Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1196: control

As the lowest-level species in the Demon Army, the "Infected Beast" itself has a very strong survivability. After ingesting different species, infected animals will have different changes, so if older infected animals are in different regions, they will almost have very different looks.

The "specimen" in front of him was infected by the "mummyization" of the steam-dried water, which infected the beast. Talia and Neffi were startled by the sullen-looking demons behind the glass. Because the other had opened their mouths and looked away, it was obvious. Seeing two rows of triangular teeth showing out, there are cheek-shaped gaps on the dry skin on both sides. At first glance, it looks like some kind of shark with long legs.

"Huh, is this infected beast? It's much bigger than I thought ..."

Neffi almost put her face to the glass to see, but she didn't hear Tarija's reply for several seconds. She turned her head and asked, "What's wrong? What are you thinking?"

When asked, Talia stared at the infected beast, her hands were trembling slightly, and some strange emotions were flowing in her heart—she wanted to raise her hand to touch the infected beast. Overhead.

At this moment, Talia didn't notice that Neffi's right hand had reached into the side pocket, and the dozen or so figures who seemed to pass by unrelatedly in the surrounding streets all slowed down ...



She finally looked back and turned her head sharply. "I, I ... seemed to remember something ..."

"What's going on? Is there a voice?"

"No, just a sudden strange thought in my head, I want to reach out and touch it." Talia shook her head and looked down at her palms: "But I can't remember the reason, I don't seem to have seen this before Something, except for seeing pictures in newspapers-this thing is not from the demon plane ... "

Having said that, she settled abruptly.

Neffi faced solemnly before him: "Perhaps ... this is also the performance after being affected?"


Talia was a little embarrassed in her heart, but she didn't realize that if she just moved a little more aggressively, she might be controlled by the overwhelming magic at this time.

But now obviously not that step, Naifei secretly relieved and talked about other topics.

But without saying a word, a team suddenly passed by. The sound of a prayer chant came, and everyone else around seemed to be quite quiet, and some even stopped to pay attention. Nefi and Talia also looked down and found that this was a "Rose Cross" team all wearing teaching robes.

Today is the routine of "Mass in the Square" at the "Rose Cross". This team should be on its way back to the church after the ceremony. There are about fifteen people in it, including the priest wearing blue and white to teach running like Sally. There are bishops, and several women with slightly different clothes.

Many believers saw this state of worship respectfully, and even some reverent knelt on the ground and whispered a prayer.

But Talia stared at the figures in the team wearing black and white color robes-because the four accompanying women were the Tuk priests from the country of Esca!

They now have doctrinal exchanges and discussions within the Rose Cross. When I came to Hollier City, I was diligently adapted to life here, and seriously participated in every religious activity.

At this time, these Tuke priests were seriously chanting and walking forward, without paying any attention to Talia standing in the corner. But the latter noticed these people and was obviously a little stunned.

"That's the priest of the Rose Cross, I've seen it elsewhere."

Nefi watched her staring, and quickly said, "There are people everywhere in Hollier. The skin of these priests is really white. Look at that guy over there, it looks like a bear."

But these words did not make Talia go back to life as usual. She stared blankly at the back of the priests, always feeling a strange sense of familiarity-even the sound of prayers floating in the air made her feel peaceful.

Talia didn't know the reason. She turned her eyes to the ground under her feet, trying to recall the details in her head, but suddenly, a strange power completely controlled her body from top to bottom.


Nefi asked again, Talia wanted to answer, but then found that she could n’t even open her mouth, and she could n’t even turn her head-she was struggling after being wrapped around by power, At the point where the fingertips were trembling, but her body was motionless, and then ... she felt her face twisted away little by little in the other direction.

"Taria, are you listening to me?"

Nefi didn't notice anything at all, and watched her slowly turn her head, staring directly at the infected beast, and said: "We have a chance to see this thing, go to Master Ethan first-Talia ... Tarry Ya? "

At this time, Talia leaned forward, and her head was getting closer and closer to the shop window. Neff finally found something wrong, and quickly reached out and held her, because if she didn't hold it, I'm afraid Talia's head would directly break the glass.


Taking a sharp breath, Talia felt that the power had finally disappeared in an instant, and her struggling body instantly collapsed and leaned directly on Nefi's arms, which was almost brought to the ground and stood firm for two steps. Later, he anxiously asked, "What's going on? What happened?"

"It's that guy ... I was just controlled, controlled ..."

Talia was pale, her legs softened, and whispered, "Hurry up! Get out of here ... I feel it's all about that demon!"

After hearing the words, Neff didn't make nonsense, and immediately helped her away from the street-and after they left, an old man holding a pipe standing in front of the newsstand slowly raised his head.

Krups narrowed his eyes and sighed slightly.

He didn't clean up, but just stepped up to follow, and the humble crowd around him followed behind Nefi and Talia in all directions ...

After coming to the hotel, Nefi and Master Ethan greeted him, and helped Talia, who was pale, into the room. The two of them lived in the same room because the room was expensive-and Nefie was obviously a little worried about her condition. After pouring Talia water, she asked, "Do you feel better now?"

Talia is shaking all over, not because of pain, but because of the fear of that irresistible power-she is very afraid that she will lose control of her body ~ ~ two hands at this time Still trembling: "... I, I'm afraid of sudden loss of control, just now you and I couldn't control myself at all, will it be next time ..."

"Don't panic, don't panic."

Nefi whispered comfortably: "Mage Ethan is going to hand in the magic circle. Let's go over and ask where to treat this symptom, OK? You look out the window-the number of mages around us Hundreds, I also saw the Dragons just now, there must be no problem, believe me. "

After hearing this, Talia also knew that she was useless of mere fear. She took several deep breaths and nodded in agreement.

Both of them were relieved. Nafie picked up the free newspaper on the table and looked, and Talia began to put away the salute brought briefly. But within a few minutes, she heard Nefi exclaim: "Look at this!"

"what happened?"

Talia glanced over and looked at the newspaper, her face suddenly agitated ...


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