Demon Lord Priest II

Vol 4 Chapter 3: angels come


ff37;ww.ff35;ff18;xff33;.ff23;om0f;8bf4;66f4;65b0;6700;5feb;0f;8bf4;9605;8bfb;7f51;It wasn't the first time that Ice Phoenix felt that fiery gaze , but this time it was more obvious.

Unconsciously, the three strands of long blue hair standing on Ice Phoenix's head shook, as if wondering why Phoenix Phoenix was so obsessed with them.

That is of course, what the Phoenix Phoenix has been desperately trying to capture, is the three strands of long hair that represent the power of the Ice Phoenix, just like the proof of the Ice Phoenix Crown. In this world, there is only such a thing that can help her give birth to her own little life and become the eggshell that her child needs to be born.

As a fantasy species with infinite vitality, Phoenix, the phoenix, would have been impossible to conceive and give birth to a child. Because if she is pregnant, her own vitality will devour her own child and become part of her own body.

Unbelievably, the love affair with Ulysses overcame this difficulty and made her pregnant, who was almost impossible to conceive. Those golden liquids with powerful power were well fused into her life essence, allowing her to give birth to a child of her own.

But this is not enough, because of the characteristics of her attributes, it is impossible for this child to be born naturally. As long as it is still in her body, it will definitely become a part of her body and cannot appear in the form of an independent life.

Therefore, she still had to capture the three strands of long hair that represented the power of the Ice Phoenix's source, and use it to build an eggshell that would make her child feel at ease. She herself does not have such ability, and can only rely on this external force to finally give birth to her child completely. What she longs for is not the growth of her own strength, but a child that truly belongs to her.

Even if this will make her encounter the greatest terror, but for the child's mother, she has infinite courage.

"My wish will not disappear!" Raising his hand, an incredible force appeared on Phoenix Phoenix's body. It was not the usual golden red flame, but another divine power, human beings. Call it "miracle" power.

This is Phoenix's last trump card. To this end, she gave up many, many things. She, who used to be one of the origins of belief in the southern land, willingly cooperated with the Destiny Twins, and finally got this power in exchange.

In order to master this power, she spent countless reincarnations, getting used to the power that did not belong to her original power, and she finally learned this trick after failing many times.

This trick does not belong to the world of fantasy species, but involves a more complex field. God's realm. Phoenix Phoenix was qualified to use it as the totem of the Southern Church.

This is a move that can only be used by certain people who have the qualifications for faith, and it was a move that Phoenix Phoenix finally completed after accumulating the power of faith for thousands of years.

This is the ultimate power in the divine art system of the Supreme Divine Religion - the art of angel descent, the highest divine art recorded in the Holy Book of Light.

"In the distant sky, gazing upon the earth and this world, O God Most High, have mercy on us. Clear our sins, forgive our transgressions, and let your light shine upon all the earth. Bless you Bread and water of servants, for you are holy; always so, now and forever, forever and ever!"

"We obey your will, and may your will be forever and ever. Bless us today, and forgive us our debts. As we forgive those who have wronged us; lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from that Evil one, for this we worship and obey you, accepting all your gifts."

"Glory to you, hope to you, please open your eyes, open the only way for us, and send your favorite family members as the guides of the light of our hope. Save the confused and unfortunate people here."

"You are the light of life. Soul, hope. Here we pronounce your true name, beloved of God, envoy of God's favor, your name is..."

A huge beam of light with a diameter of more than one kilometer erupted from the Phoenix Phoenix, which was the power of faith she had stored for thousands of years, surpassing the divine power of any human being and any generation of saintess. Only Phoenix Phoenix, who is a dream species and one of the religious totems of the Southern Church, can contain such a powerful force. Because she has the same divine attributes as angels, the power of life and the power of holy light are equally brilliant, the price that Phoenix Phoenix pays for this is to assume the responsibility of the goddess Mayfair before recovery, as a human being Protect the Southern Church until her own consciousness awakens.

This was the contract between Phoenix Phoenix and the Destiny Twins, and she was rewarded.

With such a huge power of faith, she is also qualified to use the technique of angel descent.

Since there is no need for assistance from other people, and there is no problem of synchronization frequency, plus the user's own attributes are powerful, the success rate of Phoenix Phoenix's use of this angel descending technique is almost 100%.

This time, she also accurately felt the angel's breath. I don't know why the breath was particularly obvious this time. It far surpassed any previous experiments in the past. It was as if the angel was in this world this time.

The most difficult part of the angel's descent technique is the stage of connecting the angel's real name. This requires more than strength, but also a little luck to accurately find out the angel's real name.

As long as the angel's true name can be said, the technique of the angel's descent is equal to completion. Ninety percent of the church's numerous attempts to descend the angel in history have failed at this last level.

The real name of an angel cannot be said in human language, cannot be described in human language, and even Phoenix, the phoenix, cannot fully decipher it. But this time, there was obviously no problem with the summoning. The angel's real name appeared in her mind very clearly, and she was added to the final position of the angel's descending technique.

"Come on!" In the prayer of Phoenix Phoenix, a big hole opened in the sky, and the warm sunlight that should not have appeared in the world of ice and snow fell from the big hole.

A pure white, empty-colored spiral staircase constructed by the power of pure divine light, piece by piece, continuously extended from the sky, and then fell on the phoenix Phoenix. A huge and gentle divine power extended from this pure white spiral staircase and completely poured into the body of Phoenix Phoenix.

Then, a white figure walked down from the sky step by step, driving away all the darkness, blood, anxiety, coldness, and even the ice dust of the Ice Phoenix was melted.

As long as you see her with your eyes, your mind will be at peace, as long as you hear the sound of her footsteps with your ears, your body will be at peace, as long as you touch her light, your soul will be at rest. God's messenger, God's darling - the power of angels.

It was a light full of warmth, happiness, pain, sadness, and fear, all of which disappeared without knowing it.

"Angel? God's Arrival?" At this moment, not only Ice Phoenix was looking at the huge vortex of light and the phoenix Phoenix, which was illuminated by countless divine lights. Angels are strange creatures even to these ancient fantasy species.

This divine creature that occasionally descends into this world does not actually have a physical body, so it must have a carrier to move freely. Their power is very powerful, and they have played a vital role in expelling the ancient god-level demons that have invaded this world.

From this point of view, angels can also be regarded as a type of dream species, and their attribute is "light". It's just that they don't belong to this world, and even if they occasionally come to this world, they can't exist for long, and usually disappear after a certain wish is fulfilled.

The method of summoning angels exists only in the church's light scriptures, and there is no other text circulating. Therefore, when the Phoenix Phoenix actually used this move, the Ice Phoenix and the ancient fantasy species who were watching this battle were not surprised.

"Okay, it's successful!" Phoenix Phoenix could feel that his own power was increasing like never before. The legendary seance really lived up to its reputation, and it did have the ability to produce miracles. Like Ice Phoenix, she also felt the warmth that made her, but she didn't look up to see that the figure that was getting closer and closer to her was actually her little lover.

Looking at that sacred figure, Ice Phoenix's eyes began to change.

The same is true for the ancient fantasy species who watch the battle with consciousness, because that elegant, light, and ladylike figure represents a field that has not been known until now.

"This time, I won't lose!" Phoenix Phoenix boiled, and behind him formed a second pair of wings because of the powerful divine power. There is no doubt that it is the incarnation of angel wings. These white wings are the proof of her own faith. As long as the angels come fully, they will become real angel wings. They are exactly the same as the church records. will gain the power of a true angel.

The golden red flame wings and the pure white sacred wings swayed behind the Phoenix Phoenix, making all the ancient fantasy species who watched the battle of the century with their consciousness boil with enthusiasm. They have been silent for too long. Too many times the fall of the Phoenix Phoenix.

This time, Phoenix Phoenix finally proved his strength to his peers of the same generation with his amazing performance.

"Good job, Phoenix, you're finally smart once."

"Let's see what the power of an angel is like."

"It's worth it this time, I didn't expect Phoenix to have such a trump card this time!"

"Let's fight! Fight for seven days and seven Let the world know the true power of my dream species."

Ice Phoenix took a deep breath.

"Come out, Ice Phoenix's stunt, the breath of diamond dust."

"Phoenix, if you don't take action, you will be finished!"

The ice phoenix rushed over at full speed, then leaped and hugged the figure in white who walked down the empty spiral staircase, followed by a fiery kiss, making her little angel taste her honey-like deliciousness again. And the sweet body fluid, just like when he was hatched from the egg by her.


Chapter 3 The Angel Comes

Chapter 3 Angels Come* (m)

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