Demon Lord

Chapter 242: Stalemate and reversal

How to hide?

Elementalist Cohen's smirk froze on his face, and his brain was completely short-circuited.

Because of the continuous crossing of narrow streets, there were only two knights who followed Cohen here-and both of them were left behind 20 meters away, and the remaining knights were long dragged by hundreds of meters long. Team, trying to rush here at this moment ...

So Cohen at this time was tantamount to being exposed to the firepower of more than a dozen people alone.

The time on the battlefield seemed to pass slowly. Cohen opened his mouth wide and seemed to want to say something, but when he looked at Roddy, he found that the other party did not know when he had put an arrow on the bow.

"Don't be so funny next life."

Roddy's bursting arrow suddenly flew through the air. Although the "Ice Shield" was strong in defense, it couldn't stand the precise blow of the "Shield Destroyer" —the arrow was nailed to the "Ice Shield" at a vertical angle at a moment The surface, followed by the burst of "呷", instantly shattered the entire shield into fragments of ground ...

With one blow to the shield, Roddy did it more calmly than he had faced Francis.

Cohen screamed in fright, raised his wand and was ready to cast other spells, but before he had time to chant any spells, he was shot into a hedgehog in a series of muffled sounds.

The dignified advanced element division, even before the fireball technique was cast, fell to the ground with blood spattering.This scene made the knights who came behind were terrified, and they couldn't help pulling the reins and stopped at the crossroads. central…

And then Rody did a similar stretch, and ignored the knights, turned and walked towards a two-story building on the side.


Commands echoed around the surrounding buildings. Behind Roddy, scouts holding short bows had already launched the next round of volleys, and then the knights exclaimed and screamed ...

This is the advantage brought by the "fire suppression" of the commanding heights. Although the rate of fire of bows and arrows in the cold weapon era is not as fast as artillery and can be used to collect fire in space, it is still a nightmare of melee arms.


"They are here"

"Forbidden to move forward"

The cavalry that came one after another was completely in a situation of "not being beaten", but with the advantage of the armor, they did not immediately reduce their staff too much-just that the death of the elemental division Cohen was so obvious to the morale that the knights advanced The pace slowed down instantly, hesitating whether to retreat or attack ...

However, when they hesitated, the horseshoe noises from all around suddenly made these knights collectively choke.

Originally they thought that this was the second batch of reinforcements sent by the lords, but when the knights at the crossroads looked around, they found that the cavalry who rushed to the left and right and ahead ... turned out to be strange faces.

"Enemies ... enemies?"

"Is the enemy"

"Ready to fight for a sword"

When these knights realized the problem, panic and irresistible spread-apparently they besieged the other side, but at this time they were besieged by the other side at this crossroads?

Even some of the advanced knights felt like they were hit by a head-on ... they couldn't figure out how these guys dared to "anti-encircle" themselves in the presence of thousands of soldiers ...

What happened to this world? Will the cat be surrounded by mice?

At this moment, the lords on the periphery still think that they have the winning ticket; more than 1,000 soldiers who are chasing and blocking are shaking headlessly outside four or five streets; and more than two hundred cavalrymen who have followed them have just Step into town.

Maybe after three or five minutes, these soldiers will be able to leak out of the surrounding area, but now ... this so-called "elite army" can only helplessly face the three sides of this cavalry regiment under Roddy's attack

"Cavalry, Charge"

Soderol's order sounded throughout the block, and the three cavalry teams accelerated at full speed in just twenty seconds.When these noble knights did not make a resistance gesture at all, they crashed into their scattered array.

The sound of impact and chopped suddenly rang through the street.Although they are all cavalry on horses, they can stand in place, almost the same as the harvested straw-under one face, three aspects of the attack were directly chopped to death. More than ten people

The three advanced knights wanted to resist, but because they were behind, they could only watch as the team was compressed to the rear ...

The effects of the Orc King's experience at this time are undoubtedly obvious at this time-on strength, these powerful noble knights are not weaker than Roddy's cavalry, but they did not scout the bravery and blood when they attack

What's more, they have no faith in fighting.

But the scouts and the Templars who were killed were very clear ... the enemies in front of them were all the traitors of the kingdom, and their existence made the kingdom's glory and shame

"Kill these traitors for the glory of the Karen Kingdom"

Carter's roar rang, and on the chaotic battlefield, all scouts responded to a word at the same time-"kill"

This is a tingling force, and the knights who are struggling to resist are instantly suppressed

They are not wood men, all of them are constantly wielding swords, trying to resist the attack of scouts. But somehow, these knights could not even afford any "winning" minds, but instead thought of going backwards ...

"Can't step back and rush out"

"Many people killed them."

After all, the three advanced knights experienced more wars. While shouting these words of stable morale, they rushed to the front line and stared firmly at the pressure of the attack.

"Clog the way out and compress forward"

Soderlor shouted a sword that blasted the approaching knight, then rushed to the front of the battlefield in person, and led the team to squeeze the just-stabilized front into it ...

There was no hesitation or fluke on the battlefield. As soon as Soderol cut off the two men, the advanced knight was blasted with a sword in front of him—a "swipe", and under the "battle" that exploded, Soderlow Almost almost dismissed

The strength gap is insurmountable, especially in such a head-to-head contest.

But even so, Soderlor clenched his teeth and held the sword, clamped the belly of the horse and rushed towards the opponent again-but this time, the appearance of the "sacred shield" made him easily carry the opponent's attack…

The ensuing rays of light instantly boosted the morale of the cavalry regiment-Akasha released the "Holy Shield", "Restoration" and "Primary Healing" at almost no cost, and then rolled up the scrolls. Ripped apart, and brought the curse upon the knights struggling to resist the siege ...

The fear, chaos, and fatigue of the knights blocked at the crossroads were weakened a lot, and they had some morale to resist, but as someone in the team turned and fled because of the "fear" curse, the morale of the entire team was immediately To the bottom

The siege at the crossroads is the standard "siege of three sieges" from a tactical perspective: this terrain can "amplify" the pressure from three directions of charge, but leave a retreat, so as not to leave the enemy in despair Struggle hard.

The line of defense is beginning to become precarious.If it was not for the support of the three advanced knights, I am afraid it would have collapsed.

But precisely because of their existence, the battle that should have ended directly has gradually come to a standstill-this situation is also the first time this cavalry regiment has faced a "tie" with the enemy ...

In the eyes of outsiders, although these not yet advanced cavalry regiments are enough to be praised, such a record is absolutely a shame for scouts who have experienced countless battles.

But this is also impossible. Although there are only three advanced knights, no matter who they are, they can only defend with their "sacred shields" against their long swords, and even have no chance to fight back.

Time is passing, but the situation is becoming more detrimental to Soderlor and others-soldiers who have been hunted in the distance have found the movement here and shouted for more soldiers to surround them ...

"Hold on for a while and they're dead."

Advanced knights were aware of the turning point in this battle and immediately shouted loudly in an effort to boost morale.

The compressed defense line began to rebound. The cavaliers who had been weak for a few minutes even pushed the scout's line outward, and those knights who suffered the "fear" Huff also returned to their spirits after the effect subsided. Rejoined the team ...

Every second goes by, the situation is turning a minute.

It's just that in the noisy battlefield, everyone has forgotten one thing-the guy who brought them here is missing.

"Talent Bar."

In the shadows, Roddy added the upgraded new talent point to "Enhanced Gaze Shooting" again.

At this point, "Enhanced Nether Shot" has been strengthened by four talents, the effect is "reduce the cast time by 4 seconds and increase the maximum damage by 40."

Level 2 "Nether God Shooting" itself increases base damage by 246. "Enhanced Nether God Shooting" talent increased by 40 and "Eagle Eye Ring" increased by 2% again. When calculated as a whole, the total damage bonus has reached an astonishing 77.

The epic [Frost Spike] was lifted, and Roddy pulled out the only "burst arrow" left in the quiver, and the faint light of the "Eagle Eye Ring" appeared on his wrist ...

When the "Nether Shot" which required 6 seconds of release time was reduced to 2 seconds, this skill completely began to undergo a qualitative change ~ ~ On the battlefield, an advanced knight who had just repelled Carter suddenly Turning his head-two levels higher than Roddy's, he was aware of the crisis instinctively, but he was riding on a war horse, but his dodging movement was hesitated for half a second because of shaking.

But it was the hesitation of this moment ... his chest was blasted a big hole by the "burst arrow" in the next moment

When the corpse flew upside down, Roddy standing in the shadow on the second floor did not end the movement in his hand, but at the same time turned on "rapid shooting"-the BUF icon of "attack speed" appeared, and Roddy did not look at that The knight who was killed by himself directly took out his arrows and aimed his arrows at the next enemy ...

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