Demon Lord Priest II

Vol 6 Chapter 31: Lava Sea and Magical Girl (9)

However, the magical girl Charlotte can do more than fire storms and concentrated artillery bombardment. As the strongest witch, she possesses terrifying power beyond the limits of the blood of the witch family.

Because she is a magical girl!

After unleashing a bombardment to blow Ulysses away, she moved to the new Renshen Pillar without hesitation. This is not her ability, but after completing the ceremony with the king of Renhai, she naturally acquired the natural ability to move freely in Renhai.

"Activate!" An unprecedented flame-like light began to ignite around Charlotte's body, which was the result of the complete fusion of her own powerful magic and Renhai's power.

Every cell of hers became extremely active because of this, and every nerve was surrounded by the power of fiery fire. Here, she is the queen of flames, the master of Renhai.

It was such a wonderful feeling that Charlotte felt like she was enjoying the most delicious cheese, and she became happier.

She doesn't want such a body to be ravaged by the lecherous beast outside, toppled over, doing such and such things, she likes her body more than anyone else, and likes the time to eat this cheese and enjoy dessert freely.

Therefore, she will kill this Demon King in the name of a magical girl.

"This is really... careless..." Ulysses walked out of the smoke, there were a few burnt hairs in his ears, and he could even smell the burnt smell.

Since the fusion with Ishtar, only Lara and Charlotte have done such a thing. If he hadn't raised the abyss to condemn and blocked the final explosion, I'm afraid more than a few strands of hair would have been burned. .

Even so, there are still a few traces of flame magic power leaking over, the magic penetration of the opponent's shelling is incredible, and even the abyss can't be completely defended.

"Magic kaleidoscope! The mirror mirror tells me who is the most beautiful magical girl in the world!" Charlotte summoned a magic mirror inside the deep column, and asked this question confidently.

"The most beautiful magical girl in the world is you. Charlotte." The magic mirror gave Charlotte the answer she had always been satisfied with.


"What?" Charlotte looked at the magic mirror in surprise. Wouldn't the mirror only give her the most beautiful and lovely answers? This was her favorite battle declaration.

Because, in this world, beauty and cuteness are equal to the strongest, equal to invincibility, beauty itself is a kind of power, this is the truth that Charlotte discovered by accident.

"You can't defeat the real Demon King, as long as you are still a magical girl." The magic mirror gave Charlotte the most unwilling answer.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible! How could I lose to him, I haven't used the strongest power yet. I haven't activated the power of all my equipment."

"The Death Cap of Destruction, Zhongya Hourglass, Lich Bane, Frost Heart, Legion Aegis, Rod of Time, Rod of Nothingness, Interference Crystal, Power of Three Phases."

"Ren Shenzhu. The chakra, the heart of the thread, the divine clothes of the thread! I already have the strongest source of fire in this world, why did I lose to that half-toned demon king!"

Charlotte didn't believe it. She is even more reluctant to admit that with so many trump cards, she will lose, and she will lose to an opponent who she thinks will never lose.

There is not a single element that she will lose, and there are many elements of victory. How could she believe the nonsense of the magic mirror.

It's broken, it must be broken! Charlotte unceremoniously smashed the magic mirror that she loved as a girlhood with a stick, and then teleported again. Move to a deep pillar at a moderate distance from Ulysses.

"This is... the real battle." Ulysses smelled the burnt smell in the air, and finally became serious like never before.

The opponent is not an enemy that can take advantage of Ingrid, nor is the ancient evil **** generally incomplete, but a genuine tenth-level powerhouse, the legend of the witch family, the magical girl Charlotte.

In the brief communication with Mesa and Meiya, Ulysses already knew the power of this magical girl, but he didn't really know the power of the magical girl until after the head-to-head battle.

That is the peerless powerhouse of the same level as "Her Royal Highness The World's No. 1 Princess", "The Law Envoy of Thunder Light", "Demi-God Hero King", "Dragon Hero" and "Sword Hero", standing at the highest point in the world. legend.

The power she possesses is unique and belongs only to her strongest fantasy magical girl.

"Seven-colored star dew!" Seven-colored brilliance staggered around Ulysses. This was another type of magic he had never seen before. It seemed to have something to do with starry sky magic, but the countless translucent dewdrops exuded and Starry sky magic has a completely different dreamy atmosphere.

When these dewdrops fell on the sea of ​​thread, strange little animals emerged from them, some like lambs, some like lop-eared rabbits, and some like little bears with wings.

No matter which one is very cute, it is the kind that girls want to hold in their arms as soon as they see it, like a plush doll.

But they are not toys or decorations, but real magical beings.

A halo appeared around them, and Ulysses saw dozens of completely different systems of magical power.

Card magic centered on tarot gem magic centered on gems, radiance magic centered on the power of the sun, devouring magic centered on shadows, prayer magic centered on prayer , These incredible forces were all concentrated together and attacked Ulysses from all directions.

At a certain angle, the Little Red Riding Hood on Charlotte's head was exuding a ferocious cold brilliance, the lily buds at the front of the wand in her hand automatically unfolded, and a white ring appeared at the top of the wand, effectively closing the sea-like bud. The usual massive magic, to focus them on a track.

"Even if you are a star in the sky, shoot me down, eat me, starlight burst!" The cute face is murderous, although countless times to convince herself that it is just the mistake of the magic mirror, it is clear that the prediction of the magic mirror is still serious. It affected Charlotte's mood, so much so that she was about to make a death sentence on Ulysses.

This "Starlight Burst" is a forbidden move comparable to the "Broken Star" in the Dragon Killing Destruction Sword Stance, and cannot be used on the ground. If the Dragon Killing Destruction Sword Stance uses the supreme destructive power of the Dragon Emperor Destruction Sword to smash the stars, then this move is to use super magic to blow up the stars.

When the halo rotated to the limit speed and the magic power gathered in the center of the ring was equal to the level of a small sun, Charlotte fired!

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