Demon Lord Priest II

Vol 3 Chapter 292: little storm (below)

Chapter two hundred and ninety-two small disturbances

If it is said that before meeting Ulysses, these three goblins were still a little dazed about their future gender choices. At this moment, in front of the charm of Sun Butterfly, in their eager mood, there is no doubt about the answer.

For the goblins born from the tree of life, the gender is mainly determined according to their own hobbies and career planning. Because there is no trouble with breeding offspring, it is not surprising that many goblins do not choose gender in their lives.

Gender is a feature that is only required by species that require bisexual reproduction. In fact, the original high elves were genderless. The matter of choosing a gender is still a custom developed slowly after the fairies interact with other races and intelligent beings.

For goblins, choosing a gender is actually roughly the same as choosing a job match for humans. If you prefer professions such as the dashing and agile sword dancer, you will choose male identity; if you love to cultivate plants and cast spells, most of them will choose female identity, and there are many professions that do not need to choose gender at all and can do well , so there is nothing wrong with not choosing a gender.

Choosing a gender because of the feelings in your heart is a rare event among the fairies. The goblins can be self-sufficient in almost everything, and there are not many things that need to be traded with other races. It is not easy to make them tempted.

However, in front of the fluttering golden sun butterflies, almost all fairies lost their immunity. The three goblins in front of Ulysses were even more fascinated by the direct contact with Sun Butterfly.

So, they wanted to stay with Ulysses anyway—to be precise with those golden butterflies with their magical charm.

When they saw that Ulysses was about to turn around and leave, the three of them finally couldn't bear it any longer, and threw all the exhortations and admonitions from the elders of the clan to the end.

Originally, this kind of thing needs to be cautious and careful, and it should be carried out in the safest fairy colony. The elders will come from afar to guard their transformation ceremony.

But if, like this, they never see those beautiful golden butterflies again, they will regret it for the rest of their lives. Only on this point, the three people's opinions are completely unanimous.

Who says fairies can't be impulsive, that's just because most of the time fairies don't encounter things that make them impulsive. In the face of what really needs to be chased, even a small fairy will be full of courage.

Don't forget, although they look small, the adult time of the goblins is completely different from that of humans. They seem to be young, each of them is much older than Ulysses, and they are more courageous than Ulysses when they need to make decisions because of emotional issues.

The pursuit of beauty is to carry out the wishes of all fairies throughout their lives. And the golden butterfly flying on Ulysses' shoulders is like an elves walking out of a dream. How beautiful and elegant, the fairies are willing to exchange for such beauty at any price.

"Big brother, look back."

"We've decided!"

"What you need to get married with big brother, let's see."

In the tender voices of the three goblins full of pleading, Ulysses turned helplessly, and then saw a beautiful scene that he had never seen before.

Not only him, but also the grown-up fairies who quietly followed the goblins and Ulysses were dumbfounded. They never thought that these three little guys would actually complete their vital rituals in such a place.

That's three flowers, three beautiful little flowers.

The color of the first flower is the red of a rose. It has three round petals. It is as bright as a beautiful ruby ​​under the sun, and there is a small gem in the middle, which is obviously still undeveloped.

The color of the second flower is sky-like cyan, and the seven petals surround the cyan gemstone in the middle, flying like a knight embracing a king.

The color of the third flower is the deep purple of violet, and the bud-like structure tightly wraps the immature purple gemstone, giving people a mysterious and restrained beauty.

The three flowers were held in the palms of the three fairy girls, as if they would be broken if they were touched lightly.

Yes, it was a girl, not a little goblin of no gender. When the three of them proposed to Ulysses, they decided the gender of their choice together.

Ulysses is the eldest brother, a human male, if they want to conclude a human marriage contract with him, of course, their character must be female.

Summoning the flower of life hidden in one's own body, making a wish to it with the most sincere heart, and integrating one's own life and the flower of life into one, is the ceremony for the goblin to choose gender.

This ceremony is very, very important, and no one is allowed to disturb it, especially for underage goblins, you need to be careful. Because their flower of life is still in the larval stage and can even be destroyed, and for the goblins, the death of the flower of life is equivalent to its own demise.

Showing such a young flower of life to Ulysses, and opening it without reservation, represents the courage and determination of these goblins.

Although still young, this intention is absolutely serious, and this is what the young fairies want to express to Ulysses.

They who have completed their gender selection are obviously a year or two older than before. The long green hair was like a shining spring, fluttering gently with the breeze blowing from the forest, like a trickle. The small Qiong nose stood upright, and the clear beautiful eyes were as pure and deep as a pool of clear water.

If they were a bit like children who didn't understand the world just now, then now that they have completed the ritual, they are truly beautiful fairies, cute girls who are enough to fascinate everyone.

"It's beautiful, it's incredible." Ulysses didn't know what the scene he was seeing now represented, but simply admired this extraordinary beauty.

The goblins are indeed the most beautiful and mysterious race on the continent.

He was completely unaware that the three fairy girls presented the flower of life, which represented their own lives, in front of him in their original form, which meant that they trusted him wholeheartedly and did not hesitate to share their most precious treasures with him.

For fairies who don't pay attention to contracts and documents, this is already an intimacy beyond human marriage. The original form of the Flower of Life, apart from the Tree of Life, is a secret that will only be opened to the most special person.

In the concept of the goblin family, this is the highest ritual used by goblins to express their hearts to their favorite people. For underage goblins, this can even be said to be a confession of love at the risk of their lives.

Such a tender flower of life is very vulnerable, and it is conceivable how much courage they used to take such a tender flower out of their bodies.

"Can I touch it?" Ulysses meant nothing else, just pure curiosity.

He won't know, in the goblin society, this sentence is almost equivalent to saying to the beloved girl - will you give me your first time?

Humans who are not fairies will never understand how special the Flower of Life is to fairies. For the fairies born from the tree of life, this is their eternal treasure and the most cherished source of life.

But even so, they did not refuse Ulysses' request, but gathered up the courage to put the flowers representing their lives in Ulysses' hands.

To Ulysses, it was the same as letting the three little guys touch the sun butterfly on his shoulder. But the truth is, even if they were already mentally prepared, when they handed the Flower of Life to Ulysses, the three goblins were so shy they couldn't raise their heads.

Shouldn't such a ceremony be held secretly when we are alone? It really doesn't matter to do such a shameful thing in front of so many sisters.

Big brother is a human, so I might prefer this, so I'm really sorry.

In this case, are we already married to the big brother?

Ulysses foolishly took the three flowers that were almost equal to the girl's life, and then felt the different characteristics of the three flowers with his heart.

The rose-red flower has the power of flame, and the core of the gem can vaguely see the shape of the bow, which should be the prototype of a flame magic bow.

The aura of the azure flowers is extremely sharp, and the shadows of the double swords in the core of the gem are looming. This is the prototype of a pair of magic swords.

Violet flowers are the most effective, and the things contained in them are not fully formed, only a vague shadow.

But no matter what kind of Noble Phantasm these three Flowers of Life will become in the future, they are all quiet in Ulysses' palm at the moment, and the flowers that have not yet developed appear so Fragile, as if Ulysses applied a little force and they broke.

Of course, Ulysses wouldn't do that kind of brutality. After carefully admiring these three flowers and fully feeling the different characteristics of the three flowers of life, he returned the flowers for some unknown reason. Three little goblins with red cheeks.

"Big brother, from now on we are your fairy bride."

"Please treat us well."

"Don't do anything too rude, we are afraid of pain."

The three goblins looked at Ulysses with their big watery eyes, apparently already acknowledging this fact. What Ulysses did to them just now is what humans call "first night" in the concept of fairies.

For the fairies who regard the flower of life as the meaning of their life, this is not wrong at all.

No, there's no such thing... Ulysses looked at these three little guys who didn't know why they were clinging to him and didn't want to let go. He wasn't so thirsty for this kind of goblin.

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