Demon Lord Priest II

Vol 5 Chapter 21: battlefield

The border area of ​​the Dragon Country of Agunis, where the slaughtered princess Lelu and the invincible hero Esia fought two days ago. The cold wind blew across the blood-stained dark red land, and several scavenging hyenas were pulling at the Bones, want a full meal. Several huge black vultures hovered in the air, waiting for the meal time after the coyotes left,

On the horizon, a stream of black and white light fell from the clouds in the sky, standing firmly in the center of this **** wilderness.

"Okay! That's it!" Ulysses stood on the battlefield he had chosen, confirming that it was indeed a deserted wilderness with only a few scavengers and vultures, and nodded with satisfaction.

Here, you can use some more powerful weapons and moves, and you don't have to be tied down. More importantly, the terrain here is a plain, and the opponent can no longer move to different sniping points without him being aware of it, just like in the City of Thousand Dragons.

Lara, the sword warrior who chased down from the City of Thousand Dragons, didn't make Ulysses wait too long. With her six sword wings projected, her flying speed in a straight line is not as good as the one who has both the fallen and angel wings. Ulysses, but not too slow.

However, she was very cautious and stopped before entering Ulysses' observation field. For her, there was no possibility of missing the target, because the compass in her hand pointed out her target extremely accurately - Le Cotto Lu's location.

For this white goblin who has violated taboos since before the advent of human beings, Lara has chased and killed him more than once, and has created a record of killing him thirteen times in a row in one era.

But the pure white fairy did not die like that. Although all his Noble Phantasms were destroyed and captured during the battle with Lala. Even the Tears of Tiara, who gathered the power of the source, were lost, but he himself still survived tenaciously.

Undoubtedly, that is the proof that he violated the "taboo". In Lara's scavenging list, the white goblin Le Kutolu is always at the top of the kill target. Under her repeated pursuit, she was once considered by the goblins to be close to God's white goblin. In this era, her strength once dropped to a level that was barely level 7, and she suffered fatal injuries that could not be healed.

"Projection, start." Under a big tree away from Ulysses and LeCutorou. Lala closed her eyes and wiped away the breath from her body.

Skeleton selection, Dragon Vein Auxiliary Noble Phantasm, Dragon Essence Insect.

This is a treasure in the Argunis Treasures of the Land of Dragons, an auxiliary Noble Phantasm used to enhance the potential of the Dragon Veiner at the last moment.

Several strange cyan reptiles appeared at Lala's feet, the front part bit Lala's body, and the rest turned into countless threads and connected to the earth. The role of these dragon essence insects is to connect her to the dragon veins of this land. This allows her fragile body to exert power far beyond its limits.

There is no generation of sword warriors whose bodies are strong enough to surpass the giant dragons of the same rank. The strength of the sword warriors is not purely physical strength, but their own understanding of the world. Use all available methods to increase your own strength, so as to gain a strategic advantage over the opponent, which is the unique fighting style of the sword warrior.

In order to defeat her opponent, Lara never mind what tactics she uses. Assassination and sniping are routine for her. Her exclusive class allows her to use the Noble Phantasm of any class. When necessary, she can transform into a knight who charges ahead, or a terrifying shooter like she is now.

The awakening of the true engraved bow is exactly the dividing line of her combat power. After the power level is restored to the point where he can freely use this fantasy Noble Phantasm from the goblin family. Her combat power has increased not by a multiple, but by a whole class.

She was killed by Ulysses. The strongest blow that she fired was only the limit of the eight extremes, but now that she was freed from the restraint of the true engraving bow, any blow would be a 9th-level lore. Those crimson hounds that have been smashed by Ulysses many times, the power of any one can blow up a huge city like the City of Thousand Dragons to pieces.

"Filled up, the magic return rate is 80%!" Without looking at Ulysses and Lekutolu in the center of the battlefield, Lala turned her back to the two, stepped on the countless dragon essence lines, slowly opened the true engraved bow in his hand.

Everything slowed down, and even without looking at it, Lara knew that the two were on her own intersection. It's not that she didn't see the defensive power of Ulysses' silver crystal shield, but she still drew the true engraved bow in her hand.

In this world, there has never been an unbreakable defense. If you just blindly defend, there will be flaws one day, not to mention that the shield's defense can't really continue indefinitely.

The number of times that shield can be used is limited, which is the answer Lara got after many exploratory attacks. It can be said that since the second crimson hound was easily defended by the silver crystal shield, all the attacks after that were to test the defense limit of that shield, thus collecting vital intelligence.

One, two, three... Lala felt the veins of the dragon fine line under her feet, and accurately calculated the opponent's position, including the possible position of the silver crystal shield, and gently pulled up the last one of the true engraved bow. A bowstring.

As a fantasy Noble Phantasm of the goblin family, the True Engraved Bow has three bowstrings with different attributes.

The first one is icy silver, like the color collected from the northernmost iceberg in this world. The attribute of this string is "ice". It can shoot arrows that freeze the soul. The starlight can also be sealed together, which is the frozen string of dreams.

The one in the middle is fiery red, like the color of the burning lava under the earth. The attribute of this string is "hunting". The arrows shot from this string will be like the most ferocious red hounds. They will never let go until they bite the enemy, and once they encounter obstacles, they will blow the obstacles into pieces without hesitation.

The last one is a deep black, as if too much despair, too much sadness, the deepest black, this string is the one that has been pulled open now, even the half black has been fused together. With the power of the swan, she must also use the string of the essence of the dragon spirit insect. This is the most terrifying string in the real engraved bow. The power is so powerful that it cannot be controlled, so it cannot be used in the City of Thousand Dragons.

Its attribute is "virtual string", an extremely dangerous deadly magic string,

When Lala struggled to pull the string to the top, Ulysses, who was in the center of the battlefield, suddenly opened his eyes, one hand clenched the abyss, and the other hand couldn't help hugging the goblin. girl.

what happened? Ulysses could feel that he was locked, and this feeling never disappeared, but at this moment it became extraordinarily obvious. Some kind of huge danger seemed to be approaching him. He could not detect which direction the danger was coming from, but instinctively felt the fatal crisis.

In the same way, LeCutoru, who was in the arms of Ulysses, also felt the shadow of death. Compared with Ulysses, he understands where this shadow of death comes from. In the past years, he has been shrouded in such a shadow of death more than once, and the result is, without exception, a tragic death.

For him, such a breath is as irresistible as death, and he can even see the future where his body is swallowed by that power.

But this time was different from the past, he had never felt so wonderful. When he was held in his arms by Ulysses, when he was guarded by him, he could feel that his body was changing little by little, transforming to a field he had never thought of before.

This... how is this possible? Le Kutorou couldn't believe that he would make such a change. This was a choice he had long since given up as the original goblin. But in this extreme danger, in the arms of Ulysses, this process started so naturally.

That was the choice he made after his life instinct surpassed his reason. After inheriting Goethe's legacy, his body returned to its original shape. This also represented another concept, but Le Cutorou unconsciously forgotten.

That is, he has the power to choose gender again. This power was voluntarily given up by him when he and his companions were studying the heritage of another world. Since then, he has been fixed as a genderless Even if he is resurrected after death many times, he has not made any changes. .

But now, the process that had been forgotten by him has actually been revived, and it is developing in a direction that he completely unpredictable.

Saved and protected by Ulysses, his body, which seemed unable to resist the pursuit of the sword hero Lara, chose a "female". Sex that has nothing to do with yourself.

Now that process has begun, he—no, her body is taking shape, the parts that women should have are slowly developing, and the things that shouldn't be appearing step by step. If Ulysses had paid a little attention to the size of the fairy girl in his arms, he would have found that her **** were turning from nothing to a slight bulge. Although the process was not fast, it was irreversible.

In other words, the pure white fairy who was once known as the first fairy closest to God, surpassing any human sage, is now becoming a genuine fairy girl. This process is irreversible, irreversible, and even accelerating.

As a result, the face of Le Kutorou (Sini), who was hugged by Ulysses, began to become more and more red, and her breathing became more and more rapid, and her skin even had a lovely blush, which was her gender. differentiated proof.

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