Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1177: Encrypted text

The city of Hovira returned to the vicinity of Elsen after a large circle of 30 kilometers, and finally landed in an empty lot outside the city, and circled there, and began to plan to build a special "factory" for Reconstruction and expansion of the Hovila.

All this will take time, and Camilla attaches great importance to this, because she realizes that the "floating tower" is not only for floating, but the more important legal array and applications must be planned by herself. This task is not What she could bear alone was that Neffi was a “high student” who returned from Laceman ’s “study abroad” and was able to help her mother in mechanical and concrete constructions, so she was arranged by Rodi to become the “reformer” Technology leader.

But Nefie couldn't get into work right away, because Talia in the half plane quickly made her choice: the demon monarch chose to run away on the day of the "blind date" banquet, and her hair was disheveled 2. Wearing a shabby cloak, he ran straight to the Tower of Magic and rushed to participate in the selection before the deadline.

She was breathing heavily, and her bad image surprised everyone else who participated in the "test", but because Talia was so beautiful, no one laughed at her after all, all waited in silence.

Senior Mage Ethan's test steps were many, and many testers obviously encountered difficulties and were brushed off. When they went out, they were discouraged.

Although Talia has a good psychological quality, she is also obviously a little nervous. Sitting in the waiting room, she kept flipping through the notebook that Nafie gave her to ease her anxiety. However, turning over, she suddenly realized that some of the above sentences were used incorrectly. According to the Blinga usage she learned, these words could even be said to have a lot of linguistic errors and typos.

If ordinary people wrote like this, Talia would have no doubts, but Nefi, as a knowledgeable mage, wrote like this, and she was really surprised.

Her keen instincts made Talia feel that this was what Neff had done intentionally, but no matter how she thought, she didn't see any other meaning in it. Before long, she started the so-called "qualification test" in sequence-not surprisingly, Talia passed the audit extremely smoothly, and because the "mage's hand" was released perfectly on the scene, she showed His talent was praised by Ethan.

"Very good! You are the most promising student I have ever seen! If you are willing to stay, I will waive all your tuition and materials costs. In the future, you will follow Astor and study in my main laboratory."

After saying so, Master Ethan nodded with satisfaction, touching his beard. But at this moment, the carriage from the Galan family stopped in front of the magic tower—Murric and Anna turned blue looking for Talia, but they did not dare to do it at the door. After all, it was high. For the Master's territory, the city owner should treat each other with caution.

After learning about the news, Master Isen met them personally. After learning that Talia had ran out by himself, he only raised his eyebrows, indicating that Talia was "a good seed that he valued."

After hearing this sentence, Mericch seemed to understand that certain facts could not be changed. He looked at Talia, who was standing aside, and did not explode like before, but sighed, saying "This is Galan The honor of the family "left Anna with a sullen head.

At this moment, Talia felt very refreshing, looking at her father's angry but helpless back, both hands clasped tightly together.

Because she knew that from now on, she completely got rid of her parents' interference in fate.

The joy grew gradually. After confirming her dormitory, Talia immediately took the notebook and her spare change to find Neffi, before she started to learn magic. She wanted to inform Nefi She "reviewed" the news-at this time Talia was finally affected by the environment: after receiving favors, she had already begun to think about giving back to the other party.

He knocked on the door of Nefi's room smoothly, and Talia raised her hand and presented the “gift” she bought on the road: she used her remaining “pocket money” to buy a snack, although it was not expensive, but It is true that Talia has little money left, which is also her mind.

"Here for me?" Opening your Neff's eyebrows raised high, and then smiled: "Thank you!"

She invited Talia to enter the house, who was also in a good mood, but immediately found that Neffi's condition seemed not good, her eyes were dark, and her hair was a little messy.

"Did I ... disturb you?"

"No, recently, I just slept late at night, but I still don't want to sleep during the day."

After hearing this, Talia didn't ask more. After chatting for a while, the two took out the note, and suddenly asked, "Yes, I don't have some words on this note. Understood ... Some sentences seem to have grammatical problems. Is it a typo? Or— "

She talked about half and found that Neffi's expression became a bit wrong: the latter's sight seemed to suddenly lose focus, and it seemed to be hit by a mental spell at this moment, but soon her expression became tense and shortness of breath. Staring at Talia, he quickly reached out and took a note from his pocket and tucked it in, while saying in a very low voice: "Go back and look at ..."


Talia was really bewildered by her actions at this moment, but her long-term communication with Nefee made her know that the other party would not harm herself, so she took up the note and asked, "Why ..."

However, she didn't ask her, and she saw Neff falling her head, tilted to the side as if she was very sleepy-Talia quickly reached out to support her, but Neff suddenly woke up, suddenly Sit up straight: "Huh? My head was a little dizzy just now, that ... maybe I stayed up all night too long ..."

She whispered a few words ~ ~ Tariya clutched the note tightly in her hands, and she turned her mind, but in the end she didn't ask the question in her heart.

Seeing that Nai Fei was in a bad state, Talia quickly said goodbye to leave, but before leaving, Nai Fei didn't ask for the note, but said that it had been given to Talia, so you don't need to return.

She went back to the dormitory of the magic tower with a lot of thought, so she took out the note and looked at it, but there was no word on it, only a string of numbers.

Talia has a high IQ and strong mental strength, but in the face of such a series of headless numbers, she thought about it all night and didn't understand what it meant, and at the same time she wondered what happened to Nafi .

Intuition told her there was definitely something wrong, but Talia didn't know what to do with Master Ethan in the lab the next day.

This situation lasted until the fourth day. When Talia heard Ethan talk about the ancient "encrypted" mage's manuscript, she suddenly realized ... that string of numbers, maybe an "encrypted text"!

(End of this chapter)

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