Demon Lord

Chapter 260: Ensuing crises

In Roddy's memory, "epic missions" is one of the most enjoyable things for P players.

Although he is a very pure Pp player, most of the time, it is inevitable that Roddy will be exposed to the "missions" given by the NP-because these daily tasks can be done easily, he can provide a lot of experience for himself Subsidy.

And he has n’t been in contact with things like "daily tasks", "phase tasks", "duplicate tasks", and "wanted tasks", and he has checked a lot of information, so for this "epic task" with dark golden lines, Roddy also understands what it means ...



Players must have a good understanding of the game and comprehensive strength to be able to complete such difficult tasks-most importantly, this task has many steps and is full of variables, and it is "unique"

Each "epic task" has only one chance to complete. Once the judgment fails, it can no longer be accepted again, and it will disappear forever, and no second person will receive the same task.

To put it another way, this makes the epic mission named [Judgment of the Bone Throne] without any "attack" at all.

It was created by the game system based on time, prestige, and strength gaps.Rodi couldn't find any task samples similar to it for comparison.

The advantages of the rebirth were greatly weakened, which made Roddie's heart lose a lot of confidence instantly.

But the risk is the reward. The reason why "epic missions" are sought after is not the difficulty of metamorphosis, but the rewards that can make countless players salivate: experience value, gold coins are no longer the focus, there is no real The price is those powerful "Titles", "Skills" and "Rune Mosaics". The rewards obtained after completing the phase mission can completely stand out from the mediocre players and become a powerful character that changes the history of the game.

This is definitely an opportunity.

Although this task made Roddy "stressful", it also meant that he really had the opportunity to rise from mediocrity.

Rodi first glanced around and confirmed that Soderall had gone to talk to John Butler. Then he stepped into the conference room to bake the fireplace and carefully studied the "taskbar."

Under the simple task description, this "epic task" has many differences from ordinary tasks: except for the dark gold font, it is empty of "task clues", which is equivalent to giving no hint, but below However, there was an extra line: "The time limit for the task at this stage: 150 days."

This scared Roddy, but then relieved: the epic task should be difficult, and 150 days should be the current "first step" task requirements, not the requirements of the complete task chain, otherwise Roddy would not have been It was illogical to rush to Tasman to lose Augustine within six months.

Looking at the color of the task font, "dark red" means that this task is still "very difficult" for your current level. If you have to do it, I am afraid that the difficulty will be doubled on the basis. Therefore, it is imperative to quickly raise your level.

"Augustine ... Augustine ..."

Roddy frowned, thinking about the big H6 he was going to deal with sooner or later, carefully recalling what he had known before, but before he got a clue, the footsteps of Soderlor sounded in the corridor.

Lifting his head, the young baron came in with a serious face. He looked around, and after confirming that no one was on either side, he raised his hand and handed a letter to Roddy.

"This is ..." By the candlelight, Rhodier's frown had tightened slightly. "Emergency military situation at the border? How could it be delivered here?"

"The Duke of Angmar just sent it in," Sodroll sat in the armchair opposite Roddy, stretched out his loose leather girdle tightened by the battle, exhaled, "said it was a week ago Eyewitness reports on the western border. "


Roddy reached out and opened the red envelope in his hand. This color represented "military emergency". It was the kind of emergency information that needed to be sent to the Duke in person. His eyes rushed over the handwriting on it. Choked up.

"There are traces of orc wolf cavalry? That place seems to be closest to the territory of Rohar's Hammer. How long is this? Are they recovering too fast?"

Roddy immediately called out the "map". The "map" column that comes with this system was originally useless, because the areas that the player did not explore were not displayed on the map. The "Everta Territory" above was basically blank. One piece has no reference value at all, but after seeing the detailed map contributed by Ansadin, Rody's "Map" column automatically updates the above content synchronously, so now he can view it directly in front of him —

On the densely marked map, Roddy's eyes fell to the west of Efta ... This slightly deserted area is rarely visited, and it is not bordered by the Nehemia steppe like Nolan Village in the northwest. The location is special, on one side is the Black Mountains of the Tasman Kingdom, on the other is a forest extending from the edge of the Nehemia steppe, and behind it are several villages in the territory of Evta in an awkward "surrounded on three sides" zone .

Roddy raised his eyebrows because he saw a familiar word in the area: "Elson".

This is an important point marked by Ansaddin. Why did the orcs appear here?

The letter was delivered from a sentry named "Sola", located about 70 to 80 kilometers away from "Elson", and was isolated by a large field of wasteland and forest. It was intended that the Duke of Angmar heard the "orc" The post was set up after the crisis.

According to history, the "Sola" sentry will never appear, and the orcs have never appeared in the west of the kingdom in known history ... what's going on? Does it all come down to the "butterfly effect"

"The location of Sora sentry is too remote, so it took six days for the message to be delivered to Hollier, and the Duke of the Lord changed hands and sent us the original ... which means--"

Soderlor whispered the meaning of all this, his fingers hit the solid wood handrails regularly, "He is ready to hold us responsible?"

"We killed the orcs, so we definitely know the situation of the orcs. Angmar threw it over. I should just wait for you and I will give some analysis."

Roddy put away the fiery red letter, "It is definitely impossible to be responsible for this matter. How many people are we in total? He should worry about the real defense of the territory. We will fulfill our obligation to provide the solution. . "

"But I think John Butler meant ... it seemed more urgent."

"He's just a steward. The steward can only help his master urgently. He doesn't worry about the territory, and he can't worry about the idea," Roddy opened his eyes and looked at Soderlor. "Don't worry about everyone's feelings, someone Expecting us does not mean that we have to work hard as others think. "

Soderlor thought for a few seconds, nodded, and didn't speak again.

"It doesn't make sense to live in the expectations of others. I have a sense of it." Roddy didn't say much. Sodroll was still growing up. Although "good guy" sounds good, he can never do it. To "stand alone"-Soderall wants to be the most powerful sword, the first thing to learn is to "reject" those seemingly reasonable, but meaningless requests.

"To be honest, for half a year, I didn't expect that I would come to this step, so sometimes I didn't think well"

Soderlor soon understood what Roddy meant, and he was a bit ashamed at the moment.

"I don't mean to blame you," Roddy didn't expect this guy to be thin-skinned, and laughed: "Everyone has limited energy and no one can cover everything. No matter what kind of noble you become in the future, you should understand what you want What you do, of course, keep in mind ... You are not living in my expectations, I help you, I hope you and I have a common goal and work for it, rather than using you as an available tool. "

This sentence seemed to open some knots for Soderol, his tense face was relieved a lot, and he breathed out slowly, a little tired: "I have too much power at once, I am always afraid of where I am You did something wrong, and you went cautiously, but you found that many things were thinking too much. "

"It's right to have such a process."

For the first time in a long time, Roddy had had such an in-depth conversation with Soderlor-he could feel Soderlor's caution and uphold: strong self-control, justice and justice.His history It is no accident that one can break through the barriers of level 6.

After a brief conversation, Roddy no longer intended to talk too much. He got up and went back to the house. He left Soderlor in the living room to continue his daze. When he went up to the second floor, he found that Su Lun was pacing there.

"What is it?"

Roddy's words startled Su Lun, who stood still and opened his mouth to say what he could say, but he couldn't organize the language-he had just witnessed the "Wolverine Mercenary Regiment" being A crushing scene of the Duke's Guard, therefore, has a clearer understanding of Roddy's identity.

In other words, he suddenly felt that his position with Roddy ... was too big.

"Status" is an invisible pressure. Even if Rody has converged the momentum of the whole body, it is no different from an ordinary passerby. It also makes Su Lun nervous and embarrassed ~ ~ Well, I want to say The matter of protecting wrists and wrists— "Su Lun reached out and wiped out the sweat that was caused by tension, then stumbled and said," I think your production method-may, may waste materials ... "

As soon as the words came out, Su Lun regretted. Which of the nobles in the impression was not moody? I am so quick-mouthed, isn't it vicious to vulture out the truth?

But he didn't expect that Roddy was just a moment's stun, and then he smiled and responded: "Oh? I'm going to visit Holy City tomorrow. The leather armor should be taken there to make. This may require you. Come and help, if possible ... come in and talk? "

He pushed the door into the study, and Su Lun breathed a sigh of relief, wondering in his heart that he was going to let himself take over the manufacturing equipment?

However, the sorrows of the mercenaries echoed in his mind. Su Lun's performance was cautious, even his eyes were very restrained, and Roddy did not talk nonsense. After Su Lun-"This is what I did before, do you see what needs to be improved?"

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