Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1081: Yudola

The early morning mist shrouded the earth, and because of stagnation in business, no one could see the city gate extending to the ferry. There are quite a few wild animals running back and forth faintly ... After the morning fog has dissipated, you can see a team that has gathered on the other side of the river. At this time, a small boat has begun to transport back and forth. With soldiers and heavy weight.

Looking into the distance, this army actually stretched for more than several kilometers, and its equipment and clothing were different. Some formations are scattered and some military postures are strict, but it seems that there is a basic order now.

The width of the ferry dock is only over a hundred meters. Under the command of Tuk soldiers wearing dark red armor, various troops embarked on the ship, but they could not see any tension at all.

In the command post in the middle of this unit, Yudola, a "scepter priest" wearing a white robe, was frowning, looking far ahead of the soldiers.

She is one meter tall and seven meters tall. Compared with General Kasri, who is stationed in the city, she is thin and shows no muscles at all. After all, the "Generals" and "Priests" of the Turks are almost two extremes. All military generals are strong women with strong muscles and prominent muscles. Most of the priests are much thinner, and their appearance is higher in comparison. .

Yudola is the commander in charge of this complex army, and he is also one of the top three in this operation in Ezca.

In religious countries, all "power-holders" also hold important clergy. The king and monarch of Ezca is also the only "god granting monarchy", and the mother of Yudola is one of the twelve priests. She is the most powerful young generation of the "Laocchi" family. If we can securely win this battle, we will definitely enter the decision-making level of the "Twelve High Priest" in the future.

This new generation of leadership figures is far stronger and more cautious than others.

At this moment, Yudola was anxiously waiting for the news from Laxia City-Kasili sent people three times a day to report the situation in the city and the enemy, but the soldiers who should have arrived before dawn, It didn't arrive until noon.

"Before people arrive, there may be problems in the city."

Udola breathed a sigh of relief, and turned to ask her staff members in the camp. Tuk women are the mainstays, so at a glance, more than half of them are slim women, but they wo n’t discuss clothes or clothing here. Make-up techniques, but one by one holding the parchment paper in hand, make various decisions for the entire 40,000 army.

Hearing Yudola ’s problem, a nearby staff member immediately said: "The scouts ahead have completed crossing the river. At present, our people have passed five hundred, and there are two infantrymen from the Jik and Tes states. Du Guo ’s cavalry transportation is more troublesome, and their camels are slower to ship ... ”

"Then let the scouts go to the city quickly, remember to let them be careful, and don't go in even if the gate is open."

Yudola's inner anxiety became more and more intense, but Laxia's defense was as solid as possible, and those in Rasiman could not be attacked in just a few days. In her previous report to Kasri, she was full of confidence, and she never said that she might fall behind.

Even if there is an offense, now you can see the black smoke from the wall at this distance.

But everything was so quiet ... until the horse hoof suddenly sounded in the distance.

"Damn ... it's Rasiman's cavalry!"

Udola saw the blue banner used only by the Rathman army all the way, and her crossing of the river at this time was not reasonably discovered, because the message passed by Kasiri last night said that The Seaman Army is still stationed twenty kilometers away ...

Seeing that this team was only about two hundred people in size, Yudola was not too panicky, but immediately ordered the army that had crossed the river to meet.

The number of Rashiman cavalry has been very small, because the local horses are very short and not suitable for cavalry. Only the nomadic people of the southern Bindu country have sufficient impact horses and camels, so they have been ashore for two hours to rectify It ’s not a problem for the team to deal with—and as she expected, the front team of the Turks organized a group of “miscellaneous troops” with different costumes. After reluctantly marching up, they rushed to the two hundred in front of them. The cavalry had lost the courage to shock, and had no choice but to go around, using a few "fireball" scrolls as a test.

There are obviously the same fragments in this army formation to ensure the existence of the "Forbidden Demon Realm". The fireball only blew up five or six soldiers holding shields and wearing carapace armor on the edge of the army formation, and the rest fell on the army. The fireballs in the array were extinguished instantly and did not cause any damage at all.

Seeing this situation, the cavalry soldiers immediately headed towards Laxia City, leaving a trail of smoke.

Yudola squinted at the scene across the river, and roughly judged. The scouts who bypassed also returned the news: Kasri's garrison in Rasha disappeared, and weird soldiers were replaced on the city wall, but the number was not large, and the large Lasiman army in the distance seemed to have just started Moving towards Laxia, the team was long and scattered, and those cavalry that had just arrived were the ones who jumped out of these troops.

"At their speed, how long can they all enter the city?"

Yudola immediately realized the problem ~ ~ turned the problem to the staff.

After calculating the staff carefully asked the scouts for more details, they answered in two or three minutes: "Master Priest, probably at sunset, all of their 40,000 troops can fully enter the city, but first approved If the mobile unit accelerates, it can arrive two hours before sunset. "

After taking a look at the map of Laxia City, Yudola immediately ordered: "Immediately speed up the army crossing the river! Before noon I will see 3,000 troops ready to attack the city. Now, priority is to transport those Cavalry! "

A military order, the staff immediately began discussing and formulating the plan to reach the fastest solution. After confirmation by Yudola, the parody was imprinted on the parchment with divine magic and quickly conveyed-but in an orderly manner with the command camp By contrast, the military forces of more than seven countries outside are obviously confusing.

Fortunately, the orders of these aides were very targeted. Even in such confusion, the named army quickly "cut in" to the front row of the crossing port and began to quickly proceed to the other side of the river ...

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