Demon Lord

Chapter 190:

The following text:

Chapter 190

Looking at the poor Akasha, Roddy was actually a little disappointed: he wanted a healer who could help, not a self-care tug.

If it is a game, there are beautiful players who need to be led by a master, and a large number of people will go up and down ... But now it is a reality, the mass destruction is the mass destruction, and there is no "graveyard resurrection" to come back. Roddy can I don't want to see Akasha trembling in the corner when she needs treatment.

Rather than give up early and find a reliable one.

Akasha has a high grade, but this mental state has unexpectedly made Roddy unexpected, but fortunately, she did not immediately expect her to do anything. For such a more seductive "nanny", whether to go or stay, Roddy finally decided to see if the other party can return to normal.

Stepping to the bonfire and sitting down, before speaking, Henry diligently handed over the roasted wild pork, and Rodi took a bite, and found that it was surprisingly delicious, and nodded, "This meat is really good. "

Henry smiled "Hey" and didn't dare to make a difference, because he didn't know what the temper of this employer was yet.

"Feel better now?"

Roddy asked Akasha, who nodded quickly. Although her complexion was pale, her dark circles were relieved a lot. Seeing Roddy caring about herself so much, she whispered, "Thank you ..."

But before she finished speaking, she saw Roddy pull out several oddly shaped fruits from her pocket and immediately reached out and handed them over.

"You need to eat more meat, and you need to eat these fruits." Roddy knew she was anaemic, so these nutrients must keep up, and at the end he added: "This is an order."

"okay, I got it."

Akasha was surprisingly quiet, nodded, and then stood up and sat directly next to Roddy-the mouthful of oily Roddy suddenly froze, tilted his head, looked at him and picked up the fruit. Akasha, what do you mean?

The distance between them is only about three or four centimeters. Once inhaled, Roddy can even smell the faint scent of Akasha.

情景 This scene seems a little bit, but Roddy is really inadvertent at the moment, he is not used to sitting so close to an unfamiliar woman, so the whole body moved calmly to the side ...

The next moment, Akasha moved horizontally without changing her color, still sticking to Roddy.

Roddy had some cramps on his face and said frankly, "Can't you sit so close?"


"what happened to you?"

"I am afraid."

卡 Akasha murmured softly, then lowered her head and stopped talking.

Roddy rubbed his eyebrows, and swallowed all the reasons he wanted to say—he knew that the other party was stimulated and his spirit was weak, and now he ca n’t be seen as a normal person ...

But I haven't learned how to communicate with mental illness!

Roddy sighed helplessly. In the end, he could only let Akasha sit beside him. He lowered his head and continued to eat barbecue, right when Akasha was a soft cushion with fragrance.

"Fat, your meat is burnt."

"Ah? Oh oh ... I forgot to turn around, sorry, sorry."

Henry, who was sitting across from him, was said by Roddy, and quickly lowered his head in silence to continue the barbecue.

His face was stretched, but his heart was really stretched-Akasha's figure is absolutely excellent, let alone how it is placed in Kig Town, I am afraid that such a stunner can not be found in the entire territory of Everta ... Such a beautiful beauty sitting next to me, I'm afraid I have been looking for an ordinary person ...

Hey ... why is this guy disgusted?

Poke him ... wouldn't he like men?

Henry shivered, but he did not dare to show any emotion.

He is very clear that the "Iron Horse Mercenary Regiment" has become history. The fate of himself and Buffon depends largely on the tasks assigned to him by himself. Roddy is so powerful, but he saved his life and Henry for nothing ... What do you think, the tasks that this mysterious guy arranged for himself and Buffon must be dangerous.

What will he do? Facing the beast? Looking for treasure herbs? Or assassinate someone he can't solve?

Henry was a little embarrassed, but he did not escape.

"Well, let's introduce it today and tell me what you are good at."

Roddy looked away from Akasha next to him, and asked Henry with arrogance-as for Buffon, who was sitting on the side, he didn't expect anything from the other side.

"I ... I used to come forward to sell everything I knew in the regiment, and I was more familiar with the towns of Kig and several nearby towns."

Roddy nodded, and was secretly lucky in his heart. When he turned to Buffon, Henry rushed to continue: "Buffon is good at probing and unlocking. His nose is easy to use. Forest missions can avoid danger. "

Obviously, the two have their own strengths, but the only thing they are not good at is fighting.

Henry also said something else, probably because they were well-connected and well-informed in Kig, which made Roddy look a little differently-not because of the things that the fat man boasted, but because the other person was very likely to catch "Important" ... He apparently knew that he and Buffon were saved by Roddy because of "born in Kigtown", so the topic of speech at this time always revolved around this point.

Smart and easy to use, Roddy's impression of this chattering fat man is okay-it doesn't matter if he likes bragging, as long as you have the true ability.

"Okay, then get ready. In a few days you two will go to Kig town, and I will arrange the task for you."


Henry responded immediately, Buffon next to Muna also quickly stood up, but only took a slow motion, and looked a little funny.

"how about you?"

Roddy turned his eyes to Akasha, who was just next to him and ate fruits. He heard the words slightly raised his head, and replied a little timidly: "I ... I will have some divine magic to cure the wound."

"I didn't ask you this, I was asking if you want to go to Kig Town with them? If you want to go home--"

"I don't have a home ... I won't leave ..."

As soon as Roddy was about to send her away, Akasha's face, which had just eased, turned pale, and her voice trembled.

Luo Di covered his face, and said that he really shouldn't communicate with mental patients ...

Fortunately, Nata's appearance relieved Rodi. The wooden elf came over with an animal skin package and ignored the other people. He handed the package directly to Rodi, and then stood there waiting. reply.

Roddy opened it, looked it over, and handed it to Henry, and asked, "Since you are familiar with Kig Town, then let me see if these herbs can be sold in Kig Town?"

The fat man is an expert in reselling goods, took a look at the parcel, and was a bit surprised at once: "Silver leaf grass? Isn't this good quality good? ... Is this Mu Ling mushroom, Snaketail flower? Is it still an adult strain?"

Identifying the herbal Henry is very good, because the mercenary always collects some herbs in the forest and sells them, but apparently he has never seen so many well-preserved and high-quality herbs, including even some once in the base. Gezhen sells precious varieties at extremely high prices!

"It's not cost-effective to sell these herbs directly. If you really want to make money, I think you can find a pharmacist and pay the production fee to make the medicine and sell it, so you can make more money."

In the ten years in Kig Town, naturally, it wasn't foolish. Henry also pointed to the same way: "There are many places in the town of Dragon Bloodgrass, but almost no more than two decades. The Pharmacists Association has been I have been rewarded for this material, and the purchase price is more than ten times more expensive. "

Luo Di really didn't expect this fat man to be so expectant, and he had a feeling of "picking treasure", but he didn't show much strangeness, he just looked up and asked Nata: "Is there only so many herbs?"

"Every kind, there are many more."

Suona's tone was always bland, as if everything had nothing to do with her, but at this time her eyes stayed on Akasha next to Roddy for a moment, then she turned away casually ...

Roddy didn't realize this, and talked to Henry about the value of herbal medicine, but he had some new ideas in his heart. He turned his head in a good mood and said to Nata: "I have discussed with Mr. Brudy. , Will leave here tomorrow morning. "

She was very clear. Nadi said that she was leaving, and then it was time for her to leave ... Although she had already made up her mind, on the day of departure, she still had something strange in her heart.

"I know."

She replied in a low voice, but then added a suffix that made Roddy's mouth twitch: "Teacher."

After speaking, Nata turned and left.


It's getting late, and dusk is coming soon. In the village of Elsa, the atmosphere of the temporary camp belonging to Roddy was very calm. Henry and Buffon slumbered as much as possible to restore their strength. Roddy walked around the village for a few laps, and borrowed from Brudy the "Essence of Energy" which was pulled out from the ruins of Wagra, ready to flip over and study it.

The old elf didn't say much about his curiosity and acquiesced in this "privilege".

Immediately after dark, Roddy asked Henry and Buffon to go back to rest early, but what caused him a headache later ... Akasha seemed to be unable to sleep alone.

The tents in the camp were simple. One person could barely lie down, and Roddy let Akasha rest in her own tent, only to find her eyes were dragging her own corner of the clothes red ...

好说 歹 said, Roddy finally got rid of the other person and returned to his tent. Just when he wanted to undress and lie down, he found that Akasha in pajamas had penetrated in and pushed hard towards him ...

Roddy immediately felt that the first two were big ~ ~ what am I to do here? Hurry back to rest, this is the order! "

发现 He found that the word "command" still worked well for Akasha, but it worked during the day. Now when the surroundings are completely dark, the "dark phobia" patient can't be calm at all ...

"I won't go ... I'm afraid, will you stay with me ..."

This is the truth, Akasha is scared, terribly scared.

Although she was sleeping in a tent, she closed her eyes, and the boundless darkness around it was like a mountain. She couldn't breathe under pressure ... so she had no choice but to run into Roddy's tent—because She found that only by staying with the guy in front of her could fear fade away.

卡 Akasha didn't know why she became like this, although she knew that the lonely man and the widow were "unformed" in a tent, but if she didn't do it, she would soon be driven crazy by the horrors of frantic brains!

Roddy is really helpless. Fortunately, he is inherently insensitive to women and has a sense of belonging, so even if Akasha's devil's figure is dangling in front of his eyes, his head is like "thumping up and enjoying it" Such evil thoughts are not absent, but they are not overwhelming-the only problem he has is how to solve this difficult problem ...

It's not a problem to have such a beautiful woman begging to be dug into her bed every day!

(To be continued)

PS: Double monthly passes, for support! I mistakenly posted it by hand, but the chapter name didn't appear ... I couldn't change it myself, I had to wait for the editor's help.

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