Demon Lord

: 208 Face Spell

Under the open sky, the gargoyle has a very strong ability to "harass". In a war of more than a hundred people, its role is not to "kill" but to affect the "morale" of the entire army.

The most important battlefield in the cold weapon era is not the formation and equipment, but the "morale" of the soldiers. When all soldiers are afraid of attacks from overhead, they can no longer focus on the enemy in front of them. It is only a matter of time before the collapse of the will, and the defeat is inevitable.

Roddy has a profound understanding of this, so he and Nata introduced the gargoyle into the jungle with bows and arrows. In this way, the cavalry team can face the enemy with the highest fighting spirit without worrying about the threat from the sky. .

However, Roddy never thought that his plan was completely secretive: the gargoyle chasing Nata would become the "accident" in the plan ...

Arranged fishing nets and dense forests put gargoyles into an extreme disadvantage-just as sea boats sail into seas full of mines, the farther they go, the greater the risk of "stepping on mines."

But three minutes after the battle began, the gargoyle chasing Nata didn't fall, but quickly adapted to the rhythm of flying in the jungle and threatened Nata several times.

The reason is that its individual is smaller than the other three companions, so its movements are more flexible and its flight speed is faster ... It might have been a poor quality "defective product", but at this time brought Nata Unprecedented threat

Nata has followed Rodi's steps to traverse the predetermined area of ​​the woods, but the gargoyle that followed has never fallen, but the attack has become more fierce.

She tried to fight back, but even if the arrow hit the opponent, she couldn't break the tough petrified skin

This result made Nata extremely passive. And when the gargoyle swept over her head again, her short bow hung on the tree for this because her dodge action was too fierce, and she had to throw it away.

Everything was getting worse, but at this time the cavalry was already in place far away, and no one could help her at all.

Although Roddy was closer, she was not aware of her plight at this time.

"Forest" is "home" for Roddy, so his posture is extremely leisurely. [Frost Spike] Laser shoots out an arrow. Although the hit rate is not high, in fact, Roddy is in this way leading the gargoyle's route ...

The two gargoyles were not Roddy's opponents at all, and they ran into the fishing nets within two minutes, and then "cracked" and fell to the ground.

Compared with the battle of life and death in Parr town, Roddy's battle was completely "bloodless." He darts his short bow, hums to Xiaoqu and steps towards the dying gargoyle, picks up his machete and chops down like collecting wheat ...

Waiting for the end of the knife repair, Roddy found Nata's wolverine. He frowned and looked around, and soon realized the strangeness of the last gargoyle.

The short bow lifted, and the burst arrow pointed at the gargoyle, but Roddy thought about it, but slowly released the bowstring.

After taking a few steps, he picked up the short bow that Akasha had left, started "Rushing" and "Teng Lei" to catch up with Nata, stretched out her hand and lost the bow in the course of her path-

"What about your archery?"

Nadi was shocked by the loud yelling at the spot. She instinctively caught the short bow, but almost tripped on the ground with a short piece of wood ...

"What are you thinking? Escape cannot kill the enemy"

The gargoyle whistled past Roddy's head, but he ignored it, and continued to shout at Nata.

Nata thought that Roddy would help, but when she heard these two words, she suddenly understood what she was holding. She had a tired and flustered expression and gradually returned to peace ...

Adjusting her breath and adjusting her steps, Nata seized the opportunity to turn around and made a counterattack gesture. After three consecutive arrows were shot, she escaped the gargoyle's assault in the fallen leaves rolled up by the wind.

The dangerous scene happened in front of him, and Roddy, who was not far away, remained motionless.

Nata's arrows were bounced off by the gargoyle's skin again. Although the attack was invalid, Nata calmed down but noticed that the opponent's flight direction did deviate at that moment ...

This kind of conclusion suddenly raised a strong fighting spirit in her heart, so Nata, who regained her shortbow, went from one extreme to the other ... From absolute passive escape, she became an absolute active attack. After pouring out, this gargoyle gargoyle finally touched the ground due to a flight error.


Looking at the corpse in front of her eyes, Nata's ever-indifferent face suddenly felt a little bit more unspeakable-her eyes turned to Rordy, her ever-rising lips opened slightly, but the words of thanks had not yet been said Out, Roddy raised her hand and threw her a quiver full of arrows, rolled over and mounted the horse.

"This is not the end. The battle has just begun."

Three kilometers away, the catacombs.

"Summoned so many ... you look like you're having a lot of trouble."

Magda's voice echoed in the grave chamber, his voice cold and condescending.

"Sir, some short-sighted guys want to challenge the authority of the town of Kig, Viscount Transka is not strong enough to solve these problems, so I choose to help ..."

Ansadin looked respectfully and replied, bowing his head.

Knowing that his body was about to be repaired, Magda had no patience to continue to stay on the third floor of the ground and was bored. At this moment, carrying the only hand left, he glanced over Ansadin, then stopped in the bright glitter On the French matrix: "The guy who doesn't have long eyes? Lets you use so many maggots, human battles ... have risen to the level of war?"

Ansadin lowered his head, trying to hide his expression, and whispered, "Just to make sure that no one knows I'm going to do it, sir."

Magda, undecided, strolled in the stone room and said, "My bow hasn't been found?"

"Sir, your bow ... according to investigation, it should have been taken by that guy named Roddy—"

Ansadin's answer made Magda's right hand clenched frightfully, sounding a bone rubbing sound, but in the end did not continue to say anything ... Obviously, this is an unforgettable shame for the Wither.

"But in order for you to return to combat effectiveness as soon as possible, I specially found this bow ..."

Doing a full set of performances, An Tuhao didn't care about losing the baby so that Magda continued to be caught in the drum, so he respectfully reached out and took out a skein bow from the cabinet, holding his hands in front of Magda.

The Blighter didn't look at Ansadin, reached out and picked up the bone bow and stunned, then put it back.

"It's too far."

"Just ... just temporarily, my lord."

In the arrogant attitude of Magda, Ansadin tried to accompany the smiley face, but he had turned the Magda genealogy out and scolded him.

What else did he want to say, but the magic crystal that suddenly cracked in the magic circle turned them both at the same time?


After the clear cracking sound, a magic crystal on the edge of the circle suddenly lost its original bright luster. Ansadin narrowed his eyes and was about to say something, but listened to Magda smirking: "It seems you It's really useless enough to beat humans? "

Ansadin tried to make fun of his laughter, but his heart made waves: the magic crystal did not represent another cricket, but one of the four gargoyles

It stands to reason that the gargoyle is definitely the puppet with the highest survival rate. How could it be destroyed first?

Magda stood beside the front with interest, and continued to ask, "Who is here? Noble personal soldiers

"Yes ... it's a private soldier, sir."

Just finished, two clicks, and the magic circle shattered again-Ansadin's face became more ugly: it was still a gargoyle

Magda, aside, didn't know it was a gargoyle, but shrugged his shoulders and said, "Should I tell His Majesty Augustine? The grandeur of Ansadin was destroyed by the human army. Three, I'm afraid Your Majesty won't believe it. "

This is actually the consensus of the undead: the weakest puppet is also stronger than ordinary soldiers, even if it is a "soil puppet" with weak overall strength, it is by no means empty talk to confront human soldiers.

Ansadin's eyebrows trembled slightly-being so ridiculed that it is impossible to say without anger, but the pharmacist's city is quite deep, just trying to squeeze a smile, saying: "This is the expected loss ... after all The enemy's strength is stronger than expected, but next, there will certainly not be a similar situation-"

Before the words were finished, another magic crystal cracked as if mocking, and did not give Ansadin a face.

At this point, all four gargoyles have been destroyed.

There was a little anxiety in Ansadin's mind—there was only nine people on the other side. How could it be possible to drop four gargoyles?

It is also because the undead does not sweat, otherwise he will surely raise his hand to wipe the cold sweat on his forehead.

For the next two minutes, Ansadin held his breath and looked at the array in front of him, his fingers twitched slightly, and his heart was very tense-but he was relieved that the remaining magic crystal had no trace of cracking. .

It's just an accident, and there are still 30 uncles ... No matter how strong the nine people across the country are, they must be a direct crushing end.

"It looks like the battle is over?"

Magda is a layman on "Necromancer". He judged such a conclusion from time. The previous few sentences were mocked and mocked, but he was not stupid enough to hope to lose.

"Master, that's just a bunch of clown jumping clowns, not enough to talk about ~ ~ Ansadin raised his head and smiled, the anxiety in his heart slowly dissipated--he didn't know why he was so nervous ... It's probably not long before you can see Tieya carrying Roddy's head in front of him.

Oh, it's time to take a good look at Magda's expression ... Can't kill Roddy in person, it is definitely more uncomfortable for Magda than to lose the bow and arrow.

If you are held accountable, push on Tranka and only say that you are purely helpful. There must be no reason to get angry at yourself ...

Ansadin fantasized about the follow-up results of the incident, and unconsciously laughed, and then quickly "coughed" to conceal his inner plan, but just as he was going to leave the tomb and wait outside for the return of the uncle, it came from behind him The ringing sound completely solidified his original pride.





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