Demon Lord Priest II

Vol 3 Chapter 503: Death of Rain and Sand (Part 2)

The name of this sword is Deviance Sword, but it is not a sword. ~ According to legend, it is a slate made of material that first appeared in this world. After being acquired by the hero king of the demigod, it turned into a sword.

The posture of this sword with its full power once helped the demigod king of heroes to unify the entire continent. Even the arrogant dragon clan recognized the position of the king who possessed two-thirds the blood of gods and one-third the blood of heroes.

It was the only empire that had ever ruled the highest position on the earth. Compared with the alliance-style rule of multiple magic emperors later, the hero king who stood on the top of the continent with one person's power was undoubtedly more shocking.

His story has become a myth, his name is passed down by countless people, and although the unified empire fell apart soon after his death, no one dared to doubt his voice while he was alive.

That is the hero king of the demigods, the conqueror of conquerors, the king of kings. In the days when he ruled the earth, his voice was the law, the rule, and the absolute creed.

He built the treasure house of Babylon, which collected all the treasures in the world, and collected the treasures, knowledge, and wealth of countless races. His strength is enough to fight against any legendary fantasy species, and even enough to challenge the world's original twin snakes.

After him, no one else could accomplish the feat of unifying the continent by one person like him. The King of Heroes has become a legend forever, and the stray sword, which was incarnated by the slate of the world, has also disappeared from history.

He is arrogant and confident, but he does have enough strength to support that arrogance and confidence. He had countless opponents in his life, but in the end he defeated them all and kept their Noble Phantasms in his treasure trove.

It is not anyone who defeats the demigod hero king, but the laws of time and life. Although he has the body of a demigod, the King of Heroes failed to escape the fate of death in the end.

According to legend, he fell on the road of pursuing the medicine of immortality, and there are even legends that he has found the medicine of immortality. However, a greedy snake stole the elixir of immortality. The King of Heroes who lost the elixir of immortality finally could only lament that he had passed the last time of his life, and after passing on his bloodline, he closed his eyes on his throne.

Because of the special nature of this stray sword, there is no one with enough power. Not to mention using it, you can't even pick it up. Because the body of this sword is the legendary slate representing the world, only those with the bloodline of the King of Heroes can use it.

in a long time. The treasure house of Babylon has been inherited by many people, but basically they are two treasure houses representing wisdom and wealth. The treasure house of Babylon, which represents wisdom, requires the successor to have advanced knowledge and cultivation, and the treasure house of Babylon, which represents wealth, requires the successor to have extraordinary ability to gather wealth.

Although these two points are extremely harsh, most of the descendants of the hero kings of the past dynasties are people with extraordinary talents, and every other generation or two, someone will always meet the requirements of inheriting these two treasure houses.

However, the treasure trove of weapons, the treasure trove of weapons, the most precious heritage, and the most powerful heritage, was divided into three.

For the claim to inheriting Babylon's hoard of weapons is—power, power in its purest form, power that does not pretend to be anything foreign.

To gain the inheritance of the Babylonian hoard of weapons. First of all, you must defeat all opponents in the family's annual challenge and become the strongest one.

However, this is only the most basic requirement. The next person who is qualified will challenge a monster, a monster that has been bound in the treasure house of Babylon since the time of the demigod hero king. A guardian transformed from the remains of the bull of the sky killed by the King of Heroes.

No one knows what level the strength of this monster is, because countless people have challenged this monster for thousands of years, but without exception, they have all failed miserably, and they have not even seen the slightest hope of victory.

A long time has passed, and the family with the bloodline of the King of Heroes has even given up hope of opening this arsenal. The monster transformed from the corpse of the bull in the sky is really too strong. Attacks so strong that countless Noble Phantasms slammed into the body were not damaged at all.

Until that day, there was a girl who was underage, just to win the favor of her parents, stood in front of the monster turned from the corpse of the bull from the sky, broke its horns with her own hands, and stepped on its body on her own. at the feet.

It was indescribable how surprised everyone was at that moment. Looking at the girl standing on the corpse of the bull that day, what everyone saw was not an underage child, but the back of the legendary demigod hero king in the past.

The girl named Yusha would not understand what a terrible monster she defeated. It was a demigod-level monster that had fought against the demigod hero king for days and nights before being defeated by the deviated sword. Even if it had already died and only the corpse remained, this was an existence that was almost impossible for humans to defeat.

Countless people can't understand why the ancestors, who are demigod hero kings, regard this monster as the guardian of the most important weapon arsenal in Babylon's treasure house. This is not a monster that humans can defeat at all.

A Noble Phantasm attack capable of smashing the sky and the earth, even the fur of this monster can't be damaged. I am afraid that only those legendary fantasy species have the strength to defeat this monster.

Until that day, the girl named Yusha defeated the monster, folded the pair of horns like a calf, and happily sent it to her father and mother.

She couldn't see the shock, astonishment, and trembling in everyone's eyes.

Because that monster represents the legend of the demigod hero king in the past, and is the guardian left by the demigod hero king himself. In countless eras, the descendants of heroic kings with extraordinary talents have scrambled to challenge this monster, but no one has ever defeated it.

As if on purpose, the demigod hero king divided his inheritance into three parts. The arsenal representing strength, the great library representing wisdom, and the collection arsenal representing wealth. Among the three types of treasure troves, only the arsenal of weapons has a guardian and is the strongest guardian.

Although in some special moments, there is a way to temporarily use the arsenal of weapons at a great cost. But for thousands of years, no one has truly inherited Babylon's treasure trove of weapons.

For the monster that guarded it, the bull of the sky that once famined and devastated the earth, would not allow anyone to step through the gates of Babylon's arsenal, the last command it was imposed upon by the dead.

So, how can people not associate this scene with the fate of thousands of years, and how can people not remember the will of the ancestors who have become myths and legends.

There is no doubt that Yusha is the one who was chosen. The king who awakened the blood of the true demigod hero king.

At that moment, what everyone saw was not the underage girl, but the figure of the legendary king of demigods. in their eyes. Yusha's figure became incomparably tall, incomparably burly, and incomparably glorious.

That is fate. After countless years of waiting for the fate of the family, someone finally opened the door to Babylon's arsenal. When Yusha, who didn't know what she had done, wanted to get the hug of her parents, everyone automatically fell to the ground.

The hand that once wanted to hug his daughter could no longer be stretched out, because it was no longer a child he and she could touch, but the supreme will of the family.

That day's Yusha had the light, shining the light of the heroes of the family, no one would treat her as a child again, and everything she said would be taken as an absolute order and meticulously executed.

No one is qualified to question the king, and no one is qualified to stand by the king's side. Even her parents are no exception.

Yusha stood alone in the treasure house of Babylon, which contained countless weapons, and could only see her lonely and helpless figure in the shining reflection of the Noble Phantasm.

At that time, she asked her parents countless times what she had done wrong and why she couldn't hug her anymore.

However. What they waited for was just fearful and uneasy eyes, and the parents who used to dote on their daughter so much even took the initiative to kneel in front of their child, unable to say anything. ~

Yusha finally knew that he could not go back, never to go back to the past. She closed the gates of the treasure house of Babylon and approached a runaway to a place where no one knew her.

there. She meets an ordinary teenager living in a monastery.

There, she changed the teenager's fate, destroying his home and future road in a malicious way.

Then, she fell in love with him, fell in love with him who would quietly listen to her complaints, fell in love with him who used to stand in front of her with his weak body, fell in love with him who would not care about her identity and status , he looked at her with the eyes of ordinary people.

She is no longer cursing her own destiny, she once again opened the door to the treasure house of Babylon, and summoned countless Noble Phantasms to fight.

It was the happiest time in her life. Although she lost her family, she filled the blank in her heart with a lover. She shyly put the engagement gift she had prepared into his hands, and then kissed his lips affectionately.

She likes to see him overwhelmed, she likes to see him reading under the grape trellis, she also likes to take him to unfamiliar places and see different scenery together.

As long as it was everything about him, she liked it so much that she couldn't help herself. For her, he was the most important treasure in her life, more precious than her own Babylonian treasury.

She thought that she had finally found her own happiness. It didn't come from the power of any ancestor, nor did it rely on her own identity and status, it was the happy blue bird named Yusha that she caught with her own hands.

She put him by her side, loved and cared for him in every possible way, feeling that he would not be able to live without her. Because he is too simple and too easy to be deceived. Whenever he sees someone in difficulty, he wants to lend a helping hand, just like when he first met her.

It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, as long as she is there, none of this is a problem.

She is the future supreme shrine maiden in the south, second only to the supreme pope in the entire continent. In the land of the southern tribes, her voice was even more useful than the Pope himself.

He likes to help others, so she goes with him to help others. He loves to treat those who are injured, and she will even quietly use her power to get the injured to come to him for treatment.

As long as he likes something, she will definitely help him get it. If what he wanted was this world, she felt that it would be good for her to learn from her ancestors to start a war to conquer the continent.

Because this is her treasure. only belongs to her. The happiest and most precious treasure, something she wants to protect at all costs.

However, on that day, without any warning, she lost him.

Not being defeated by a rival in love, nor being guided by anyone, her lover chose his original path of his own will. The road she thought was completely destroyed from the beginning.

How ridiculous, how sad, nothing else beat her. It was something that she disdainfully destroyed at first, something she never cared about.

It rained heavily that day. In the place where the two passed by, she stood waiting in the rain for a long, long time.

She wanted to wait for her lover to come back and wait for him to tell her it was just a little joke.

It was late at night and it was dark, and she still didn't look back at the direction he left. Just because she still held that last glimmer of hope in her heart, and hoped that there was still room for redemption. She hoped that in the next moment, a familiar hand would pat her on the shoulder like the past, and then the familiar routine would come back again.

However, even after three sunrises and sunsets, when the heavy rain had ceased. When the sky was shrouded in rainbows, she couldn't wait for the person she wanted to wait for.

Everything she fantasizes is just fantasies, and the ruthless reality mocks her childishness.

In fact, she knew, knew it would end like this. Because he never lied to her. He always smiles in front of her and reaches out to help her.

When he said "I'm sorry" full of guilt like that, everything that once connected the two of them has been shattered and will never return to the past.

She was alone again.

If she could turn back time, she would never have done such a thing. Such a reckless destruction of that dilapidated monastery and his path of life. If she knew that he had been unable to give up the dream of becoming a priest, she would definitely come up with more ways to stop his dream.

However, she was too proud and arrogant, just like the ancestor of her demigod hero king, she easily gained everything in the world, but lost her most important thing in the last step.

She bound him to her side, never noticing what kind of book he had been reading. She just loves watching him read quietly, but she doesn't read a word of the contents of the book.

Because she is the strongest, because she can easily get everything she wants. So she forgot how she lost her family. She was so arrogant that she thought she had everything in her hands, but in the end she lost the most important treasure.

There is no going back, that time, that time when only two people were together, when Yusha took out the Deviance Sword from the treasure house of Babylon, he knew this better than anyone else.

This sword is the mythical Noble Phantasm at the highest apex of this world, the embodiment of the power of the essence of this world, and only those with the bloodline of a demigod hero king can use it.

Its power is enough to open up the world, overwhelm the sea, and cut off everything. Even the Dragon Emperor Destruction Sword, which is said to be the first in destructive power, cannot possess such destructive power. Without the blood of God, it would not even be qualified to hold it.

This is neither a holy sword nor a magic sword, but a real divine sword. The weapon used by the gods, only the Holy Tome of Light in the complete form of the Supreme Divine Religion can be compared with the divine sword incarnated by this world slate.

In the hands of the demigod hero king, this sword can even cause a fatal threat to those dream species who have reached the peak of the ninth level, and is infinitely close to the tenth level of power.

There is no doubt that if there are ten-level powerhouses in this world, this Deviance Sword is also a divine sword worthy of the tenth-level powerhouse status.

However, the price of using it is also terrifying. Although it won't devour its master like a magic sword like the Seven Tribulations Sword, this divine sword will continue to oppress the user's soul and life.

According to legend, the reason why the demigod hero king died so early is not unrelated to the use of this stray sword many times.

This is not a Noble Phantasm created by the crystallization of human fantasy, but a fragment of this world, a real divine sword.

Just by holding it, Yusha could feel her soul trembling, which was the result of the excessive force being released from the Deviance Sword and then oppressing herself.

The light mist in the golden bridal dress orb began to violently toss, representing the throbbing in Yusha's heart at this moment.

More Legendary Noble Phantasms made an overwhelmed shattering sound, and were then burned to ashes by the flames of the King of the Red World. An entire armada is now only half left. The other half was broken into pieces and burned to ashes.

This is the power of the destruction of the dragon essence wave, which is displayed by the combination of the power of the King of the Red World and the abyss of Ulysses, which is enough to crush the sword wave of countless legendary Noble Phantasms.

The current Ulysses is undoubtedly in a state of strength that has never been seen before. Part of this is also due to Yusha, and it is precisely because of those three days and two nights that I can't look back on, that Ulysses is what he is now.

"No, I'll let you leave me again!" With the whispers that are only in the lover's world, Yusha struggled to lift the Deviance Sword in his hand.

This sword she had never used before. ~Because the requirements for using it are too harsh, it has been sealed in the deepest part of the treasure trove of Babylonian weapons, deeper than the golden bridal gown.

However. Wearing the golden bridal gown, she finally has the qualifications to use it and the determination to use it.

because. What she wants to overcome is the person she loves the most in her life.

Because what she wants is her most precious treasure.

No matter what he became, no matter whether he had a book or a magic sword in his hand, she would love him forever and ever and didn't want him to leave.

Mistakes made in the past, once is enough. Now, she will use her own hands to keep him by her side forever.

This is her choice. Inheriting the blood of the demigod hero king, her decision as the supreme **** witch.

Perhaps, this is really willful.

Perhaps, this was wrong from the start.

Maybe she shouldn't be so persistent. Such a mess.

However, what can't be let go is what can't be let go, what can't be forgotten is what can't be forgotten. From the moment she tied the silver thread representing fate for him, it was doomed that both parties would usher in the end of blood.

As if feeling Yusha's inner voice, the many Noble Phantasms rehearsed behind her began to shoot out more violently. With an indomitable momentum, it slammed on the spreading dragon essence wave fiercely.

Amidst the countless explosions, the remaining Armadas were also full of fire, blasting light, shadows and flames all over the sky.

And the last, the strongest Noble Phantasm, finally awakened in Yusha's hands.

"Om! Om! Om!" With Yusha's determination, the Deviance Sword in her hand began to spin.

The blades, which were divided into three pieces, were facing in different directions and slowly began to turn. With the sword shaft as the center, a huge red energy vortex is brewing in this sword.

With the sound of the three blades spinning at high speed, a crimson light burst out from the cylindrical blade, and even covered the light of the Babylonian treasury behind Yusha.

A sharp, scorching blast of wind spread around the spinning sword, and under that crimson light, was Yusha's resolute face.

She has already made a decision, and has also suffered the side effects of the Deviated Sword, and she will wield this sword at all costs, a sword that represents the power of opening up the world.

The three blades screamed, and the speed of rotation had reached a level that could not be discerned by the naked eye. The rapidly spinning blade engulfed everything around it, and then converted it into explosive magic power. The total amount of magic power concentrated in this sword instantly reached an unimaginable number.

This is the Deviance Sword, the power of the strongest divine sword in this world. Just holding this sword in his hand, the space around Yusha began to twist.

In the huge blurry vortex, Yusha's expression was unusually calm, like the night sky before the storm.

The third-segment blade continued to accelerate, and then accelerated again, which had exceeded the speed of sound ten times, a hundred times, and the sound of the explosion alone was enough to deaf people's ears. The once peaceful garden has been turned upside down by this devastating storm.

Then, Yusha swung his sword.

The overwhelming red light poured out along with the storm that turned the sky and the earth upside down, making the entire Double Tree Garden feel the destructive power. The space in front of Yusha was completely twisted, and then more cracking sounds rang out. The spinning blade seemed to stir up the world, making a deafening roar unscrupulously.

With each turn, the magic power gathered on the Deviated Sword is stronger; with each turn, the Destructive Power summoned by the Deviated Sword increases. This is the divine sword that ranks at the top of this world, and a mythical Noble Phantasm that can truly open up the world.

The sky is shaking, the earth is trembling, the world is screaming, and Yusha has created a fault with just one strike.

That is the fault that separates the sky and the earth. The great abyss that forcibly tore the world apart, the cut surface that devoured all of Ulysses' dragon spirit waves.

Regardless of whether it is up or down, or left and right, this fault cuts the world abruptly, and at that moment, you can see countless chaotic landscapes, which are the space storms caused by the dimensional gaps being forcibly torn apart.

The earth and the sky were all divided into two. The huge fault swept away everything, and all the matter that dared to appear in front of this fault was blown to the end of the void.

Under a sword. The heaven and the earth are separated, and everything is falling apart. This is the characteristic of the Deviating Sword. The power to divide the world. It is conceivable that in front of this sword, the army that was once hostile to the demigod hero king felt the despair.

Strategies, ambushes, sieges, traps, everything lost their meaning in front of such a sword.

The strongest king only needs to use this sword against the enemy, the sword that breaks the sky, collapses the earth, and returns everything to nothingness, and everything has been shattered. no longer exists.

Long Jingbo disappeared, and the figure of the King of the Red World who appeared behind Ulysses was also blown away by this sword. All the power of Long Jingbo was swallowed up, and not even the slightest afterimage was left.

If it wasn't for Ulysses finally unfolding his fallen angel wings and desperately escaping the range of this sword, I'm afraid he would have been swallowed by the fault. swept into the void.

This sword is the strongest sword Ulysses has ever seen, the most domineering sword.

With this sword, as long as you are willing, even the barrier of the two-tree garden can be torn to shreds and blasted out the passage to the outside world.

This sword. It represents the will and power of this world, and shows Ulysses the power of the mythical Noble Phantasm at the apex of this world.

"It's so strong..." Looking at the white clothes that had been torn open with countless holes on his body, Ulysses realized the horror of the sword just now.

The dragon essence wave he used just now was undoubtedly the strongest move he had displayed so far. Unless you turn on the free puppet and give him more than ten seconds to charge up and cast the dark mark at any cost, it is impossible to have a stronger output move.

And even if he was given more than ten seconds to accumulate strength to cast the Dark Mark in the state of the free doll, I am afraid that he could only be tied with this sword, or even slightly inferior.

Of course, this does not mean that the power of the abyss is not as good as the sword, but because his own power is not enough, it is impossible to bear a higher power. Although his physical strength at the moment can be said to be reborn compared to the past, it is still impossible to bear such a large instantaneous burst of power.

There is no doubt that this cannot be the power of the eighth level, the power of that sword has greatly surpassed the blow of the original master of Kanai. If it didn't limit the attack range, this sword could completely destroy a medium-sized country.

Not destruction, but total destruction, completely erasing a country from the continental map.

Very strong, that sword is very strong, Yusha is also very strong, this is the opponent he must go all out for, this is an enemy far beyond the many powerful enemies he has encountered in the past.

Although he was very reluctant to regard her as an enemy, Ulysses had no other choice at the moment. If the sword just now hadn't been for him to use the Dragon Essence Wave above the super-level, I am afraid that the sword would have evaporated from this world in an instant, and his body was not strong enough to fight against that big fault.

Is there any way to fix that sword? Ulysses looked at the ground after the huge fault disappeared, and the place where he was had turned into a crack, a huge crack that didn't know how far it extended.

The rain and sand that opened the treasure house of Babylon already required him to do his best, and the rain and sand after taking out the sword was even more powerful.

Wait, that sword! The corners of Ulysses' eyes shrank suddenly, and a clear memory emerged in his mind.

He has seen this sword, and he has seen such a devastating sword. In the choice between black and white, wearing black, he did indeed summon the girl who held this sword.

That girl was the eternal pain and deepest scar in his heart. When he needed help the most, she quietly came to his side and swayed the sword with her weak body, and then appeared the same as before. landscape.

Why, Yulia also used this sword at that time. And it's not just this sword, he has seen many of the many treasures Yusha used just now, and he saw it in the wall of light behind Yu Liya at that time.

Could it be that Yulia has something to do with Yusha? Just thinking of this made Ulysses' heart beat faster.

really. There seems to be a lot of unknowns about Yulia's life experience. According to Yufei's mother, he and she are both adopted children. From the very beginning, Yulia had a fatal congenital disease, a disease that no one could cure, like a child who was cursed and discarded from birth.

"It's a pity that I missed it." Yusha looked at the sword mark that passed Ulysses with regret. After all, it was the first time she used the Deviance Sword. There were a lot of places that were unfamiliar and turned out to be a little off-track.

In order to ensure that he kills his lover instantly, he disappears into this world without letting him feel any pain. She deliberately limited the attack range of the Deviance Sword, otherwise it would be hard to say whether the Double Tree Garden was under the sword.

"Second sword, you are not so lucky." With an extremely firm decision. Yusha activated the switch of the Deviance Sword again.

Similarly, Ulysses also activated his own death vision.

At that moment, the world seemed to stop, and in Ulysses' eyes, there was only the endless red storm on the opposite side, and the sword gathered in Yusha's hand.

At this moment, in Ulysses' eyes, he could no longer see the feelings related to "people", and darkness completely occupied his body and mind, leaving him in a state of semi-emptiness.

Humans cannot bear such darkness, where one second may be equal to a thousand years. The weaker the life, the faster it will be swallowed up by this darkness, and even the traces of existence cannot be left behind.

But Ulysses wouldn't, even in the deepest darkness, he wouldn't be devoured. He just sinks deeper. Darker places, and then get stronger and more terrifying power from there.

Even if he stretched out his hand, he could not find warmth, and even if he opened his eyes, he could not see light. In this sea of ​​darkness that was close to nothingness, Ulysses was the only one who stumbled to a deeper place.

More power is required. This is the voice of Ulysses to this sea of ​​darkness, and the darkness from Ulysses' heart responds to his desire to free more power in the abyss.

More golden runes began to appear on the sword of the abyss, and the icy blade made a slight trembling sound, which was only issued when the sword of the Demon King removed its own seal and showed more true gestures. sound.

The dark aura gathered around Ulysses and turned into a substantial liquid that fell on the ground. The land that was full of life was instantly polluted, the power of life was completely swallowed, and the power of darkness began to spread, hurt and pollute this land.

The moonstone, which had been on Ulysses' shoulders, was so frightened that it flew into the sky. She couldn't understand Ulysses at this moment, so scary, so scary!

"Dark Evil Crystal!" In Ulysses' command, a pair of huge diamond-shaped crystals crashed to the ground, and then unfolded their own withering field.

In the black mist that can cause all things to wither, Ulysses is like a duck to water, his strength is improved again, and his golden eyes are full of confidence, which is what he lacked the most in the past.

Use the thread of death to see first, Ulysses gently waved the abyss in his hand to convict, and several black lines stretched out in the air, and then connected to the deviation sword in Yusha's hand.

This process was exceptionally smooth, so smooth that Ulysses couldn't believe it. Yusha didn't even look at the black lines that were obviously ominous. He just slowly raised the Deviance Sword in his hand and fired the second shot. The attack is clearly ready to go.

Is it useless... Having learned from Lara's previous experience, Ulysses already knew that the death that he can understand now is lacking, and there is no way to declare the death of everything.

The fact is also the same as Ulysses guessed, although the thread representing death was indeed engraved, but even if Ulysses cut this thread, Yusha’s Deviance Sword in his hand was not cut off like that.

Because this sword is not a sword, but an incarnation of the power of this world, a veritable divine sword. To destroy this sword, I am afraid that the power to destroy this world is required.

This is the Deviance Sword, the mythical Noble Phantasm that the demigod hero king is proud of, and the most dazzling pearl in the crown of the Babylonian weapon treasury.

Well, it looks like it can only be used! Ulysses did not expect to have the opportunity to use the new Noble Phantasm so soon. Although he did not have a good grasp of this legacy from the Angel of Dawn, the current battle situation has forced him to use this powerful new treasure. Tool.

However, just relying on its power is not enough, before that, it must resist an attack from that sword.

The abyss was lifted high, and Ulysses stood in front of two huge dark evil crystals like that. Start to accumulate all your strength in a grand manner.

That's right, this is Dark Scar, the only attack move that Ulysses has mastered above the Dragon Spirit Wave.

"Very good, let this all end!" Yusha could hear the sound of destruction, which was the sound of death brought about by the constantly spinning stray sword.

"Attack! The treasure house of Babylon!" While releasing the power of the Deviance Sword, Yusha did not forget to let the treasure house of Babylon continue to shoot Noble Phantasms.

The two dark evil crystals took the initiative to block in front of Ulysses, struggling to defend against the bombardment of the countless Noble Phantasms. Soon, the two dark evil crystals were blasted out of countless large holes, and at least hundreds of Noble Phantasms were blasted into the interior of the dark evil crystal, and they were still releasing destructive power.

Then. The moment of decision has come!

"Deviance sword! Cut it off!" Yusha listened to the voice that destroyed the world, and resolutely swung the strongest sword.

Open up the world, and the fault that separates everything comes again. This sword is more concentrated and more violent than the previous sword. It entrusts all of Yusha's faith and will, and it is the limit that her body can afford now.

Similarly, Ulysses also used the strongest Dark Scar to date.

In the flying golden runes, the unprecedented huge darkness responded to Ulysses' call. The dark storm wrapped around Ulysses, forming a sharp contrast with the red storm around the Deviated Sword.

This is the battle of red and black, the power of this world and the darkness that Ulysses possesses. Black inscriptions began to appear on Ulysses' face, the dark symbols that temporarily strengthened his body. The predecessor of the free doll.

The black spiral vortex is intertwined on the sword of the abyss, twisting, twisting, and then spinning at a high speed.

Abandoning the Freedom Doll, Ulysses gained more control over his body. A deeper insight into the power of the abyss. The road he will take in the future is not to become a puppet of the abyss, but the master of the abyss.

Then, a huge black sword mark appeared, and the deep black took away all the light around it. Even the huge fault could not completely swallow this black sword mark.

Only, compared to the fault torn apart by the Deviance Sword. This black sword mark is finally a little weaker, or Ulysses' body has reached its limit and can no longer support this sword mark to show a more terrifying posture.

For the first time, in a sword-to-sword battle, Ulysses lost the initiative.

However, this is not the end.

There was a slight sound in the air, and seven black shadows appeared behind Ulysses, bizarrely crossed the fault line drawn by the Deviance Sword, and easily knocked away the obstacles of other treasures in the treasure house of Babylon, and shot through it. Yusha's hands and feet pinned her whole body to the ground.

The out-of-control Deviance Sword's attack trajectory was completely deformed, and it blasted through the sky over Ulysses, completely shattering the upper half of the dark evil crystal, and then stopped sadly.

"What is this...thing..." Yusha looked at the seven black swords that pierced through his hands and feet, but didn't let him bleed, and looked at Ulysses with incredible eyes.

"Black Wings." The exhausted Ulysses walked in front of Yusha with heavy footsteps, apparently missing a part of the black wings behind him. That was the true body of the seven black swords shot out from behind him, that is, the true face of the Noble Phantasm that defeated Yusha—Black Wing.

Blackwing, that's the legacy he got from Lucifer. This is a wing, a black wing from Lucifer prepared for his successor.

This wing can only be inherited by those who grow the fallen angel's wings by their own strength, because it is a wing that will be fused into the fallen angel's wings.

And this wing itself is the thirteenth wing that Lucifer, who already had twelve wings, was unable to complete. Although it is still in the initial embryonic stage, it contains the essential power of Lucifer and the abyss. Like convict, it is a legend among the Demon King Noble Phantasms.

Lucifer never needed any weapons, because his twelve fallen wings were the best weapons. And the remaining black wing also has that ability, but Ulysses, who just inherited it, can only use its most basic power at present.

Ignoring the opponent's defense, the dark sword that instantly penetrated the opponent's body at a lightning speed is the most basic use of this black wing. The speed of this attack was beyond imagination, and it could be said that it was Ulysses' fastest attack to date.

And this is just the simplest form of Black Wing's attack.

"Also..." Yusha smiled. Then his eyes became cold.

"It's not over!" In the golden brilliance, a golden chain twisted and locked Ulysses' body.

Oops! Ulysses finally discovered the mistake he made. Yusha is not other strong men, and it is not that he cannot fight because his hands and feet are out of effect.

"Let me die now!" The last laugh, Yusha, disregarded the coldness of his hands and feet, and instantly released the strongest and sharpest spear in Babylon's treasury, ready to explode his lover's head with one shot.

However. At this time, Yusha's eyes reflected an unusual scene, which shocked her.

Those are a few strange figures who don't know when they appeared on the edge of the battlefield, no matter how they look at it, they have nothing to do with humans.

"Roar!" A huge venom bullet burst through the air. With deadly gas and corrosive power, it was the attack of Bediera's greedy tongue.

Each of the ten arms held a different weapon and fired them all. This is the "Ten Blades" of the strongest Besias, which is used to dominate the world of demons.

The black cane turned upside down, then disappeared, and when it appeared, it was already less than three meters away from Ulysses.

The ancient fairy language echoed in the air, it was a tribute to the earth, it was a blessing to the elements, and it surpassed the gravitational field of a thousand times.

Ulysses noticed that his body sank, even though he unfolded his fallen angel wings in an instant, breaking the gravitational field. But it was too late.

A soft fragrance enveloped his body, followed by the smell of blood.

"The treasure house of Babylon, shoot!" Yusha's voice was still so proud and so loud, and the sound of countless Noble Phantasms flying in the treasure house of Babylon was still so clear. Full of oppression.

Then everything went quiet.

"It seems that it was me who was selected." Yusha's gentle voice sounded behind Ulysses, but it was no longer the domineering, more like a whisper between lovers.

"What happened?" Ulysses was completely unable to see what was happening behind him because he was bound by the Chain of Heaven.

"It's nothing. It's just a little thing." Yusha's voice has begun to become lower and lower, and Ulysses can even clearly smell the **** smell in the air.

"Hey, I want to ask you again, why did you choose the path of the priest at that time?" Yusha's voice became weaker and weaker, giving Ulysses a bad premonition.

However, before he could answer, Yusha continued to speak alone:

"I know, it's actually my fault. I destroyed that monastery, so that you can no longer be the priest of the town, and keep you by my side."

"If I can do it all over again, I will definitely protect that monastery and your home better than anyone else."

"So, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry." When he said this, Yusha's voice was already crying.

"However, you can't just leave me like that! You told me that you were going to be a priest. I didn't know what happened, so I just stood there waiting for you for three days and three nights."

"You haven't come back, and I know you won't come back, but I'm just waiting there, wondering if you'll come to me again."

"Why, he left without even telling me the reason."

"Why, don't even give me an explanation."

"Don't tell me, I have no place in your heart. I know that I do things wrong a lot of the time, and I am not as mature as you. I also understand that sometimes I act like a child, but as long as you say it, I will definitely change it. of."

"You know how happy I was when you agreed to propose to me! I went to the Pope and asked him to promise to preside over our wedding. I had prepared the venue for the wedding several years in advance, even the name of our future child. It's all figured out."

"Why, just left like that!"

Although Ulysses couldn't remember what Yusha said, he felt as if it really happened in a trance.

It was raining heavily, and it was dark. Someone was crying, and someone couldn't move under the tree.

The two who passed by, after all, could never go back to the past.

"Cough!" Coughing loudly, Ulysses smelled even heavier blood.

"Don't move, you're injured, I'll use the Silver Healing Hand." Ulysses was a little flustered. Although he couldn't see what the rain and sand behind him looked like, he had already recovered from the blood that was getting thicker and thicker. Smells ominous.

"Don't turn around!" Yusha's voice became willful, and then the lock of the sky that bound Ulysses became even tighter.

She won't let Ulysses see what she looks like because it's so ugly, how can she show such a tragic appearance to her beloved.

It's over, she won't be willful anymore, this is her last naughty time.

"It's so beautiful here." Holding his lover tightly, Yusha laughed while looking at the undamaged Stonehenge and the still-living flowers.

It's not bad to let this place be the resting place of the king.

So, the descendant of the great demigod hero queen, the supreme goddess of the southern land, began to sing, singing the song of longing, the song of love, that all gods and witches would know.

"Every day the sun rises from the ground, and even if it is surrounded by merciless darkness, I will use my mutilated body to smash it for you."

"Every night will come, even if I am troubled by the impermanence of today, I still believe that the world will not change, only myself. Existence is our strongest weapon." RQ

The fastest update, please.

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