Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1181: New mission

Hatred is like a nameless fire. When relatives, friends and family members were killed in the pursuit, Melinzela vowed to avenge it.

Her desire for revenge has never been extinguished, and now the anger of the Dragons has dissipated, not because Melinzela gave up the idea of ​​"revenge", but because she really understood her goal of revenge.

When Roddy said that "Kazvila" was really fierce, Melinzela once thought that this was just a rhetoric for changing the subject, but when there was a large group of dragons working under him, he wanted to ask what he wanted. The information is far easier than imagined-to this day, she has figured out many details that she never knew, and her mind has changed with it.

She even met the queen lord who she wanted to kill most in the cafeteria.

However, when Melinzelah discovered that some of the node technologies on the "Elemental Plane Portal" needed a series of papers from Kuio as technical support, she couldn't explain her complexity.

She specifically consulted the "former lord" 's papers and found that the other party had published more than 50 papers, of which more than 20 were key papers with extremely high citations and evaluations. It can even be said ... With this form of knowledge sharing, Kuo has, by his own efforts, pushed up the current level of awareness of the "Elements of Fire" field among all Masters of the Karen Kingdom.

At first Merlinthella didn't understand why he did it, and it wasn't until one time when he talked to Iscar about Quio that the honorable elder gave the answer-"He's atonement."

So Melinzela no longer thinks of those who are not, and completely pays attention to the current work, and in the subsequent work, gradually realized the transformation of the entire "Dragon": those eyes in the impression are higher than the top, The "kindness" who think that other races are rubbish, not only have gathered together, they have also actively started to study in the magic tower ...

In the past, the major dragons were isolated from each other, and basically they rarely met. There was basically no communication at all, and even the bad relations could be fought. But in the magic tower, they showed an unprecedented order ... the rivalry and contradiction still existed, but they changed to another form to confront.

Such as the number of papers published, such as half-plane football games.

However, when the dragons are willing to share knowledge on magic, the Karen Kingdom's magic level is rising at a rocket-like speed, and this effect is now more obvious: those higher-orders farther from the city of Hollier Masters, hesitate to spend huge sums of money to come here and want to improve. Some people are disoriented on the spot after seeing a high-level dissertation, and even emotionally collapsed: because they realize that they have learned magic from dogs for so many years Now ...

For most mediocre magicians, taking a lifelong detour is a common sight. And coming to Hollier City for further studies seems to have become the magician's only "Kangzhuang Avenue".

Melinzela felt these changes infinitely in her mind, but looking up, she knew better that she was about to take on the next task.

After ensuring the transmission was stable and safe all around, Melinzela couldn't help but follow the carnival at the celebration party in the evening-specifically how much alcohol she drank, Melinzela could not remember, but after getting up the next morning, She received a letter from Roddy and another document sealed by the Red Circle.

After seeing Rody's words of congratulations, Melinzel murmured "I don't know how to speak", but after opening the seal and reading two of the documents, her complexion suddenly slumped.

Thirty kilometers outside the city of Elson, a small "mage tower" stands on the edge of a small riverside village called "Berg".

This is the residence of the middle-level mage Carleton, because he is a mage, and the villagers nearby called this dilapidated tower "mage tower".

Carlaton's life was originally moist, but in the past two years, it has been worse than the day. It stands to reason that Elson and Hollier City have greatly increased the level of magic in this world, and the income of related practitioners will certainly increase along with it.

However, the facts are exactly the opposite: the changes in magic and technology have brought about almost subversive changes. Those magicians who are relatively "old-fashioned" or have no chance to keep up with the times are being rapidly eliminated.

Mages in remote areas may still be able to maintain their livelihoods due to the lack of information and traffic, but Carleton, who is unable to keep up with technological innovation and is close, has immediately become a "defective" abandoned by the industry chain Goods ": The scrolls and props he made have become less and less profitable, but want to improve and increase profits, but found that because the concept can not keep up with the times, the competitiveness is getting worse and worse, thus falling into a vicious circle.

Of course, he also wanted to improve, but he had no choice but to wait: when he wanted to go to the city of Hollier, he found that he couldn't afford to stay at the hotel over there—put down the latest issue of the "Carron Times" Leiden sighed lowly, wondering if he should find another way out, or simply took out his whole family to gamble ... As a result, the view suddenly darkened outside the window interrupted his thinking, turned his head, Carlaton The mage realized that this was not a dark cloud. He was startled and suddenly felt that something had happened. He hurried down the magic tower, but as soon as he opened the door, he saw a group of figures floating down from the "Hovera".

"Mage Carleton?"

"Ah ... I, I, I am Carleton, Lord Prime Minister! Hello, hello!"

No one who reads newspapers often recognizes the appearance of Roddy. At the same time, Carleton recognized that the crystal dragon lord Krups next to him. He was unable to turn around for a while. After continuous salute, he did not Know what to say—because of how you look at it, you are not in the backcountry.

"That's it, Master Carlayton. I now have a mission that needs your help: I ​​want to requisition your mage tower for about three months. As a reward, I will give you 30,000 credits and at the same time There is another chance to go to Hollier City for further studies. Of course, I will not force you ~ ~ If you refuse ... "

"No no no, Lord Prime Minister, I agree, I agree!"

Where did Master Carlayton think of any bargaining? The truth in his mage tower is honestly worthless, and now he is very clear: the chance that the prime minister promised to go to Hollier City to study is priceless to the mage.

Roddy also seemed to have no surprise in his reaction. He looked back at Krups, and the two nodded tacitly, and then an attendant took Carlaton to sign the contract, gave money on the spot, and the signature on the spot took effect. Roddy also prepared a train ticket for him directly to Hollier City.

Mage Carlayton immediately put on his servants and left happily, and looked back before leaving, only to find that a large light enveloped the whole village, and the villagers were called out by the soldiers to talk one by one, everyone's face It was all hilarious.

He didn't understand what this was about, and Master Carlayton didn't discuss anything about the contents of the agreement. He now thought about going to Hollier City to contact the top mages. As for Roddy, the Prime Minister demolished the tower. He doesn't care.

(End of this chapter)

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