Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1078: rush to the rescue

Update the latest chapter of Arrow King soon!

"Reserved for the Prime Minister, these things are strictly guarded."

Irwin had just stood up, but the Tuke priest in front of her suddenly twitched in pain-her mutated body slowly recovered to look like a normal person, but then it seemed like a dried-up balloon, and the muscles and fat dissolved quickly. The whole person turned into a dead body.

Irving frowned at the scene without making nonsense: "Keep it, keep it all. By the way, move the debris underneath, let me see if this thing can be used again."

He unloaded the communication law array that was always carried on his back, and as the soldiers moved those fragments, the "Forbidden Devil Realm" really disappeared as expected. The indicator light is on steadily, and there is a call from another team immediately:

"The artillery company is preparing to enter the city, and the White Team is asked to check the city defense situation. It is over."

"The city gates have been opened and the city walls are safe. Please ask the Green Team to report the conditions in the city and finish."

"The surviving enemies no longer resisted. The inspection from the barracks to Chengmen Street was completed. Now many civilians have taken to the streets to check. Then ... how can I solve it? Finish."

Soderlor's voice came over: "Masora, you keep half of the people to continue to search the barracks area, and then lead the team to ensure that the South City Gate is in their hands and finished."

"The green team received it. It's over."

Elvin then picked up the microphone: "The Red Team has completed all its tasks and is complete."

"Good job."

Soderol's steady voice was finally agitated, but he quickly said again: "After dispatching the inner city, quickly dispatch someone to help control the north wall. Be sure not to let the north wall go wrong! Finish."

Irvine was a little strange. They came in from the south wall. What did they pay so much attention to?

However, these issues were not something he needed to consider. After skillfully dispatching the team, Irving immediately led the team towards the south wall ...

When the general glory of the sunrise finally lighted up, the 40,000 Rasiman army stationed in the east of Rasha City finally sounded the wake-up call.

Mage Valad yawned, and his personal habits were quite particular. Even if he lived in a rudimentary camp, he had to wash daily. At this time, the water condensed with water puff was used to wash his face. When he was wiping, his subordinates hurried to report "Commander! There is a change over Laxia!"

"I know there is a change. Everyone just heard that."

Wallad responded without putting down the towel.

"Lord, mainly scouts in the front just reported that ... the gate of Laxia was opened ..."

Wallad fixed his motion: "What do you mean? That Turk **** is trying to attract us to attack?"

"It seems like ... the army of the Karen Kingdom went in."

"Are you **** complete? What's going on?"

Wallad threw the towel a little violently, and stretched out his hand to hold the soldier's neck collar: "The soldiers in the Karen Kingdom don't add up to two thousand people! Scout eyes are blind or have their heads hit a stone?"

"Master Commander, I and I do not believe this news, but the scout said that the southern gate of Rasha City was indeed open. He took a closer look and found that the flags on it had been changed. Strange crickets also drove in ... but the enemy's defender never appeared, and the scout did not know what was going on, so he hurried back to report first. "

Varad stared at the opponent for five seconds, then let go of his hand: "Then continue investigating!"

He couldn't figure out what was going on for a while—turning his head and glancing at the trebuchet not far away, these devices are improved versions of the Mofengte Academy, far from those crudely made in the past. But because of precision, it takes a lot of time to repair and replace parts before each use. Fortunately, this thing has a very long attack range. It can even reach a range of two kilometers when it is ejected, making those enemies in Laxia City only passive. Beaten.

Of course, the trebuchet is not so accurate at this distance.

When Valard got up, he was still thinking about how to approach the army of the Karen Kingdom today, but now the inexplicable incident gave him an ominous premonition--looking up, a small reconnaissance plane hovering above the sky was heading towards the airport Landed, and the huge transport plane was gone.

Without waiting for him to think more, a scout wearing leather armor was brought over directly. The other was sweaty and his voice trembled: "Commander ... Laxia has been captured by the Karen Kingdom!"

Varadee stood there, and asked for a long time, "How did it happen?"

"I don't know ... but in the past, the soldiers at the gate asked me about my identity. After I explained them, they said that I would inform you that the enemy's reinforcements were approaching. In order to prevent the city from falling again, please bring your troops in. In cities, increase the defense of the walls. "

Varad raised his hand and rubbed his face vigorously. After a short while, his voice was a bit weak: "Leave! The whole army pulls out, hurry into the city!"

Although he did not understand how the Karen Kingdom army had captured the city overnight, the facts were before him, and he could not accept it ...

After the military order passed down, all of a sudden hesitated around. The roar of non-commissioned officers came and went. The camp of 40,000 people was a big project. It took less than two or three hours to start moving all the way. The twenty-kilometre road didn't sound too far, but I wanted to wait for everyone. All enter the city, it is estimated that it can be done in the afternoon.

And at nine o'clock, after the rare Lara seated in the parliament hall in the parliament hall of Durrell City, the speaker Jeremy took the news he just received and announced to everyone that "Raxia City has been regained". Message.

Members who had been whispering and still discussing what to eat at noon quieted down ~ ~ It took a long time for someone to say: "President Jeremy, you think the atmosphere is too dull, so I opened this Are you kidding me? Hehehe ... "

His dry laughter stopped because of the silence surrounding him.

"The early arrival of Karen's army has gained control of Rasha. The enemy's commander is General Turk's Kasri and has been captured. Mage Valad obtained first-hand information through scouts. He just passed the news that ... the enemy's forces in the city died more than half, and the rest were basically wounded. "

The surroundings are still quiet. Members are not without problems, but too many problems. I don't know where to ask for a while.

The meeting they just got was brief, and they even discussed the question of "whether they should choose a strategic retreat if they ca n’t pull down Xiacheng within three months." After the city fell, the news from Varad made parliamentarians feel This strong city is almost "unsolvable", but ... how long before it is finished?

"So ... what's the deal with Varad? Isn't he always in the dark?"

"Damn! How dare he dare to deceive the council?"

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