Demon Lord Priest II

Vol 2 Chapter 57: The Enrollment Mission of the Apostles Corps (middle)

Although this tyrannical ice-smashing dragon couldn't understand what Kana was talking about, it felt that the place was chilling after being focused on an important part by the cat-eared maid who was good at cooking.

Sensing this unknown huge crisis, the Ice Shattering Dragon roared in the sky and took out his life-saving stunt.

The Ice Shattering Dragon does not have the bloodline of the real dragon family, but the reason why it is called a dragon and is so difficult that even the Ah Na family that controls this area has to issue an order to kill it, naturally has its special power.

That huge body is not just a decoration. In that huge body, there is a magic power that shakes the earth. As far as combat power is concerned, I am afraid that the weak eighth-level monster - Bell Cat Kana is more than one.

If it can continue to grow, it is really possible to advance to the legendary eighth-level Warcraft, and it is a fighting-type overlord with rich practical experience and talent.

"Huh!" The wind and snow in the sky began to dance wildly, and the sky even began to darken. That was a sign that the powerful magic of the Ice Shattering Dragon began to interfere with the world and form an ice storm.

Its incomparably huge body began to deform, its triangular head began to become unusually sharp, and its huge mouth became as sharp as a steel needle. When it opened its mouth, four rows of teeth as sharp as swords could be seen.

The ten-meter-long tail began to grow sharp serrations at this moment. The white scales that were originally close to the snow and ice were flying and discolored, turning into an ice blue like lake water. The two claws that were cut in half by Arselia's invisible sword automatically shrank, turning into two crampons that gathered a huge amount of ice and snow.

A pair of incomplete aqua blue wings struggled to stretch out from behind it, greedily absorbing the ice and snow magic in the atmosphere. Countless blue light waves surround it, making it look like a dragon.

"Hmph, pseudo-dragon beast." Hydra, who has been lacking in interest, saw the current state of this ice-shattering dragon, showing a dismissive look.

Pseudo-dragon beasts, this is the general term for those powerful beasts that do not have the blood of the dragon race, but madly pursue the power of the dragon race. The blood of the dragon family has an irresistible attraction for many beasts. In order to obtain this powerful power, many monsters with huge magic power will use their own magic power to forcibly transform their bodies to achieve the effect of partially simulating the abilities of dragons.

In order to get close to the dragons, they may learn everything about the dragons, the hunting methods of the dragons, the patterns of the dragons, and the magic of the dragons. Although it is impossible to reach the level of a real dragon, I don't know why some guys are doing it like crazy.

They have nothing to do with the dragon family at all, not even the Yalongs, but only pseudo-dragons. Most of the negative evaluations of the dragon race in human society are caused by such monsters.

Without the wisdom of the dragon family, only the instinct of destruction and hunting, the pseudo-dragon that is close to the dragon family is undoubtedly the kind of monster that humans fear.

However, for Hydra, who once singled out three real dragons and finally beat those three unlucky guys to tears in a protracted battle, he could only hold his head and run away, this kind of pseudo-dragon would never end. The role of the table.

After taking the form of a pseudo-dragon, the ice-smashing dragon roared and flew into the sky, then charged towards Arselia and the others with an unstoppable force.

The straight-line impact this time was exceptionally fierce and powerful, and even Arseria didn't choose to directly evolve, but instead flicked with all her strength, dodging the move from the side. It is a foolish thing to directly evolve and fight against the magical beasts with enormous natural power.

"Hey!" Mihalu didn't even want to try to collide with this big guy. She punched the ground, and then used the reaction force to jump up high, and at the same time began to punch continuously, every time With a single punch, a meteor-like flash slammed into the Ice Shattering Dragon.

"Dream Crystal Talisman, mobile mode." Rasputin turned on the function of the Dream Crystal Talisman being activated, and three-color light surrounded her, adding a magic circle that contained thunder, fire, and wind at the same time under her feet.

After the figure was blurred for a while, Rasputin was already 100 meters away when she reappeared. This constant movement ability that burst out in a short period of time just made up for the weakness of her slow movement when she used the power of the dream crystal charm in the past.

The ground that was torn apart by the straight impact of the ice smashing dragon appeared countless meters high and extremely sharp blue ice edges. At the same time as it flew by, these ice ridges also exploded one after another, blasting out countless extremely cold ice mists.

"Huh!" The ice shattering dragon flying in the air waved its wings and shot down a cloud of blue ice bullets on the ground.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The ground hit by the ice bomb was blasted out one after another with large pits up to ten meters deep.

However, this kind of indiscriminate and large-scale bombing obviously can't blow up anyone, whether it is Arseria or Mihalu, Rasputin easily dodges.

Bingbingkong's huge body began to hover high in the air, and while waving its wings, it frantically opened its big mouth and let out a roar that shook the world.


The huge magic power was concentrated in its mouth in one breath, and the whole world suddenly became blurred, as if it had fallen into a fog of confusion.

This is Ice Shattering Dragon Strong's trump card. It simulates the psychedelic breath formed by the real dragon's breath, and combines the instinctual ice and snow illusion with its huge magic power to form a full-range attack.

The remaining ice edge fragments on the surface and the ice bombs just shot were all for this all-out blow. Unlike the bell cat maid who was pampered and forgot her fighting instincts, the ice shattering dragon living in the harsh northern land is truly a monster at the top of the food chain.

Then, there was light.

It was the light emanating from a soul-stirring golden sword. In the distant past, in order to defend her country, a young girl pulled out this holy sword and shouldered the heavy responsibility of defending the country and the people, becoming a king. .

For this reason, she lost the power to continue to grow, and she did not put down the sword until she died on the battlefield.

This sword is with her soul and will, and even if the country has disappeared, this golden holy sword that symbolizes mankind's desire for victory continues to remain.

Humans will age and die, but the will represented by this sword will not change. This is Arselia's Noble Phantasm - the golden holy sword of the oath.

This sword, which brings together countless people's prayers and hopes for victory, is a veritable sword of victory.

Arselia, who had never really used the full power of this sword since her resurrection, released the power contained in this sword in one breath, just as she had done on the battlefield of death in the past.

This requires a high degree of unity between her and the sword's will, synchronizing the magic power in the body and the fluctuation of the sword to a very high degree. After all, her current body is not her real body before, but a body created by the power of Astaroth held by Ulysses. It took her considerable time to reach this weight.

But when she regained her true power, the king of knights who once became a legend in the Necromancer war also came back.

An incomparably brilliant and vast sword light ripped apart the sky, tearing apart the psychedelic breath of the Ice Shattering Dragon with ease. It looks like a volcano on the ground has been ignited and exploded, and the golden torrent of ten meters in diameter overwhelmingly destroyed the full magical breath of the Ice Shattering Dragon, and even its huge dragon head was cut open.

It was an unstoppable golden sword light, the triumphant sword that represented Arselia's faith and will.

"Arseria, that's amazing." Mihalu, whose eyes were sore from the psychedelic breath of the ice-shattering dragon, shook off the remaining ice mist and looked excitedly at the knight girl in the blue and white louvered battle dress. .

"Okay." For the first time, Rasputin realized that the pure sword light could actually be stronger than the magic that he dreamed of coming out of the crystal rune. If it wasn't for that sword, they might be in trouble now.

This ice smashing dragon has stronger power than the intelligence, and the average seventh-level powerhouse is dead and alive. It is no wonder that people around here regard it as a real evil dragon.

The ice-smashing dragon, which was decapitated by Arselia's sword, still maintained its spitting posture, and the remaining magic power supported its corpse to stay in the air for a full minute, and it crashed like a hill.

"Boom!" The huge sound made the earth tremble, and the once mighty monster finally came to an end.

However, this is not its true ending. If it knew for what reason that it was ordered to crusade by Aya, I am afraid that it would be smashed to death in grief.

"Meow, the work of our maid team is here!" As far as the battle started, the cat-eared maid who only reminded Arselia from the beginning to the end of UU reading made a grand appearance.

The living ice shattering dragon is an opponent she disdains to shoot (in fact, she can't beat it), but the dead ice shattering dragon is just a fresh large-scale ingredient. Thanks to the ice fog for freshness created by this ice smashing dragon, now is the right time to collect high-quality ingredients.

"Arseria, Mihalu, Rasputin, you also come to help." Kanai took out the ruler and began to mark the parts that need to be divided and processed on the corpse of the ice shattering dragon.

Dragon Head, Dragon Tail, Dragon Wings, Dragon Eyes, Dragon Claws, Dragon Belly, Dragon Liver, Dragon Heart, Dragon Back Legs, Dragon Front Legs, and Aya's Special Order for Stewed Soup. As a professional chef Kanai rudely calculated every part that the Ice Shatter Dragon could use, and then gave a solution.

"Would my dear like the meat of this kind of thing?" Mihalu looked curiously at the cut back legs of the lower body of the Ice Shattered Dragon.

Kana cut a piece of meat and smelled it, and answered with a very positive answer.

"This meat is very good meow, because it is attacking, the essence of this idiot is strong. Pillow... No, the master will definitely like it."

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