Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1083: mission accomplished

"Got it."

He didn't look anxiously, turned his head and looked at Kasri, and found that the latter's face still looked disdainful after he changed his face, and said, "Do you think that the reinforcements will be here soon? We must not be able to keep it?"

"You, you know? Damn ... Meg the guy ..."

The first time she identified the missing Maggie as leaking information, but Roddy calmly said: "I also know that they are crossing the river now, the entire army is complex, with a total number of 40,000, right?"

Kasiri finally changed her face, but then she refused to let her go, she lowered her voice and said, "Master Yudola will not let you go!"

"I won't let them go."

When he came to the Tuk commander, he found that she was taller than herself, her shoulders were wider than herself, and she was stronger than the average barbarian woman. He thought about it and asked, "I am just curious, you What was the purpose of this expedition to Rashiman? "

"Even if Laxia City is taken down and you want to continue to the north, it is not so easy. Although there are many Master Rashiman, the army is not a display after all. After they have adapted to the fighting mode, I do n’t think that your non-branded troops have What advantage is at all. Either your Majesty and the Killer are not used, or ... Her purpose is not to occupy the land, annex resources, or to 'regenerate the glory of the country of Eska'. "

Kasri sneered: "As long as there are fragments of the forbidden magic area, these wizards are not as good as ordinary people! Without the greatest reliance on them, it is only a matter of time before the armies are settled!"

"I'll wait and see."

Roddy was expressionless and waved to the soldiers to take her to prison for custody.

This commander-level prisoner of war, Roddy, will not kill casually. Now the Turks have too many mysteries. Although their own army has already confronted the other party, according to the information currently available, this vanguard is a group of " test".

The reason why Kasri's army of no-names was able to capture this strong city was entirely because of the structural problems of the Rahman army in the "Forbidden Magic Domain". It's awkward, both sides are chicken, it's better than anyone else.

Winning the city was an unexpected surprise for the country of Esca. Otherwise, how could the reinforcements last so long?

All kinds of clues made Roddy feel that this approach seemed to be familiar.

He has in his mind the memory of war against the devil during the High Elf era, and after fighting with the devil several times in the future, he has a hard-to-understand knowledge of this race-the more he understands the devil, the more he knows that these guys are fundamental It is impossible to think with common sense.

It's like the poor think that "the emperor also uses gold flat-loaded tentacles", or that many "aliens" in science fiction also have four legs and a head, and even talk about friendship and love with humans ... Even these mages of Rashiman can't imagine what the species that is always hidden in the shadow wants to do.

The "devil" war method and thinking are completely different from humans and even high elves. Roddy now very much suspects that this war is a step in the plan of the demon invasion, and ... the key point lies in these fragments. , And the monarch who ruled Ezca.

After Carsley was taken away, Roddy was about to ask Nefi what he found, but the series of tasks "Saving the Turks" once again came up with new hints.

Looking at the words "Completed", Roddy clicked on. The handwriting above showed that he had gained 120,000 experience points again, and the task bar was also updated:

"You go back to the root of the debris, and the military operations of the Turks do not seem to have such a simple purpose ... All of this obviously has something to do with those clergymen. Find a clergyman and try to find further clues!"

From this step on, the mission goals have finally changed. It says "Catch a living Tuk clergy 0/1".

Quest rewards have also begun to enrich. The above shows the reward for a staff used by the clergy. Roddy glanced at the property and found that this thing is not a "staff" but a "disposable prop":

Tyron's Grip

Attack 56-88


+95 Intellect

+60 spirit

Equipment: Users can have better vision in the fog

Use: Cast "Great Dispel (Level 17)"

Skill effect: Use magic power to dispel the bad state of all units within a radius of 15 meters. (Use times: 1 time)

Whether it is "Rose Cross" or "Viper Cross", or in various other religions, there seems to be a similar divine spell to the "Great Dispel" technique, and the effect is similar. However, compared with the low-level divine magic of "dispelling", the effect of high-level "great dispel" is obviously much better. As for the 17-level great dispel of this task reward, according to Rodi's experience, it is unheard of ...

Suddenly he wondered if the reward could dispel Sally's negative state, but it only took two seconds to dispel the thought: Sally's state is not cursed or poisoned at all, and the root is in the damage of divine power. This is not a simple magical skill. "Dispelled" things.

Although this reward cannot be used to solve Sally's problem, it is still a good item in itself. The entire series of missions Rodi did not intend to complete in the past, but now it seems to be close to the route of his own search for clues: anyway, I will soon face the rest of the Tuks, if possible, grab a living priest to ask .

Thinking about this in his heart, when he looked up, he suddenly noticed that a flame in front of him was slowly jumping in the palm of Merlin Sera-Roddy first glanced, then glanced at the large "prohibition" sign in his status bar, Surprised: "Can you cast here ?!"

The color of the flame on her palm was not red-yellow like the flame in Roddy's impression ~ ~, but it was a few whites, the outer flame was silver, and the inner flame was bright yellow.

"Ordinary element magic can't be used, but what I call now is the element plane ... element."

Meilin Sela narrowed her eyes and looked at the flames in her palm: "It seems that this so-called 'Forbidden Magic Domain' is not as powerful as it was imagined."

Having said that, Roddy's shock is still written on his face-he really didn't think that this "Forbidden Realm" did not completely ban all magic ... not to mention that Melinthera could cast spells in the Forbidden Realm. What it means is the difference caused by the difference in elemental properties, and there are many articles to study!

He immediately ran to find the "Elemental Summon Stone" learned by his second major occupation, and later found that it was not available at all-in other words, it also proved the limitation of the "Forbidden Demon Realm": it can only prohibit The elements of the plane can't prohibit the elements of other planes.

Thinking of this, Roddy's face suddenly looked difficult.


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