Demon Lord

Chapter 103: Shotgun change is not easy

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Chapter 103 Changing Shotguns Is Not Easy

以往 In past impressions, there are two ways to obtain "advanced occupations"-one is to directly find the instructor to take on the task, and the other is to rely on the quest item to trigger when it reaches level 10. The former is the most common and hassle-free, and the latter is troublesome, but the career change is often "slightly" a little bit better.

I remember there is official news that this "slightly" has actually been greatly modified. Obviously, the IMBA occupations that were cut off are related to this way of obtaining occupations ... Thinking of this, Roddy couldn't help looking at the ring curiously, he suddenly had some Expectation: Is it possible for those IMBA occupations that have been cut off to change jobs in their own world?

If this ring can be turned into "Guard of Light", it will definitely be a cool bully!

He took another look at his necklace from unknown sources, and he couldn't help but feel a little faint-he was moving to the Ranger as soon as possible. Now it seems that if he has the opportunity to transfer to the legendary IMBA career, he will definitely Priority choice!

However, the ideal is very full and the reality is very skinny. Roddy reached out and touched his shoulder, grinning with a bit of fangs caused by the hot pain, cursing a few words such as "This soul is so weak and powerful", whispered With the "taskbar", I want to see the gains from this mission.

Immediately ... he widened his eyes.

The words [Save the Duke of Angmar (Completion)] and [Prevent Ansadin's Conspiracy (Completion)] came into sight, and Roddy frowned-the first was expected, the second was What do you mean?

Looked carefully at the description of the second task, and the words [Completion Condition: Killing the Undead Alpha] were written on it. Only then did Roddy understand that the undead that he killed easily did not seem to be a simple character.

不过 "But ... who is Ansadin?"

I heard Alfa say this name in the bedroom of the Duke's Mansion before, but Roddy only felt a little familiar. At this moment, he calmly thought about it for a long time but did not remember where he had heard it, and finally gave up.

Scrolled down through the mission rewards, and he suddenly saw that in addition to the experience rewards, these two missions had rewards for the reputation of the "Rose Cross" sect!

"Bottom? This sword is not in vain!"

Roddy sat upright all of a sudden, but also caused the wound to be soothing and sighed. After waiting for God to come, I opened the "Prestige Interface". I was surprised and stumbled to find the "Rose Cross" sect prestige bar above. It has reached 95% of the level of "friendliness", and a little bit can reach "respect"!

"What's the matter?"

He was obviously a little embarrassed, because after calculating, he found that the prestige value of the two quest rewards didn't seem to rise to this level at all ...

What's wrong?

翻 Looking forward at the task bar, Roddy saw two large prestige reward records. The date happened to be the next day after the assassination event. It was inexplicable and completely scratching her head.

But who the **** would be more prestigious? Roddy only won the lottery, and quickly turned back to the "task bar" and glanced. He found that the second step of "The Fall of Nilda Priest" had not yet met Bishop Benjamin, and immediately frowned, "Hey" smirked ...

"This time I made a lot of money!"

The assassination incident prevented Roddy from handing over this task. Now that it is calculated, if this task is handed over, not only can the "Rose Cross" reputation reach "respect", but he can also save enough experience to rise to level 11- —And you can go to the Armory of the Rose Cross to buy more advanced equipment ...

Calibrate excellent arrows at level 9, rare longbow at level 10, shields at level 9 and more excellent weapons, etc ... even if you do n’t change jobs, just upgrade the Legionnaire to level 10, after replacing the new bows and arrows , The damage can certainly be doubled-because level 10 is a huge threshold for equipment, the damage value is essentially different.

"This must be done ... hurry up and change the shotgun."

A few days ago, thinking that his arrow was crackled and chopped by the assassin, Roddy really felt that he was now defending enough but not attacking—the armorless orc is okay. If the target is an advanced class such as Francis, the level 8 wooden Shortbow is really not enough.

In the incident a few days ago, the bishop did not see his own appearance at the end, so Roddy was confident that no one would arrest him now when he went to the monastery. task…

Large equipment update! Think about it and get excited.

Blowing out the candle and lying on the bed, Roddy didn't even want to wash his face because of the pain, and he didn't take off his clothes. He just pulled the quilt over his body and was ready to sleep. But when he just went to sleep, he heard the door. Many people heard the sound of "噔 噔 噔" when walking up the stairs-

"Well, the CIA isn't so great, right?"

Roddy was suddenly awakened, startled, and thought for the first time that this was the guard who came to search the Duke's Mansion. After all, he just escaped and cut the head of the housekeeper. The wind and grass moved naturally with a "check in seat" mind-he could stand up and get ready to escape, but relieved after carefully identifying these footsteps ...

I was the group of high-level adventurers living next door.

"Come back so late, either 嫖 or bet on it ..."

Lying back on the bed again, Roddy listened to the sound of the footsteps swaying in front of the door. I didn't want to bother with those guys. But in this deadly night, the sound insulation of the wooden building is not good-after the messy footsteps , Across the thick wooden board, Roddy lying on the bed directly heard the other party's thick accent.

"The terrain there needs to be seen a few more times, Lord Gallup said ..."


The speaker was probably the strong man who was more than two meters tall, with a strong voice and a low voice. He was interrupted by his companions after half of his speech. Then their conversation became much quieter and almost whispered.

Roddy couldn't hear the other person continuing to talk, but his brows were still slightly frowning. Obviously, the words of the big man just now were enough to make him associate ... If the other party said this, it would not be a good thing for Roddy to be sure. Coupled with the other party's high level and foreign accent, Roddy could not help but treat these guys as a "criminal gang" who seeks revenge.

As I recalled every move of this group of people, Roddy suddenly remembered the gesture they made while eating, which seemed to be some kind of pre-meal prayer?

Prayers are used by the church ...

Church ...

A flash of light flashed through his mind, and Roddy suddenly opened his eyes wide, recalling from that chaotic memory a message related to that weird movement-"Viper Cross" prayer before dinner!

怎么 "How are these lunatics?"

Roddy could not help but fall into the memory ...

来 The origin of "Viper Cross" and "Rose Cross" have some origins. At first, there was some market among players, but later it became a paranoia in the player's mouth that "medicine cannot stop".

I don't remember anything good about this sect in my memory. It seems that the only meaning of existence is to work with the "Rose Cross" sect. At first, players only thought that this was a group of devotees who "dedicated to their ideals", but later they found out that this group of people was completely a group of second players, and had no role except to be "piggy teammates".

So at the end of the game, players basically began to collectively assist the "Rose Cross" to completely clear the opponent from the kingdom. By 597, the kingdom had rarely seen these guys. It is said that they quietly moved to the east of the kingdom. In the mountains, ambition has converged a lot.

I thought about this and Roddy couldn't help but sighed, and found a hotel by herself, but even encountered a group of fanatics similar to the terrorists who bombed themselves on television ...

"However, I can just exchange your information for reputation."

With his head full of thoughts, Roddy thought about it.

Uh ...

玫瑰 The "Cross of the Rose" monastery has been in a serious mood in these days because of the assassination.

Purely white robe was worn on Sally's body. When she stepped into the church corridor, she could not hear the prayers of those believers in the past. All that echoed around was the sound of armor rubbing while the guards were patrolling, and the occasional conversations were reports of the Templars inspecting some corners.

In the past few days, the "Cross of the Rose" temple has naturally started a large-scale "investigation" for the assassination incident. From the perspective of outsiders, when this happened, it was obviously a provocation to the entire sect ~ ~ When the murderer is thoroughly investigated, he will certainly not give up easily.

However, Sally understood that the temple was completely "doing something like this", but in fact it would not actually check anything.

After exchanging Roddy's information with Bishop Benjamin, she understands that Benjamin will not embarrass the Roussillon family and Roddy, but this does not mean that everything is perfect, but it means that Sally must "solve" as soon as possible within a limited time Francis!

The longer the delay, the greater the risk that Bishop Benjamin will bear-this bishop will be "promoted" today. If Francis is so arrogant, I am afraid it will greatly affect his highest position in the sect in the future.

"How to do it."

Wu Shali racked her brains and thought about the countermeasures in the past two days. Her subordinate Martin never contacted Roddy, which made her feel a little confused. At this time, she came to the church to wait for today's information.

His eyes lifted, Sally looked at the seat in neutral, and finally sighed, and said to herself, "Why can't I contact you?"

But soon Martin heard news-he still did not contact Roddy.

"This way ..."

Sally left the church with disappointment, but did not expect that she had just walked for a few minutes, and the church came in a guard, guarding the inner court of the door: "Roy, an adventurer requested to meet with Bishop Benjamin. . "

"Buck, have you forgotten? Now is the time of martial law, and the bishop will not see anyone back. And no one will let anyone step in here."

"That guy had the necklace that Bishop Benjamin had given him as a voucher, and he said there was something to be given to the Bishop."


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