Demon Lord Priest II

Vol 5 Chapter 60: wrong start (part 1)

Uncontrollable, this is the biggest reason why Ulysses did not choose the more powerful retraction cannon during the battle with the sword hero Lara. Even the magic spear of destiny transformed from the fantasy silver crystal incarnated by Helen could only reluctantly compress the power of Lulu's dark evil crystal into a single point and release it.

When it comes to the destructive power to space, the retraction gun with its own space annihilation feature is better than Lapis's solar particle beam, but it is not a suitable weapon for use, more like a weapon for destroying the world. .

However, in the face of the shadow of the silver dragon projected out, there is no doubt that the retreating cannon that can cause the phenomenon of space annihilation is more suitable than the solar particle beam. This is also true, because the original power of the retreating cannon comes from Lulu's dark evil Crystal and the sea of ​​phantoms, so it has the destructive power to destroy all phenomena and creatures that are not entities.

This kind of destructive power cannot be controlled even by Ulysses, so after one blow wiped out the huge forbidden energy summoned by the silver dragon projection, he immediately flew out of the swallowing range of the black hole with the peach in his arms.

Longjian also plunged into the deep sea with his wife Hailong, avoiding this sudden disaster.

After spreading for about ten kilometers, the black hole that devoured everything slowly shrank back, and finally collapsed into a small point and disappeared in the torn space crack.

An incomparably smooth semicircle was left on the ground, which was the trace left by the matter carried away by the black hole. It can be said that every time a retraction cannon is used, a part of this world disappears, and it is a non-renewable part. So it wasn't necessary, Ulysses chose not to use Lulu's retreat cannon as much as possible.

After everything calmed down, Princess Peach in Ulysses' arms woke up from the chaos, and looked at Ulysses with those big eyes who had rescued her from the crisis of spiritual collapse, and then suddenly shed tears. tears.

"oah... woo... why? I cry?" Taotao looked at the unfamiliar Ulysses, and felt the tears falling from the corners of her eyes, a strange sadness enveloped her body and mind.

Why? Obviously she doesn't know Ryu at all, obviously Rin is the first to meet her, she will cry for him.

Why? This is her enemy, and the opponent she wants to defeat will be so warm after being held in his arms.

This kind of temperature, this feeling of being together, seems to have been there a long, long time ago, somewhere and everywhere.

It is a longing that cannot be stopped even if the times change, it is a broken soul, a feeling that cannot be eliminated by reincarnation and reincarnation, a sad love song of the dragon.

"Woo... woo, o woo woo woo..." For the young Tao Tao, such thoughts were too heavy and too sad, and finally she couldn't help crying loudly. Tears fell from her cheeks, wetting Ulysses' white coat and drowning the girl's heart.

So pitiful, so pitiful, why can't we be together, why we can't speak when we meet, only this yearning for thousands of years will not change for ten thousand years.

This is, who misses? Tao Tao cried with tears in her eyes, and then couldn't tell whether it was reality or a dream, and hugged Ulysses' body tightly.

"It's okay, it's over, don't be afraid." Ulysses gently touched Tao Tao's head, comforting the yaozhen girl who had just woken up from a fatal crisis.

Unfortunately, he completely misunderstood why Taotao was crying, and what he missed.

However, Taotao couldn't tell what she missed, she just wanted to cry, no matter how she could bear it, she couldn't help crying. There seemed to be a lot of things in her heart that she wanted to say, but she really tried her best to think but couldn't put together anything.

For her as a child, this was too unfamiliar, too hot, and too tender.

But even though the body is still a child, Tao Tao, who has always longed for love stories, has read countless romantic novels in the past few hundred years, and of course she will understand what this feeling is.

That's love, that's love, and the combination is love. There can be no mistake, what is surging and echoing in her heart is love, the love that makes life and death promise.

This is not her love, but she can't escape. This feeling has penetrated her body and infected her soul. The more she cried, the clearer the impression of Ulysses in her heart became, and she slowly pieced together the look of infatuation she had imagined countless times.

What should her love be like? Tao Tao, who has grown her love knowledge with romantic novels, looked at Ulysses and compared them with her ideal love one by one.

Her love interest is high - although he is not particularly high, he is still taller than her, barely qualified.

Her love interest should be handsome - this doesn't seem to be a problem, in all fairness he is actually quite handsome, and he is full of confidence all over his body, giving him a reliable enough feeling.

Her love can fly with her in the air—she had seen wings in him just now.

Her love affair needs a lot of gems - he is so powerful that even "Dawn of the Silver Dragon" can't defeat him, so it must not be difficult to earn gems.

So, it seems, it seems, really, she has passed all the benchmark requirements for future love, and some of them have exceeded, she never thought that he would be so strong, stronger than those elders.

o Ah! Could it be that maybe, there is a way! As long as the great Princess Tao Tao sacrifices a little bit and turns this guy into her love interest, isn't Lasha safe! In this way, you can not only protect your best friend, but also fulfill your wish. Isn't it the best of both worlds!

Of course, this guy took a big advantage no matter what, but since he met the requirements in all aspects, it was not impossible for the great Princess Tao Tao to give him a chance. Of course, as long as he didn't do well, she would immediately dump him and kick him far away.

That's right, Taotao should be able to make this sacrifice for the sake of La Xia... Taotao wiped her tears, and some kind of small bud in her heart was growing rapidly.

"Hello." Before the uncle who was in the way hadn't floated up from the sea, Taotao shed tears and asked Ulysses the crucial question, the question she must know:

"What's the matter, Tao Tao?" Ulysses smiled and looked at the little princess in his arms. After going through so many things, he liked a simple child like Tao Tao more than before, and he was more tolerant of her. mistakes made.

"Do you like Uncle Longjian's daughter?" This question was decided by xìng, Taotao must know what he thinks of his best friend La Xia.

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