Demon Lord

Chapter 173: The last slayer hunter ...

In Roddy's vision, the world shows two states. m

On one side was an illusion that appeared in the mind: The hunter hunter Dukar carried the red [Devil's Strike] on his back, and whispered, and the only elves' king, Abbaton, frowned and said about "heritage", and there were books on the bookshelf around The light source driven by arcane energy, the entire "Book Room" is as bright as the outdoors under the sun, the stone floor can be learned from the light, and even the reflected shadow can be clearly seen. On the ground are heavy books that have been thrown away, and flashes of magic waves and complicated arcane magic lines can be seen on the cover.

On the other side, this is the current state of the "Book Room" under the light of the hand ring: the thick dust completely covers the floor, and the completely rusted armor fragments can be seen on the decaying corpse, burying Princess Ive The stone table is still not moving like a phantom, and several books scattered on the ground are almost fragmented.

There is nothing surprising in this book, but what made Roddy's back sweat suddenly ... There was a sudden sound of "rustle" beside him.

Such movements are by no means small animals such as mice, so Rody immediately lifted the short bow of his hand, and the arrows on the arrow stand pointed at his side-but the light of the ring followed. In the past, Roddy was completely stunned.

A body lying in a pile of waste paper twisted slowly.

"who is it?"

He asked aloud, because the voice was louder, and even a buzzing echo could be heard in the deserted empty book room.

Roddy no longer cares what the illusion Abbaton and Dukar said. He immediately opened the "status bar of surrounding characters", but then confirmed that there was a living room in the sealed room that had been stored for more than 700 years ... Humanity.

And when the other party slowly got up, reached out his hair blocking his face, and revealed that Roddy's face was not unfamiliar, he had no idea what was going on ...

When Roddy turned his head, the phantom stone table had been slowly closed, and the door of the secret chamber had rushed in with many strong and fierce orcs, and King Abbaton who had pulled out his sword had already begun his last battle in this life.

And the demon hunter Ducar did something to make Roddy startled: he raised his palm, and even released a powerful and horrifying "shock wave".

Crackles and shock waves knocked down the bookshelf in the room, and the orcs who just rushed in were shocked to death.

"Old man, maybe you have to be here for a long time ..."

Dukar uttered this sentence to Sakya who was next to him, and then he stepped out of the back room with it, and King Abbaton resolved the only orcs left, and killed out of the palace with a fire ...

The hallucinations gradually closed, which also meant the complete end of the mission reminder.

The scene in front of me will definitely have a great impact on Roddy in the past-how can the "slayer hunter" make spells? And so powerful?

But at this time, he couldn't think about similar problems at all. His stunned eyes only looked at the woman in front of him, and they were unable to speak for three or four seconds.

Then Akasha broke the silence: "I'm not ... dreaming--"

When the hoarse voice was spoken from Akasha's mouth, he had no idea what kind of emotion was mixed with it.

She was completely defeated by fear and gave up her hope of survival last night, and even passed out because of her weakness and hunger. So when the door to the secret room was opened to wake her up, Akasha took it all as a dream and an illusion ...

But everything was so real: footsteps, breathing, light, even if they had been imprisoned by darkness for only ten hours, Akasha felt that all of them had been separated from him for 10,000 years.

When she got up and saw the bow and arrow pointing at herself, her heart was free of any fear, leaving only indescribable gratitude and joy.

Akasha could even feel the unimaginable power burst out of her originally weak body. She struggled to stand up and wanted to open her mouth to say something, but she felt that tears couldn't stop coming out ...

Roddy looked at the woman who was embarrassed in front of her, and she had only one question left: why would she always meet her in such a place where the birds did not shit?

The last time she was in a secret passage in Hollier City, she was full of blood.

Saved with good intentions, but she left without saying goodbye, and left such a funny stay on the bar.

And this time ... Roddy didn't know what to say, how could she come into such a top secret place? Moreover, he was too scared to look at himself. At first glance, he thought he had encountered a vampire ...

However, when he saw the remaining 3l blood volume displayed on the other side of the head, he knew that the woman was probably in trouble again. But Roddy didn't come to Lei Feng. After confirming that the opponent had no intention of attacking, he turned his head and took a photo of him. He walked towards the stone table and whispered while looking for the switch: "How did you come here?"

"Yes, there is a big snake chasing me. I fell from it."

At this moment, Akasha was completely filled with the joy of her life after extinction. When Roddy asked anything, she answered without thinking, without even being prepared for anything.

And the most important thing is ... she didn't know that the guy in front of her was Roddy who had saved her life before.

Roddy frowned, and the subsequent questions were more detailed, but his eyes never raised.

Akasha stood there, at a loss, but answered all his questions truthfully, and even told her clearly what she had escaped from the city of Hollier. At the end, she did not forget to find an opportunity to return the money ...

In this way, Rodi can roughly understand how unlucky the other party is. He escaped and ate with the group to be eaten and crushed by the herd. If he walked away, he could still come to this ruin. Life escaped here ... even Roddy didn't know how to describe her "luck".

But he had no more interest in Akasha after all, and now he only wanted to complete the task as soon as possible, because seven minutes had passed since entering the ruins, and if he hurry up, I'm afraid he can't really go out.

"Here ... here."


Roddy found the switch and turned on the stone table. The interior of this table is not mechanical, there are no gears or hinges, and most of them are driven by sophisticated arcane arrays. And even after 700 years, its energy is still enough for the stone table to open on its own ...

Akasha saw Roddy no longer ask questions, and her emotion of emotion gradually subsided. She raised her arms and wiped her tears. When she opened her eyes again, she opened her eyes suddenly ...

The stone table in front of Roddy slowly opened from time to time, and the soft orange awns radiated from the interior, even lighting up the entire "Book Room" ...

Akasha covered her mouth involuntarily-in front of her, a genie lay quietly in front of her eyes, and her country-like appearance and serene expression looked as if she had just fallen asleep. But as an accidental intruder, she didn't even know it ... The sarcophagus in front of her was actually the last princess of the High Elf.

She didn't even know that everything had passed seven hundred years.

Roddy frowned, thinking he would see a pile of dead bones, and he froze in the same place.

The princess Eve in front of her was no different from the illusion 700 years ago, even the blood bandage on her chest was bright red

"A timeless enchantment."

After seeing the intricate moire inside the stone table, Roddy uttered the only possibility, and his tone was unbelievable.

The research on "Arcane" by the magicians of the human kingdom has entered the "bottleneck". The most controversial issues are the two major issues of "time" and "space". But seeing the scene in front of him, Roddy couldn't help but sigh ... Such a problem that was endlessly debated in the high-end wizard council of human beings had already been broken in the era of the high elves.

It is definitely not flattering that the high elf "has reached the pinnacle of arcane research"

Roddy stood quietly at the stone table, looking like a sleeping elf like Ducar who stood here 700 years ago.Although he did not know the princess Eve, he did not know the high elf and There are twists and turns between Ducal, but his only feeling at this time is not the joy of completing the task, but absolute peace.

Watching the beloved die in his arms, this pain Rodi has experienced once. But because of this, Rodi can deeply appreciate how precious the opportunity he grasps today, half a year after his rebirth.

"I will cherish it all."

He raised his hand, as if afraid of waking the princess, slowly holding the book placed beside her, and gently took it out.

But as soon as the book left the enchantment, a black and red smoke suddenly rose from this book, like a chain that completely wrapped Rody's body and tightened it instantly.


Roddy did not expect such a change in advanced professional tasks.The chain was difficult to defend.Almost instantly, it penetrated into his body through leather armor, and the severe pain that penetrated into the bone marrow followed. Exhaled, actually lying down on the ground

"Ka. UU Kanshu"

As if the stone table had fulfilled a certain mission, it was closed slowly by itself. Everything that happened seven hundred years ago is like a dream of the next generation, and all the sad and joyous clutches disappear completely with the muffled sound when it is closed, as if that period of history also freezes with the static enchantment of time ...

In the stone room, only Rhodier's gasping sound due to pain was left. Akasha standing next to him was like a fool. After the light from the stone table disappeared, the ring of Rhodier's hand slanted against the ground. The light and shadow on the head of the last orc's corpse was so scary that Akasha was stunned.

This continuous change made her wonder what to say, and she almost asked in a crying voice, "How are you?"

But waiting for Roddy to answer, the whole stone room started to shake slightly, and the gap in the slab above his head leaked a lot of dust, faintly ... I could hear the thunderous sound of thunder above the ground.

Above ... something went wrong.

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