Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1060: Xius

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The situation on the border with Raciman has not affected the lives of the people in the city. Except for some rising prices, no tension can be seen on the street. The coastal location makes the climate pleasant throughout the year, and even in winter the temperature is around 20 degrees.

Sally changed her dress skirt and walked slowly with everyone in this strange and magnificent city.

Three hundred meters out of the hotel, they came to the city's original temple area. As when Akasha came here last time, the publicity of "atheism" could still be seen on the streets-obviously the parliament spared no effort in this regard.

The surrounding architectural style is obviously different from other places. The dripping beast on the eaves is severely weathered, but the "cross" symbol can be seen from the remaining lines.

Rodi didn't come here before, frowning at these details, and suddenly said: "It seems that the elements of the cross symbol are used in many religions?"

Akasha and Sally were two of the largest clergy in the Karen kingdom. They looked at each other and shook their heads almost at the same time. In the past, there were many denominations, but almost no cross sign was used, because this would cause them to be caught by the Rose Cross or Viper Cross for the first time. "

"So ... I see."

Roddy was a veteran player before, but did not study too much about the details of the ordinary NPC life of the game. After all, in the eyes of players, only profitable information will be involved. Who will be able to study irrelevant historical religion in the game How about it?

He narrowed his eyes, staring at the open "taskbar" all the time-but there were no hints until now.

Sally seemed to be aware of his emotions, held Roddy's hand to reassure him, and pointed to the front: "What are these signs?"

"It was the crimes that the original Rahman sects committed here, as well as the list of mages who were killed during the resurrection of Riel."

Akasha watched it once, explaining it to her on the other side.

Nata walked forward, still keeping her original scouting habit, and constantly glanced around. However, there is naturally no danger here. Occasionally, some people come forward to issue pamphlets in order to promote the content of "atheism". Sally heard Akasha talk about these concepts. She shook her head and disagreed: "If there is no god, where does the magic come from ... This is not a fireball like a mage."

Roddy took a look at the contents of the booklet, and suddenly realized that this "atheism" was actually two different things from the "atheism" he knew on earth: Mage Rashiman did not deny the existence of "theology" , And admit that some "powerful beings" have powers unmatched by ordinary mages.

But this unknown level of power does not mean that they are "gods". In other words ... the mages deny a concept. They believe that the "monotheism" of "creating all things", "mana is boundless" and unique "Gods" don't exist.

Sally didn't quite understand the difference, so she came to a conclusion without reading it. However, Roddy read it with interest, and when they stopped, they found that they had reached the front of a "temple".

"Just there!"

Akasha pointed at the wall full of bas-reliefs in front of the temple. Everyone looked down and immediately found the most striking pictures-Sally's eyes widened, and she was obviously a little excited: "This ... This is Mo Gala! This is Tiscione and Alekto! "

She was talking about the names of the three snakes on the kiss of the viper, and she was holding her scepter in her left hand at this time, but because she lost her divine power, the three little snakes were never seen above. However, as any user of the scepter, Sally is very familiar with them. Even if the murals are not strictly realistic style, she can still distinguish their identity through scales and physical characteristics.

This clarifies the fact that the ancient religion of Rasiman was directly related to the kiss of the viper.

Roddy felt a little relieved, but after glancing at it, he found that Sally was surprised by the largest mural in the middle, but if you look down the left and right sides, you will find that it is like most religious places. Like works of art, they are in the form of "comics".

In other words ... it's telling a complete story like "Conception of the Virgin-Nativity-Three Doctors Come".

Thinking of this, Roddy immediately searched for a possible "narrator" nearby, and soon hired a middle-aged mage apprentice with gold coins to come and explain the contents of the mural to everyone.

"It's time to start with the murals over there-well ... the story of High Priest Anda's dedication to the Lord."

Roddy patiently listened to him from the beginning, this religion called "the Xiusi" is the oldest and most powerful religion that originally existed in the kingdom of Rasiman. The specific age is no longer available, but it is said to be "more than three thousand years".

"Their lord is in charge of everything, but the executors are God's messengers-the three messengers of life, death, and calamity are responsible for all the balance in the world. They are transformed into vipers ..."

The latter story is a bit cumbersome, probably about how these three messengers maintain the balance of the world under the will of the Lord. When it came to the mural that Sally was most concerned about, the "narrator" changed his tone: "However, the balance of the world cannot always be maintained. When their" lord "suddenly lost contact, the three angels changed Bewildered, and finally decided to act according to their own will-so there was chaos in the world, and the believers began to kill each other. "

He paused, but suddenly said, "According to me, the power of this deity is still too weak, there is no power to control everything, but the believers do not accept this fact and can only use excuses."

Roddy was thinking about the distant myth, and was so interrupted by the other person to personally sell his goods, his expression suddenly darkened: "Please continue to say that murals can work ..."

"Oh oh, okay, this ... According to legend, a priestess named Anda saw the believers fight out because of a dispute-you see, here is the scene of their fight-so the priestess decided to find it herself Three messengers, recasting the glory of their Lord. "

"She succeeded?"

Sally's voice was shaking.

"Here is the story of her success-although I don't know how she did it-but the priest Anda did find three messengers ~ ~ and hoped to persuade them to stop chaos in the world. "

The mage apprentice said a mural pointing to the right: "The three snakes separated here indicate that the three messengers were unwilling to listen to her, so Anda expressed his willingness to dedicate his life to the Lord ... Um, I can't figure out why dedicating life To be recognized by the three messengers, anyway, the mural means that she succeeded, and turned herself into a scepter, so that the three messengers were linked together. "

There was silence all around, and the apprentice of the mage didn't notice it, still pointing at the scepter: "This scepter has become the" relic "of the Sultans, and its holder is the" lord "on land. Spokesperson-It is said that it can control life and death, and can easily bring disaster to life, and all its enemies have died under the scepter. "

The mural story on this side is finished, he turned back, still could not help but joked: "If I say this is nonsense. Don't tell if this broken story is true or false ... There is such a powerful scepter. The world has been unified for a long time! Where would it be like the wild dogs hit by the power of magic, just dare to escape to the deepest part of the desert ... 啧. "

Sally held the kiss of the viper in her hand, her mouth twitched, and she didn't know what to say for a while.

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