Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1121: withdraw! new

Roddy nodded: "Although the French array can achieve instant communication with Soderol, the front-line battles cannot be fully reported in time. The information of the reconnaissance aircraft has to pass through, and it has been a half-day lag. In this kind of war, an hour difference may be the difference between victory and defeat. I cannot be lucky in this. "

Camilla knows that this is a crucial moment, so she no longer has much power, but just stares down and says, "You must ... pay attention to safety."

At the moment she complained that she could not leave Elson City and continue to be the "guardian", but Roddy saw her mind and smiled: "I won't go to the battlefield in person, rest assured."

He said, standing up: "The news of me going to the front line is temporarily blocked. If someone comes to ask from the cabinet, you will create the illusion that I am here. The treasoners will be punished after the war, but we still want them to continue paralysis."


Camilla took the file, stood up and paused. She hesitated and asked, "When is it going?"

"After half an hour."

Hearing this, Camilla understood that it was actually goodbye at this moment. She took a deep breath, confirming that no one was looking out of the hall outside, and took two steps in front of Roddie, with her hands open slightly, and before taking the next move, Roddie took her into her arms and laughed. Says: "Are you afraid I will eat you as a monster?"

Camilla relaxed and whispered, "Every time I separate, I'm afraid like last time ..."

Saying ten thousand and ten thousand, she still worried about Roddy's safety. But she also didn't want to let herself block Roddy's ambitions, so she left her arms and whispered, "I'm waiting for you to come back."

"Okay, obediently wait for me at home."

Roddy worked hard to make the atmosphere easy, but he didn't know that the word "home" made Camilla almost cry.

After she left with red eyes, Roddy started packing to leave. Although he just took the command, he also brought the best equipment and weapons. After being properly packed, Akasha, who had put on the combat robe, also came to the mansion with a bone-bone staff. At this time, Roddy had called his staff team to gather, after all, when sitting on the front line of the town, this group of people had to come along to make plans Everyone, including Duncan, the oldest, was a little bit inexpressible.

And a few minutes ago, Roddy just agreed with the new proposal submitted by his staff-he was signing it at the moment, and said: "All threats can kill the seed and greatly save the cost of war."

Akasha did not know what he was talking about, but thoughtfully: "The 'Viper Cross' may be involved in the battle, and they will not sit by and watch the 'Rose Cross' sweeping the country like this."

"Of course, this is also considered, rest assured."

Roddy smiled and gave the plan to the servant next to him: "Transfer it to the CIA."

Turning his head, he directly signaled everyone to leave-the aides were not combatants, so they wore leather boots and uniforms. Rody is fully armed, with bows and arrows waiting for the sword and various elements to summon the stone, meanwhile, he also brings Misha, who has been bored in the city for a long time.

They left through the back door of the mansion and boarded a transport ship directly. Under the cover of the enclosed cabin, a group of people left the city, and then a group of undead mages and soldiers embarked on the back seat of the truck bound for Domick.

Although the staff have long known about these modes of transportation, they are really the first experience. Except for the older Duncan, whose face was slightly dizzy due to motion sickness, everyone looked at the scenery outside the window.

On the road from Elson City to Fort Domick, there are many horse-drawn carriages for transporting food. Because most trucks supply the front line, there is a lot of goods on the road from Elson to the front line. One cent is supplied by the horse team of Parr Leads. Although inefficient, it did not leave this road idle.

"It's a little far from being fully mechanized ..."

Roddy leaned back in his seat. He was already familiar with this kind of bumps, and he didn't have the curiosity of others at all. So when bored, I started to open the various interfaces and taskbar to observe.

After the war broke out, Roddy automatically generated a yellow task in front of him: [Unify the Karen Kingdom]

Obviously, from the system's point of view, this task is only "moderate" to Roddy, and there are not many rewards, which is a huge amount of experience.

Roddy has not paid much attention to the reward of the task. Standing in the position of the city leader and the prime minister, he needs to consider the development and stability of Everta in the future. However, at present, it is necessary to grasp the power. The strength of the army is the first, followed by the "energy" problem. Roddy and Kardashian discussed how to use natural energy to make charged spar, but based on the current theoretical basis, In other words, there is still distance.

Wind energy, water energy, and electrical energy must be gradually tried, and "nuclear energy" and the like are probably impossible in this world.

Thinking like this, Roddy was a little sleepy. He planned to close his eyes for a moment, but when he scanned the "map bar", he suddenly froze-



May 16.

After the capture of Count Harrison, the stealing of the city of Suvara has ended, and Nora has done a great job as a special agent. However, the war was far from the time of celebration. After the special service department was replaced by newcomers, Nora quickly received a new task because of her outstanding ability. At this point she had started packing and rushed to the next meeting point.

In the past few days, Nora not only stole intelligence information, but also secretly controlled Jonathan and searched for the royal intelligence agency that bought him according to his confession. After confirming the identity of these personnel, Nora directly The information was passed to Soderlor through the intelligence service. The latter said nothing and asked the infantry division to lead the team to wash the group directly.

More than thirty spies named the royal family who provided intelligence services did not run. They were secretly detained or executed on the same day, and continued to touch up. The intelligence bases and personnel information in other cities were also explored. probably. In other words, Charles II's intelligence system has begun to collapse from here.

However, these things Nora can't control, she is not the decision maker of the Intelligence Agency, but the sharpest dagger. If there are any other ideas at this time, the only thing Nora wants to do is to write to Soderlor.

But after the war began, information transmission outside the work of intelligence personnel was prohibited. She didn't want to touch the high-voltage line, so looking at the simple salute in front of her, Nora could only pass away in a daze to kill the waiting time.

"Dang Dang Dang—"

A bell came in the distance, a signal that the truck bound for the temple was loading. Nora hurriedly saluted, stepped forward to the regular crowd, and followed silently.

These soldiers were very silent. Without permission, everyone didn't say a word, and soon they stepped on the truck under the leadership of the platoon leader. And Nora's solitary figure looks a bit special, and because she is a female, she can't help but look around.

"Proof of Pass?"

The soldier standing in front of the truck reached out and stopped her. Nora handed a parchment paper with a wax seal. The soldier took it for a closer look and immediately "snapped" Li Zheng: "Sir! Please get in the car!"

Nora has already promoted her official rank because of several merits. But she didn't feel much about it, nodded and planned to get on the last truck. She was going to get in the car and crowd the group of soldiers. As a result, the platoon leader took a look at her outfit, and made Noah go to the co-pilot of the truck.

After arriving at the station outside the Temple City, Nora would like to talk to Soderlor, who is in the headquarters. But the military order is as mountainous as a small person in her intelligence department is not qualified to apply to meet the commander, so she can only go silently to the meeting place and expect the war to end soon.

When she got out of the truck, she saw a huge camp outside the Temple City that had become a transit hub. The barracks with the numbered banner are neat and tidy, and even the open space has a special number to identify it ~ ~ Nora walked to the rest area 19 not far away, and then found the special service coming from other places The personnel are almost there.

"Good sir!"

"What sir, I haven't seen him for half a month."

Nora smiled, because the five special agents in front of her were all Teflin, and she was an acquaintance trained during the same period. So the atmosphere for everyone to chat is much easier. But without saying a word, an officer next to them gave the scroll with the magic seal to them.

"Good luck to you."

The people in the barracks seemed to be reluctant to say a lot of nonsense, put down things and hurried away. Nora held the scroll and pressed a magic ring on her finger against the opening of the scroll, thereby removing the magic seal-the seal was opened, and she spread her current task on the only wooden chair in the rest area. After careful reading, they began to assign tasks as they did during training, and took everyone to the transit area in the north of the camp ten minutes later.

Here, they set foot on a truck bound for Layena, but their mission and goals, except for Nora, are only Rodi, Soderol, and Sally. know.

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