Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1153: altar

"Master Priest, of the Potaris ..."

"No one, unless the order of Prime Minister Roddy over the temple, I will not see anyone. All the vacated estates are completely closed, dispersing those who are thinking around, if they do n’t leave, they will go to the Prime Minister ’s army Help, leave the rest alone. "

Yudola knows that this decision is cruel, but in the face of "either they die or they die," she certainly chose to protect herself.

"Yes, Lord Priest."

After her subordinates left, Yudola sat up from the armchair and was too tired to lie in bed in the morning. At this time, she felt sore eyes and felt terrible after standing up from the armchair.

Stretching twice and moving her body, she went straight out of the house and wanted to ask the location of Priest Windsor, but when she stepped out, Yudola felt strange light in the distance, looked up, and found Huo suspended in the air in the distance. The city of Vera still lights up "illumination" to provide lighting for the temple area below.

When looking down the light, Yudola inexplicably struck a spirit: because the temple area of ​​a large pit had been sunken before, it had been filled up at this time and had a huge platform more than ten meters above the ground. !!

This is not an ordinary small platform. Under the light of illumination, she even saw that the perfectly round platform occupied nearly half of the area of ​​the temple area ... This is already larger than the entire area of ​​the former "Royal Palace".

"Come, come!"

She hesitated a little hesitantly, and the priest in a white robe next to him hurried forward: "Master?"

"How long did I sleep?"

"Five or five hours, maybe four hours or so ..."

Listening to this answer, Yudola was even more dazed. She once suspected that she had fallen asleep for a week, because such changes in the temple area could not have happened overnight.

At that time, the Tuks moved their capital, and it took almost ten years to rebuild the Marhala Temple and the entire temple area: the stone materials of Diest City were transported all the way, and materials and civil engineering were built throughout the construction process. Planning and design cost countless manpower and material resources, and even His Majesty the Emperor changed one.

But now I took a nap, and after waking up, I found that the foundation of a huge temple had already been built?

As she thought about whether to look closer, she found that under the light of the city of Hovila, a long series of black dragons flew from a distance, and at the same time she wrapped an amazing volume of stones with magical magic. .

The stones fell on the sturdy platform that had been shaped by the spell, and then quickly began to break down into a regular cube, and the orderly and rapid splicing was built, but within a few minutes, dozens of tons of stone had been used. , And raised the platform a part.

The dragons made all these light carts, and all of them flickered without landing, and flew away in a circle. And just half a minute after leaving, the second batch of black dragons flew over, repeating the previous scene ...

Yudola stared for a long time before realizing that there were actually three groups of twenty-eight dragons in front of them, transporting and building stone in turn.

"Can the Dragons do this ...?"

Yudola rubbed her temples. To see this scene, she also had some psychological preparation. After all, the previous battle dragons came in two consecutive attacks on the temple area. This must be the result of Roddy's operation from it. As a legendary existence, I suddenly came over to help the Tuks build a temple, but I felt weird.

But Yudola quickly came back: this is not the "Tutuk", but rather Roddy, because the whole country of Esca will be ruled in another way in the future.

Her heart was full of worries about the fate of the kingdom ... Although she was still sleepy, she had no intention of continuing to sleep. After letting her subordinates get some food, Yudola took a few bites and threw it aside, and continued to deal with the tedious affairs of the outer city. After dawn, she found that the farmland outside the city had matured overnight. Farmers Rejoice to harvest.

Of course, she cannot make the farmers responsible for harvesting and selling. Instead, she directly sends someone to take over and rotate the surveillance. At the same time, she has formulated a series of temporary policies and planned food transportation and sales channels.

Busy and busy, the sound of propeller from Yudola was heard from the sky, she suddenly looked up, and found that the huge transport aircraft approached the city slowly from the blue clear sky, and hovered and landed outside the city. On "Dist Airport".

This time, there was no "survival of the magical soldiers", but more than a hundred engineering companies soldiers arrived in advance, and began to plan and transform temporary military camps in the city. Two hours later, the second group of expeditionary soldiers got off the plane and led directly to the house where Yudola was located under the command of the regiment to report.

On the surface they came to "coordinate with the order of the priest Yudola", but in fact, they directly replaced the original priest guard and began to participate in the "policy management" of the entire city. This also means that Yudola has now lost all his military power.

Since then, Windsor was officially assigned the role of "Food Supervisor" by Roddy, responsible for the harvesting, supervision and transportation of grain outside the city of Diest. At the same time, the airborne soldier Irwin was fully responsible for the defense of the temple area and the head of the expeditionary army. Davidian is responsible for the defense of the outer city.

Yudola had the psychological expectation of the power of division and restriction. When the Dragons were under their heads, the four power hills in the entire city did not have much so-called "internal consumption." On the contrary, the entire Dist City was rebuilt and ordered Recovery is faster than expected ~ ~ Five days later, thousands of corpses cleared from the outer city have been buried in batches. With the help of spells, there have been no plague incidents in the city.

Rumors of "the incarnation of Anda sacrifice" and "the messenger of Tabris" have been completely spread in the city, plus the "temple" that the people can see great changes every day, Dis Today, the special city can even say that the road is not exhausted and the house is not closed at night, and the public security level has reached the peak after the city was built.

What surprised the people the most was the city suspended above the temple area: these days, the shape of its bottom has been constantly changing, and it has finally been “shaped” into a regular disc shape, while the bottom is silvery. Metal plate covered.

On the seventh day, the city of Hovila seemed to be a circular mirror above the sky, and even reflected reflections were seen from the bottom. The damaged temple above was built into a regular circular building. The original uninhabited urban building was smoothed into a square. There are already small Falcon fighters parked on the side apron ...

During this period, Yudola entered the inner city several times. She originally reported work progress to Roddy, but every time she came in, she felt like climbing a higher and higher mountain. She thought that the dragons had built a "foundation." Later, it was discovered that this was more like a regular round altar made of stones stacked layer by layer.

After climbing on the 28th floor and nearly 300 steps, Yudola has reached a height of nearly 100 meters.

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