Demon Lord Priest II

Chapter 522: Sword, Hero and Demon King (Part 2)

Fight, fight on!

Crossing countless battlefields and stepping on countless corpses, even if the ground is stained with blood, he will never look back.

Countless times I was left alone in the end, and countless times I was alone. After she lost everything she had, the only swords that accompany her were these swords, which were projected by her fantasy, from different generations and from different legends.

Whether it's a holy sword or a magic sword, it doesn't matter anymore. They are all forged from her fantasy. They are her most loyal friend and the strongest weapon.

Therefore, her title is the hero of the sword, a hero who uses the power of the sword itself and sword skills to the limit at the same time.

Gathering numerous holy swords, with the magic sword beside her, and controlling them to burst out all the power hidden in the sword is one of her proud secret skills. However, projecting more than one powerful Noble Phantasm at the same time in this way requires a great deal of magic power, and she can't use it at all until she obtains the curse of the black swan.

Moreover, even if the projection is successful, it is definitely not an easy thing to liberate their power, if it is not in this inherent enchantment that belongs to her, this is simply impossible.

Because, her current body has huge flaws, and that's the huge price she has to pay for recovering from her slumber.

"So it is, analyze, understand, and then map... No, there are other things?" Varak tilted his head, and his originally casual expression suddenly became a little surprised. That was what she saw from Lara's world, Something familiar but not supposed to be in a place like this.

A flash of light suddenly flashed across the world. It was the brilliance emanating from countless blades. At that moment, the power of the Noble Phantasms gathered around Lara erupted together.


Without warning, a huge arc-shaped blade slashed Valak's neck. This is exactly the characteristic of the executioner Excoyle, and the terrifying lethality that cuts off the opponent's head in an instant.

At the same time, it wasn't just the executioner Axcoyule that launched. In fact, this was the last moment of Lara's attack.

The first strike came from the Holy Sword of the Earth, the power of the earth that gave birth to all life. The earthy-colored sword shot directly into the earth under Valak's feet, instantly adding to her and her two-headed dragon. More than a hundred times the gravitational pressure.

The second blow came from the dance sword, which can dance beautifully, and the sword of the king, which represented victory. The two swords crossed and swirled and flew to the dragon's head of the two-headed dragon. The gorgeous sword light just suppressed the dragon. roar.

The third blow comes from the giant's sword, which symbolizes courage and strength. The broad swordman directly slashed the beautiful silver dragon's head, and the "giant power" attached to the sword exploded instantly, pressing down the beautiful silver faucet.

Then, Storm, the black magic sword that devours life as its driving force, and the executioner, Excoyle, who can instantly accelerate and launch a "slaying strike", became the last dual sword skill of Lara's slaying combo.

However, this is not all. In the silence, a pair of daggers are flying in the air, like birds spreading their wings, spinning left and right to fly behind Valak.

The one on the left is a machete-shaped dagger with black in the red

The one on the right is an ordinary short sword with white in red.

The hilts of the two swords are engraved with rotating black and white circular patterns.

"Ding!" The executioner Axcoyule who slashed at Varak's neck was easily deflected, and a huge gap even appeared on the blade.

"Crack!" The twin swords, like beautiful crane wings that were stretched out, just swirled from behind and approached Valak. Before they could touch her hair, they were shaken to shreds.

"Boom!" The Earth Sacred Sword that was inserted into the earth, the Giant Sword that suppressed Shuanglong, the King's Sword, and the Buta Sword were all blown into pieces and turned into countless tiny pieces.

This is the power of the "king", qualified to lead the real demon army, the power of the demon **** above the legendary seventy-two pillars. With just one look, the power to shatter the Noble Phantasm projected by Lala is equivalent to the authentic quality.

If she wanted to, even this entire city would instantly turn into dust in her eyes. Those "towers" that seem to be high above are completely vulnerable waste in her eyes.

Lara has never encountered such a powerful enemy, and even in the last generation of ancient magic, when she faced those magic emperors who had embarked on the forbidden road, she had never had such great pressure.

What is this monster in the form of a girl who suddenly appeared? Is it the new Demon King? Ready to once again ascend to the apex of all dark races, the Magi?

"Hey!" Under the sound of many Noble Phantasms being smashed and flying, this sound seemed a little insignificant, but the meaning it represented made Lala a little unbelievable.

The black magic sword that could devour the life source of the slain actually penetrated Valak's chest without even being hindered in the slightest. UU reading

" actually..." Valak looked at the magic sword that penetrated his chest in disbelief.

The sharp point of the sword was about to tear her body apart. The feeling of the passing of life continued to erode her body. The magic power that had been draining quickly was like a dam that had been opened, frantically exuding from the body and leaking into the body. in the air.

No, this should be an absolutely impossible scene.

Let alone a magic sword of this level, even with the hardest weapon in this world, it is absolutely impossible to pierce her body. That's why she was so careless that she only regarded this battle as a game.

A game between the brave prey and the tamer. She is the tamer who waits patiently for her prey to become domesticated, and Lara is the arrogant and collectible prey.

However, the sword told her the truth.

it hurts! it hurts! it hurts! it hurts!

Valak forgot, how long has he not been in such pain.

There is something in the sword of this girl named Lala, something that can hurt her. Maybe she wouldn't even notice it herself, because that's an area she couldn't understand at all.

At that moment just now, it was some kind of power contained in that sword that penetrated her defense, the demon-level incantation barrier, ignoring the absolute barrier of all attacks below her rank.

That is the power above the rank of the Demon God, that is the power that stands on the peak of all demons and monsters, dominates the dark world with the strongest power, and is enough to challenge the only "Supreme God".

That is the power that is enough to compete with the supreme **** who has created all things and holds the sole divine authority, and is stronger than she and all the legions she leads.

That is, the power of the Demon King!


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