Demon Lord Priest II

Vol 5 Chapter 34: Red and Black, Crime and Punishment (5)

The heraldic sword style is a divine sword skill created by Lara, the hero of the sword, at the end of ancient magic, a sword skill with infinite possibilities.

However, the cost of using the heraldic swordsmanship is so great that even Lala who created this swordsmanship finally gave up this swordsmanship, leaving only the one who gathered all the forbidden power of this swordsmanship.” "God Dance" became his ultimate sword skill.

As the ultimate trump card for warriors in the ancient magic age to fight against the powerful ancient magicians, the power of the heraldry, the top ten of which are without exception are taboos among the taboos, and they are the marks that directly manifest the power of the law.

"The Eye of Sin and Punishment", "The Immortal Ingrid", "The Voice Towards the Underworld", "Judgment of Life and Death", "Platinum Star", "Black Light Lake", each name represents countless Blood and death, both the enemy and the user themselves.

Lala, with the "circle" as the key, finally merged all the powers of these forbidden heraldics into one, creating the "God Dance".

In the sword Yuna gave to Ulysses, there was only one kind of coat of arms, and in this world, only the sages were qualified to use the coat of arms—the triangle.

Lara's "God Dance" can allow her to enter the realm of the gods and complete impossible sword moves, while Yuna has only one power to fill in the infinite conviction, and that is "absolute aggression".

To break through all order and destroy all laws, the power of this infinite triangular superposition is the power used to transform, the power to destroy all the laws that Lara possesses.

Therefore, what Yuna finally completed was not the "God Dance" but the "Extraordinary Dance", which was specially used to cut off all hope and life, the most terrifying killing power.

Due to the restrictions of the laws of the world, the robe of Hades that she is wearing now cannot appear in the real world, but this sword is different, because it is a special weapon for the hero of the sword, which is formed by the condensed power of all Yuna's fantasy.

She witnessed Ulysses' growth, choice, and watched the boy who once hesitated to fight finally resolutely embarked on the road of the devil.

Since Ulysses took the initiative to choose the path of the Demon King, she no longer needs her to control his body to fight. Looking at Ulysses who made her wish clear, Yuna was like seeing her grown-up brother. Pride in loss.

Yes, Ulysses was finally no longer the child who would only be hurt, and he finally came out of the sadness of the past on his own strength.

However, it's not enough, his transformation is still one step away, the scars in his heart still haven't healed, and he still can't fall in love with the girls who like him.

All of this is Lara's fault. As a sword warrior, she once ruthlessly took all the happiness that belonged to him, and it was not only the body of the little Ulysses who fell in the bright red blood at that time, but also all the goodness he had towards the world. fantasies and hopes, and her past.

The fact that she had died a long time ago, Yuna only remembered not long ago, because her memory was shattered more thoroughly. If Ulysses hadn't gotten the legacy of Hades, this lost piece of the past might not have been able to come back.

She used to be an angel, the angel who guarded Ulysses, the praying angel who brought him happiness, and the name was "Empty".

She entered the fantasy garden with Ulysses, gave him all her power, and let him fall asleep after defeating the strongest enemy. But when she was awakened by the stinging pain, as a guardian angel, she had been killed by Lara's gun. If it wasn't for the golden seed of wisdom that protected Ulysses, Ulysses would have been pierced by Lara's spear at that time.

Lara took Yulia's body. But the weapon created by that body penetrated the body of the still young Ulysses.

If he hadn't chosen to forget, this child must have collapsed.

If he hadn't forced himself not to look at the little blue flower, the child would have cried until he couldn't shed any more tears.

The crimes that Lala committed, took too much from this child, and she couldn't pay it back at all.

No matter what kind of hero she is and what brilliant achievements she has made, she will never be able to erase the crimes she committed against this child. If she hadn't tried her best at that time, this child must have died in her life. hands.

And herself. Just like that, he died under the attack of the gun. It wasn't until I felt that little familiar warmth again that I woke up from the long dream. became the half body of this child.

So, she began to yearn for power, more than anyone else, she gave up the name "Sora" once given by the Angel of Wind and became Yuna.

At this moment, she gave Ulysses the magic sword that contained the power of "Extraordinary Dance", precisely in the hope that he could truly end Lala's life.

This infinite conviction is the shadow of the abyss, but it is also the desire in her heart, the will born to kill Lala.

Under this sword, no one lives forever.

Therefore, when Ulysses's abyss convicted sin combined with the sword shadow of infinite convicting sin, he only swung his sword and turned the black and white world created by the "judgment of life and death" into countless pieces.

In the distance, Lala, covered in blood, was standing up again. After encountering the infiltration of countless stars, she defeated these ancient star powers with a spiritual power that no one could imagine, and stood up bravely and tenaciously.

She did not fail, she was still fighting, and the lonely silver figure represented her belief that she would never give up.

In this battle, she did not leave any retreat for herself. When the "God Dance" was launched, she already understood her own ending, the ending she chose.

The power of "God Dance" is so powerful that it is not allowed by the laws of this Therefore, using it must pay the price of death. But even if she knew that it would be the result, Lara still chose the strongest sword.

Because she is a hero.

The quaint double swords once again drew a perfect circle, and the abyss also responded with a icy sword light.

The difference from just now is that this time, the transparent golden blade of the abyss has countless triangular patterns on it. It is the proof that Yuna and Ulysses fought side by side. They cannot appear in this real world in real form. A sword skill that Ulysses completed together.

"Dawn" by Ulysses.

Yuna's "Extraordinary Dance".

With the abyss of sin as an intermediary, the current Ulysses has the power of two divine sword skills at the same time, no, three!

"Om!" The strange sound of sword chirping echoed on the sword of the abyss, making the body of the magic sword blurred.

This is the third divine sword skill, "Zankong" in the Dragon Killing Destruction Sword Style that Ulysses learned from Xiao Xia.

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