Demon Lord Priest II

Vol 3 Chapter 265: first love (below)

Chapter 265 First Love

Mira smiled at Mayfair, who looked at Ulysses with an obsessive look she had seen on other girls more than once.

Xiaoyou, in fact, you can be happy, as long as you can let go of the past. It's not for you to forget, but to let go. If Yulia was still there, I wouldn't expect you to become what you are now because of her.

Yulia's words must also hope that you can be happy.

"Hey, that witch's eyes don't seem to be right." The three tails behind Palan turned around. Although she is also a layman in love, Mayfair is too good at concealing her emotions, except for Ulysses. No one else can see the love in her eyes now.

"Love at first sight? Strange, it wasn't like this when she came just now." Hugo crushed a gem and carefully played back Mayfair's expression when she just came out of the temple.

Confident, firm, and without the slightest hesitation, it fits her identity as the seventh **** witch, but after Ulysses used the silver healing hand, she seemed to be a different person, looking at him as if looking at him. Just like your lover.

Is it that fast? Hugo felt that his love was very sudden, but it still started after he accepted Ulysses' engagement gift. The original reason for falling in love with Ulysses was because he had hands that could create fantastic dolls.

After the love started, she discovered more advantages in him, which made her infatuated and liked. For her first love, such a lover was almost perfect—even better if there was no one else.

"The smell on her body is a bit wrong, it seems to be very chaotic." Palan shrugged, and the instinct of the golden-haired jade-faced nine-tailed fox made her smell some kind of breath emanating from Mayfair's body, which is for the current For her, who was in the young state of the golden-haired jade-faced nine-tailed fox, it was extremely dangerous.

This kind of feeling will only appear in the face of some powerful beings that even the mature golden-haired, jade-faced nine-tailed fox finds difficult.

Phoenix Phoenix, is that that? It's not a secret that Mayfair's body is boarding, but such a strong taste is not as simple as a boarding body.

"Is there a danger to Ulysses?" At this time, Hugo and Palan were on the same front.

"To a certain extent, it is very dangerous... She may want to eat Ulysses." Palan said solemnly.

Hugo was shocked, how could this be possible, the Phoenix Phoenix turned out to be such a dangerous monster? It is much more ferocious than Palan of the golden-haired jade-faced nine-tailed fox.

"Then do we want to kill her." Hugo was ready to do whatever it took, and the Phoenix Phoenix, the phoenix, made a fatal threat to her fiancé.

"What we can't do, we can't do it." Palan shook his head. Since the breath of Phoenix Phoenix was so strong that she could smell it casually, it was only a matter of time before she fully woke up.

The awakened phoenix Phoenix, even the nine-tailed golden-haired and jade-faced nine-tailed fox might not win, after all, it is a legendary creature.

"Don't we want to watch Ulysses get eaten, it's not good, just ask Mira and the others for help." Miss Hugo is absolute when it comes to protecting her lover.

"Call me?" Mira leaned over curiously. From just now, she had noticed Palan and Hugo who were talking to each other. Could there be something that couldn't be said to her.

"Sister Mila, the big thing is bad, that Mayfair seems to be eating Ulysses." Hugo said quite nervously.

eat? How could it be, those eyes were clearly in love... Mira looked at Palan, who was snickering, and laughed together.

"How did you eat it?"

"Of course..." A tragic picture appeared in Hugo's mind. Mayfair, who spread his huge wings and held a sharp kitchen knife, smashed Ulysses into eight pieces, and then drank his flesh and blood.

I heard that some life in nature breeds offspring by devouring males. Is the phoenix phoenix that type?

The love at first sight of Phoenix Phoenix is ​​really terrible!

"Actually, it's like this. Phoenix Phoenix will take off Ulysses' clothes first." Palan began to teach Miss Hugo, who didn't know anything.

"Ah... wow..." Hugo felt unbearable just thinking about that part, eating people or something was really too barbaric.

"Then lick Ulysses' body little by little, from head to toe." Palan described the scene vividly, as if she had witnessed it with her own eyes.

Is this a taste test? Hugo felt even more shudder, this feeling of dying will definitely make people crazy.

"And then she'll kiss Ulysses..."

yeah? The tragic picture Hugo imagined was instantly shattered, and what was Palan saying now.

"Kiss very hard, very hard, then started taking off her clothes, and woo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-h-h-hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh her **** look pretty predictable, Ulysses Lisis should feel comfortable."

"Wait, didn't you say you would eat Ulysses?" Hugo raised his hand, looking at the sly golden-haired jade-faced nine-tailed fox with doubts.

"Haha, yes, just like I did back then, eating Ulysses clean." Palan recalled his great achievement, eating Ulysses before Hugo, but it was worth showing off. A lifetime of great achievements.

"Palan!" Hugo was angry. It turned out that the "eaten" of the Phoenix Phoenix meant this!

"So don't haha." Also as a super monster (although it is a juvenile), the effect of the golden-haired jade-faced nine-tailed fox on the smell of Ulysses is clear. , that kind of temptation can't even stand her firm spirit, and Phoenix Phoenix will definitely be affected.

The reason why this Mayfair has such a chaotic atmosphere must be influenced by Ulysses. Only female super monsters who have been in close contact with it know how attractive and sweet it is.

Of course, it's not just the taste, it's a very, very comfortable thing to actually mate, even the golden-haired, jade-faced nine-tailed fox Palan, who is talented and charming, is also immersed in that joy.

What kind of super beast Ulysses is, but I can't figure out what kind of super monster Ulysses is. A mixed super monster.

In fact, it doesn't take much to think about it, Ulysses is a wonderful and charming partner who is very gentle with women, and it's enough to know that. In this era when male super monsters are almost extinct, he is a rare resource.

Speaking of which, the recent issues of the Super Warcraft Alliance seem to be all about pregnancy and children...

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