Demon Lord

Chapter 192: Parting ways

The following text:

Chapter 192: Departure

Ansadin's words were orders, Viscount Tranka did not dare to have any objections, and immediately nodded and promised.

After finishing the task, Ansadin did not leave immediately, and asked other questions: "Is the purchase of medicinal materials smooth?"

"Sir, the herbal shop in Kieg Town is completely under your control. Once there are herbs that meet the standards, they will be acquired as soon as possible." Tranka thought for a while and continued: "Several members of the Pharmacists Association The elders respected the recipe you left last time, and for this reason they have raised a lot of income and have already collected funds. "

Although he is 傀儡, Trenka still has his own thinking ability. He is very skillful at making flattery, answering questions and touting Ansadin's ability to make medicine.

Despite his high weight, Ansadin has spent less time in politics. This kind of flatter does make him very comfortable, but he is proud of it, but his mouth says: "The pharmacist level of the Karen Kingdom is really worthless. It is really disappointing to mention. "

He immediately turned his words, "Is there a missing person in the village?"

Tranka was a bit stunned by this question, thinking that most of the disappearance of the population was because you asked me to do it, so what does it mean? But then he saw that Ansadin was serious and thought about it, and then he replied: "As the winter approached, the village had only a few mercenary regiments to go out, and may not have returned. Otherwise, no missing incidents were heard. "

Ansadin became silent. He asked nature like this, in fact, he wanted to see if Magda was doing something here ...

That proud old thing is powerful and has no fear of doing things. If he is here to kill, he will be happy-because he can use this to report to His Majesty Augustine and push the blame on the other side.

But since Magda chose to hide, he has other ways to respond. After thinking about it that way, he told Tranca a few words, then jumped directly from the window onto the back of the gargoyle, and disappeared into the jungle instantly.

Ansadin didn't immediately look for Magda, but came to an uninhabited estate outside the town of Kig and went directly to the catacomb behind the house ...

The three-storey burial chamber is much larger than the house outside. The rows of wooden shelves are mostly filled with various medicines and materials. This is the "lab" of Ansadin, and it is also used for refining pharmaceutical materials. , The production of "death sculpture" and the base for handling affairs.

According to the original plan, Ansadin should stay in the Lars Mountains before returning in mid-November. His sole purpose there was to find enough "frostweed" to make a stronger puppet, but suddenly The return is naturally to deal with some "troubles"-just in the eyes of Ansadin, "Rodi", "Rubens" and even "Duke Angmar" are not troubles. What he bothers is only Marg. Both Da and Augustine ...

Humanity? This humble race was not enough to worry him. In Ansaddin's judgment, Magda's failure was attributed to "being ambushed", and now all he has to do is to surprise him by killing the guy named "Rody" as soon as possible, and then go to Hollier City to liquidate.

Ansadin was not interested in fighting with Magda, he naturally did it for himself: to kill Roddy before Magda restored his combat power, and then write a letter to His Majesty Augustine to state the pros and cons, and to fail the "Dead" Talking about it, such a majesty naturally thinks that he is powerful and the "wither" wastes.

Drag your time to restore Magda's strength, this old thing is estimated to be grateful to yourself Ded!

Harm others? Ansadin is a politician. As long as he is "self-serving", where does he care if he is harming people?

Stepped to the desk, Ansadin's elder wand gently tapped in front of a tight metal cabinet, and after the heavy cabinet door was opened, the miniature puppet sculptures stacked inside were exposed ...

For the Necromancer of "Siege", solving the "miscellaneous" of several human territories is really impossible for him to play in person.

"Oh, it's grand enough to deal with human beings."

At the same moment, Rody and his party leaving Elsa Village also came to the edge of the quiet forest. ,

Looking at the town of Kig, which is clearly visible dozens of miles away, Roddy chose to take Nata and Akasha apart from Buffon and Henry.

Rordy arranged a lot of tasks for the two mercenaries in the town of Kig, but he was going to go to Parrion and join with Soderol and others to plan and get Magda.

This situation is a bit weird. Just by signing an "employment contract", Roddy has such trust in Henry and Buffon. It seems that it seems that he is a bit naive-after all, Buffon and Henry carried the whole thing. A package of rare herbs and a few bags of mellow fruit wine are destined to be expensive. If the two of them are indifferent, even if they are sold directly, the goods can be paid for several years in exchange for money.

But Roddy didn't seem to care about it at all. He just called for two mercenaries on the parting of the team, whispered a promise to them, and then loudly said, "I'll wait for your good news. "

After speaking, he took Nata and Akasha in the other direction.

The two mercenaries looked a little dazed at his back. Buffon was an honest man. He tightened his pockets and walked towards Kig town. Henry next to him squinted for a long time, but felt that he was getting more and more elusive. ——

"Buffon, what do you think of him?"

Mr. Buffon put on Aldo, and replied Mumu, "He looks farther than us."

"I don't think so. He has the strength and the courage, but he seems to take everything for granted," Henry shook his head. Naturally, he didn't expect a buffon to say anything, and reached out his hand. I took the big pack of herbs behind me, and his respectful and obedient attitude immediately changed in front of Roddy, and swaggered towards Kig Town. "Forget it, people saved our lives. That's all there is to it, the rest ... let's keep our noses free. "

Buffon nodded, after all, the task was a task, and Roddy didn't ask them to go to the dead. Going back to the town to have a good rest and rest was the right way-but he was heart-thin, and at the end he added: " Let's do it as soon as possible, and I feel like he doesn't go to Kig town for other reasons. "

The fat man raised his eyebrows, he also felt it faintly, but found no basis. After thinking about it for a long time, he decided not to think about it. Being a mercenary is to earn a day of money and live a day, thinking about so many things ...

On the other side, Roddy, who runs in the opposite direction, looks really good.

Nata wore the strange animal skin clothes she had before, but in order to conceal her identity as a wooden elf, Roddy specially made her put on a hooded cloak. The exquisite appearance covered a black cloth, only With a pair of eyes exposed, most people would never think of her "wood elf" identity when she saw it.

Roddy and Akasha are also covered with a cape to keep warm. Such a combination of two women and one man is rare, but Roddy has no intention of "getting a rude" in his mind. There are many things he ponders at this time: Parr How about the construction? How is the progress of Soderlor and others? Does Wellington teach martial arts well? Will Magdalen retaliate in advance? How would that Ansadin react?

He was a little uneasy in his heart, so he traveled at a high speed, only thinking of going back as soon as possible to deal with the trouble caused by Magda.

Behind him, Nata who walked out of the forest for the first time ... At this moment, her mood was quite subtle.

All the way to the present, Nata is actually thinking in her heart whether the result of this choice is correct ... For a wooden elf who has never seen the human world, leaving the forest for her is as if the baby has left her mother's arms, and her heart The unrest and insecurity are unavoidable.

However, she would not show this emotion to anyone, and still went forward as silent as before. Rody was too busy thinking about his own affairs, and would not think of it, but he walked in front of himself, occasionally looking for a hillside to identify the scenery and direction, and then proceeded silently.

Of the three, the only one in good mood was Akasha. After going through last night's events, her original psychological pressure almost completely disappeared, and she no longer trembled with anxiety behind Roddy, even a little blood on her pale face.

Capturing the moist ring on her finger, Akasha's mouth was slightly tilted, and her mood seemed very relaxed-somehow, after wearing the ring, she could obviously feel that her body was accelerating and even "whip" The effect of the "Punishment" curse has been weakened a lot ... She can't figure out whether this is because the curse is decaying or for some reason. In short, everything is moving in a good direction, which is enough.

When camping at night, although there were only three people in front of the campfire, Akasha still felt that everything was so good. Eating savory barbecue and drinking delicious wine, Akasha first sighed that life would also Have such a pleasant moment ...

She stared at the fire, recalling the sad times before, drinking bite by bite. On the other hand, Nata said to Roddy the first sentence today: "When did you start teaching me archery?"

This is her only purpose to follow Roddy out of the forest. Nata has a simple mind and naturally will not consider other things.

In fact, Roddy also considered how to teach his "mentor" before. However, the way he taught himself was very simple. It was simply a "posting task"-no matter how many times he died ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ Once it is completed, it will be enough.

But this method is not suitable for Nata. After all, there is a bit of a mistake. The talented wooden elf has only the ending of Xiang Xiaoyu ... So Rody thought for a long time and could only start from the "basic".

"I will be able to come to Paler tomorrow. I originally thought of teaching archery again, but since you asked now, I will talk to you a few words."

When the topic involved the "archery field", Roddy immediately became a little confident and compelling ... This is the pride and confidence cultivated by standing at the forefront of the field for a long time. Pick the ingredients.

After listening to this, Na Nata immediately put on a "serious listening" attitude, obviously she really wanted to learn. Akasha couldn't understand what they were talking about, and looked curiously—of course, her gaze was mainly on Roddy.

"Speaking from the most basic things ... Do you know your bow?"

Roddy's question stunned Nata. She reached for her short bow and nodded. "I know it better than anyone."

那么 "Are you sure it is in the best condition?"


"OK, give it to me."

Nata handed the bow very obediently, and Roddy glanced a few times, pulled, and then reached for her arrow pot, turned the arrows inside, and then shook her head, looking directly at Nata Road "It's too far away."

(To be continued)

PS: April is over. May is a bit of a pain for me. There is an author salon in Beijing on the 6th, and I am busy getting married around the 24th. The plot is relatively smooth.

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