Demon Lord

Chapter 195: The plague of disasters (2)

In the cemetery of Kig, Viscount Transka was kneeling on one knee and whispered the information he had found:

"Master Ansaddin, the subsequent batches of information have been checked, and it is confirmed that the only threatening target of Parrner is the Wellington Cavaliers, and the rest ... are not to be considered."

"A group of rangers are brave, and there are dozens of spoiled Templar knights. I naturally don't look at them." Ansadin's dry fingers nodded on the parchment near the table, and said: "Black Everything will be resolved at night, but I have a question-why can't I find out where that Roddy is? "

"Sir, he seems to have rejected the baron and chose to walk alone ..."


Ansadin snorted, but he had seen the greed of human beings, and he did not believe anyone could refuse the temptation of glory and wealth--but it was not important what the scout captain thought, and he arrived at Parr with Black. We naturally resolve these "miscellaneous".

Tranca feared that things would change, adding: "My lord, that Wellington knight ... is not weak, and can even be called one of the two strongest knights of Everta."


Ansadin smiled disdainfully, turned his head to look at the battalion representing all puppets, and said coldly, "What is the strongest ... in front of a powerful puppet, all are weak."

In front of him, the blue-rayed legal array was flashing with thirteen nodes, representing the thirteen puppets he sent in this operation.

These are not the skeleton soldiers that can be broken with a mallet in the impression of ordinary people. The "skeleton soldier" belongs to the "Death Summoning" system, and the "sacrifice system" is powerful because the summons that are summoned are not entirely made by the dead. Masters control, but have their own fighting consciousness according to the production materials, and the more precious the materials, the stronger the strength.

Over the years, Viscount Tranka has accumulated a lot of wealth for Ansaddin, and has also exchanged countless materials sufficient to summon powerful puppets. At this time, those puppets who are about to launch attacks are far more powerful than their peers.

The eyes swept through the magic circle, in which the magic spar that maintained control was stably outputting energy. The "sacral system" did not have high spiritual requirements for the necromancer. The only drawback was the high consumption, but the "local hero" Ansadin There is no shortage of money ...

After letting Trenca back down, Ansadin was going to find some recipes, because Tranka also brought a message just now: A lot of precious medicinal materials suddenly appeared in the trading market in Kig Town.

However, the medicinal material holders do not seem to intend to sell directly, but want to directly pay for the finished pharmaceutical products after paying some manual fees, and even offer a half-medicine for the medicinal materials, which makes Ansatin, who values ​​several of them, very concerned.

Needless to say, Transka has already begun to acquire.

Looking through the old books, a black crow with scarlet eyes was hoarse outside the door of the catacomb. Ansadin turned his head back, and a weird smile appeared on that rotten face.

"Well, old Magda seems pitiful."

Having said that, he stepped out, raised his hand and let the black crow fly to his shoulder, and walked towards the place where Magda was hiding outside the town of Kig ...

In the evening, the town of Parr.

After the arrival of Viscount Transka's chief butler, Black, the atmosphere in the town was more lively than before. The civilians looked at the carriages parked outside the town, with a look of envy on their faces-although the new lord was always stupid, his heart was always good. When the temperature dropped a few days ago, he even sent it People distributed a lot of bread to those beggars, and apparently this behavior gave them a lot of good feelings.

So seeing the lord's entry, the civilians naturally wondered if the lord would do some welfare or something.

It's just weird that those scouts who had been training on the school ground were gone at this time, and they stood up to meet them, but they were all the same Templar knights who were noble and honorable in the past-these originally belonged to The sect's armed forces are well-equipped and well-sold, but when the housekeeper Black saw it, he really admired a few words and boasted a bunch of horse farts such as "heroic and martial arts", which made these knights want to lift their faces to the sky.

The thoughts of these knights are very unified at this time: the scouts are exhausted, and when it is time to show their faces, they have no qualifications for appearance, it is really his mother's sadness

The surrounding civilians also had similar comments on this-"Why don't those guys come out? Shouldn't it be stage fright?"

"Surely the Lord Lord thinks they are not good at selling, I'm afraid the Lord Butler looks down on me"

"Also, the group of guys are just like mud monkeys every day. They can't justify pulling out and standing here."

This statement even makes the Templars and guards feel soaring. After all, they have not participated in the battle, but they are only selected strong men. Swordsmanship and riding are enough to pass. Who wants to work hard?

But as he walked along, Soderlor frowned slightly--he knew very well that scouts would not stop training because of some big role, even if the Duke of Angmar came, and had the power to order them Yes, only Roddy who has just returned ...

Could something have happened?

Soderlor's character is steady and careful.He can think of such details while chatting with Black. It can't be done by others, but he has not seen Rody's shadow at all along this way, but only in Baron's House. I saw Wellington in front of the door.

"The dinner has been arranged for the dinner, but the Black Steward will take a break here."

Soderol was born of aristocracy, and naturally understood the habit of flattery flattery. Viscount Tranca is not inferior, so Soderlor now gave his counterparts-Black touched the goatee, his face was used, and his fart was thrown out without money, so he took two The guard entered the baron's house.

Wellington stood aside silently.The character of "Ghost Knight" made him seem non-existent, but his eyes flickered slightly while looking at the two guards. When he looked back, he found that among the crowd not far away, Roddy's The figure was passing silently.


Wellington is not too young, and understands the affairs of the nobles more thoroughly. However, in his opinion, he just felt that Blake had no purpose. To die is to stick a stick with sweet dates and come to frustrate Soderol.

After all, as a new lord, Soderlor was too young, without foundation and experience, it was normal for the "old aristocracy" to come and take it.

With this in mind, the Knights of Wellington did not take Black seriously. After all, in terms of his status, there was no pressure to face Viscount Transka. He turned his head, wondering what the training methods of these scouts would bring, but suddenly raised his head, feeling that there seemed to be a shadow flashing in the distance--

When I looked carefully, I found that a slim figure wearing a cape was standing on the roof of a tailor's shop and looking around. The tailor downstairs was holding her, but the veiled woman ignored it, but was indifferent. Glancing at him, he turned and jumped over to another wall. Although his skill was flexible, Wellington shook his head and left with a sigh--

"Where did this kid come from?"

Roddy, who was troubled by the ghost rider, was not relaxed at this time. Although he was suspected of being neurotic, after seeing the Black Butler, he instinctively increased his vigilance.

Roddy is very clear that the biggest difference between himself and others is that he can see the "system interface". The existence of the "status bar of surrounding characters" made him avoid a lot of calamities, but now the bright red font and black guards make Roddy have to make various plans.

He wasn't sure that the other party was hostile, but he must have a demon in order to act abnormally. It is not a bad thing to stay cautious in the end--so within half an hour, the scout team has been required by him to enter the "first-level combat readiness" state, and even All the metal armors had been worn, and they had been hidden in several warehouses in the town, and even the war horses had been prepared.

If something goes wrong, go straight to the right. If nothing happens, exercise power.

After doing this, Roddy also sent someone to inform Sodroll and Wellington, and even specially let people hide their weapons in the venue of today's dinner-on the other hand, he let the Templars and The guards of the temple remained intact, allowing them to hold their faces up without revealing any flaws.

Ruger and Carter took orders seriously to lead the team, and Roddy took the time to come to the room that Soderlor had already arranged for him-the "households" in Nolan Village had moved over, saying To be honest, there are not many old things. The room was clean and simple, and the furniture was new. A basket was placed next to the table, and Roddy hurried over to confirm that it was the egg that was originally obtained in "Death Swamp"-of course, it was no longer an egg but " Snapping turtle ".

This snapping turtle is not much different from the wild snapping turtle on TV in Roddy's impression.It is also very small and not half as large as a slap.There are some edges on the head.The shape of the turtle shell is sharper than that of the tortoise, but And that's it.

"Raider" pets can have up to four, usually only one can carry out combat, the rest can be kept in the "stables", so is the "hunting demon hunter" ~ ~ Roddy thought about it Then, the "domestication" skill was directly selected from the skill bar, and the "gambling turtle" was started directly.

Although the opponent is small, but ultimately belongs to "Warcraft", Roddy does not expect this little king eight can bring any advantages in combat, but attach great importance to the skills it can increase for himself.

The snapping turtle scratched his head, and the weather was cold.At this time, he was motionless like a stone, and accepted Rody's domestication without even a little resistance.This process was surprisingly smooth, a faint light flashed, but Roddy was suddenly Moan ...

A mysterious force crashed into his head, making him feel like he was hit with a stick. But then the feeling gradually disappeared, and then disappeared.

"That's over?"

Roddy looked at the snapping turtle looking up at himself, and a box popped up in front of him— [choose a name for the pet]

He was not interested in ignoring this, and looked at his [Status Bar]: "Soul Link" for the first time: N and [Skill Bar] in the lower left corner, a new turtle shell icon lighted up unexpectedly ...

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