Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1190: friend

In the silent night, the "Hovera" floated over the village of Burg.

The drowsy villagers were put back into their houses by spells, because of the magic circle set by Krups, the ground, farmland and various types of livestock fences in these days have changed with the half plane And the changes are synchronous, so if the villagers wake up now, they will not even realize that they have lived in the half plane for a long time.

After waiting for hundreds of villagers to settle their animals, the "Mage Tower" that Krupps personally carried by magic fell from the sky and slowly landed on the neatly cut base on the ground.

The incision is perfectly closed by the spell, and nothing is known in the call of the insect songbird.

In the bridge control room, Camilla's focus is not below, but directly in front-the modification base of the "Hovila" has been completed outside the city, and the floating tower trial installation started the day before yesterday. At this time, taking the opportunity to transfer the mage tower, she was also passing by to check the fit of the "I-type floating tower" after loading the array.

"The suspension charge is activated and the countdown is five seconds."

Camilla was clearly in the state now, and she was directing everything seriously: "Confirm the state of the protection chain!"

"The protection chain is connected!"

"Alternative protection matrix opened!"

"Completed startup!"

The voice fell, and the fully-charged French array lit up a light blue light. Camilla stared nervously outside. In the night, a square slate with dozens of iron chains slowly moved from the Hovila. Floating on the "deck", the area is more than ten square meters, and the surface is covered with grain.

"Perform a mobile test and note the energy consumption."

Camilla couldn't care less about the magic tower below, and at this time devoted herself to the "research" on the floating tower. On the other hand, Roddy did not bother her, but turned her head and whispered to Neifei, "Are you thinking?"

Nefi was sitting in a daze on the wide armchair prepared for the "Captain", that is, Camilla could not care about this side, otherwise she must be allowed to stand aside.

But Nafi does have some thoughts now. She looked at the crew who was busy controlling the front of the magic circle in front of her, and replied: "I have been in the half plane for a long time, and my head is a little confused. Now I will always be confused after waking up. I can tell through some vulnerabilities, I'm afraid I will go crazy sooner or later. "

Roddy was silent for a few seconds and said, "You don't have to stay in the half plane in the next stage. This experience is uncomfortable. If you don't want to continue, we can change the plan ..."

Neffy shook her head: "Actually, it's okay to tell. I'm most worried about her now."

"You say Talia?"

Seeing her nodding, Rody continued to ask, "Afraid she remembered something that shouldn't be remembered?"

"No ... I have been with her for a long time, and I will always forget her original identity, and then-always treat her as a real human."

Neffi rubbed her eyes: "When the reaction comes, she will startle with a cold sweat. I let her sleep next to her and I didn't think there was any problem until she got up the next day, but waited for her I left the room before I realized how risky I was. "

Obviously, staying with Talia was not what was originally planned, but Nafi's behavior has received enough rewards: she has all the trust of Talia, and now the "demon monarch" is even willing to entrust her life .

Even though the magic wave shows that Talia is weak, Canafield has seen the potential of each other in these days. That unprecedented talent means that the opponent can run on the road of the mage without hindrance, and sooner or later than himself ...

"... At that time, if she realized the problem or discovered the whole scam, she didn't know what it would be like. Although everything was planned, I had a strange feeling of guilt in my heart: On the one hand, I thought it was a My friend, reasonably tell me that this guy is the most dangerous enemy in the world today ... it feels ridiculous. "

"Neff, you have to believe a fact."

Roddy whispered, "Talia Galan is your friend."

Neffi raised her eyebrows.

"The Galan family is real. Murwich Galan and Anna Galan did have an unmarried daughter in their twenties, but they collectively lost their lives in a riot last year-but this is not What will affect her, she will have her choices when she hears the news in the future. She is a 'person' implanted in this world. Although there are many details that can go wrong, over time, even The friends of the Galan couple will gradually obscure those details and believe in the 'facts' we make. "


"Yes, just like the idea we implanted in her. She is about to be implanted in our world and integrated."

"But ... but ..."

Nefi blinked, and gradually understood the reason: "So, I don't have to think about her identity? But ... why does she with an ectopic soul live like a normal person? I remember her behavior at the beginning It ’s abnormal ... ”

"You need to know that 'Tariya''s body is the existence of the plane. When the independent will does not exist in the carrier, it may be able to make self-judgment clearly. But once it merges with the body, it will naturally affect each other."

Roddy pointed to the temple: "Soul affects flesh, and flesh also affects soul."

Neifei apparently eased his emotions and nodded hard: "I see!"

"Neffy! What are you sitting there for?"

Before she could say anything else, Camilla's voice made her stun, and then quickly jumped out of the chair: "Well, I should go to the magic tower!"

Before Camilla continued to say anything, she ran away and waved, "Brother Roddy, I'll go first!"

"More and more disobedient!"

Camilla stared at her back and said ~ ~ Roddy quickly turned off the topic: "How was the test result?"

"It can only be said to meet basic expectations, and there is still a long way to go."

She frowned again, apparently there were "problems" in the floating tower.

"Well, time is on our side, take your time."

Roddy glanced down. After all the mage's "Mage Tower" was anchored, the magical apprentices disguised by the dragons returned to the tower one by one, and Nai Fei returned to his bedroom.

At this point, Talia was lying quietly on the couch, still bound by spells.

Nefi nodded at the elder Green Dragon beside her, and lay on the bed herself, who disappeared into the room silently.

Soon everything came to silence, as if there was no difference between it and the half plane.


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