Demon Lord Priest II

Vol 3 Chapter 505: Black Wing (top)

A petite and cute figure flew from Stonehenge, that is the jewel girl of Yusha—Western Princess Crescent Moon. Originally, after the rain and sand fell, she should have disappeared in the double tree garden immediately, but as the princess of the four sides, she has a little privilege and can stay here for a while.

"Did she still lose?" Although she already knew the result, New Moon still felt sorry for her hero.

With the strongest bloodline and the strongest Noble Phantasm, Yusha was the winner who should stand above all heroes. Among all the heroes she has contracted with, Yusha is also the strongest.

"No, she didn't lose, she just gave up the chance to win." Ulysses waved and swept away the shattered crystal powder on the devastated ground, his eyes became more and more cold.

He couldn't defeat Yusha head-on. In fact, if he hadn't used Lucifer's inheritance from the Fallen Angels Temple, he would definitely lose after Yusha took out the Deviance Sword.

The power of that sword reached the peak of all the Noble Phantasms he had seen so far. Yusha, who opened the treasure trove of Babylon and held the Deviance Sword in his hand, was undoubtedly the strongest opponent he had ever fought against.

In the end, she actually still had a chance to kill him in seconds. He was bound by the chain and had no way to resist her last blow at that distance.

However, she still didn't make a move.

Yusha was not defeated by his hands, but was killed by vile attacks from the shadows that had been aimed at him.

She guarded him with her life, something Ulysses would never forget.

"Really, she is such a hero. Then, I will also tell you what she entrusted to me in the end." New Moon looked at Ulysses, as if to understand the sadness in his eyes.

Those were the words Yusha had entrusted to her before the final battle. She seemed to have anticipated her own ending and would not allow her gem girl to interfere in her final battle.

She did not use the power from the new moon. Obviously that can greatly increase her win rate.

She walked out of Stonehenge and Ulysses alone for the final showdown, but all the crescent moon saw in her back was sadness.

Perhaps, she knew the ending from the beginning, and even if she won, she would never return to this Stonehenge to take away the secret treasure within reach.

She didn't come to fight this gem war to survive, she just came to this war to fulfill her last dream.

"Don't forget me, and. I still like you."

This is Yusha's last words. When she had a premonition that she might die here, she entrusted it to the new moon.

"I won't forget." Ulysses closed his eyes, as if he could smell the smell that hasn't disappeared, the smell of Yusha.

How could it be possible to forget the fragrance and **** smell of the last hug.

Therefore, it will be remembered in my heart, even if I continue to walk into the deepest part of the darkness. He will also remember the golden figure who died for him.

She is proud, because she has all the capital of pride.

She is confident and has no fear even in the face of the abyss.

She is kind. He couldn't even bear to see how he was in pain because he had overdrawn his own limits, and gave up the last chance to return to this world.

She is the supreme goddess of the southern land, and a hero with a mythical Noble Phantasm. But in the end all Ulysses saw was her broken heart for love, vulnerable and kind.

"Then, that's enough." New Moon's figure gradually became transparent, which was a sign that she would disappear into the Double Tree Garden.

"Finally, you must be reminded. Be careful of the hero of the Northern Princess Blackbird..."

In the final battle of the gem war, the master of the treasure trove of weapons in Babylon, Yusha, the supreme goddess of the southern land, was the first to fall, and the western princess Crescent withdrew from the battlefield.

For Ulysses, however, the battle is not over.

"It's you, the people who killed Yusha!" With the vision of countless dreamy butterflies, Ulysses saw a team that was already ten kilometers away.

This team consists of three people, one of whom is burly and nearly four meters tall, like a small mountain of meat. His body is riddled with holes, and there are thousands of wounds that can be seen with the naked eye. Lots of flesh and blood.

The other two were sitting on his shoulders, and were led by this man to run wild.

The man on the left has ten arms, each holding a weapon, but three of the arms have been completely shattered, and there are still a lot of holes in his body, which are obviously shot through by a lot of sharp weapons. traces left.

The man on the right is obviously the most complete one. No obvious wounds can be seen on his body wearing a black cloak, and the whole person gives a strange sense of mystery.

"One, two, three... No, where did the fourth go?" Ulysses opened his eyes and confirmed that this team was the culprit who finally attacked him and Yusha.

Ulysses clearly remembered that there were a total of four kinds of forces that attacked at that time, and they obviously belonged to four different types of forces, which meant that there was one less person in the team.

No matter how much, since the heroic reincarnation technique of resurrecting Yusha failed, and now he can't find any other way to revive Yusha in a short time, he can only hope for the ultimate resurrection technique that Aya said.

There are only two kinds of resurrection techniques that can be called "ultimate". One belongs to the supreme god, and the other comes from one of the demon kings of the past, who has witnessed the method of returning to the soul with his own eyes.

"Alice" doll, he will make two. Although that represented a need for more rare treasures like the Pluto Mythic Gem and Mermaid Tears, he already had enough power to collect them.

"You guys, don't try to escape." Standing where Yusha died, Ulysses once again raised the abyss in his hand to convict, and the black wings behind his back suddenly spread... Ho! Ho! Ho! "Bediera, who was treated as a coolie, gasped loudly, his mouth opened like a panicked pig, and a waterfall-like saliva flowed down from his big mouth. Obviously, even the lowest level of wisdom has been lost.

What caused all of this was the final shot of Yusha Babylon's treasury. You must know that Yusha summoned from the Babylonian treasury at that time was a legendary Noble Phantasm that was of sufficient quality to withstand the bombardment of the Dark Mark.

Each of these pieces has extraordinary power, and each has its name in history. They are the perfect crystallization of the power of human faith, truly legendary Noble Phantasms.

Many of them have their own spirituality after a long legend, and can automatically attack the enemy.

The three ancient god-level demons who were commanded by the white fairy Lekutolu to deliver the final blow to Ulysses were all half-crippled by this attack.

Bediera, who was treated as a meat shield, was the most seriously injured. Even if he had the super-recovery ability of an idiot, he couldn't resist the rain of Noble Phantasm. At least half of his entire body was blasted into meat sauce. Now this body There is still a lot of Noble Phantasm energy left in it, destroying his vitality.

Besias, who has the name of "the strongest" in the demon world, is a little better than his idiot brother. He used the "Ten Blades" of the magic magic skill and reluctantly smashed most of the Noble Phantasms aimed at him, but there are still three hands It was completely cut off, and only seven hands were left to fight.

In contrast, Hein, the Duke of Demon World, should be considered the least injured. Although he was penetrated many times when he was attacked by the rain of Noble Phantasm, he used some kind of strange power to destroy most of his power. Deflected, only very few Noble Phantasms with the "must hit" attribute hurt him.

As for the white fairy Le Kutolu, he had disappeared, and he only gave the three ancient god-level demons one last reminder before disappearing.

"Try to stay away from the black-winged swordsman, recover from his injuries and gather in the north."

"It's a big loss this time. I wanted to taste the taste of the supreme goddess, but it seems that I have started a little harder." Besias licked his injured arm, and seemed to still be obsessed with the spoils he should have had. .

"Forget it, if your real body is here, there is still some hope. This substitute is impossible. It's better to wait for the next opportunity. This injury is difficult to deal with." I just remembered the rain of the Noble Phantasm, as an ancient god. The devil's Hein felt terrifying, even if he had all kinds of bizarre stand-ins, he still couldn't completely avoid the bombardment of the countless Noble Phantasms.

The treasure house of Babylon is worthy of being one of the strongest fantasy in human legends, and that stray sword is one of the very few divine swords that can instantly kill ancient god-level demons.

The name of the demigod hero king has been heard even in the demon world, and it is a peerless king that is comparable to any fantasy species. If it is replaced by the level of the ancient god-level, it is a character like the king of the devil.

To be able to kill such a human being, even for an ancient god-level demon, is a feat worth boasting about. Although most of human beings are extremely weak, in terms of the highest level of power, human beings do possess amazing qualities that are on a par with any race.

The Destiny Twins who created this faraway land, the demigod hero king, the dragon hero, and the still-living master of the Feather Thunder Whip are all famous figures that even the demon world knows.

The strong is the strong, no matter what race, this is a common law no matter what the world is.

Perhaps, though, there will be new names on that list.

Black feathers fell from the sky, like a harbinger of death, bringing extremely cold temperatures to the three ancient god-level demons on the run.

"Do you want to leave?" In the golden eyes, there is no temperature that belongs to a "human", and there is only boundless coldness and loneliness.

Those eyes lead into the infinite darkness, the end of everything, the place of return called "death". RQ

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