Demon Lord

Chapter 230: Ready to fight each other

Elrond 6B ll 9th.

Unknowingly, the state of "ownership" in Kig has been going on for more than a week.

After the assassination of Viscount Transka, the basic order in the town of Kig has not collapsed for this reason, but an inexplicable atmosphere has made the civilians in the town understand: everything now is just before the storm Be quiet.

The weather is getting colder and many shops have been closed. In the cold wind, the passing pedestrians shrank their bodies as far as possible in their cloaks and sulked their heads. As they passed the square in the center of the town, they could faintly see the notice on "treason".

The towns that lost their lords lost their patrols and were replaced by some sneaking outsiders. For the intention of these guys, the people in the town are helpless when they know it ... In this season, it is not realistic to want to migrate elsewhere. The only thing they can do is to close the door tightly. A warm fireplace prays for the war to end soon.

After a similar scene one day, at noon on the 9th, the sound of horseshoes from a distance finally shocked this quiet town.

A cavalry unit from the Western Territory rushed out of the forest. The number of the cavalry was about a hundred people. The knight head was in a luxurious armor. The family emblem on his chest was a double-headed eagle, which indicated that he was "Joy The Baron of Berne.

The 100-man cavalry was amazing, followed by a long list of heavy troops and obedience, which added up to about 230 people. After entering the town, Baron Joyce first looked at the square. After looking at the statement on "Treason" about Tranka, the team was then stationed on the edge of the town without making a complete control of the town.

Speaking of which, this is also a "conventional" rule among the nobles. After all, humans are different from orcs. If the "Bloodhammer Clan" is here, I am afraid that the town of Kig has been slaughtered over and over again ... but the principle pursued by the nobles is "if you can't fight, don't fight"-even if It wo n’t really be ruthless. It is basically captives. When the ransom is paid after the battle, they can still get it back ...

To put it plainly, the interests of the nobles are still the most important. Of course, it is good to not die when there is money to earn.

Under such a rule, Baron Berne was waiting leisurely outside the town.It was probably around the afternoon when the two lord teams from the north were also stationed in the periphery. Lords even eat at the same table ...

"This group of nobles is really his mother's pride, obviously looking at each other and can't wait to smash each other's face, but in the end they have to pretend that the gentleman is chatting there, painless and itchy, alas."

Still in the manor left by Ansadin, the atmosphere in the restaurant is obviously better than the noble dining table with a knife hidden in a honey-smiling sword laugh a few kilometers away-Roddy, Soderol, Ruger, Carter and Akasha all sit Here, it was Rody who was talking at this time, but after adding, he added: "Oh, Soderol, I naturally did not say you. When I was a scout, I was used to it. I forgot one of us. Where is Lord Baron, hey ... "

He dared to say such words at will, after all, in the traditional concept, "scouting" and "lord" are completely two classes, let alone sitting together to eat, even when speaking, they will be reprimanded without honor.

However, such a convention cannot naturally be applied now-at the table of several people of Roddy, the other seven or eight tables are filled with scouts, and these "team members" cultivated by Roddy are qualified to eat with them. It is because the atmosphere in the restaurant is very lively, and it has a kind of harmonious feeling during training on weekdays.

"I naturally have no opinion. To be honest, such a baron is more interesting than expected." Soderol filled a glass of warm ale, and said with some emotions: "When the Duke of Angmar was duke I worry about whether I will become like those aristocrats-or if the birds do their best, and send all the brothers fighting side by side to the corner ... "

Shaking his head, he looked around at the scouts who rushed together and laughed, "It's good now, we are still together, and we can charge for the kingdom together."

"It's been said long ago that your worries are superfluous." Roddy toasted, but drank the warm water that Akasha had poured specifically. "Almost ready these days?"

"As expected, those Templar soldiers almost fought, and it was more than enough to be an engineer.

This made Rolly roll his eyes, but he was naturally satisfied. He thought about it and reached out and counted: "Three lords came today. According to the news, they will be almost in the next two days, huh ... Kige town charm is really not small."

"These guys are very cautious, one by one watching the movement of the Duke of Angmar carefully. After hearing the news that Wellington and Titus went to the northwest fortress, they dared to appear blatantly," Soderlor pondered for a moment, low Chant: "But I'm worried ... they will really take a long time to get started?"

"The nobles are like this, let them talk slowly," Roddy said, holding the wooden cup in his hand. "According to practice, in half a month, they will not be able to fight."

Turning his head to his side, Roddy asked other things: "Rug, is there any news from the quiet forest?"

"The sentry reported the news, and a little accident happened, but everything is normal, the team will be able to arrive tomorrow morning ~ ~ This will do. The total number of people will be more assured." He turned his eyes to the side. Kasha, reached out and patted her, "What have you been thinking about lately? I've always been distracted."

"Ah? I ... I'm thinking about the content of that book."

The beauty priest was startled by Roddy's movements, and hurriedly answered in a low voice—the voice was soft and weak, with an unspeakable shame.

Roddy raised his eyebrows, and then smiled: "I didn't expect you to be interested in these. I knew that Natato would bring you a basic similar book for you."

Akasha was a little embarrassed and said, "In fact, what you said that day seems to be feasible, and the necromancy spell may be-"

She didn't finish her words, but the restaurant door was suddenly opened. The scouts responsible for transmitting the information trot with the coldness of the early winter. They came to Rodi without stopping all the way, saluting, and then reported that everyone felt wrong. News:

Those three lords who were still at the table ‘friendly, eating, suddenly burst into tension, and even made a stance of preparing to“ beat each other ”...

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