Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1155: Kazvila

Rasiman, in the city of Durrell.

One week after the battle in King Esca was over, there was still no idea what had happened to that hostile country thousands of kilometers south of Turrell.

The information updates so far have only said that "The Karen Kingdom Expeditionary Force defeated Yudola's army and established a foothold in Rasha."

But at this stage, the information did not seem to be updated anymore. After the expeditionary force stationed the army on the south bank of the Ram River, it never said to continue the attack, and the sign it showed was "rest."

However, this rhythm seems to be the "rhythm of war" as understood by the Kingdom of Rahman-because tens of thousands of soldiers have just been captured, it is obviously not a week to just digest it.

Therefore, the parliament did not rush to urge the Karen kingdom to continue the offensive, but conducted an in-depth discussion on whether to "send troops" to follow.

It's awkward. This is to see the Karen Kingdom burst into strength. I'm afraid that I won't drink soup when I'm late.

"... we paid gold coins, we paid for trade in goods, and there was enough food! This is a fair deal, and Prime Minister Roddy will definitely understand our appeal. After all, this is the Kingdom of Rasiman ..."

"... I think we should ask General Soderlor. Are they willing to push the front a little bit more? I think it will not be difficult for him to pay enough money ..."

Such proposals are not infrequent. First, everyone realized that the expeditionary force was far stronger than imagined, and the enemy had no resistance. Secondly, Rashiman had suffered a great loss because of the "Forbidden Demon Realm", and his heart was full of resentment.

The small neighboring countries before seemed to be honest. As a result of the escalation of the Ezca nation, the frontline was declining, and Laxia City was almost regarded as the base camp. Of course, the lawmakers will not swallow the issue, even let these small countries Several bills have been submitted for sky-high compensation.

Speaker Jeremy synthesized opinions and carried out resolutions on these issues as usual. In the end, the motion "Assemble the army to follow the Karen Kingdom Expeditionary Force and try to regain territory" was passed by unanimous vote.

According to the bill, the next step is to appoint generals and organize a new army to go to Laxia.

Such things naturally need not be discussed with Roddy. After all, the Karen Kingdom Expeditionary Force only needs to act according to the agreement, and the rest will be left to the Kingdom of Rasiman after all-they have a good idea: the enemies in the front were all When I got down, I came here to pick it up and knock on it ... Seeing that it has no national strength to directly annex or support it, it's easy to say.

The lawmakers saw that the bill was finally passed, and their faces were "shown" with a smile. After the meeting, they laughed and laughed in twos and threes: In their view, the crisis from the outside has disappeared, and nothing can be settled with "money." Fortunately, Du Ruier City's unique port advantage makes them never worry about money.

The difficult times have passed, and everyone is now ready to share the fruits of victory.

Of course, there are also pessimists who say that "Tuk people will not die for a day, such wars will never stop"-Speaker Jeremy is actually a bit worried, but he is more focused on improving the level of the Rahman war Up ... Only if you have mastered enough advanced technology, you will not have to continue to ask the Karen Kingdom to help yourself in the future.

This "mercury war" was actually a last resort for Rashiman, and once was enough.

But just as Jeremy was thinking about asking the Dean of Morwind College to discuss the issue of war ravages, the alarm sounded again in the city.

The crowd did not respond, because recently such an alarm has been heard too much: all kinds of planes from the Karen Kingdom have flown in the sky, and even before the Dragons screamed at high altitudes, the French array warning every time they encountered When you have seen the existence, you must call the police again.

This also makes today's legislators indifferent, what to say one by one continue to scan, by the way, glance around the sky to see what is coming this time.

Then ... they stopped collectively.

The sound of propellers came from the thin clouds in the distance. This was the noise of the familiar Karen Albatross transport aircraft, but when the plane appeared in sight, the surrounding figures really shocked the lawmakers.

There are more than twenty dragons with different colors in the front, back, left, and right of the plane, and they are flying at the same speed. They are like a protective net, covering all aspects of the albatross transport aircraft.

The black "color" dragon headed by it is huge, and its wings spread almost wider than the albatross. At this time, it looked aloofly across the city directly above Du Ruier without even looking at the city on the ground.

Except for the noisy propellers, the team did not make any noise, and it was quiet from beginning to end.

"What is the relationship between the Dragons ... and the Karen Kingdom ..."

Members of the parliament have heard from various sources before that they learned that Prime Minister Roddy had a Shadow Hatchling as a mount. But that's a young dragon, and right now it's a real dragon with a volume similar to an airplane. What this step represents immediately made Members feel a little chill on their backs.

Thinking of the bill just passed, many members turned their eyes to Speaker Jeremy, but the latter is not thinking about those things now. He frowned and murmured: "No ... if it is from Laxia City Returning to the Kingdom of Karen, you should not pass by Governor Rare. "

The flight route of the plane is basically straight. Is it intentionally displayed? still is…

Suddenly he thought of something, but he couldn't confirm it at all, so he whispered to the servant next to him: "Go and investigate the state of Eska, and go!"

Jeremy felt as if he had "touched" the edge of the truth. Compared with the insensitive legislators around him, he could better understand the changes that the "airplane" brought to the war ...

Because things that were impossible in the past, in the face of such a war machine, it seems that they have become "miracles" that can be achieved at any time.

In the "Albatross" transport aircraft, in addition to the eight-person driving team, there are six dragons with horns on their heads guarding the cockpit.

There are more than 30 dragons inside and outside the aircraft, and there are ten fully-armed airborne soldiers with spar guns in the middle cargo cabin ... and in the center of the cabin are the crystal dragon lord Krups and the green dragon elder Ankalis, and Nafi, who is fine-tuning while holding the array.

She glanced up at the "sarcophagus" in front of her, and said, "No other fluctuations, confirm safety."

Krups nodded, and then continued to raise his hand to cast—Crystal Dragon not only had considerable accomplishments in the creation of illusions, but also achieved a high level of "spiritual" spells. At this time, it was the demon lord who was lying in the sarcophagus. The avatar "... Kazvila, who was sealed in Talia's body.

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