Demon Lord

Chapter 149: Ranger Glimpse (8)

At about the same time, Rubens and the two knights finally appeared on the top floor of a hotel, 40 meters west of the bell tower.

The Knights of Wellington ran all the way across Rubens. His war spirit was released without reservation. When Titus rushed to the hotel one after the other, they were so frightened that they were scared. The tenant who just woke up-these civilians don't understand what happened, they just think that the old man who was copied by the tall knight how does it look like the governor of the city parade yesterday, especially the golden scepter

But it was too late for them to see clearly, the three of them rushed to the top of the building and looked straight to the clock tower in the distance.

The two knights were panting due to the exhaustion of fighting spirit and fierce running. Rubens, who was pale, was rushed up so much that his bones were sore, but he couldn't even care to organize his own image at this time. His scepter clung tightly. First, he looked back at the soldier who was already standing on the city wall dozens of meters away. When he lifted the scepter in his hand, an inconspicuous beam of light appeared above the city wall. A good signal was agreed in the plan a few days ago, so as soon as the beam of light appeared, a sound of commands sounded on the entire city wall, and the noise of gears and bearings turning can be heard from a long distance ...

Rubens then turned his gaze towards the bell tower, where Magda behind the chimney was holding a short bow and aimed, while Roddy suddenly emerged after hiding behind the bell tower and shot with a raised hand. One arrow-


Although he did not understand the battle between the rangers, Rubens obviously could see that the arrows fired by Roddy at this time were clearly different from before-it flew a bright silver band when flying, far away. Now, you can even see the flight path of this arrow from this light band ...

The doubts that came out of my heart were too late to be answered, and the distant arrow had been shot in front of Magda, but the undead did not move at all, and the bowstring that had been condensed for more than a second at last was suddenly released. The "Guiding Arrow", also with some light, and Roddy's "Silent Arrow" almost flew past the shaft

Magda had been disregarding Roddy's attack at all, and he was even prepared to shoot a "leading arrow" in the middle of an arrow-he knew that it was no problem for him to be shot by an arrow as an undead. However, Roddy was shot with an arrow, absolutely dead and seriously injured.

With this in mind, the "Guiding Arrow" immediately began to turn after leaving the string, and went straight towards Roddy, who was climbing above the bell tower, but when he thought that Roddy would die, undoubtedly, Roddy The arrow that was fired hit his right shoulder with a bang.

Magda didn't move and didn't take it seriously.

But while he was waiting for Roddy to be shot dead by his "guide arrow", a loud noise suddenly burst from the front ...


Magda couldn't think of it, this arrow would explode on his shoulders-not an explosion with high temperature and shock waves like fireball, but a loud explosion

Magda's head “hummed”, almost unconscious, almost shocked by the sound

Mental shock

The only word that came up in his mind was that his entire body was out of control. He stepped back a few steps, almost fell directly from the third-floor residence, and the short bow in his hand almost fell off his hands.


Magda, who got rid of this state of paralysis in just one second, cursed, and immediately realized that her "guidance arrow" even lost control due to "psychic shock" and flew to the ground ...

How could he be forced to such a situation?

The anger in Magda's heart could no longer be tolerated.He looked up and was seeing Roddy who was standing at the top of the bell tower and aimed at himself. With his eyes wide open, he raised his hands and was ready to shoot, but found that he was inside the quiver behind him. No arrows


The arrow shot by Roddy passed against his cheek, but Magdalen clenched his fist and short bow, his face suddenly gloomy to the extreme: for the first time in 120 years, he was forced into the air The point where the arrows fail to solve the problem

He no longer scolded or said any nonsense, and suddenly opened the 40-level long cd skill "Heart of a Cheetah", which belongs to the Ranger. The whole figure turned into a ghost and ran directly towards the clock tower ...

The short bow in his hand was thrown aside randomly, and Magda, who pulled out his short dagger, was going to directly connect with Roddy's short soldiers for hand-to-hand combat.

At this moment, Rodi, who was supposed to have the advantage, stood by the big clock at the top of the bell tower, and his hand stretched out to grab the arrows froze in the air ...

Mom's out of arrows

Roddy never imagined that his luck was "good" and that he and Magdalen would "strike the bayonet in the mountains and rivers". He stood on the bell tower to occupy the commanding heights-with the commanding heights, he had the vision, the height difference, and the arrow speed.

But he didn't expect that he was running out of arrows with so many arrows.

With a glance at the status bar in front of him, the words "Morocchi's Blessing: The remaining time b seconds" have begun to flash, and Magda, who rushed like crazy below, even made Roddy's mouth twitch, he naturally understood that the other party was on "Cheetah Heart", which has a 30-speed increase in 6 seconds, immediately holds the bow in his left hand and pulls out a dagger around his waist.

No way, I can only resist it

The bell tower that could only be climbed by a ladder became flat in front of Magda. The "dark ranger" leaped directly on the roof of a fourth-floor building at an amazing sprint speed. I ran for five or six meters along the vertical wall, and when I started to fall, I slammed my dagger and drew a "click" on the wall, drew an arm, and uttered a "ha" anger, the whole person seemed to pull Open and contracted springs spring up--


There was an eight-meter-tall clock tower just off the roof, so he rushed up like a flat ground.He moved quickly, the sound of the landing just sounded, and the dagger kept stabbing at Rody for a moment. Nonsense is too lazy to say.

Although they both use daggers, Roddy has suffered a lot in recent combat, because his second advanced occupation was originally a "furious warrior". It is no problem to use a large knife, axe, and hammer, but he really plays with the dagger. Magda

On the top of this small bell tower, there is a large clock with a diameter of over one meter in the middle, surrounded by the street view of Hollier City that can be overlooked at any time.The footsteps that can be stepped on are only half a meter wide. The result of being either stabbed to death or falling down ...

So at this moment, Roddy is really dancing on the blade, there is no room for it


Roddy ducked to avoid Magdalen's kick, but unexpectedly the opponent kicked directly on the clock-a huge buzzing sound hurt his head, and left and right hid the short bow in the hands of Roddy to block It was already "clicked" by the opponent, but he did not intend to fight with Magda, and his feet were constantly retreating.


Magda scolded, wishing to kill the human in front of her, but he didn't know that the other person's mind was not fighting with himself ...

Roddy looked at the word "Time Remaining:-Seconds" in the status bar in front of her. At this time, she had no thoughts about the success of this plan. There was only one word left in her mind ...

Doing things in people, accomplishing things in heaven.

His gaze glanced at the distant city wall while he was in the dodge form, but because of the shifting of the center of gravity, Magda seized the opportunity, straight into the chest, and it was a knife-the dagger "sighed" in the breastplate A big opening was opened in front of him, and blood splattered immediately, and then the kick that the opponent followed was more vigorous, and I was afraid that his head could be broken

However, Rodi's choice was not to continue dodging. He just flipped backwards, and even fell silently from the top of the bell tower.


The kicked feet couldn't stop, and one of the four pillars on the top of the bell tower was smashed directly. This horrible force suddenly collapsed the top of the bell tower-and Magda ignored them and did nothing. Hesitantly, as Roddy jumped, the drop of eight meters may be able to directly break the leg or die for ordinary people, but for the strength of Magda and the current Roddy's body, jumping at such a height Just bending over the cushion is enough.

When his feet fell on the roof below the bell tower, Roddy in front of him crouched tremblingly, but took a step and sat on the ground ...

[Morocco's Blessing] It's over.

As if the side-effects of whole-body dehydration made Roddy's leg fall suddenly and softly, when he turned his eyes, he was seeing Magda with a dagger rushing towards himself.

"Fuck ... Rubens, don't pit me ..."

Roddy muttered, but he really didn't even have the strength to dodge. In front of him, the angry Magda was ready to take a "jump", and his mind was ready to cut Roddy in half-but the steps had just been taken, but he suddenly noticed that a large area suddenly appeared under his body. Complicated golden lines

"this is…"

Before he could react to what was under his feet, Rubens in the distance suddenly lifted his golden scepter. UU Reading Book www. uukanshu. com

The "strengthening system" high-level magic "revelation of god" that requires a cast time of three seconds and a material staff with a level 15 or higher, was successfully released in Rubens' hands at this time-and its effect is Increases the caster level of the next divine spell by 3

Almost at the same time, it was strengthened to reach the seventh level of "sacred imprisonment"-and this level of "sacred imprisonment" was able to completely trap Magda for three seconds.

The golden shackles that burst out from under my feet, hurling out, tied Magda's body completely and firmly, but this scene did not make Magda so nervous, he even snorted, with a corner of his mouth With a mocking smile, "I thought this would trap me?"

"Ahem ... certainly not."

Roddy, who was only five meters away from Magda, covered her chest and replied, and then ignored Magda's reaction at all, stood up while scolding, and threw directly to a low-lying place next to him-"Stupid, wait Die

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