Demon Lord Priest II

Vol 3 Chapter 509: big snake

Huge stone pillars and blocks are intertwined, forming all kinds of strange shapes. It seems that all of them are built with raw stones that have not undergone any carving, but this huge stone formation gives people a majestic feeling that surpasses any exquisite buildings.

It seems to have been standing here for thousands of years, and the slightly wet rock surface can clearly see the traces of the years. Some unnamed flowers and plants curiously drilled out of the gaps in the boulders, looking at the uninvited guest who broke the tranquility here.

Ulysses walked among these strange and huge stones, every step was extremely firm, without the slightest wavering.

He wants to get the secret treasure hidden in this Stonehenge, he wants to become the winner of this gem war, and he wants to revive the golden figure guarding him with his own hands.

This will does not allow anyone to hinder him, he is no longer the him he used to be. In order to realize this wish, he has stepped into the depths of the darkness step by step, and has long been unable to see the direction to go back.

There was no need to go back, because it was his own choice.

"Sand!" There was a subtle flow in the air. As Ulysses advanced, the entire ancient Stonehenge began to change, and it was no longer lifeless.

Small grains of sand fell from the weathered boulders, as if the stagnant time had been unsealed, this ancient Stonehenge was waking up step by step.

Neither Yusha nor Chris had really penetrated into this ancient Stonehenge before. For thousands of years, Ulysses was the first outsider to enter this Stonehenge during the Gem Wars.

I don't know why, although he is an intruder, a looter who wants to take away the treasures guarded by this Stonehenge, but Ulysses has an incredible sense of familiarity when he walks through this ancient Stonehenge.

This was the first time he had such a feeling since he came to a distant place, and it was clearly a scenery that he should have never seen before. But here's everything. The placement of each stone gave him a soft feeling.

Legend has it that, hundreds of years ago, there was an ancient country that had a similar Stonehenge. However, in the long history of this great relic, there are only a few megaliths left, and the entire relic has been lost in the long river of time.

Compared with the Stonehenge that disappeared in the long river of history, this Stonehenge is undoubtedly very well preserved. Although the traces of the years can be seen, none of the boulders has really been weathered into sandstone.

It naturally coexists with the double tree garden, watching the flowers on the ground bloom again and again. Watching the pair of trees watching each other in the distance lose their old leaves again and again. In the breath of spring, new branches and leaves grow again.

It has existed since a long time ago, and people in the southern land have forgotten its existence. Because when the Double Tree Garden was completed, this ancient Stonehenge was placed in the Double Tree Garden as a treasure among treasures.

Among the treasures collected by the Double Tree Garden, it is a very special existence and has an extraordinary special meaning. Therefore, the most powerful one of the three secret treasures will be placed in the deepest part of the Stonehenge, and it will automatically attract the attention of Yusha and Chris, as well as the ancient god-level demons.

only. None of them really went deep into this ancient Stonehenge, so they didn't really feel the power of Stonehenge it contained.

During the battle between Ulysses and Yusha, the surrounding ground was blasted into a basin. Only this ancient Stonehenge remains safe because it is guarded by an incomparably powerful force.

"This smell is..." Ulysses stopped for the first time, because he finally realized the essence of some kind of power contained in this ancient Stonehenge.

That's not someone else. It is the dream bird who has a close relationship with him, the unique breath of the belief totem of the southern land - the power of infinite vitality.

This endless power that makes all life appear alive and never withered, this world only belongs to her - Phoenix Phoenix.

As if affirming Ulysses' answer. The nameless flowers and plants growing in the crevices of Stonehenge began to grow wildly with unstoppable momentum, and it felt like time had been accelerated thousands of times.

The process of budding, spreading branches and leaves, flowering, and bearing fruit, which ordinary plants take a whole year or even years to complete, only takes a few minutes in this ancient Stonehenge.

What is even more incredible is that in this process, these wild flowers and trees did not hurt those vicissitudes of boulders, but naturally grew along the shape of these boulders, and eventually became the most beautiful companions of these boulders full of traces of time.

Without even five minutes, the inner circle of Stonehenge was transformed into a large colorful garden. Countless flowers and trees that Ulysses know and do not know their names are thriving here, showing their most beautiful side.

Then, a light fell, the brilliance of the sun in the sky, as if welcoming Ulysses here to a crushing defeat, one after another of golden sunlight filtering through the tiny gaps between the leaves, giving this Plants in a dense forest bring the warmest temperatures.

The change did not end like this. The power from the Phoenix Phoenix continued to change this ancient Stonehenge, as if he knew that it was his little lover who came here, changing the ancient world that was too vicissitudes of life. It became a huge magical forest.

Soon, the towering giant trees appeared, the tall weeds appeared, the emerald vines wrapped around the boulders stretched out their own body, and one after another small flowers hung down, waving to Ulysses.

It is indescribable that this miracle created by Phoenix Phoenix, although she is not here, but Ulysses seems to see a huge golden-red wing fluttering, and then the whole world changes.

This Stonehenge came to life, and the crystal dew attached to the weeds shone with jewel-like dazzling colors under the golden sunlight falling from the sky.

Everything is growing, everything is exuding vitality, the Phoenix Phoenix completely changed this Stonehenge, gave it life, and also made the darkness and coldness in Ulysses' heart disappear for a few seconds. point.

There is no doubt that you will gain greater power by allowing this ice and darkness to erode you, but that power is fraught with danger. Even without Mira's reminder, Ulysses knew that the darkness in his eyes was growing day by day.

That is the price of gaining power. The deeper you go to the dark ladder, the more you touch the infinite dark void, the less and less part of him belongs to "human", and the more and more part he belongs to "Demon King". more.

This is not damage, but an inevitable phenomenon that occurs after the super-high power increase. He is not a Void Demon King born from the golden ocean like Astaroth, nor is he an Angel of Dawn who once stood at the right hand of the God of Creation like Lucifer.

Before obtaining Astaroth's Tome of the Demon Lord. He was just an ordinary human boy who longed for a priest. Sudden gain of power beyond oneself. He was confused and doubted more than once.

He once repented devoutly in the church, for his power that should not have appeared, for his lost direction.

In the end, he still chose the path of the Demon King, which was destined to be a path full of thorns. Dangerous road. Even Aya, the Familiar of the Book of Demons, couldn't predict where he would go, because the power in him had already surpassed her imagination.

Astaroth, Lucifer. The Lord of Death, Beluda, all four different demon powers have chosen him. In contrast, his own path seemed so fragile, and finally fell apart in front of the powerful Demon King's path.

Perhaps, from the beginning, he had no choice.

Perhaps, he was destined to walk on this path as early as when he got the Book of Demon Lords from Astaroth.

but. He did have those moments when he couldn't choose his own direction, when he was lost on the path of the priest and the path of the demon king.

Probably because of this, he saw him like that, dressed in white, he had become a priest, and he represented his bright side.

If, if he hadn't obtained the Book of Demon Lords from Astaroth, perhaps he would have really become such a priest. Ulysses had such a hunch when he saw himself in white.

Maybe not so powerful.

Perhaps, it will not always be so calm, as if the world is in the palm of your hand.

However, that was the future after he followed his ideal path, put on the white clothes representing the priest, and quietly became the priest he longed for somewhere.

When you are free, you can come to this place similar to the ancient Stonehenge to see the starry sky that you will never get tired of looking at, and count the stars with a little white guy.

With the lazy chirping of the little white guy, spend the ordinary and pleasant time day after day.

There is no opponent that must be defeated, no mission that must be accomplished, everything is simple and ordinary. It doesn't matter if there is only one person, there will always be countless secrets in this ancient starry sky waiting for you to observe and record.

"If that's the case, how good it would be..." Ulysses stopped, looking at the increasingly familiar way of placing boulders around him.

The feeling of constant sinking disappeared, and even though the increase in his strength was unimaginable in that state, he could vaguely perceive that he was losing something important.

That is the price he must pay for his power. The more he enters the darkness, the stronger he will be, but the less human feelings he will have.

For him now, it's too early to go there, too early. His pace was too fast, beyond his mental capacity. In order to bring Yulia back, he put too much pressure on himself, and before he knew it, a huge distortion had appeared.

Watching Yusha die in front of him just now, the darkness became even bigger and distorted. It easily devoured his sanity, and then brutally killed the three monsters, including Chris who was standing in front of him. object to vent anger.

If she hadn't finally woken up a little, I'm afraid she would have been cut into countless pieces by Black Wing.

Ruthless, cold, the huge darkness covered him and affected him, making him forget even his original appearance.

The power of Phoenix Phoenix, who stayed here, seemed to sense the huge darkness in his heart at the moment, and exhausted all his power to show him the beauty of life.

"Thank you." Looking at the beautiful forest in front of him, Ulysses could feel the gentle smell of Phoenix Phoenix, just like she embraced him tolerantly.

I always felt that she had an aura similar to that of Mother Ice Phoenix. Although the two had completely different attributes, they were both so gentle and doting when they hugged him.

can meet them. It was great for him.

"Black Wings." Ulysses, who stopped, unfolded his legacy from Lucifer again, and seven identical black swords stayed quietly beside his fallen angel wings.

Compared with the time when the three ancient god-level demons were brutally killed, these seven black swords were a little less violent, but a little more agile.

"Fortunately, it's not uncontrollable." Now Ulysses clearly knows how terrifying the darkness in his heart is. He said unceremoniously, if he allows the power of darkness to dominate his body and mind, he will be A terrifying demon king like the legends of this world.

Although doing so can gain enormous power in a short period of time. But his sanity is likely to disappear completely.

This darkness will not hurt him. But it just won't hurt him and his apostles, and he won't be polite to other beings in this world.

If he allows the darkness to take over his body and mind, the world will suffer unimaginable disasters. This is not a joke, the more he touches the power of Astaroth and Lucifer, the more terrifying Ulysses can feel that power.

There is no way that kind of power can appear in this world, because this seemingly vast world is as fragile as an eggshell that breaks when touched.

"I'm controlling the darkness. It's not the darkness that's controlling me." Gently raising his fingertips, Ulysses' golden eyes were no longer full of cold murderous intent, but returned to the original depth and mystery.

Would a real Demon Lord like Astaroth be full of murderous aura all day long? Will it be so cold that no one can get close?

Do not. A real Demon King would never be dominated by such simple emotions. Because they are strong enough to change everything, even the law of fate cannot control them. Not even the supreme **** can master them.

It can only kill and cannot control its own life. It is only a low-level monster, and it is not a creature of the same level as the strongest demon king.

The real Demon Lord is the strong man at the apex of all darkness. Not a puppet dominated by dark forces. They themselves are above the laws of darkness, and they can even master the laws of brilliance and play the so-called rules in their hands.

They too can be transformed into gods if they want to. According to Aya, it seems that a demon king who is proficient in soul power has done this kind of thing more than once, and even pretended to be an archangel to sneak into the heaven time and kidnap the most beloved young angel of the Supreme God.

"Very well, that's right." After recovering from the state of being nearly out of control, Ulysses really woke up from the sadness of losing the rain and sand.

It's not that he forgot about Yusha, but that he really engraved everything about her in his heart, and made clear what he was going to do and decide.

He will still move forward, but he will no longer run like he had lost his ability to think. He may be strong enough to be out of control like that, but if he continues, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Now he is the real him, he will feel pain, will grieve for the departure of the person he likes, and will try his best to protect his important people.

Just now, he was just a monster dominated by the power of darkness.

In order to adjust his mind that was once out of control, Ulysses moved again, but not in the same rush as before, but had time to continue to appreciate the surrounding scenery.

It seems to feel the change of Ulysses, the surrounding air has become more fresh, and the entire Stonehenge is exuding surging vitality.

At some point, a small stream appeared in front of Ulysses, and all the surrounding flowers and trees would automatically avoid this stream, allowing the sparkling stream to flow happily.

As if it was deliberately showing the way to Ulysses, the direction of the stream was exactly the center of Stonehenge, where the hollow sword of the three artifacts of the Dark God Race was located.

The cool breeze passed Ulysses with the slightest drops of water, and lowered the green grass and a few clusters of unknown wildflowers by the stream, and the little spots of light leaking from the shade of the trees above were scattered on Yuri. On the Sith and the creek, an alternation of light and shadow is formed.

Finally, Ulysses reached his destination, the center of Stonehenge, but the scenery here was very different from what he had first seen through the eyes of his daughters.

The originally desolate ground has turned into a lake. In the slowly lingering milky white mist, countless giant trees surround this beautiful lake like a gem, as solemn as a guardian.

In the middle of the lake, there was a small piece of land that could hardly be called an island. Because it is too small, only about ten meters in range.

In the center of this piece of land, the sword with silver-white snake scales inlaid with a somewhat twisted blade was stuck on the ground, as if waiting for someone to pull it out.

In the ripples of the clear water, the mysterious sword gave people an erratic feeling. It was clearly there, but it gave Ulysses the feeling that it didn't exist at all.

A golden sun butterfly fluttered lightly over the sword, and then tried to touch the sword with its wings.

No resistance was encountered. The golden wings passed through the sword as if through the air. This wonderful phenomenon provoked the curious little guy to try again and again, until he was sure that he couldn't touch it, and then he flew back to Ulysses's side glumly.

"Sure enough." This result did not surprise Ulysses, because before the final battle, the gem girls told all the participating heroes that every secret treasure was not easy to obtain.

"Looking for the three treasures, no matter what method is used to collect the three hidden treasures in the Shuangshu Garden, the final winner will be the one."

"The three treasures themselves have powerful powers and guardians. The hero and gem girl who can defeat the guardians and bring the three treasures back to Shuangshu are the final winners."

"The final winner will not only gain the qualification to dominate the Great Reincarnation of the Generations, but also take away the most precious treasures from this Twin Tree Garden."

Recalling the rules he knew at that time, Ulysses determined the power characteristics of the treasure he had found.

That is "space". This unusually powerful and mysterious power has only been mastered by a few legendary great wizards in the entire human history.

It's not simply destroying or smashing the space, this can be done easily as long as you have enough power. The power the sword showed to Ulysses was a higher use of the power of space. It is a Noble Phantasm that truly masters the power of space.

No, it might not be a Noble Phantasm at all, because Ulysses could feel the power naturally radiating from this sword. It felt like part of some powerful creature, and he could often feel a similar aura when he was with Mother Ice Phoenix and Phoenix Phoenix.

Does Mother Ice Phoenix have a Noble Phantasm? Does Phoenix Phoenix have a Noble Phantasm? As far as Ulysses knows the answer is no, because there is absolutely no need for it.

With a wave of Mother Ice Phoenix, the world can change. The phoenix phoenix can rejuvenate the earth and make all things grow. The realms they reach do not need any Noble Phantasms at all, because they are the source of their power.

If they have to say it, they are the concept of Noble Phantasm themselves, and every feather and drop of their blood has the power of Noble Phantasm. Compared with the strong human beings, they are born with unparalleled power.

Dream Seeds, this is the name for these powerful beings who are born to represent the source of some kind of law. In the early history of human beings, they were almost always regarded as the incarnation of gods. They were the protagonists in various myths and legends. People personified them without authorization, and eventually became a belief belonging to human beings.

On the contrary, the lower-level super beasts have learned how to condense and use Noble Phantasms because of their extensive contact with humans. For them, it is actually the process of turning a part of their body into a weapon or armor, which is not much more difficult than eating.

For the dream species of the highest level, the Noble Phantasm is just something that humans stole from the dream of the fish of the wind, and they will not waste time condensing these things, because their own combat power is not enough. Strong enough to surpass almost all Noble Phantasms.

Only a Noble Phantasm formed from fragments of the world like the Deviance Sword can pose a fatal threat to these fantasy species. In fact, the Sword of Deviance was not a Noble Phantasm at all in the concept of normal human beings. It was the exclusive divine sword of the demigod Hero King who only had two-thirds the blood of a **** and one-third the blood of a hero.

The current Ulysses can clearly distinguish that the sword is not a Noble Phantasm in the concept of human beings, but a part of a certain fantasy species.

The silver-white snake scales contain the power of space. That power was so powerful that the sword was just inserted there quietly, creating a distorted space to place itself in it.

For Ulysses, this is not an unsolvable problem, he has at least three more ways to take the sword.

but. Obviously things can't be that simple, because there must be "guardians" here.

As if in response to Ulysses' conjecture, the stream that appeared beside Ulysses inexplicably began to meander into this peaceful little lake.

Then, the incomparably clear stream began to change color, turning into a cold and mysterious silver-white color.

"Ding!" The empty sword in the center of the lake began to make a crisp trembling sound, and then suddenly disintegrated into countless fragments and merged into the silver-white water flow.

The entire lake began to tremble violently, and then countless starlights fell from the sky and shone in this silver-white current.

"Are you here?" Ulysses' golden eyes became quiet and deep. The evil eye of the abyss turned red. Countless golden runes scattered from the sword.

"Gah!" A silver-white serpent with a length of several hundred meters turned out, and then stared at Ulysses with those cold eyes.

The body of this big snake is extremely smooth, and the silver-white scales give people a feeling of indestructibility. It is not simply "solid", but has been endowed with a higher concept of defense.

Obviously, this is the guardian of this sword. Or rather it is the sword itself. When Ulysses stepped into the deepest part of this Stonehenge, it finally woke up from its slumber.

However, Ulysses felt strange. This silver-white big snake, which obviously has great power, looked at him with eyes that didn't look like an enemy at all.

It was a look that finally woke up from a long slumber and found something surprising.

His eyes were so warm, so loyal. He was so sympathetic that Ulysses could vaguely guess who the owner of that look was after just one glance.

No way, because he is really too familiar with this look.

"Helen?" Although he couldn't believe it, Ulysses still said the name of the big snake. Because those silver-white eyes were filled with feelings that were about to cry.

That's right, that's Helen's unique look. Although I don't know why she suddenly appeared here, and in such an incarnation, Ulysses will never forget that look, because it was his favorite. daughter's eyes.

"Gah!" The huge silver snake rolled up its body happily, and rushed towards Ulysses desperately. The closer he got, the more Ulysses could feel the breath of his first apostle.

Yes, this is Helen, his daughter.

However, compared to the last time I saw her, the symptoms of her out-of-control burst of energy had vanished without a trace. Instead, she has acquired a new form.

The silver-white body showed extraordinary strength, and the four heavenly holy spirits were neatly embedded in the head, emitting more stable fluctuations than before.

Although not in human form, Ulysses could sense the familiar smell radiating around Helen at the moment. She seemed to want to say something to him, but couldn't speak human language.

Therefore, she looked a little restless, and then her whole body wrapped around Ulysses.

What does it feel like to be entangled by a giant snake of several hundred meters? Ulysses thinks that it is better for ordinary humans not to try, because it is very dangerous, very dangerous.

Helen, who failed to master the power, almost used this affectionate action to entangle her father, the future Demon King, into a faint. The difference in size between the two sides can be said to be completely reversed, and it is a reversal of hundreds of times.

After realizing that she had almost made a big mistake, Helen turned around in a hurry. She bit her tail and looked extremely troubled.

Obviously, she is not used to her new body at all. Although this body has more power, she still likes the body that Ulysses can hold in her arms obediently and act like a spoiled child to him.

She doesn't like the current body of the serpent, not at all, even if this is her "primarch", a transformation that appeared after a mutation on the way to catch up with her father.

As a weapon, she already has the ability to transform, but that ability will only appear when the power in her body is liberated to a higher stage, but that accidental change greatly accelerated the process, allowing her to enter early. this stage.

With this change, there are also some fragmentary memory fragments, which she doesn't like at all. That's the truth about when this world was born, what she really was.

Serpent of the Sky, that was her real name before her death. One of the ancient beings that exist in this world.

Long, long ago, two giant snakes tried to change the world and create a new world. Because the world they live in is constantly shrinking, and the source of magic in the entire world is also decreasing.

For this reason, a large number of fantasy species have to enter permanent sleep, because the world has not allowed them to continue to move the body of Stonehenge.

In order to solve such a dilemma, the sisters who were leaders of many fantasy species at that time implemented a plan called "Creation of Heaven and Earth".

However, they failed in the creation of heaven and earth. It failed miserably. The younger sister's body froze and became a part of the continent. She could no longer wake up from her long slumber, but her sister completely collapsed, only escaping the most core fragments, and even her memory completely collapsed and disappeared into the world.

However, they will not die, even if it takes tens of millions of years, they will slowly recover.

The Earth Serpent has created a large number of its own relatives. Incarnated as a part of the earth, waiting for the prosperity of her descendants, she can only wake up from that slumber when the bloodline of the local snake reaches a certain height.

The remaining power of the Sky Serpent was split into two parts. The broken body and will was sealed in the experimental world created by heaven and earth, and the most important core part was falling into the deep sea.

That part of the core is on the verge of desperation, and even the memory part has disappeared. But compared to the other part of the vague will that still exists, this is the true core of the Serpent of Heaven, the power used to create the heavens and the earth.

How long will it take to revive, the snake of the sky, who failed to create the world and bears most of the consequences of the failure, doesn't know, because she knows how badly she is injured. That was the injury that directly led to the collapse of the source.

In countless years, this core has been obtained by humans and also by Qiyi, but no one has been able to discover the true power of this core, and only use it as the core that gathers the elements of the four heavens.

That is of course wrong, even if the consciousness has collapsed, this is still the core of the snake of the sky, and it is a unique fragment in the entire world. The core of the strongest fantasy species in this world is a treasure enough to create an entire world.

Until one day, a little devil from another world finally discovered this core and transplanted the blood from the devil named Astaroth, the core that originally belonged to the Serpent of Heaven finally took on a new life. Gesture is born.

Her name is Helen, and she is the first apostle belonging to the Demon Lord Ulysses.

There is an entire unfinished world in her body, and her body is the embodiment of the concept of the world, so she can ignore any attack below her own level. As long as she wants to, there is no force in this world that can hurt her.

What she holds is not "defense", but "world". What she possesses is not "strength", but "concept", an invincible body that no one in this world can harm.

If it weren't for the fact that the new body couldn't be completely "isolated", she could swallow all the attacks against herself, and she wouldn't even move half a minute.

"Ah...Dad..." Despite her hard work, Helen, who was supposed to be her original body, still couldn't use it smoothly. Helen looked at Ulysses pitifully and couldn't see the snake of the sky at the top of the fantasy species in this world. shadow.

"It's okay, don't worry." Ulysses patted Helen's head. Although her appearance has changed a lot, Helen is still Helen, his cute and a bit messy daughter.

But the more gentle Ulysses was, the more anxious Helen was in her heart. She flicked her tail, and then easily cut the surrounding ground into countless This is the space Strength, her essential strength.

Then, Helen suddenly found that she still had a way to communicate with her father. She happily flicked her tail, cut space quickly and effectively, and then created a huge silver-white book in front of Ulysses.

It was a book of space, a product formed by gathering the power of space, a book that allowed her to write freely.

One after another, silver words slowly emerged on the book. That was Helen's heart, and she was full of love for her father.

"Dad, I'm here to find you."

"Dad, don't hate me."

"Dad, I don't like the way I am now."

"Dad, I'll find a way to change back soon."

One after another large characters appeared in the silver-white book of space, which was Helen's uneasy but joyful voice. RQ

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