Demon Lord

Chapter 142: Ranger Glimpse (2)

At this point, there were fifteen or six people standing up, almost everyone had arrows in them, and even more than a dozen of them.They looked like a group of hedgehogs, but the soldiers who were shooting arrows at this time were No one laughs at all, just feels creepy ...

The north-south path was blocked to the north, and at this time Derby and other undead were running towards the south when they came.The carriage used to disguise their identity was directly abandoned, but Derby was not worried about the horse in the carriage at all. What kind of attack will happen to Khedda-not even the idea of ​​"covering Magda" in his head, only the endless curse of these cunning humans and the ominous foresight of the empty streets in front of him ...

"Watch out for defense"

He shouted again, silently and silently holding the two short daggers while turning his body forward, slamming forward with one hand, and swiftly turned over in the air, easily avoiding. The four arrows hitting him, then waved his hand, separated the arrow that was shot towards the companion next to him, and then swung to the side, the whole body suddenly disappeared in place

This is the high-level "sneak" ability of the "Assassin". At the moment when the derby disappeared, one of the remaining undead wielded a magic wand disguised as a growth sword in his hand, and a green light curtain appeared instantly on their heads. With a radius of seven or eight meters, the arrows coming from the set were shot directly behind the light curtain and slid off the ground.

I have to say that the response of these assassins after the sudden attack was quite fast.It has been more than ten seconds from the beginning of the ambush to now, and they have made effective defense measures, and almost broke through ...

But it's just "almost".

The undead fled and fled away.I wanted to find the gap in the middle of this street as much as possible, but I didn't know that it suddenly rushed out of the temple guard with countless heavy shields. The undead were repelled several times. Seeing this, they had no choice but to continue to run out along the street, and then even sadly appeared ... the calm street in front of them had been rushed by the two teams completely blocked.

A cavalry team led the charge in the direction they were in.One of the riders was a Titus with a silver armor and a portable three-sided rifle, followed by Wellington wearing a black armor. After the two were fifteen obedient soldiers holding heavy hammers and maces, and behind them were the most powerful scouts in the ten Rody team.

However, at a distance of fifty meters, the war horse was almost blinking, Titus raised his hand and waved his gun, and the icy gunpoint sprang out with faint white light--

"Dead to me"

A loud drink rang through the street, almost overshadowing the horseshoe. The spearhead drew three or four virtual shadows in the air, and the undead who wanted to dodge all flew away.

Some of them were drawn out of their heads, and the entire head burst immediately from the inside.Some of them were swept in the chest, their bodies exploded to pieces on the spot, and even a lance with a glowing white light would hit the arm. Let the undead half be blown out by the impact of an inexplicable explosion-this is the first time that the Titus Knight wields all his power, and the impact it shows is far more powerful than in the city square a few days ago

The Wellington knight behind him did not use a heavy lance, but just held a heavy long sword in his hand and waved it in the left and right hands. Compared with ordinary cavalry, it does not seem to be much different, but if you look closely at his attack, you can Seeing his long sword always seems to be dragging a vague shadow, every time he hits the enemy, the impact of the long sword and the ringing sounds twice ...

The puppets with heavy weapons in the rear are equally mighty.After the blessing of the axe, mace, and long-handled warhammer, the puppet cracked like a coconut smash on the undead, and subsequently followed Sodlow. Seoul and others have almost no target ...

The sound of impact, hacking and horseshoes mixed, and the cavalry whistled past like plowing ground, crushing the undead dressed as mercenaries without suspense-and this was not the end, and several were not hacked. Fortunately, the undead was about to drag out the broken body and ran out, then they ran into more than two hundred temple guards.

Looking at the heavy armor on these soldiers, the semi-metallic tower shield in their hands, and the overwhelming spear, the undead finally realized their situation ...

They are completely surrounded

The 27 cavalry rushed to the end of the road.At this time, they had turned the horse's head. The oppressive began to "enclose" with the temple guards-the doors of the houses on both sides of the street began to open, holding The soldiers with heavy shields and short swords stepped out, completely blocking the escape route in front of the undead.

If you count the scouts upstairs holding bows and arrows to aim at the scouts below, then the total number of soldiers surrounding these undead has passed 300 people. All the streets around have been banned from martial law, and there are five or six mobile cavalry patrols ready to kill the missing fish ...

And Hollier City has closed all the gates at this time, so no matter from what perspective, this group of undead assassins has been unable to escape.

At this moment, the undead who experienced the "baptism" of the arrow rain and the cavalry's charge at this time have only five who are still able to stand. The rest is not because of the crushed body of the cavalry team, but it has been over twenty. The arrows were shot dead. Among them, only the Undead Assassin Derby disappeared because of high stealth, and as for Magda ...

More than a dozen arrows were nailed to his carriage, but there seemed to be no movement in the carriage.

More than two hundred soldiers surrounding the undead held shields and stepped back the remaining undead step by step in front of the carriage. In the process, Rodi, who had taken a short bow to participate in the battle, used several extremely accurate arrows. Ya shot through the heads of two undead ...

He looked at the battle in front of him, and a stone in his heart had basically landed. He turned to look at Rubens, who was protected by the temple guards on his side. Rodi made a "continue" gesture, and then stepped forward to the next place. The platform has been prepared for a long time, and the arrows in the hand are already ready--

A few meters away, Rubens raised his hand and released "Divine Art: Eyes of True Sight", and then a swift wave of the scepter in his hand, a golden light instantly hit the outer wall of the second floor of a residential building ...


The undead Derby, who originally wanted to escape by stealth, suddenly showed his body because of this attack, and Roddy's arrow shot at the same time, and it was already in front of Derby when he was about to scold.

Although Roddy's level is not comparable to Derby, a powerful assassin of advanced level 2, the comparison of strength is not a level at all, and it can be said in a word. When this is the case, Derby can't use his eyes to block the arrows. He could only choose to shove his hands and flip back to avoid this sharp attack ...

The consequence of this is that he fell completely into the encirclement formed by the Templars.


Rubens here directly gave the death command without saying a word. The "Holy Shield" did not forget to protect himself, but Benjamin, who was already ready for the "Holy Bondage" divine art, waved his hand directly. Trapped Derby's body in place

Because of the level difference, his divination only trapped Derby for more than a second and was directly broken away by this guy, but this one-second delay was enough for Titus and Wellington to get in front-because the surrounding terrain was no longer available Carry out a second charge, so at this time the two high-level knights both dismounted and started the close combat directly.

If it is a one-on-one heads-up, Derby may still be able to defeat these two knights with a wide range of attack methods by virtue of their own level and skills. Bishop, one bishop and four priests with advanced strength ...

It seems that Derby is inevitable.

Standing on the high platform, Rody gently lowered the short bow in his hand-at this time it was dawn, and the orange sunlight shone into the street from the edge of the east wall.He was standing on the high platform and bathed in the morning light. In the light, looking at the undead assassin completely surrounded by the soldiers more than thirty meters away, exhaling slowly ...

Fingertip twisted the screaming arrow that was reserved for the final "failure alert", flashing in his mind the four or five battle sites prepared for the backhand, and Roddy whispered to himself:

"Fortunately ... no accident."

However, even when his voice just came down, unexpectedly, he was finally born.

One kilometer away, the "Rose Cross" monastery.

When she woke up in the dormitory, Sally still had some excitement after serving as a priest, but she didn't know what kind of fierce battle was going on at the West City Gate, which was only 800 meters away from the monastery at this time.

Speaking of which is also extenuating-because she did not participate in the "Ambush of the Undead" plan, she did not understand the details at all, but only when walking in the monastery after washing, Sally remembered that her father would send a map today She and Uncle Wellington cooperated with the Archbishop in such a battle.

As for the outcome of this battle, she never worried about it, because she had never heard of anyone who was stronger than Titus and Uncle Wellington since she was a child, not to mention Rubens in this battle. The Lord and Bishop Benjamin participated together. Whatever thought, the enemy should be destroyed in person.

So Sally was very relaxed at this moment. If you have any troubles, I'm afraid I feel a little dazed and sad for the upcoming departure.

According to the plan, the bishop of the governor will take her out of this city for sixteen years tomorrow to the "temple" thousands of miles away, so in the past two days, Sally has no previous prayer task and has been bishop Especially "holiday" to pack your own clothes.

"Go to‘ Temple, what luggage can you bring ... ”

She looked at everything in front of the bed: two new priestly robes, two sets of black casual robes for weekdays, some changed underwear, three or four books, and a stack of sheepskin previously used for notes Paper, and then there is that piece of soft Myra scale armor and ... a set of voodoo dice.

When she saw the last two things, Sally's eyes seemed much softer. She thought about it and decided to put the soft armor on her body. Then she picked up the dice and rubbed it in her hand. She was about to put it in his pocket and knock on the door. It sounded behind him.

"Sally, are you there?"

"Kriss? Did you get up so early? What's the matter?"

Chris opened the door and looked at Sally, who was now a priest, jokingly saluting: "Say to the priest, all right?"

"Go, don't do this with me," Sally looked out the door, "Someone looking for me?"

Just now I was thinking of Roddy, so Sally naturally hoped that this guy could talk to himself before leaving.

"You guessed it. It's a guy named Martin. He said he'd come to you on the orders of Lord Duke."

"Martin? Where did he come from?"

There was a little disappointed expression on Sally's face, but then she was deeply doubtful. She knew Martin Sally very well. If the other party did not matter, she would definitely not find herself directly in this way, let alone ... With father's order.

But even though Sally made many predictions in her mind, she never expected Martin's purpose to find her ...

"Run away?"

Sally looked at Martin unbelievably, but then realized something. The delicate goose egg face immediately gloomed, narrowing her eyes and asking, "You mean ... take me out of here when you need it?"

"Yes, miss, this is the order of the master." Martin turned his head and looked at the west, where the fighting students are. "The master asked me to wait for you here for a day, if the bell tower on the west side does not ring the bell , Then there is no need for any action, but if a bell rings, you must immediately take you to the North Gate and go to the fortress of Bol as soon as possible. "

"The clock tower to the west?"

Sally, narrowing her eyes, suddenly realized that the battle that her father had planned for the past few days didn't seem to be that simple, and her heart immediately became a little stunned, "Is my father's grasp big?"

"Master said these are just in case," Martin thought about the expression of the duke when he explained these words, "who want to come to master should have great control."

"That's it ..." Slightly chaotic mood was suppressed, Sally thought for a moment, and then said: "Then you stand by now, if the bell tower rings ..."


The sudden bells turned Sally and Martin at the same time.The expressions of both of them were dull for a moment, but then Martin reacted for the first time, and he turned around and was already ready to face the monastery. The horse rushed over and shouted, "Miss, go"

"This ... really go?"

Sally's brain didn't reflect what she should do when she was born.When Martin heard a voice shouting at herself, she looked back at the monastery church behind her, but she couldn't accept that she was about to flee here. fact--

"Come on Miss Ma"

Martin moved extremely fast. He took Ma and rushed to Sally in three steps and two steps, but now the girl's numb and stiff expression disappeared at the moment when she held the reins, instead she was dignified and calm. She turned on her horse and pinched her belly and asked, "What the **** was going on in that fight?"

Seeing that she had started to let the horses increase, Martin quickly hurried his horses to keep up, watching the movements around the street and replied: "Miss, I do n’t know the specifics, I only know Titus and Wellington The knights are on the scene, the bishop, the bishop and hundreds of temple guards are all there. The whole plan was planned by Captain Roddy. He should also be ... "


Sally's grip on the reins suddenly tugged, and the running horse suddenly stood up, hissing and stopped running ...

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