Demon Lord Priest II

Vol 3 Chapter 275: fog of war (medium)

Chapter 275 The fog of war (middle) (second more)

"The Fog of Eternal War, what those pointed ears used to hunt down those unfortunate ancient god-level demons?" As the youngest Dark Protoss, Chris has never experienced that era, but he is no stranger to this fog of war.

Unlike the ancient god-level demons who have nowhere to go, the Dark Protoss will not really die even if they are killed in the fog of war. As long as the Dark Temple is still there, and as long as the brilliance of the Heavenly Snake still shelters the Dark God Race, then the Dark God Race is truly immortal, but every time it suffers a fatal death, it must spend more time to resurrect.

There are also a few ancient god-level demons who died in the hands of the dark gods. Her brother and sister had been stained with the blood of the powerful demons. Among them, several immortal corpses of demons are now under the dark temple. When the foundation stone is used to speed up the recovery of the sleeping Dark Protoss.

However, that was a few years ago. Ever since the Supreme Divine Sect abused the power of the Holy Book of Light to summon angels to harvest the ancient god-level demons hidden in the entire continent like reaping wheat, the once majestic ancient God-level demons can almost be said to be completely wiped out.

Even if there are one or two who slip through the net occasionally, they all hide in the lair that no one knows about and dare not show up again. I am afraid that these unfortunate fellows will not dare to climb out of their hiding lair until after the dissolution of the Supreme God Cult.

"There can be no mistake." Meiya would never misunderstand the great forbidden technique that was once used to hunt down ancient god-level demons.

"Then, is this intended to stop us? The Southern Church has found a goblin to help?" Chris was not very clear about the specific properties of the fog of eternal war, and he took it for granted.

"No, that's not the case." Maya shook her head and pointed her finger at the undulating white mist.

"The Fog of Eternal War is a rare special forbidden law that can interfere with all elements in the super domain forbidden law. In the place covered by it, even the spatial coordinates of various elements will enter a slightly distorted state."

"The protective barrier of this shrine has been completely destroyed by the fog of eternal war."

"Also, some creatures with dark attributes entered." Luo Ni smelled some dark and obscure breath in the air, which was not the breath of the living.

"That is to say, someone has already invaded this shrine before us." Combining the words of Maya and Luo Ni, Chris came to this very simple conclusion.

How about that! Chris's effort instantly exploded, and a huge purple flame rose from behind her, covering a small half of the sky.

However, such a powerful flame of destruction only dispelled the fog of war for a distance of less than ten meters, and a new fog of war soon came over.

"Prince Chris, attacking the fog of war itself is useless. This fog of war is mixed with various elements, and it will automatically set up a circular sequence after it unfolds. If you can't destroy it all in one go, it will become more and more The stronger." Maya stopped Prince Chris' attack, which was just a waste of power.

The witch family has a detailed record of this eternal fog of war, which is not a simple fog that can be dispelled with violence. If the fog of eternal war can be broken through power alone, the ancient god-level demons will not die.

According to the records of the witch family, no effective means of directly breaking the fog of war has been found so far. The only known way to get rid of it is to kill the high goblin that unfolds the fog of war, but this happened only once in the battle of the goblin court to hunt down the ancient god-level demon.

But after the decline of elves, are there any remaining high elves who can use the Fog of Eternal War? Meiya remembered that because of the difficulty of cultivation, this legendary forbidden technique was almost lost among the goblins.

"No matter, let's go in directly." Chris couldn't restrain her inner impulse, knowing that the Three Divine Artifacts were inside, how could she, who represented the will of the Dark Protoss, could hold back.

"Understood, please be careful." Maya did not intend to stop Prince Chris, the fog of eternal war is not a direct attack type of forbidden law, to really kill people still need a strong enough shot.

Prince Chris, who has an unprecedented triple gate, is not afraid of any opponent.

Soon, the members of the Seven Nights led by Prince Chris disappeared into the fog of war and went to an unfathomable unknown area.


Meanwhile, in the depths of the fog of war.

Ulysses took Mayfair's hand and flew in the air, looking at the scenery under his feet, trying to find a way to the central temple. However, lacking knowledge of the fog of war, he found that no matter how hard he tried, he could not successfully land in the area he wanted to go to.

Obviously, the destination has been completely locked in the air, but when it descends, the fog will automatically come over, and then when he and Mayfair land, they will fall into an unfamiliar area that is completely unknown.

It was the first time Ulysses saw this forbidden technique, and there was no sign of forced space transfer, but it would always make people unable to find their way and go where they should not go.

Here, the relationship between space and location has become blurred, and the entire Shenmeng Shrine has become a huge labyrinth. Various sense of dislocation make even those who are familiar with this shrine lose their way.

And Ulysses, who was not familiar with Shenmeng Shrine in the first place, couldn't even find his way after falling into the fog of war.

However, I don’t know if it was lucky or unfortunate, after many failed landings, Ulysses finally met someone. Accurately speaking, they are not human. The black runes are wrapped around them, making them the biggest alien in this white fog.

These are the dark gods who were not affected by the fog of war under the influence of Le Kutorou. They went straight to the central temple, but two people fell in the air on the way.

"Why, there's a kid in white here."

"Looking at that age, it is estimated that the milk has not been weaned yet. The little guy gets out of the way and doesn't get in our way."

"and many more!"

Not all the dark gods are as arrogant and ignorant as the first two, among them, Seven Tribulations Sword, the leader, was the first to feel the unusualness of Mayfair.

Although he didn't even wear any armor, he just casually wore black clothes. However, Mayfair just stood there, giving him a huge threat. A threat that made him want to unleash his power and perform seven robbery.

He almost forgot this feeling, it was the taste of a powerful enemy that he had to go all out for even at his peak.

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