Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1222: failure

Nadak was originally a "guard leader" guarding the city walls, and was one of the "guards" appointed by Sauron himself. So after he suddenly launched an attack, the other orcs on the city wall were almost unpreparable, and they were rushed into the inner city in a blink of an eye.

When Sauron rushed to the inner city gate, some orcs opened the gate. He directly blessed himself and the guards next to him. A group of men and horses passed through the gallery like a violent rhino and went straight into the interior. When looking at the injured or dead guards on the ground, Sauron's expression was dark and terrible.


He pushed open the heavy wooden door that had been opened halfway, and under tremendous force, the door crashed into the wall inside, making the "living room" filled with buzzing echoes for a while.

Raising his head, Sauron saw Nadak holding his axe with his hands facing away from him, and split it with all his strength ...


At the same time, Sauron had split his hand and seized an axe from the soldier next to him—a weapon that can only be waved by ordinary human hands. In the full state, “Savage” Sauron ’s hand is similar to a flying knife, throwing his hand and throwing it out After that, it hit Nadak's back with precision!

But the other party didn't fall down. He still smashed a part of the magic circle under his feet with an axe on his back, and snorted a second time.

Sauron realized that he couldn't stop the opponent by words, and immediately rushed up with the hammer, stepping on those seals, and swinging with one hand, the hammer immediately extended and hit him hard. , Flew this guy out on the spot!

Under the violent force, Nadak seemed to have been hit by a train. His right arm was deformed and shattered with half of his body and fell out of the ground for three or four laps.

In this case, it is inevitable that the internal organs are damaged and the ribs are broken. When Nadak coughed a few mouthfuls of blood and turned his head to look at Sauron, he suddenly said, "I ... I want to save the orcs ..."

"Stupid! You are pushing us all into the abyss!"

Sauron growled angrily: "Do you think you can get everything with that guy? Stupid! Waste!"

The chief warrior was really angry at this moment, and the roar was deafening in the empty hall: "Only the weak will pray for the strong, but you will never have the day to turn over! If we ask humanity for mercy, humanity will Give us a chance for peaceful development? "

He choked Nadak, who was about to breathe, and said in a low voice, "You don't even know what we are facing!"

"No ... we will get power ..."

"Losing the power of reason can only make you a beast!"

Sauron stopped talking nonsense, and raised his hand, ready to smash the other's head-in his opinion, the other party has completely lost his mind, and only death can end it.

But just then, there was a crisp sound beside ...


Sauron moved for a moment, slowly turning his head and looking at the law array beside him.

The seal array split by Nadak could not withstand the energy changes after the damage, and it broke completely. And its collapse seemed to bring about a chain reaction-more than twenty seal arrays originally arranged here were affected all at once, and all things changed in an instant ...

Before Sauron's reaction came, they exploded chain by chain!


However, the explosive power of these arrays was not great. Sauron, who fell to the ground, was very tinnitus at this moment. All eyes were in the dust. He wanted to open and was afraid of being lost. After checking his condition quickly, he stood up. It was found that the roof had fallen by half, and Nadak had just hit his head and fell into a pool of blood and lost his breath.

But the original seal formations on the ground have completely disappeared, and a faint purple light is emerging under the dust. The familiar atmosphere ... makes Sauron's heart beating fiercely.

Sauron immediately picked up the hammer and slammed into this array, but as always, no matter how powerful the attack, smashing on the array still left no mark.

He knew that he had no choice but to immediately push away the stones and wooden beams that held the guard next to him, gesturing to retreat outward—and these orcs, after all, were so strong that they became abnormal, even if they were injured. Quite a few, but most of them kept their actions and ran out together.

Tinnitus gradually recovered, and when Sauron felt he could hear outside sounds, he did not hesitate to say, "Gather everyone, retreat! Immediately!"

"Yes! Chief!"

The crowd quickly retreated outward, but didn't run out for a long time. The structural damage caused by the explosion of the Array finally collapsed the stone house where the Array was located, and the rumbling sound brought a large cloud of smoke and buried everything underneath.

However, Sauron did not dare to stay at all. He had made the worst plan, and immediately called all the orcs to withdraw directly from the city. The orcs who had taken care of the human prisoners of war all picked up things and ran away. There was no orc left in the city.

Sauron didn't even have time to let his subordinates carry out any slaughter. He now has only one idea: fleeing here with the only orcs and human slaves left, as long as he has vitality, he can hope to continue to expand!

Staying here is definitely a disaster-as a powerful shaman, he can feel that the atmosphere under the ruins has not weakened at all, but has become stronger ...

The city had no knowledge of the human beings who had been enslaved because of the defeat. They only saw the group of orcs suddenly escaping. After no one oppressed themselves, people only felt that joy came from heaven.

The detained soldiers quickly ran out of the prison to cheer ~ ~ They reoccupied the city walls, closed the gates, for fear that the orcs would make a comeback.

After confirming that they have regained their freedom, people involuntarily started the carnival. Until noon, the street still echoed the voice of people singing and singing, and at this moment, a purple light suddenly shot from the center of the inner city to the sky. ...

The stones in the ruins flew up into the sky as if losing gravity, and the corpse was smashed into the deformed orc Nadak, slowly lifted from the gap by an invisible force.

The purple light slowly released from below the circle, and gradually became a mist, then drifted towards the floating corpse-it enveloped Nadak, and after a long time, the orc's body began to outward Swelling and deforming, as if the carrion was soaked in the water for a long time, it became a strange appearance with distorted features and crooked limbs.

His muscle-filled body now looks like a balloon that will explode at any time. In the purple light, those gray and deformed eyes suddenly open, and the swollen "tumors" on his body at this moment are like crowded pus. The "crack" cracked, and the unpleasant liquid flowed on the ground. At this time, you can see clusters of tentacles inside the "tumor". Their thickness is not uniform, but they are densely occupied. Most parts of Duck's body.

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