Demon Lord Shapeshifting System

Chapter 95 Endless Maze

Harker had brought Mina to Queens to visit a maze farm. She was astounded by the acres and acres of corn planted in such a way that they stood tall and clustered together to block the way and force them to choose certain paths.

"Ah, I love the smell of corn." Harker smiled. "Did you know that it's me and Roland's favorite snack back then?"

"Really?" She looked around.

The truth was that she had never tasted corn before. Maize existed in the plains, so they were too far from the sea to even be introduced to the jiaorens.

And during her time as a human, she mostly ate vegetables and meat but not root crops as Alejandro told her they might 'give her the runs'. Which basically means diarrhea, a human condition where their bowels turn to more liquid and they need to pass waste more frequently, she learned.

She finds it fascinating as though they could experience it, it's very rare. And most of the time, it was due to poisoning from the chemicals that humans throw into the water, not simple food like corn.

It was a strange plant. Golden, round, and comes in clusters attached to an elongated, almost cone-like shape. Green leaves surround it like its clothing, and she also noticed that it has golden hair too.

"If corn was a woman, she must be beautiful." She thought.

Harker bursted out in laughter. "Hahahaha! What made you think that, princess?"

Mina corrected him again. "It's just Mina. I'm not a princess anymore, I abandoned my kingdom and took on another form and identity. I'm not the same jiaoren as I was before."

This man that was just as strange and fascinating as corn softened that laughter into a gentle smile.

"It's more of an endearment now when I call you princess. I just like it. But if you don't, that's okay too. I understand." Harker cupped her cheeks and caressed it a little. "I know that it must remind you of what happened to your sisters, and you'd rather forget about that during our date."

Mina shook her head. "I don't actually want to forget. I never will, anyway."

His eyes had a wave of remorse pass over them. "That's true. I really wish I could have saved all of you—"

Mina placed a finger to his lips. "As you said, it's not our fault. We did the best we could."

He eventually sighed and relented. "That's true….. Okay, would you rather hear about corn facts, then? I have a bunch of them."

Mina knew he was changing the topic for her sake, and she does appreciate it. It's not really denial but rather that Harker respects her decision to not dwell too much in the past and be ridden with guilt. They have already discussed this enough, and it's time to try and move on.

They would never forget, of course. But they have to accept it and overcome their grief.

They strolled through the maze farm, not really in a hurry to find the exit. Even if they did reach a dead end, they just go back and figure out the route one step at a time. Harker continued to share facts about corn or the history of this place, and Mina was just happy to listen.

The wind blew, and the rows of corn swayed alongside the breeze. Harker's spiky hair also followed suit. He pushed it back with his hand while still talking, and his hair glistened just like the corn kernels basking in sunglow.

'Ah, this man.' Mina thought. 'Does he even know how impossibly perfect he is?'

For Mina, she had never met someone so sincere and gentlemanly as Harker. He reminded her of her father, and her grandfather, who both were important to her. They were considerate and loyal to their families. Until the very end, they would protect those that they care about.

Even though Harker had a rugged exterior, Mina was aware it was all a farce. A way for people to not take advantage of his true soft-hearted nature.

And she liked that she was one of the few who could see through that. To realize how truly pure of a soul he was.

"We should get some corn on the cob once we find the exit." Harker suggested. "I think we're reaching it pretty soon, I can sense vendors and people selling merch nearby."

Mina nodded. "Yes, I can hear their voices. I also hear kids bragging to their parents about how fast they finished the maze."

"Haha. Meanwhile we took our time strolling as if we owned the place."

The mermaid pursed her lips as if she had arrived at a decision. She then told Harker:

"I think I'll allow you to call me princess as an endearment. It's much preferable than other common names you humans call each other like dear, sweetie or baby."

Harker beamed. "Really? Cool! 'Cause you're my one and only princess, princess."

Mina couldn't help but chuckle, elbowing him. "But you'll have to wait for me to think of what to call you, though."

"Anything's fine." Harker said. "No pressure. You think about it but I'm honestly fine with just being Harker."

"Well, that won't do. I need to find you a cute pet name—"

Mina suddenly caught sight of something in her peripherals that made her stop in her tracks. They were already at the exit, and headed for the store selling corn glazed with some butter or cheese and boiled until tender.

The scent was already making Harker's mouth water, but he still noticed this sudden daze Mina was in. She was staring at someone among the crowd, her cerulean eyes stormy like troubled waters.

With just one look from those turbulent eyes, Harker knew something terrible was about to go down.

"That man…." She unconsciously grew her claws and bared her fangs. "That man! He has that tattoo!"

Harker couldn't tell which man she was talking about. There were too many tourists, farmers, and staff roaming around. So he planned to ask Mina to be more specific—-

When she just bolted and disappeared, gone with the wind.

Harker tried to follow after her, but she was even faster than she usually was. The rage had gotten so deeply into her that her speed would outmatch even that of a missile.

"Mina! Come back!" Harker called out.

But soon enough, he found her. She was laying on the floor with a bunch of people surrounding her and murmuring,

Harker went to her side, and noticed the blood dripping from her nose. She was barely conscious and seemed to be suffering from heat stroke after moving too fast in this particularly sunny weather.

"Mina!" Harker went by her side and lifted her off the ground. "Let's get you to a medic—"

"No..... Harker. You have….  follow him. That man…. I know him…. Mining…. Gun…."

She was taking so softly between ragged breaths that even with refined hearing, Harker could only barely make out the things she said. But she managed to say one thing clearly, as she put more effort into saying those words for Harker to understand the gravity of the situation.

To Mina, the maze felt like it had just begun, and the end she was actually searching for was now getting out of reach.

"That man.... He killed my father. I need to find him."

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