Demon Lord Priest II

Vol 3 Chapter 501: Death of Rain and Sand (Part 1)

Ulysses would not allow himself to be defeated in order to revive Yulia's mythical gem of Hades. ~ This is the first time in his life that he has such a strong desire to win, to win, to be the strongest.

Therefore, he can't give up, let alone escape, even if the opponent is Yusha.

Compared with Ulysses, Yusha bet more things, and the silver thread connecting the two represents her unshakable determination.

Because she loves him too much, loves her lover.

For different reasons and different persistence, this battle has long been doomed.


One, two, three... Countless pieces of Noble Phantasm flew out from the treasure house of Babylon behind the rain and sand, aiming at Ulysses and falling like a torrential rain.

These Noble Phantasms have their own legends and different heroic stories, which contain an extremely strong power of belief, both in terms of strength and lethality, far exceeding those swords projected by Lara at that time.

Because they are all real treasures, real treasures, not projected fantasies, this is the most terrifying part of Babylon's treasure house.

However, the current Ulysses is no longer the Ulysses who fought against Lara at that time. He has already crossed that crucial step.

The golden eyes are like quiet lakes, unable to see the slightest fluctuation, but the surrounding darkness becomes deeper and more terrifying.

When the dense Noble Phantasm attacked like a torrential rain, what Ulysses did was to draw out his sword.

It was a high-speed sword so fast that the shadow of the sword could not be seen. If the Noble Phantasm group falling from the sky was a storm. Then Ulysses' sword is the ocean. The ocean that contains all the rainstorms and swallows them.




This is the sound of a Noble Phantasm that is not strong enough on its own being smashed by Ulysses' sword rain. ~

Before this, the Demon King's Sword from Astaroth had to work hard to suppress its own power to cooperate with Ulysses, because even a little too much power would cause Ulysses' body to collapse.

At this moment, Ulysses can finally release part of the power of the abyss's conviction. Compared to the previous short-term liberation, it seems that the abyss is too wronged.

In the flying golden runes, the abyss's conviction showed its true edge, even if it was only a trivial part, it was enough to completely chop the Noble Phantasm with insufficient fantasy strength.

This is the real abyss, the real sword of the devil.

in front of this sword. Those ordinary treasures are no longer allowed to appear for the second time. What the Dragon Emperor Destruction Sword can do, the abyss can only do it easier, not just rely on the power of the curse.

This sword can shatter even a world. The sword of the Demon King that can kill even the supreme god. How could the Noble Phantasm crystallized into the fantasy of this world resist its sword light.

As Ulysses advances on the road of the Demon King, the power of this Demon King's sword will be stronger, and the posture that Ulysses is showing now is just the tip of the iceberg of its true face.

Yusha looked at the Noble Phantasms shattered by Ulysses' sword in surprise. Although the Noble Phantasms were only used in large-scale military use, the Noble Phantasms were almost indestructible as the crystallization of human fantasy.

Being able to destroy the Noble Phantasm means that the power of that magic sword completely surpasses the limits of these illusions. In front of that magic sword, all the Noble Phantasms of weaker strength have completely lost their meaning.

It's like smashing a stone with an egg. Even if you take 10,000 eggs, you can't smash through the stone. Because the "quality" of the two sides is not on the same level at all.

As for Maffey's impression, Yusha was still stuck when he was a cardinal, and he couldn't imagine his attitude at the moment.

For a moment, Yusha wondered if she really made a mistake. But in the next instant, the pain caused by the silver thread told her that the person in front of her was undoubtedly the one she loved and hated, her eternal love.

"Switch!" Of course, Babylon's treasure trove was not limited to Noble Phantasms of this level. With Yusha's order, all low-level Noble Phantasms disappeared in the rain of swords.

Instead, it was a new Noble Phantasm that far surpassed those of the previous Noble Phantasm in terms of legend level.

some of. The sword is the most common, because the sword is the Noble Phantasm passed down by countless people in this world, and it represents the crystallization of the strongest fantasy of mankind. In countless legends, they are even more remembered than the protagonists of the stories, and they are the real protagonists of the legends.

As a result, the Noble Phantasm floating behind Yusha was drastically reduced to less than one-tenth of what it was before. However, the pressure on Ulysses was even greater and heavier.

The brilliance of countless legendary swords reflected each other. It turned into a sharp sword light and shot at Ulysses.

The one that moves like the wind and moves erratically is the magic sword of the wind system; the one that emits holy light and engraved with the cross coat of arms is the holy sword loved by the Crusaders; Demon sword; the body of the sword is corroded by its own power, it is a poison sword.

The power of frost, the power of lightning, the power of storm, the power of fire... These are the holy swords of the element system.

The huge cross and the upside-down spiked magic mirror are the Noble Phantasms for auxiliary use and the Noble Phantasm of Faith for battlefield use.

The only thing they have in common is that they are very lethal, and they are weapons that are really used to kill people, and none of them are used to save people.

Unable to continue like this, Ulysses took a deep breath, and then raised the abyss in his hand to convict.

In one second, or a shorter time, an endless power like the abyss was released from the sword of the abyss.

This kind of power does not belong to this world.

This power, the more Ulysses used it, the more terrifying it felt.

This kind of power should not appear in this world, because it has the possibility of destroying the entire world.

This is the darkness from Astaroth, the malice overflowing from the abyss.

Then, black sword marks appeared.

Without the incomparable momentum of the past, Ulysses just waved lightly, creating a dark scar that separated the world and tore the space.

Although it is a simplified version, in terms of power, it is far more powerful than the strongest sword that he could use when he first got the abyss. This is the true form of the dark mark. Just a basic sword.

Of course, this can also be the strongest sword, a scar that represents the most terrifying form of the power of darkness.

The many Noble Phantasms that came flying were easily swallowed by this dark trace, and most of them were instantly decomposed into the most basic particles, and only a very small part could leave contaminated wreckage, and then it was quickly destroyed. Distorted, disintegrated.

Sharp dark marks penetrated through the treasure house of Babylon behind Yusha, and passed by her side, causing a large number of black stains to appear on the golden fairy armor she was wearing.

However, this golden fairy armor obviously has extraordinary power. It automatically decomposes countless fragments to isolate the contaminated parts, and then automatically repairs the lost parts.

"Sure enough... this is your true strength." Yu Desert looked at the Dark Mark passing by him indifferently, without the slightest fear or unease in his eyes.

Strange, what's wrong! Ulysses raised the abyss in his hand to convict, the sword should have really threatened to kill her just now, why can she not care so much.

In her eyes, she could not see the enthusiasm for fighting and the belief that it was inevitable, but more something that he could not understand.

The sadness, the deepness, the reluctance to part, yet so firm, so unshakable.

"Next, you will see the true power of Babylon's treasure house." Although thousands of Noble Phantasms have been polluted and destroyed, Yusha's eyes did not hesitate, and he continued to summon a new group of Noble Phantasms. .

The number of treasures in the collection is so large that the treasure house of Babylon said that no one can say that it is second. Even if Ulysses destroyed thousands of pieces, there were still more spares inside, which was completely painless to Yusha, not to mention the treasure house of Babylon also had the ability to repair Noble Phantasms.

Moreover, the Noble Phantasms used so far have only reached the elite level, and the truly terrifying heritage of Babylon's treasure trove will be revealed at this moment.

One after another, more Noble Phantasms emerged one after another from the treasure trove of Babylon, and these new ones had more gorgeous and impressive appearances than those destroyed by Ulysses.

For ordinary people, most of these gorgeous weapons are decorations used by nobles, synonymous with fancy ones. However, in the world of Noble Phantasm, gorgeous is an adjective that can be directly equated with "powerful".

Because the Noble Phantasm itself comes from the crystallization of the power of fantasy, most of it is the fantasy of human beings, and a small part is natural. Naturally formed Noble Phantasms do not have such gorgeous shapes. These gorgeous Noble Phantasms represent the pursuit and yearning of human beings for In the world of fantasy, beauty itself represents power, represents faith. These gorgeous Noble Phantasms are powerful Noble Phantasms that surpass those just now, the perfect crystallization of power and wisdom.

The Dark Scar cast by Ulysses now cannot completely destroy them, but can only contaminate a small part of them at most.

Likewise, using these powerful and gorgeous Noble Phantasms at the same time is also a burden for Yusha itself, a heavy burden.

As a result, the fairy armor she was wearing automatically disintegrated, and in the dazzling golden light, she finally put on the strongest weapon prepared for Ulysses.

It was the final fantasy that represented the most sacred and glorious mythical armour, the golden bridal gown, which stood above the fairies' armor.

In the orb representing "eternal love", the golden mist is constantly churning.

That's love, Yusha's love for Mayfair, the love that never changes. To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.

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