Demon Lord

Chapter 268: King of Axes

Elrond 6B, 2nd of January.

[Judgment of the Bone Throne] Countdown to the task: 142 days.

Several snowfalls made the territory of Everta completely into winter, but at the same time, seven hundred miles westward ... After crossing that neglected prairie that was beyond sight, the orc kingdom still seemed to maintain the dryness of the early autumn. cool.

Affected by the steppe climate, the orc kingdom in winter is almost rainless, and the temperature is not low to below zero, but it is a bit chill when the night comes. Even though the bright starry sky was displayed above his head, the orcs who were accustomed to them would only curse the weather for two words, and then wrapped tightly in sheepskin clothes.

Chief Rohar was no exception. At this time, he was sitting in his tent and hanging the large wolf skin shawl around his neck. He asked in a bad voice: "Gresh's tribe did this? "

Standing in front of him was the witch doctor Busar. Since Sarota's death, Busar has become Rohar's first deputy, so the chiefs will come to him to discuss it, no matter what the big and small things.

"Not only is Gresh a little bit dissatisfied, it seems that the other Bloodhoof tribe on the other side ... are conspiring again, but none of them are as powerful as the warriors of our tribe.

Busar Witch Doctor is the best in his class. He refined the "recovery" witchcraft because he always pulls the wounded warrior back from the death line. He has always been popular among tribal witch doctors. In the second month after Sarota's disappearance, he became the most trusted deputy of Chief Rohar, thus living a "powerful and powerful" life-whatever he wants to eat, whatever woman he wants. .

Of course, how terrible the existence of this heavy taste of female orcs is left unnoticed, but Busar's "beloved" is obvious to all. As at this time, Rohar believed in his words completely and nodded without doubt: "I like the result, they are provocative and provocative. Who wants to go out and fight hard in the winter? I do n’t know What do these guys think ... "

"Our wolf cavalry is always the strongest, those humble guys are not worth mentioning at all"

Busar's naked horse fart has no technical content, but still makes Rohar laugh, big yellow teeth with bad breath, and the image is rough.

"When next spring, I will smash these provocative guys one by one and make them the next blood spear tribe."

Rohar's eyes flickered with bloodthirsty light, and he set the "battle plan" with arrogance.

Obviously, the "blood spear" tribe that had been in conflict with the "Rohar's Hammer" tribe has become a dust in history-and when recalling the fighting a few months ago, Rohar remembered a figure that contributed a lot of credit Come

"Busal, that apprentice in Sarota ... where did he go?"

The chief's problem twitched the corner of Busar's mouth slightly, and he tried to calm down, and whispered, "Soron seems to have had trouble recently, and took his people to the west, as if it was over the Gondola Mountains. Let's go ... "

"Gathering herbs? What can be collected this season?"

"Some precious herbs are really only available in the winter ..." Busar lied poorly and was nervous and drooling.

After listening, Rohar didn't have any suspicion, and he rushed to other places with few words, so that Busar was relieved.

Speaking of which, Sauron did go to the Gondola Mountains, but he went to a place where the birds did not shit, not because he wanted to collect herbs, but because he was "excluded" by Busar and several witch doctors.

In the previous battle to destroy the "bloodspear" tribe, Sauron, the future "king of axe", took the remaining part of Sarota to fight bravely, and soon made great efforts to become the greatest actor in defeating the enemy. However, Rochelle praised him, and immediately made the witch doctors who had just seen a higher opportunity stand on the same front ...

This is also the place where Sauron is not very mature. At this time, his foundation is unstable and he should have been awkward. However, in order to make a contribution, he accidentally became the focus, which directly led to the coming of guns and arrows.

Coinciding with the end of the war, Sauron's troops could not resist the internal blows at all. In the end, they could only retreat, stay away from the core of the tribe, and be completely isolated from the "core circle" of the chief ...

Chief Rohar has been in the drum so far, and other witch doctors are happy to hear that Sauron would freeze to death directly in this ravine.

However, they did not expect that such behavior provided a rare opportunity for Sauron.

At this moment, at the foot of the Gondola Mountains, which is more than a hundred miles away from the chief's tent, the young witch doctor in an animal skin cape was comfortably on fire, sitting in a crudely shaped wooden house with eyes closed. .

The young "King of Axes" is strong and well-proportioned, with long black hair braided, a huge tomahawk next to him, and a few pages of sandpaper and a map in front of him. The orcs outside the house are building a new house in the cold wind. When they came to the forest at the foot of Gondola, they no longer used tents as their residence, but they began to build a wooden fence and high sentry post collectively. "Village"

A wolf cavalry entered the village from the outside, and then the dust came to Sauron. The other party respectfully reported on one knee, and Sauron nodded contentedly after hearing it. When the wolf cavalry retreated, he opened his eyes slightly ...

"Do you really think you're here? Can you sit in peace?"

Sauron's finger touched the double-edged tomahawk next to him, and the cold tone was cruel: "Teacher's last wish, if you don't complete it, then I will complete it for him. Whoever stops me ..."

"You have to pay the price"

His eyes turned to the grass-paper map in front of him. Sauron's focus stayed on a sentinel sign that was only twenty kilometers away from the village. He shook his head and sighed: "Oh ... a vigilant human, always As fragile as a rabbit. "

"I thought such a small sentry could block me?"


Roddy took a breather and felt the hot force spread from the rune on his arm to the whole body.

The muscles of the body were tightened tightly, and the severe pain suddenly appeared and then receded. A few seconds later, Roddy raised his hand to wipe off the cold sweat exuding from his forehead, but frowned while thinking about the path when the pain had just traveled all over the body.

Is this the power that really belongs to you ...

In reality, Roddy, as a "modern person", is actually hard to accept that there is a "strength" in his body. When using skills, he only slightly felt, but this time inlaid with runes, He clearly felt the division of this "power" in the body-

They are like blood, ubiquitous, yet elusive.

Roddy pondered for a long time, and found that he could not think of such a power at all, so he turned his attention, looked down at the expensive and delicate rune crystals in his hands, took a break, and took the second and third Pressed towards his arm.


The translucent rune is the size of a nail piece, and melts Rody's skin like a soldering iron at the moment of contact with the body-this is really "melting", which is why Rody is sweating with pain.

However, the rune body will also disappear like ice cubes, and it will completely disappear on the surface of the skin of the arm within a few seconds, leaving only the burned rune-like scar.

The use of three runes is because Roddy can currently only inlay the three skills of "stealth", "Nether Shot", "Teng Yue", and the effect of these runes is basically the same: reduce the cooling time of the skills themselves.

The cooldown of "Hide" has been reduced from 1 minute to 45 seconds, the "Nether Shot" has been reduced from 1 minute to 3 seconds, and the "Teng Leap" has been reduced from 15 seconds to 2 seconds. Don't look at the literal change. For Rody, this improvement means that his survivability and lethality have been increased by at least 20%.

Looking at the panel, and confirming that the rune succeeded, Roddy silently took up the bandage and bandaged with the severe pain of the burn.

It has been five days since he came to the Duke's Mansion. During this time, he was promoted to the next level, and he also bought the necessary runes at the hidden "Rune Sale" shop in the city. At other times, he worked hard to make leather armor with the help of Su Lun, and at the same time, made judgments and decisions with Angmar and Benjamin on the information collected continuously.

It was a bit busy at first, but to this day Roddy seems to be much more relaxed.

For Rody ’s outstanding contribution to killing Ansadin and others, the Duke of Angmar did not reward him. He did not want to reward the land. Angmar could only “discount” and gave him a large number of weapons, armor, and horses. And food.

Such a fortune is definitely more useful than gold coins, and Roddy calmly smiled ... In fact, both people understand that now that they have boarded the same tank, the so-called "reward" has already had a "watch and help" The meaning of this is ~ letting a Duke and Roddy's "watching and helping each other" sounds absurd, but what is even more absurd is-Bishop Benjamin's last In a personnel transfer, two priests were directly assigned to Roddy in the name of "outing experience".

The two priests have been with Benjamin for many years, and their strength has reached the advanced level 2. If they follow the original promotion schedule, they may have to stay in the monastery for ten to fifteen years before they can see the hope of becoming a "bishop" ... so for the two priests, The days didn't seem to be much different, so they obediently obeyed the order and came to the Duke's House to become Roddy's newcomers.

"It's also a good thing to have three advanced treatments ... Ansadin also has a batch of high-quality ore, which can be reserved for high-end equipment.

Sitting at the desk, Roddy shook his painful arm, raised a pen and drew a circle on the parchment paper. After confirming the next expansion plan of the army, he then opened the [taskbar] and faced the [Trial of the White Throne] The words "Countdown to Mission: 142 Days" sighed ...

"Where can I find clues for this task?"

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