, and the military discipline was extremely loose. The relationship between tribes and tribes is even more chaotic, like a group of people who are born to only love to live in the free world.

Only those who really know the history of this land understand that the people here do love freedom, but it is by no means sloppy. Under the rule of the Southern Church founded by the "Destiny Twins", this land has a strong vitality and fighting power. Even in the war three hundred years ago, they fought to the end and persisted with the goblins until the war. Finish.

In contrast, the central area and the west of the continent with ancient civilizations were almost completely destroyed in the war of the dead, and only a very small number of survivors escaped to the northernmost part of the continent.

Of course, that was already a distant past, and today the southern land is still as brimming with vitality as ever.

Because of the collective appearance of "Children of God", this originally remote town is now expanding wildly. It used to be a small town with only a few hundred people, but now the total population has exceeded 100,000, and it is still increasing continuously.

For the people of the southern tribal areas, every birth of the Son of God is a blessing. And this unprecedented miracle of more than a dozen children of gods appearing together has caused a sensation in the entire southern region, making this town, which originally had no name, become the focus of the entire southern region.

All kinds of businessmen, curious travelers, tribesmen ordered to come here to wait for the final result of the Son of God's choice, and ordinary people who are fanatical about the Son of God all gathered together, making this place feel like a festival every day. .

It is conceivable that more people will come here in the next time, making this town more prosperous and lively.

After spending some time, Ulysses and his party found a hotel that had just been established, and began to formulate a new plan to find the mythical gem of Hades.

Obviously, the previous plan was no longer available, and no one thought that the appearance of the Son of God would attract so many people. Although they probably don't even know what kind of gem the Pluto myth is, it is already a huge trouble for so many people to be together.

"This is troublesome..." For Ulysses, it is a good thing to have so many children of God at one time, but the gathering of such a large number of people is a big trouble, which means that the difficulty of finding the mythical gems of Hades has begun to rise.

Because there is no way to directly detect the Pluto mythical gem, Ulysses personally grasped this gem when he was in Taji City before confirming its speciality. And with so many people together, it is very likely that the Pluto mythical gem will be obtained by accident. That is not the result that Ulysses wants.

Sure enough, the key lies in the Son of God. It is necessary to know who is the Son of God who will eventually inherit the power of the dead, so that we can 100% find the Pluto mythical gem called the Stone of the Dead.

"What should I do next, go directly to those sons of God?" Mira looked at Ulysses.

If Xiaoyou needs to, she doesn't mind directly kidnapping those so-called sons of God, just as her ancestor, the eight-headed demon dragon Kasa, went to kidnap those princesses - those princesses are very useful tools for extorting ransom.

"According to the information, all the disclosed children of God are now in the shrine on the mountain over there and are protected by the Southern Church." Hugo pointed to a hill not far away, where a giant white barrier had opened up, blocking the It blocked the entry of idlers and blocked everyone's sight.

"It's divided into two ways. Sister Mila, you go there to observe first. I will look for clues in the town. Nanali will stay behind. Anyway, everyone will gather here at six o'clock." Ulysses calculated the time a little. made such a plan.

The gem of the mythology of Hades has not yet been born, and I don't know when it will be born. The best way is to cast a net.

Soon, the plan was approved.


Ulysses was walking in the crowd wearing a white robe. The southern tribal area seemed to dislike black very much, probably because of the hotter climate here, and it would be too conspicuous for him to wear the black wizard robe he was accustomed to.

- I couldn't finish it, I have to repeat it again, everyone wait an hour, I will revise it quickly-

This is the power that belongs to the Sons of God, and represents the worship of these sons of God chosen by the ancient souls in the southern land. Not all the deceased are eligible to complete the Great Reincarnation, and the weakest one has the strength close to the peak of the seventh level.

For the vast majority of ordinary people, it is impossible to tell the difference between the seventh level, the eighth level, and the higher realm of the ninth level. Because any seventh-level powerhouse represents the transcendence of human beings and possesses power that ordinary people cannot imagine. For ordinary people, they are all god-like heroes.

Therefore, the fourteen-year-old boys and girls who gained their power were called the children of God, and were known as the lucky ones who were loved by the gods. Even if the great reincarnation fails, the physique of the Son of God who has experienced that kind of transcendence in a short period of time will be greatly improved, thus gaining much stronger power than ordinary people, and the probability of breaking through his own boundaries is even higher than ordinary people. I don't know how many times higher.

Because they have personally touched the realm that is high in the eyes of others, and when they know that power is hidden in their bodies, they are just waiting for the moment of awakening. From this point of view, the phenomenon of reincarnation across generations is like a blessing unique to this southern land.

Although all the children of the gods will tell everyone that they are not resurrected from the dead, but only the heirs who have received the memory and power fragments of the dead. But everyone still regards them as the rebirth of the dead, and even directly regards them as the dead themselves.

Like Mayfair who gained the power of the Phoenix Phoenix, which was not originally her full name. However, when she gained the power of Phoenix Phoenix, everyone automatically forgot her original name, and only recognized "Mayfair", the name used by the descendants of Phoenix Phoenix in all dynasties.

In the concept of the southern tribal area, the name "Fair" is special, a name that only the successor of Phoenix Phoenix can use, a very sacred and glorious name.

When the girl gained the power from the legendary fantasy bird, her original name disappeared, leaving only the sacred and glorious name "Fei'er", and became the undead lord of glory.

In the same way, once the Great Reincarnation is successfully completed, the people of the southern tribes will automatically regard those who have gained the power of the deceased as the rebirth of the deceased. As a result, the Son of God was reborn and became a true hero of the southern land, enjoying all the rights and honors that the deceased should have during their lifetime.

If it is a male, the tribe where the deceased once belonged will voluntarily give up all rights and make the Son of God the leader of the clan. Unless that tribe now has a stronger guardian, this is an absolute rule by default, which transcends the iron rule above the law. .

If it is female, then basically it will return to the sequence of gods and witches, inheriting the name of the previous generation. Today, the fifth and seventh **** Miko, who are the highest ranked in the Southern Church, are in exactly the same situation.

It’s just that the seventh Mayfair is still very young, and the ranking can go up one or two more in her lifetime, while the current supreme goddess of the Southern Church is an elder who has held this position for nearly a hundred years. Almost in semi-retirement, he has not appeared in front of everyone for a long time.

Therefore, the current seventh **** witch, Mayfair, is also considered to be the future supreme **** witch of the southern church, and the successor of the church. If she can raise her strength to the limit, she will get the position of the sixth **** witch—that is also the position of "Mayfair" in all dynasties.

In fact, if it weren't for the higher ranking fifth **** witch, she was highly respected and respected by everyone. Mayfair may have become the highest **** witch of the Southern Church in advance.

The height of Phoenix Phoenix in the legend of the southern land is second only to the supreme "Destiny Twins". A ninth-level fantasy species is already close to the highest level of power in this world.

In the history of the Southern Church, many of the highest gods and witches were even outside the top ten. It was the glory of the entire Southern Church to have two top ten gods and witches appear together in this era. If there is no stronger fifth shrine maiden in office, the position of the current supreme shrine maiden will undoubtedly belong to Mayfair.

Below one person, above ten thousand people, this is where Mayfair is. She is also regarded as the hero of the entire southern tribe, the future supreme **** witch.

For Ulysses, who has a wonderful relationship with Mayfair, it was only when he came to this land that he really knew how high-ranking Mayfair was in the eyes of people in the southern tribal area.

The most outstanding genius among the gods and witches of this generation, the immortal goddess of glory, the greatest hero, and all the praise that can be added have been added to her. It even made Ulysses feel that the black-haired shrine maiden with a hint of melancholy in his mind was just his own fantasy.

In the eyes of people living on this land, Mayfair has long been deified and become a legend. They take it for granted that the seventh **** witch will have no troubles, her future has already been planned, and she will, like her predecessors, eventually reach the position of the sixth **** witch and become the legendary undead goddess. "Phil".

When the current fifth **** witch completely retired, Mayfair was the highest spiritual leader on this land.

For the southern tribal area where the state and religion are unified and there is no state, there is no difference between the supreme goddess and the supreme ruler, and even that position is far higher than that of the king and emperor of the three major countries.

In the entire continent, the only person who can be compared with this position is the Pope of the Supreme God. Within the confines of the southern tribal areas, the order of the supreme goddess and witches even took precedence over the pope.

Although the supreme gods and witches of the past dynasties rarely issued any orders, her absolute authority was given by the entire tribal alliance. The supreme **** witch represents the will of God and is the only supreme leader of all tribes. This is a law recognized by all tribes, and it is also the unique culture of southern tribal areas.

In the war of ancient magic, the witch who betrayed the magic emperor camp just returned to the southern tribe to make her voice heard, and the tribal leaders of the entire southern tribal area stood behind her and launched a campaign against the magic emperors who ruled the continent. He fought back without any hesitation.

In the eyes of people who came to the southern tribal area for the first time, the people on this land were very strange. There were few organized troops stationed in towns and cities, and the military discipline was extremely loose. The relationship between tribes and tribes is even more chaotic, like a group of people who are born to only love to live in the free world.

Only those who really know the history of this land understand that the people here do love freedom, but it is by no means sloppy. Under the rule of the Southern Church founded by the "Destiny Twins", this land has a strong vitality and fighting power. Even in the war three hundred years ago, they fought to the end and persisted with the goblins until the war. Finish.

In contrast, the central area and the west of the continent with ancient civilizations were almost completely destroyed in the war of the dead, and only a very small number of survivors escaped to the northernmost part of the continent.

Of course, that was already a distant past, and today the southern land is still as brimming with vitality as ever.

Because of the collective appearance of "Children of God", this originally remote town is now expanding wildly. It used to be a small town with only a few hundred people, but now the total population has exceeded 100,000, and it is still increasing continuously.

For the people of the southern tribal areas, every birth of the Son of God is a blessing. And this unprecedented miracle of more than a dozen children of gods appearing together has caused a sensation in the entire southern region, making this town, which originally had no name, become the focus of the entire southern region.

All kinds of curious travelers who come here, tribes who are ordered to come here to wait for the final result of the Son of God's choice, and ordinary people who are fanatical about the Son of God. It's like a holiday.

It is conceivable that more people will come here in the next time, making this town more prosperous and lively.

After spending some time, Ulysses and his party found a hotel that had just been established, and began to formulate a new plan to find the mythical gem of Hades.

Obviously, the previous plan was no longer available, and no one thought that the appearance of the Son of God would attract so many people. Although they probably don't even know what kind of gem the Pluto myth is, it is already a huge trouble for so many people to be together.

"This is troublesome..." For Ulysses, it is a good thing to have so many children of God at one time, but the gathering of such a large number of people is a big trouble, which means that the difficulty of finding the mythical gems of Hades has begun to rise.

Because there is no way to directly detect the Pluto mythical gem, Ulysses personally grasped this gem when he was in Taji City before confirming its speciality. And with so many people together, it is very likely that the Pluto mythical gem will be obtained by accident. That is not the result that Ulysses wants.

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