Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1102: Smoke plume

At the same time, the three airborne troops had fallen into three towns on the south bank of the Ram River.

I chose these three towns because they are the three important "lifelines" that supply Yudola's army in the desert. If the large army is cut off when supplies are marched, there will be only "no defeat without war".

Any commander will pay attention to protecting her rear supply point, but although Yudola has seen "bombing", she does not know the existence of "airborne soldiers". Under such asymmetric information, she did not realize that the enemy would have The ability of "God of Heaven".

Therefore, the soldiers in the three towns of Carin, Birch, and Moss did not understand what was happening when they saw the airborne soldiers slowly falling above the sky. Even the civilians shouted out to watch and hold hands. The soldiers with spar weapons pointed.

Massola touched the ground with his feet, unlocked the parachute, copied out the "spar gun" on his back, and rushed towards the granary in the town with a team of hundreds behind him.

Although the south of the Ram River is mostly a desert area, the existence of this river makes the nearby land very suitable for planting, which is similar to the "Hetao area" of China on earth. This is also the advantage of Yudola's army being able to transport grain without long distances-but the three recent towns have long been trade-based, not fortress models, and therefore have no wall protection.

The town of Carin on the west and the town of Mos on the east have 2,000 logistic units responsible for transportation and protection, while the town of Birch in the south is the largest and has the largest population, while the garrison also has 3,000 people.

Masola's troops now fell on the town of Birch, which has the largest number of defenders-although they are called the 3,000 defenders, in fact, due to the large area of ​​the town, these people are relatively scattered, and at the same time more than Half of them are logistics soldiers responsible for moving grain, and their combat effectiveness is basically no different from ordinary people.

The news of Yudola's defeat in the front has not yet come. With the existence of the Ram River Nature Insurance, no one would expect that there will be enemy attacks here. Therefore, these "logistical forces" from various countries are usually slack and abnormal. Chatting and farting, no alertness.

When Massora's hundred-member team rushed to the granary aggressively, and just realized that the wrong defender had not had time to wear armor, ran out with a knife and shouted, "Ring the alarm! Stop them ... Damn it, Archery! "

Only three defenders with personal lines of defense had bows in their hands. Before they could aim and shoot, Massora and others raised their "spar guns"-after a series of light and shooting sounds, this group of people He even was punctured with his rear companions and fell into a pool of blood ...

"Block left and right streets, keep moving!"


The airborne soldiers do not need to worry about the problem of "forbidden magic area" here, so the spar weapon has finally been used. Two teams of airborne soldiers blocked the street with a spar gun array, while Massora, who continued to charge, locked the granary area guarded by heavy soldiers in front of him-he threw a "spar grenade" from a distance. Before dozens of defenders had time to respond, they were directly taken off by the impact of "Pyroblast", and two houses within 20 meters nearby also collapsed ...

In the past, a hundred-man force was difficult to play a decisive role in cold weapon wars, but when they used high-power "hot weapons", they immediately became the dagger that plunged into the enemy's soft underbelly during the war.

This is a veritable "special force."

The alarmed garrison was gathering quickly, but the scattered teams were all repelled by the airborne soldiers blocked at the street—the generation of weapons, so that these soldiers who had little combat power had no chance to shoot arrows, let alone mention Close combat.

Masola and others rushed into the granary area accurately along the street according to the maps identified by the reconnaissance plane: here is filled with Chengshan's grain. Because it is constantly transported, more than half are moved out of the original thick stone house. , Waiting to be pulled to the front at any time.

In front of his eyes, these grains are enough for an army of 10,000 people to eat for two or three months. Massola looked around from side to side and immediately waved: "Place the law array, fast!"

Twenty-four barbarian soldiers carrying huge backpacks rushed into the granary, waved over the dazed porters, scattered the law arrays they brought, then inserted spar, and quickly exited.

One minute later, the ensuing blast continued to blast flames around, and a pile of grain was ignited shortly afterwards. The intense black smoke billowed up. After Masola and others confirmed that the fire was no longer extinguishable, this Only calmly teamed off from the scheduled retreat route-along the way, not even a few soldiers who dared to stop them appeared, because the "spar grenade" that had been thrown out had killed three captains and the soldiers who followed them Faced with such enemies, where would they have little fighting will, where would they go to succeed?

Masola and others did not simply leave the town, but rushed to the areas outside the town where the caravans and horses were parked for the caravans after leaving the granary area. Each person dragged two or three heads to collect food as quickly as possible. Go west.

I walked out of Birch town, and they saw black smoke from the town of Carin, forty kilometers to the west. Before long, a black plume appeared on the east horizon.

Three towns providing logistical support for Yudola's army, and at the same time were lit by the airborne troops of the Karen Kingdom ~ ~ The next day, Roddy in the study was writing a letter and writing a reply—he was at hand There was a letter from Kardashian just now, which described the research results of "Guided Missiles", but Roddy valued more the "heavy factory" that had been built next to the airport outside Hollier.

The previous "transport aircraft" was driven by a group of mages to work together to work overtime and overtime. Although the manufacturing speed is amazing, everyone knows that the mage is not used as a worker. If you want to increase production, it is best to have a set of Masters-or production lines separated from the power of "high-ranking masters"-for processing and manufacturing, otherwise things like "transporters" can only be luxury goods forever.

But war does not require luxury.

On the earth, the assembly line operation invented by the United States "Ford" was then called "giving the world a wheel". Although it is impossible for an aircraft to go through the assembly line from the beginning to the end like a car, but in order to improve efficiency, it is necessary to build a production line starting from certain components: because after each production line is established, it is not only aircraft that can be manufactured Parts can be manufactured in large quantities for gun cars and even trains.

The most important thing is that Kardashian and several "honor elders" have perfected the second-generation model of the steam engine, and at the same time, they are working hard to "unskillable" the production steps. Nowadays, only the magic circle and trained magic The apprentice can then operate manufacturing. So once the production line is established, it will not only drive the military industry, but also bring a huge revolution to the Karen Kingdom.

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