Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1183: read

It seems that the medicine has some side effects. Do you remember who your parents are? "

After questioning for a while, Master Ethan raised his question a bit dignifiedly.

Talia opened her mouth to answer, but immediately settled—two figures appeared in her mind, and the name came to her mouth, but it felt like a veil, like the content of a dream, Can't distinguish between true and false.

But when Master Ethan frowned in front of her, she still answered, "It's Murwich and ... Anna."

"Huh, it seems the symptoms are not that severe."

Ethan's answer relieved Talia somehow ... It seemed that he remembered at least some things, which was better than forgetting everything.

But soon Ethan asked, "Do you remember how we came to Burg Village?"

"Borg ... village? What is this place?"

Talia was bewildered, she only felt strange when she woke up, but she did not expect that she would be in a village that she had never heard of.

At this time, Nefi began to explain-in her mouth, the high mage Ethan had to offend the apprentice and hid in the wilderness because he had offended the Count Lord at a celebration. Nai Fei was also deported because he was identified as an "accomplice" by the lord, and he directly cast himself into the door of Master Ethan and left.

Talia could have returned to continue to be a noble lady, but she resolutely chose to break up with her parents and left the city with Master Ethan. It is said that they went west all the way for a long time before they arrived at the village and left settle down.

These words made Talia completely stunned, because she did not remember these things at all, but seeing the natural expressions of Master Ethan and Nafi, Talia didn't question anything for the time being ...

"It ’s okay to take a break first. It ’s okay to think about it. At least your language and text recognition ability have n’t changed. It ’s just a loss of memory for a while. This situation has been documented before. Let me go first, Master Neffi, if you can, take care of her. "


After a conversation, Master Ethan left, and Nefie accompanied her for a while, telling Talia the time and place for dinner, and persuading her to go out for a walk and relax, perhaps to feel better.

Talia was thinking about going out, so she opened the closet, put on a familiar robe, and left the house.

The working villagers saw her with reverence and did not dare to take the initiative. Talia looked at this scene, and suddenly a strange thought came to her mind: they were all fake.

Talia was startled by this idea, and she stared at the peasant woman passing by for a few times.

The latter was uncomfortable with that weird look, and asked a little timidly: "Master Master ... is there something wrong?"

"Um ... are you a villager living here?"

"Yes, yes."

Talia glanced from side to side and said, "Excuse me, where is this place?"


Two days later, Roddy sat in the control room and received a copy of the latest "Carron Times". The title of the front page reads, "The Rahman State and the Kingdom of Karen are actively engaged in the arms trade." The second edition is about "the study of demon anatomy", and the third edition is the latest spell discovery and thesis.

The fourth edition started with issues of people's livelihood, followed by some regional news, and the last page was entertainment editions such as jokes and gossip. He didn't say anything after reading it carefully, but turned back to the second edition, carefully pondering every word in this edition.

"She doesn't doubt anymore."

Camilla's voice sounded next to her, and she stared at Talia, who was shown in the circle. The latter had been standing in the laboratory for a long time. In the past two days, she almost went out to observe the farmers, even Occasionally, we had to do strange things, but to this day, she obviously gave up this attempt, and seriously committed herself to the research of magic.

"Neffi is quite in the state."

Roddy glanced at the figure on the other side of the laboratory, and it was quite unexpected that her relationship with Talia seemed to be leaping ahead-everyone in the control room could see that Talia clearly trusted Nafi, Even something or emotions will be with her.

Through the reminder of Nafie, Talia "remembered" that she had "fallen off the carriage", and this "amnesia" antecedent also successfully became the reason for this "amnesia": Master Ethan said, When she fell that time, it was likely to cause brain damage, and the medicament probably only played a evoking role, causing similar symptoms ...

This theory couldn't be tested, and it sounded a bit more reasonable. Combined with the villagers' seamless response, Talia finally confirmed that she should not be dreaming, and gradually no longer suspected. Now she has refocused her attention on magic learning.

Watching Talia talk to Neffi again, Camilla whispered a little worriedly: "Need or not ... let her pay attention? After all, that guy isn't such a bad guy ..."

But Roddy shook his head: "It's time to say what I have to say, and the rest depends on Neffi himself. If you have to control everything, it will be counterproductive."

"But she's still young. I'm afraid she doesn't have the judgment ..."

"Knowing how important it is, naturally know how to judge, trust her, so let her assume this heavy responsibility. Rest assured."

Roddy gently held the palm of Camilla, who pouted and did not dare to move, muttering in a low voice: "You trust her more than I ..."

"Parents don't trust their children and their children will not grow up. I was--"

Speaking of which, Roddy was laughing and stopped.

However, Camilla was so immersed in this atmosphere that she couldn't help herself, and found Roddy no longer talking, but she was disappointed. But she adjusted her mood quickly and raised her eyebrows. "She noticed the newspaper."

Master Ethan in the laboratory casually placed "Carron Daily" by the table, and Talia turned her head as she passed by, suddenly attracted by the title above.

She didn't dare to move Master Ethan's things casually, but the latter noticed Tarija's concerns and said, "When I finished reading the newspaper, if I wanted to, I would take it when I was resting."

Talia hurriedly saluted and thanked her. Then she gathered the newspapers in order, and waited for all the tasks for today to be completed. Then she returned to the dormitory and took out the newspapers to read.

When I read the word "devil", Talia ’s expression remained the same ~ ~ It quickly turned to the next version. It is obvious that Talia had forgotten her original identity at this time. , Not even the concept of "devil".

Seeing this scene, Roddy and Krups were really relieved. However, they soon discovered that Tarija's attention was focused on the third edition of the spelling paper, and she was eager to read the summary of those papers repeatedly. Then I read the current affairs news word by word, and sifted keywords into my notebook, apparently trying to establish an impression of the current highest governance structure.

And soon, Roddy saw her embracing two words in the book: "cabinet" and "hollier city".

I've been busy recently and have been running the hospital because of a very important thing: I'm going to be a dad.

To be honest it's quite dazed.

I will try to keep the update, but recently the starting point has been more serious, and I have a little panic. At the beginning of the new book, I wrote it a few times, and to be honest, the interruption of "No Ghosts" made me a little tired, and there was no place to say a lot. Sometimes I feel that my state is similar to most of my peers at the same time, it is really chaos. .

(End of this chapter)

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