Demon Lord Priest II

Vol 6 Chapter 19: The Princess of the Black Sea and December (13)

In the corner of the Black Sea, the sky suddenly cracked open, and a number of huge tentacles could be vaguely seen rising from the sea, stirring the clouds and calling for thunderstorms and hurricanes.

The frenzied storm almost turned this sea area upside down, blood and flames boiled in the sky, acid rain, water tornadoes, and dark lightning gathered together, turning into the color of this apocalypse.

But these natural phenomena are just appetizers. In the powerful attack of strangulation, darkness, blight, strong acid, and toxins, the real terror has just arrived.

"Hey!" The Lobster King, who had been fighting Diane for many years, felt an inexplicable terror for the first time, an emotion he had never felt since he became a complete body.

Although the previous Diane was also very powerful, some of the things she showed at this moment were far beyond the imagination of the Lobster King.

That was Diane's biggest secret, the only thing she was hiding from her teacher, Ice Phoenix.

The reason why she can transcend the limitations of her own race and become the only deep-sea monster with wisdom is not a mutation of any race, but because she ate a certain "thing".

Until now, Diane didn't know what that "thing" was. It looked like some kind of rotten organ, and it seemed to be the corpse of some monster. By the time Diane saw "it", it was already mutilated.

But when Diane saw "it" at first sight, she couldn't bear her **, and she ate "it" at the first time when she was not wise.

What happened after that has been the biggest mystery haunting Diane. Because after eating that thing, a large blank appeared in her memory, and when she woke up from the deep seabed, it was already hundreds of years later.

It was from then on that she gave birth to wisdom and began to feel dissatisfied with the situation of the deep sea monsters.

In the end, she met Ice Phoenix, the teacher she respected the most in her life, and became the only lady among the deep sea monsters who was affirmed by Ice Phoenix.

From Teacher Ice Phoenix. She got too many precious things, and also completed the final transformation.

At this moment, she will take the last step and step on the throne of the Lord of the Black Sea.

However, at this time, a certain "existence" began to awaken, and immediately began to erode Diane's body.

It was a sudden change that caught Diane completely by surprise. What awakened in her huge body was a terrifying will far beyond her imagination.

She couldn't describe what it was because she had never been exposed to anything like that.

All language becomes impoverished in the presence of that power. Just like standing on a lonely boat looking down at the original horror abyss, you will instinctively understand the horror of that huge abyss.

However, what Diane saw before he lost consciousness was not an abyss in the ordinary sense, but a primordial void where even light could swallow up, and even stars could not escape, showing a spiral-shaped ancient black vortex.

Doom of the Seas Diane fuses the powers of all tentacles into one, unleashing a doomsday storm that shakes the seas, acid rain, waterspouts and dark lightning that keep attacking opponents. Until one side of the world is completely subverted. This is Diane's trump card for the Lobster King, in order to completely destroy the sea area where the Lobster King hides.

As long as the sea area is destroyed, Diane, who has the strongest melee combat ability among the deep-sea monsters, naturally abuses her opponent as she wants, and the Lobster King is not her opponent at all.

However. Events are now beyond Diane's control.

Something awakened from the deepest part of her body is constantly occupying her body and causing her body to undergo stronger mutations.

One after another, huge tentacles protruded from the deep sea, extending into the sky from the tens of thousands of meters of underwater abyss. As if testing the air of this world.

Unbelievably powerful energy is continuously released from the depths of the seabed, as if a huge thing is struggling to get out, but is bound by certain laws. It can't be fully revealed.

"No...Go're already dead..." Facing the indescribable horror, Diane's consciousness was like a candle in the wind and rain, as if it would go out in the next instant.

However, there is a certain will to support her, even if she is facing this unimaginable terrifying will, she still desperately maintains her own final will, which is also the last shackle that binds this terrifying will.

"Why... resist me..." A deep, ancient, cold voice sounded in Diane's soul.

"Everything about you... is just a disguise I used..." The cruel truth finally appeared in front of Diane, the meaning of her existence, and the reason why she obtained wisdom is precisely because of the existence of "it".

"No...I have something I want...I'm not like you!" Diane, who realized from a long time ago that he might not "eat it" but "be eaten by it" struggled, The beautiful blue streamer turned into countless sharp blades, decisively cutting the connection point between his avatar and his body.

Although the power of her avatar is only 1% of her body, and once she loses her body, it may be extremely difficult for her to survive, but when she made this decision, she did not hesitate.

In the face of being a dominated puppet and a brief freedom, Diane chose the latter without hesitation.

" shell..." The ancient and cold voice did not let Di'an go, but extended a huge tentacle from the body that had been completely occupied by Di'an, ready to take away the body of Di'an. Humanoid avatars capture, then eat.

If you don't do this, you can't completely transcend the laws of this world. Diane is its disguise, but it is also an indispensable part of its body.

"Don't think about it!" Diane reached out and took out a feather from the blue streamer in her hair.

This is a very beautiful ice blue feather, even in the deep sea, it emits a soft glow, like a work of art.

However, it may be the most dangerous piece of art in the world. Because of this feather, Phoenix, the phoenix, flew to the end of the world countless times to challenge opponents that he could not defeat, and then fell into the sand and fell into the world of ice and snow countless times.

This is an engagement gift from Mother Ice Phoenix to her child's fiancée, and it is also a talisman, a feather of destiny that is enough to cause the world to mutate.

"I'm not your toy!" Even though he knew that there was his own body, Diane threw the feather out decisively.

It was a feather enough to cause the power of the world to boil over.

It was the natal feather that the powerful Ice Phoenix carefully pulled out.

It is the crystallization of the full power of the Ice Lord, the feathers that can create the miracle of life.

Initially, the will that eroded Diane's massive body didn't take the feather seriously. Even the attack of the strongest fantasy species in this world is nothing more than a little trouble for it.

It is not a native of this world, but a wreck that fell into this world from a distant starry sky after a defeat.

In order to resurrect, it chose Diane as its host and waited patiently for a long time. Finally, after the opening of this world garden, he seized the opportunity and truly awakened from Diane's body.

However, when the ice-blue feather really touched its huge body, it finally sensed something was wrong.

The terrifying coldness contained in the feathers is unusual, at least it is not a low temperature in a simple sense, but a stronger law is hidden.

By the way, this is the "rest", the law of stagnation of the motion of objects starting from the molecular structure.

However, how can such a low-level world give birth to such a powerful law?

No, no, not just "still", but something higher and scarier! Opposite to its corresponding "terror", it is full of hope and full of radiant power.

This is the power of the "world"!

This kind of power may not do any harm at all to the aborigines of this world, but for an "outsider" like it, it is a more deadly factor than any poison.

Although the power of the world contained in this feather is only a wisp, it easily destroyed all its defenses and bombarded its most original core directly.

"Ahhhhh!" In the tragic howl that shook the world, countless tentacles danced wildly, causing the world to change color and the sea to churn.

The blue ice and snow crystals continued to spread on these huge tentacles, and the tentacles that were 10,000 meters long were disconnected, shattered, and turned into countless ice and snow dust.

This is the power of that feather, torturing this evil creature to the point of death.

"Cough!" Diane's humanoid body was smashed out like this, spitting out a lot of blood and almost breaking the bones of the whole body, and his consciousness suddenly became hazy.

Is that the end of it? Just die like this?

Unwilling, so unwilling, obviously only one step away from happiness.

Her prince has come to her territory, but she has no way to meet him, even in such a sad state.

At least at the end, it's better to meet the prince...

The intense pain, the weakness of consciousness, Diane couldn't even fly, just fell into the churning sea again like that.

The brilliance of the morning light burst from the distant sky, cutting off dozens of huge tentacles in the middle, and finally turned into a black and white figure, and hugged Di An before she was about to fall into hell.

Even in this apocalyptic scene, just seeing this figure, Diane forgot all the pain and misfortune, and smiled happily.

Ah, sure enough, she is still the luckiest child, to be held like this, even if she dies, she will close her eyes.

Of course, the Demon King Ulysses, who noticed the mutation of the Black Sea, would not let his fiancee die, and he would never let a tragedy similar to his sister appear in front of him again.

Aware that Diane's life was close to being cut off, and even his soul was damaged, Ulysses immediately made a choice.

"Diane, be my apostle."

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