Demon Lord

Chapter 247: Soul binding

Nata slowly got up, thinking that the other party would show some "surprised" or "approval" expressions, but when she looked at each other, she found that Roddy's eyes had an inexplicable meaning.

"I will teach you what I can, as long as you are willing to learn."

Roddy said the same thing, but this time it was quite solemn.

After a pause, his eyes swept across Nata's body, frowning: "Your leather is not suitable, please measure the size, I will get you a more suitable one."

In fact, this kind of request is somewhat sensitive to girls, but because of staying up late for a long time at this time, basically the emotional quotient value is close to zero, and for a while he hasn't taken into account this point-and Nata twitched her lips slightly. He pursed his lips and answered, "No, this is a good set."

"This is not a suggestion. I have started to teach you things now." Roddy's tone became a little hard. "To live on the battlefield, having a good equipment is as important as having a good skill, understand?"

Nata opened her mouth, she never had the concept in her head ... equipment? Just keep warm, is there a difference?

If it had been before, Nata would have ignored the stubble and turned away, but at this time she bowed her head silently and whispered, "I understand."

Roddy swallowed and saw that his mentor was so whispered.The strange feeling in his heart made him uncomfortable. He always felt that he would be reprimanded by the other party in the next second ...

Mother, the psychological shadow is too heavy.

He sighed and pointed at the place where Nata's body needed to be measured, and said, "Here, here, and here, go and measure first, then tell me the size."

Without waiting for Nata to answer, the bedroom door was knocked again, and they turned around at the same time, and found that Akasha was standing there with a dinner plate ...

The sacred priest's face was still pale, but after a night of recovery, the sequelae of continuous taking the medicine had basically disappeared. She walked in with a smile on her face, but was seeing Rody's outstretched finger pointing at Nata's chest.

This scene made Akasha's expression freeze on her face, and she stopped her footsteps, and then looked down at the ground, neither walking nor walking nor embarrassing, "Luo ... Rodi, breakfast is ready, I will bring it up. One ... "

Akasha was in a good mood, but she felt as if she had run into something she shouldn't have run into, and she was inexplicably confused.

Nata, she is a wood elf ...

Do men really like this legendary race ...

"Oh, just put it there."

Because Akasha was usually a little shy, Roddy didn't notice her abnormality and pointed to the table. He continued to Nata: "Don't forget what I said."

Nata gave a good "En" sound and turned to leave-Akasha was almost scared: she knew Nata very well, but this wooden elf used to be exactly like an ice cube. Become so obedient in front of me?

The hand holding the dinner plate tightened tightly, and Akasha and Nata passed by, but they did not even have a visual contact. And after putting the food on the table, Roddy's words rang in Akasha's ears: "I said that I should give you a good rest, why are you up so early?"

Although this tone was a little blame, Akasha understood that Roddy was caring for herself, which made her a little bit sour and immediately improved, and she lowered her head and replied, "I ca n’t sleep well, but I find you have n’t slept. ,and so…"

"Thank you."

Roddy took a bite from the cheese and gave a vague thanks. The estate has been abandoned for a long time, and no one came out of the town to sell anything, so the breakfast comes from the heavy weight of the lords-the smell of casein is not very used to Rodi, but to add energy, there is no choice at this time room.

He picked up the loaf of bread and handed it to Akasha, motioned to sit on the chair, "Sit down and eat, I have something to ask you."

However, Akasha took a bite, but she was thinking about what Nata was doing with Roddy.She was holding bread in her hands, and she thought of a lot of pictures that made her ears hot ...

Where did Roddy think of Akasha's thoughts? He rubbed his black eyes and whispered, "What happened to that scroll?"

The emergence of "death entanglement" was witnessed by many Templars ... This led to Roddy compiling a bunch of reasons afterwards to obscure the past. The main point is that this knight is an undead. After taking the potion, he "the power of the dead "Back bite" and the like.

Fortunately, the Templars did not understand the necromancy spells, and coupled with Akasha's ability to cast divine spells, they did not ultimately associate Akasha with the necromancy spells, and they believed Roddy's words.

But Roddy himself understood that it was not that simple.

Akasha, who was thinking "Imagination", was asked a moment, and quickly raised her hand and said, "I ... I don't know what the scroll is. When you tear it open ... the ring you gave me suddenly lights up, and then the spell will Casting out-at that moment it was not the same as casting the magic, but there were some similarities. "

Roddy narrowed his eyes when he heard the words, and immediately took off the ring on Akasha's hand to take a closer look. A moment's contact with her fingertips made Akasha's face flushed. She bit her lip and raised her eyes slightly. All he saw was the frowning face when Roddy was holding the ring.

I don't know what to think, she lowered her head again, trying to suppress the slight rapid breathing.

"what happened to you?"

Roddy was severely deprived, and when he looked away from the ring's property bar, his head was basically unable to think about other things. Thinking that Akasha was sick, he reached out and touched her forehead, and muttered: "It's hot, but not As for fever ... "

"I'm fine ..."

Akasa sounded like a mosquito, and felt that his head was okay to be touched by him ... instead, he was a little cyanosis.

"Nothing more rest, go to sleep after dinner, I will call you if there is something."

Roddy put the ring back in Akasha's hands, and the beautiful priest stood up and left. He hesitated for a long time before leaving, and called up the courage: "Rody, don't get tired of yourself ..."

Akasha took the whole courage to say this sentence, but Roddy was unable to hear it because she was deliberate-"Ah? Oh, okay, no problem, go and rest."

When he finished speaking, he turned around and started writing, apparently absent-minded.

Akasha remembered the scene where Nata seemed to be here before. She always felt that Roddy was thinking about the wood elf, and her heart was astringent, and her mouth was gone.

At this time, Roddy still did not notice Akasha's condition, and his attention was completely attracted by the words "soul binding" on the ring.

"Soul binding" generally appears on high-level equipment above the epic level. Once bound, other people ca n’t use it even if they hold it ... but equipment with this attribute is often priceless, and the auction house I ca n’t see it, only the top team can get it in (multiplayer team copy)

"How can white-letter equipment be bound? Isn't this teasing me ..."

Roddy said to himself, and reached out to write this down on the parchment paper. He was afraid that he could not turn his head and had already listed all the things to be dealt with.At this time, he gave Angmar, Benjamin and even The letters of Rubens and others have been written, and other things to be dealt with include "reorganization of resources", "winter training + planning", "weapon enhancement programs", "knight armor improvement programs", "elsa village rectification "Plans" and a whole lot more.

He wrote the words "Soul Binding, Ring" under the heading "Necromancer Scroll Investigation", and then stuffed the remaining bread into his mouth, yawned hard, rubbed the corner of his eyes, and heard another pass from outside the room. When the footsteps came, he turned his head and said, "The part of me that should be busy is almost the same, let you grasp the situation.

The person who came was Soderlor. After a short rest, his mental head was much better than that of Roddy. The high morale brought by the overall victory made the baron seem to be full of energy. He held a piece of smoked sausage in his hand. , While chewing, said: "I have a good rest, what do I need now?"

"Don't make yourself like a trooper, don't I say that, you are the lord, do what the lord should do ..."

Roddy yawned again, "It is fun when fighting, but after-treatment is really troublesome. Although we have gained the most, we have to face more things-yes, I may go in a few days A trip to Hollier. "

"Why go? Reward?"

"Yes, let's see what they can give. I hope it's not a fool's name."

Roddy sorted out the letters and gave Soderlor those of the territorial development plan: "It's just a rough plan. You have a better mind than me and see if there is anything to add."

Soderol and Rodi have long been comrades-in-arms. Under this trust, he was too lazy to talk nonsense. He reached for it and nodded: "I will do my best to take care of the territory, but then ...

"Develop with peace of mind and build up energy."

Roddy exhaled heavily, "Let's say when winter is over, I'm really tired."

"Leave it to me later."

Soderall nodded, his division of labor with Roddy has gradually become clear: the big strategic direction and battle decisions are determined by Rody. In the past six months, Rody's decision has not been a mistake so far. It can explain his ability in this regard-and everything else is managed by Soderol, so his actual power is actually much greater than Roddy's ~ ~ But Soderauer didn't have any other thoughts for this. He was very clear ... Roddy's vision and strength are probably far beyond the territory of Everta and even the Kingdom of Karen.

"Carter has taken people to the town, and the town of Kig will return to normal within three days, but some aristocrats may come later. The realm's guard will begin patrolling at noon today ..."

Soderlor briefly recounted his own arrangements.For such details, Roddy expressed his confidence that he would do it. After thinking about it and confirming that he could finally rest, Roddy reached for the books and parchment on the table. Gathered together, hugged and walked to the bedroom: "I'm going to bed, just call me if it matters."

A few steps back to the bedroom, he threw something in his arms onto the table, and just wanted to plant it on the bed, but Yu Guang caught a glimpse of the heavy book that Brudy gave himself-walked over and opened the cover, High Elf. The article "On the self-awareness of the defense system" came into view. The signature below is very simple. There is no tedious title and position. It just writes a common name like "Kadgar".

"Kadgar ... who is this guy?"

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