Demon Lord Priest II

Vol 5 Chapter 40: Dragon God's Bride (Part 1)

Ulysses stood blankly on the plain full of blue flowers, looking at the endless blue flower sea, his eyes were sour.

This was Yulia's favorite flower during her lifetime, a light blue flower.

Its name is "Forget Me Not", and the language of the flower means don't forget me, true love, please remember me. "

A long, long time ago, a young knight and his lover were strolling by the riverside in their hometown, and they came across small blue flowers blooming on the riverbank. The maiden likes this kind of flower very, very much, so the knight wades in the water to pick the words of his lover regardless of the danger.

However, when he got the flower in his hand, tragedy happened, the knight stumbled and was caught in the rapids, knowing that he could not be rescued. The knight said "please don't forget me" to his beloved lover, and took the flower. The little blue flower was thrown at his beloved girl, and then disappeared into the water.

In the days to come, the girl who was loved by the knight would wear the little blue flower on her hair day and night to show her unforgettable memory of her lover.

Therefore, the name of the blue flower has become "Forget Me Not", and the language spoken by the light blue is "Please don't forget me" and "True Love". No matter where you are, even if you are no longer in this world, that soft feeling will never change.

That summer, Ulysses didn't know why Yulia suddenly fell in love with this little blue flower, until he lost her forever and never saw her again.

She obviously wanted to protect her so much, she was so important to him, she wanted to spend her whole life taking care of her, but she left in such a way that even the traces of her existence disappeared in this world.

"Yulia, why?" What happened between Lara and Yulia that summer, and why Yulia's thoughts would block his sword, Ulysses wanted to know more than anyone else.

However, no one could answer him anymore, and even the budding sword left by Yulia turned into this blue sea of ​​flowers. It was as if she was talking about the little girl's last thoughts.

It won't end like this, absolutely!

"I will definitely bring you back, Yulia!" This was the oath of Ulysses, the original reason for embarking on the road of the Demon King.

Because I don't want to regret it.

Because this is his heart's desire.

Not for others, not for justice, or even this matter itself violates the laws of this world.

but. This is what Ulysses wants to do, what he wants to save.

He had to find the little blue flower that disappeared in the wind, so he chose the path of the devil.

The perfect Pluto mythical gem quietly appeared in the hands of Ulysses, reflecting the blue sea of ​​flowers that Yulia left for her brother, and firmly remember this scene.

White dandelions are blowing in the wind. This is Ulysses' favorite flower, the flower that belongs to the angel, and the flower that protects his lover like forget-me-nots.


Ulysses spread his wings and left this sad place, and took the unconscious fairy girl with him.

Since then, this place has become the holy place of the dragon country of Agunis, and this blue sea of ​​flowers has also become a legend.

According to the legend, this is the place where the lover of the Dragon God died. Whenever these blue flowers called "forget-me-nots" bloom, the lovers of Agunis, the land of dragons, will travel here to pick a blue flower and give it to each other to their lovers.


When Ulysses took the unconscious fairy girl back to salvage the City of Thousand Dragons. It was already dusk when the sun was setting. In order not to reveal his identity, he put on the long-lost black magician's robe and performed a small illusion at the same time.

The talent for illusion was naturally acquired after mating with the first beauty of the Super Warcraft Alliance, the golden-haired jade-faced nine-tailed fox. Although it was just as unskilled as when using ice and snow magic, it was impossible for a few people in this world to see through it. Because the one who gave this power to Ulysses was the strongest fantasy species representing the law of "illusion" in this world.

Although it was already dusk, the streets of the City of Thousand Dragons were very lively, and excited crowds could be seen everywhere, when Ulysses passed by the goblin bar. It can even be seen that many people brought offerings and bowed down reverently outside the goblin bar, which was smashed into ruins by Lala's attack.

"Thanks to the great Dragon God for giving us life. We will be your people forever and ever, and accept your brilliance."

"Send the most precious food to my family. Lord Dragon God, please bless my child to grow up smoothly and awaken the true power of dragon veins."

"Lord Dragon God, please let me get pregnant! Let me give birth to your child!"

All kinds of wishes, prayers, and sincere words are intertwined, forming an unusually sacred atmosphere. The residents of the City of Thousand Dragons who have had the honor to contact the Dragon God are here without exception. Another request to tell about the appearance and deeds of the dragon god.

The white robes that were not common in the City of Thousand Dragons were sold out of stock. Now seven out of ten people in the streets are wearing white clothes, which makes Ulysses in black clothes very conspicuous. .

This is the first time Ulysses has listened to other people's prayers from the perspective of "God". It is a very wonderful feeling, because he usually prays to the Supreme God like these people.

Although possessing the power of an angel, even the high-level divine art such as the sacred golden fat bread can be easily used, but Ulysses still has the greatest respect for the gods he once believed in.

It's just that that simple dream of wanting to become a priest to share everyone's troubles and spend a lifetime in a peaceful town will never come back.

What is God like? Using the power of illusion to hide his figure, and standing in the praying crowd holding the fairy girl, Ulysses began to slowly perceive some truths in this world.

The dragon **** they worship and believe at this moment is actually him not long ago, and he who was blessed by Taxis, the real dragon **** is actually Taxis.

But Taxis, the girl who kissed him shyly in a faraway place, is a god?

He still clearly remembered what she said to himself at that time:

"I... my name is Taxis, please come to Long Island to marry me after the war here, and I will prepare the dowry!"

Now, he has arrived in the country of dragons, Agunis, and has also received the blessing of the Dragon God from Taxis, and even married Lelu, the bride.

So next, is he going to marry the **** of this dragon kingdom, the dragon **** Taxis?

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